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PSpice是一个通用电路仿真程序,可用来对电路进行各种分析,包括直流工作点和直流传输特性分析、交流小信号分析、瞬态分析、傅立叶分析和通用参数扫描分析等。单管放大电路是组成各种复杂放大电路的基本单元,本文以单管放大电路为例,阐述了运用PSpice的几种最重要、最常见的分析功能:直流、交流小信号分析和瞬态分析,另加傅立叶分析和通用参数扫描分析。  相似文献   

会计分析是会计管理的重要组成部分,长期以来,单位预算会计分析工作是比较薄弱的。分析的内容只着重于会议报表(主要是年终决算),作事后分析,这就削弱了预算会计分析的积极作用。笔者认为,会议分析应贯穿在单位预算资金运动的全过程,它应包括预算(计划)曲分析——事前分析;预算执行过程的分析——事中分析;预算执行结果的分析——事后分析。  相似文献   

教材分析是指基于分析主题,选择合适的方法对教材文本进行分析,以总结教材的特点与规律,发现教材编制过程中存在的问题,并提出改进建议的过程.教材分析主题包括通用性分析主题和具有学科特色的分析主题;教材分析类型有单一版本教材分析、横向教材比较分析和纵向教材演变分析;教材分析方法集中于内容分析法和比较分析法.整体来看,教材分析发展呈现良好态势,但仍存在对教材分析的认识有待深化、教材分析缺乏双向对话理解、部分研究选题过于关注细枝末节,以及高质量教材分析成果数量不足等问题.未来需要加大教材分析理论研究、积极与教材编写者对话、多视角构建研究选题.  相似文献   

20世纪50-70年代,英美教育哲学的主流是“分析教育哲学”。分析教育哲学在50年代异军突起,60年代盛极一时,70年代日渐式微。分析教育哲学与分析哲学存在“血缘”关系:分析教育哲学的特征与分析哲学在教育领域中的运用息息相关,分析教育哲学遭受诟病与分析哲学受到批评息息相关,分析教育哲学的涨落与分析哲学的兴衰势呈呼应。这种“血缘”关系是影响分析教育哲学涨落的一个重要因素。分析教育哲学之潮在教育哲学领域涌过之后,并非遗产全无。分析教育哲学或改头换面,或新瓶旧酒,对现代教育哲学产生潜移默化的影响。  相似文献   

在以往的失效分析实验课程中,更多的是强调手段和方法的训练,而对从事失效分析工作的人员来说,失效分析思路的培养是重中之重。本项目试图通过在失效分析特色实验中引入失效分析思路培养训练,达到训练学生的失效分析思维的目的,为学生今后从事失效分析研究工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

课程标准和教材是课程的重要组成部分,教师能否把握好课程标准并利用好教材,是新课程改革成败的关键。而把握课程标准和利用好教材的前提是教师能够科学地对之进行分析,其主要内容和步骤包括:分析课程标准,分析课程目标,分析课程内容标准;分析教材,从宏观层次上分析教材,从微观层次上分析教材。  相似文献   

随着课程改革的深入,学生的“学”逐渐受到应有的重视,学情分析也已然成为教案设计的重要环节。学情分析具体包括对学生学习态度分析、学生已有知识经验分析、学生学习能力分析和学生学习风格分析等内容。在进行学情分析时,教师应当能够明辨学情,并随着学生的变化而不断更新,将学情分析落到实处。  相似文献   

《春秋公羊传》以独特的语言形式来分析解释《春秋》的微言大义,其分析客观上体现出了丰富的语法思想。就分析方法而言,不仅有替换分析,而且有对比分析;就分析角度而言,有语义层面上的分析,也有语用层面上的分析,更有句法层面上的分析。  相似文献   

