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出人意料的回答Teacher:What do elephants have that no other animals have?Pupil:Little elephants.老师:什么东西只有大象才有,其他动物没有?学生:小象。负责Teacher:I need a responsible child to fetch me something.Lidia:I’ll go.Every time something happens at home,my dad says I’m responsible.老师:我需要一个负责的孩子去替我拿一些东西。  相似文献   

There are many kinds of animals in the world.and i like the elephants best of all because they are the biggest animals on land they have the biggest ears and the biggest teeth,they also have a longnose,  相似文献   

1.Why do fish live in the water=鱼为什么要在水里生活?2.What do elephants have but otheranimals don’t=什么是别的动物都没有而只有大象有的?3.Who can hold upcars with one hand=谁能用一只手阻止汽车?4.What man cannotlive inside the house=什么人不能住在屋子里?5.What has feet butcan’t walk=什么东西有脚却不会走路?6.What letter is a question=什么字母是一个问题=7.What can’t be used unless broken=什么东西不打破就不能用?8.What goes up and never comesdown=什么只往上升不往下降?Keys:1.Cats can’t swim.因…  相似文献   

Animal Taboos     
Due to different cultural backgrounds, different animal patterns mean different things in different countries,therefore some have become taboos in some countries. For example, poeple in Britain never use elephants in their patterns,the Australians hate rabbits, in many African countries people dislike patterns of dogs,the Swiss people regard the owl (猫头鹰)as the  相似文献   

1.鱼为什么生活在水里?2.什么是别的动物都没有只有大象有的?3.在你们家还有什么东西比一只狗更吵?4.哪种狗从来不咬人?5.谁穿着鞋子睡觉?6.什么逮住了就杀,逮不住就养着?7.什么东西比蚂蚁的嘴巴更小?8.什么叫假期?9.有谁一生举行了无数次婚礼却一直单身?10.什么地方总能找到幸福?11.有三个男人挤在一把小伞下,但任何人都没被淋湿。他们是怎么办到的?12.那个男人为什么不去修漏雨的屋顶?13.一个女孩上一个生日才6岁,下一个生日就8岁了,这是怎么回事?14.世界上一共有多少只脚?"1.Why do fish live in water32.What do elephants have but ot…  相似文献   

PEP六年级下册第四单元B部分的话题继续围绕假期展开,新加了如下词组:"bought presents,rowed a boat,saw elephants,went skiing,went iceskating",学生谈论的内容拓展到:"How/Where did you gothere?What did you do?"Warm up or lead in设计一:Sing a song外研社《新标准英语》第五册有一首  相似文献   

动物王国里,谁是“人气之王”?它们的家在哪里,有什么样的生活习性?The pan-das are the most popular animals in the world!在“全球最值得一看的动物”网上评选中,我们的国宝熊猫得了第1名。Other popularanimals are dolphins,tigers,elephants andpenguins.Let’s visit them one by one!No.1P a n d a熊猫I have a big round face.There are two black circlesaround my small eyes.There are only about3,000of us in the world.Most of us live inChina.We are all good at acrobatics(杂技).最拿手的节目是“爬树”和“翻跟头”。Bamboo is my favourite food.I usuallyget up at7:30am.一天中我多半时间总在不停地寻找食物,剩下的时间在休息和玩耍。No.2Dolp h i...  相似文献   

LastSunday the elephantkeeper atLondon Zoo, Jim R obson, waskilled by one of the elephants he loved.This w as terrible,and it could bea big problem for the future of London Zoo——and m aybe for all ofBritain s city zoos.London Zoo said thatitw ould m ove its three elephantsto a wild anim al park outside London. Its director-general (总 经理),M ichael D ixon,said,“W e are sorry that the elephants are leaving;therehave been elephants atLondon Zoo since 1831.”O ne British new spaper sai…  相似文献   

Have=Have Got?     
Clever Mouse and Pig Little are talking about what they have in their bags. Clever Mouse: I've got ten pencils. What do you have in your bag? Pig Little: I have 5 erasers. How many pens have you got? Clever Mouse: I've got three. Do you have crayons in your bag? Pig Little: Yes, I have. Have you got story books in your bag? Clever Mouse: No, I haven't.难点一、H ave和H ave got都可以表示“有”的意思,have got更加口语化。如:Jack hasgota beautifulhouse.Jack hasa beautifulhouse.难点二、H a…  相似文献   

■have a good head on one’s shoulder明智且实际A: Do they have any requirements for me?B: Yeah, first of all, you should have a good head on yourshoulders.A: This is what I have. And others? B: I don't have to mention more. You're the perfect choiceanyway. Have a go at it. A:他们对我有什么要求吗?  相似文献   

1.你们学校举办艺术节吗?误:Do you have an art festival at your school?正:Do you have an Art Festival at your school?  相似文献   

1.How long have you been in class today?今天你在班里呆了多长时间?注意:have been in,have been to,have gone to的不同含义和用法:1)have been in表示"一直呆在某个地方",常与表示一段时间的状语连用。例如:They have been in Beijing for two weeks.  相似文献   

教例:牛津版5A第八单元以句型“I have.W hat doyou have?W hat does he/shehave?”为主,单词为火柴、枕头、毯子、毛巾、锅、火炉、望远镜。如何将这些看似无关的内容有机地串在一起呢?我设计如下:新年晚上,白雪公主与七个小矮人一起分享着过节的快乐。他们互相介绍自己的新年礼物:小矮人1:I havea new blanket.(毯子)小矮人2:I havea new pillow.(枕头)小矮人3:I have a newtowel.(毛巾)小矮人4:I have a bigcake.小矮人5:I have lots ofm ilk.小矮人6:I have a new.小矮人7:I have a new.白雪公主:I have a tele-scope.(望远镜)Let…  相似文献   

Unit 31.他们为什么喜欢大象?[误]Why does they like elephants?[正]Why do they like elephants?[析]在一般现在时态中,当主语是第三人称单数时,变为一般疑问句要在句首加does,谓语动词用原形。其它人称作主语时,变一般疑问句在句首加do。2.熊猫有点惹人喜爱。  相似文献   

Lori:It's Juan's birthday next week. Let's have a party!Chip:That's a great idea!Where should we have it?Lori:We can have it at my house.I'm sure it'll be OK with my parents.Chip:Great!Who should we invite?Lori:Well let's see.Michelle and Zaida and Leslie.John and David and Tran...Chip:How about Neelam and Tomas?Lori:Definitely.They're really nice.Chip:And how about that new girl.What's her name?Lori:Nancy Bragwell?Well...Ok.  相似文献   

教具准备:图片、自制卡片、录音机、磁带教学过程:Step1.Warm-up1.Say the chant:Three meals2.Free talkT:What's the time,S1?When do you have break-fast,S2?What did you have for break-fast,S3?…T:Can you ask me somequestions?  相似文献   

I Started a Joke     
Bobby: Do you want to hear a new joke? Kelly: No thanks, Bobby.Bobby: Why? Everybody loves a good joke.Kelly: I have heard you tell jokes before and you don' thave the talent. Bobby: What do you mean I don't have the talent?  相似文献   

1. Q: Do you have any friend in Canada?What does he/she do? A: I have a friend in Vancouver named Wang Daguang. He is a real estate agent.2. Q: What is the name of your friend in Canada?How did you get to know her?  相似文献   

含有have的陈述句,在变为反意疑问句时主要有以下几种情况,现归纳如下:一、have用作助动词时,附加疑问句里仍用have。例如:She has finished reading the book,hasn tshe?二、have用作实义动词或使役动词时,附加疑问句里用do的适当形式来提问。例如:She has fourclasses every m orning,doesn tshe?她每天上午上4节课,对吧?They had a class m eeting this afternoon,didn tthey?他们今天下午开班会了,是吗?H e had his bike repaired yesterday,didn the?他昨天请人修了自行车,不是吗?三、have意为“有”时,附加疑问句部分既可用do,也可…  相似文献   

A:How do you do?B:How do you do?A:Which country do you come from?B:I come from England.A:Is this your first trip to Tianjin?B:No,I have been here twice.A:Have you visited any other cities?B:Yes,we have visited a lot of cities,such as Shanghai,Guangzhou,Xian and so on.  相似文献   

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