语境分析包括文化语境分析,情景语境分析和上下文语境分析,是翻译过程研究的主要内容之一。在翻译过程中,词义及句子意思的正确理解和表达均依赖于译者对语境的正确理解和分析。试以爱尔兰著名诗人叶芝的《饮酒歌》汉译本为例进行分析,选取三个有代表性的汉译本,以此阐释语境分析在翻译过程中的运用,翻译质量的高低与语境分析一脉相连。  相似文献   

有些生物教师的实验教学,存在分析推理不充分甚至忽视分析推理的现象,这既背离培养学生探究分析能力与科学素养的教学目标,又不利于提高学生解答资料分析型试题的能力。教师应该注重实验分析教学的意识,采取适当策略强化实验分析的教学。一、实验分析要科学、严谨教材编者注重自主探究能力的培养,或者偏重于  相似文献   

美国大学生学术欺骗行为及其对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生的学术欺骗行为可分为考试欺骗和书面作业欺骗。美国大学生的学术欺骗行为比较普遍,但建立荣誉准则制度的高校发生学术欺骗的百分比明显偏低。学生们认为,对于不同的欺骗行为应给予不同程度的惩罚。影响美国大学生的学术欺骗行为的因素可以分为学生个体特征因素、态度/信仰因素、行为因素和外部因素等。高校可以采用建立荣誉准则制度、重视学生的参与等对策来减少大学生的学术欺骗行为。  相似文献   

陈富 《考试研究》2014,(2):73-82
基于大学生考试作弊的现实演变,本文运用问卷调查和访谈的方法对西部某高校大学生作弊的现状、成因及行为发生机制进行了相关研究。结果表明:(1)大学生考试作弊具有普遍性,作弊行为已经进入到一些学生的基本价值体系,形成一种"作弊文化";(2)来自城乡的学生,在"对作弊的认识倾向"、"作弊动机"变量上有显著差异;(3)不同性别的学生,在"对作弊的认识倾向"、"作弊动机层面"、"管理制度层面"、"作弊原因"等方面有显著差异;(4)不同年级的学生,在"对作弊的认识和态度"上有显著差异;(5)不同专业的学生,在"作弊动机"变量上有显著差异;(6)作弊方式多样,并带有明显的时代技术特征;(7)学生对作弊的认识和态度有不同的倾向、攀比心理的影响、考试试题的结构与性质、教学管理过程的松懈、考试与评价方面的不合理性、教师监考的松懈等是促成学生作弊的重要因素。作者在指出作弊现状、分析作弊成因及其发生机制的基础上,提出了防止作弊或尽量减少作弊的干预性建议。  相似文献   

Contract cheating is the purchasing of custom-made university assignments with the intention of submitting them. Websites providing contract cheating services often claim this form of cheating is undetectable, and no published research has examined this claim. This paper documents a pilot study where markers were paid to mark a mixture of real student work and contract cheating assignments, to establish their accuracy at detecting contract cheating. Seven experienced markers individually blind marked the same bundle of 20 second-year psychology assignments, which included 6 that were purchased from contract cheating websites. Sensitivity analyses showed markers detected contract cheating 62% of the time. Specificity analyses showed markers correctly identified real student work 96% of the time. Our results contrast with contract cheating sites’ claims that contract cheating is undetectable. However, they should be taken with caution as they are from one course unit in one discipline.  相似文献   

考风建设历来是高职院校教学管理中的一项重要内容。本文以考试作弊次数为自变量,以学生基本情况、中学时考试作弊情况加上计划行为理论提出的作弊道德观、作弊态度、作弊收益与代价估计、感受压力、学校政策共7个模块20个项目的因变量进行回归分析,并根据回归结果提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

The authors examined the relations between academic cheating and impulsivity in a large sample of adolescents enrolled in high school health education classes. Results indicated that impulsivity predicts academic cheating for students who report extensive involvement in cheating. However, students who engage in extensive cheating are less likely to report cheating when they perceive a mastery goal structure. In addition, both moderate and extensive cheaters report less cheating when they perceive the teacher as being credible.  相似文献   

考试作弊的成本分析及其控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人是理性的利益行为者,人从事某种行为会考虑其相应的收益。目前考试作弊的现象愈演愈烈,是由于考生考试作弊的收益远远大于其所付出的成本。通过提高考试作弊的成本可以控制考试作弊行为的发生。  相似文献   

高升 《考试研究》2014,(4):61-68
在历时1300年的科举考试当中,始终存在舞弊与防弊的尖锐斗争。科举考试中的舞弊行为可以分为考前舞弊、考试当中的现场舞弊和考后阅卷录取舞弊三大类。少数违规者的舞弊行径,不仅累及绝大多数清白士子,甚至在一定程度上挟持了整个科举考试的管理理念、管理制度和管理措施。今天,考试中的舞弊行为有愈演愈烈之势,舞弊行为也表现出一些新的动向和特点,如高科技化、团伙化、职业化、内外勾结等。治理考试舞弊,需要多管齐下,使考生不想舞弊、不敢舞弊、不能舞弊、不需舞弊。在防范和打击舞弊的同时,还需科学处理严格管理与以人为本的关系、防范舞弊与代价适度的关系、考试内容与管理手段的关系。  相似文献   

Academic dishonesty (cheating) has been prevalent on college campuses for decades, and the percentage of students reporting cheating varies by college major. This study, based on a survey of 643 undergraduate engineering majors at 11 institutions, used two parallel hierarchical multiple regression analyses to predict the frequency of cheating on exams and the frequency of cheating on homework based on eight blocks of independent variables: demographics, pre-college cheating behavior, co-curricular participation, plus five blocks organized around Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (moral obligation not to cheat, attitudes about cheating, evaluation of the costs and benefits of cheating, perceived social pressures to cheat or not to cheat, and perceived effectiveness of academic dishonesty policies). The final models significantly predict 36% of the variance in “frequency of cheating on exams” and 14% of the variance in “frequency of cheating on homework”. Students don’t see cheating as a single construct and their decisions to cheat or not to cheat are influenced differently depending on the type of assessment. Secondary findings are that a student’s conviction that cheating is wrong no matter what the circumstances is a strong deterrent to cheating across types of assessment and that a student who agrees that he/she would cheat in order to alleviate stressful situations is more likely to cheat on both exams and homework.  相似文献   

College cheating: Ten years later   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In this 10-year follow-up study of student cheating, we surveyed 474 university students to (1) evaluate the extent of cheating; (2) assess attitudes toward cheating; (3) identify variables that discriminate between cheaters and noncheaters; (4) assess the relative effectiveness of various deterrents to cheating; and (5) examine changes in cheating attitudes and behaviors from 1984 to 1994. Most students (61.2%) reported cheating in 1994, up significantly from 54.1% in 1984 (Haines et al., 1986). Despite this increased cheating, students in 1994 were significantly less likely than in 1984 to neutralize (rationalize) their cheating. Ten variables that discriminated between cheaters and noncheaters in 1984 did so again in 1994, and 12 additional discriminating variables were identified. A principal components analysis of these 22 variables indicated that, compared to noncheaters, cheaters are (1) less mature; (2) less reactive to observed cheating; (3) less deterred by social stigma and guilt and more likely to neutralize cheating; (4) less personally invested in their education; and (5) more likely to be receiving scholarships, but doing less well in school. Both cheaters and noncheaters rated embarrassment and fear of punishment as the strongest deterrents to cheating; disapproval of one's friends was ranked as the least effective deterrent by both groups.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behaviour was used to examine academic dishonesty among secondary school students in Hong Kong. Participants were 386 students in Forms 1–3 (Grades 7–9). Attitudes toward cheating, perceived behavioural control, and moral obligation were positively related to the intention to cheat, but only the subjective norm against cheating was significantly related to self-reported cheating behaviour. The subjective norm was both a predictor of self-reported cheating and a moderator of the relationship between the intention to cheat and self-reported cheating: the intention predicted the behaviour only when the subjective norm against cheating was perceived to be weak.  相似文献   

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