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一些国家高等教育的发展受到少数几个国家高等教育优势地位的支配,或者说,一些国家高等教育的发展依赖于少数几个国家高等教育的主导。因此,依附的实质是不平等的国际政治、经济关系在高等教育领域的反映。就高等教育而言,谋求发展的惟一出路在于:参与国际竞争,融入国际化的潮流。中国的高等教育只能在不平等的竞争中走向国际化,让世界的成为中国的,让中国的成为世界的,是中国高等教育国际化的两大战略目标。  相似文献   

This article analyses the increasing emphasison research in the non-university highereducation sector in Norway as an importantfaculty task in addition to teaching. Thisdevelopment is an interesting example on thetypes of tension and dilemma that may emergewhen institutions and individual staff memberstry to imitate the research profile of theuniversities. A central dimension is thetension between traditional professional andvocational norms for education and R&D work,and academic ideals. Based on a survey amongfaculty members at the state colleges, eightpolicy dilemmas faced by these colleges intheir internal allocation of resources for R&Dare illustrated.  相似文献   

试论高等教育发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卢晓中  陈伟 《高等教育研究》2007,28(8):54-58,81
作为时代主题的发展和多重视角下的高等教育发展问题,决定了高等教育发展研究具有重要价值。如何建构一个适宜的分析框架,是当前高等教育发展研究亟需解决的问题。基于发展理论、发展理念、发展战略三个关键性支点而建构的高等教育发展研究的分析框架,需要还原高等教育学研究的多学科性,即广泛借鉴多学科的研究方法,批判吸收各种流派的理论成果。  相似文献   

This article seeks to understand the process employed, across a university in England, to support the acquisition of academic literacy. Whilst this offers a very specific UK focus, this article draws upon related work in Australian, American and African contexts around study support, academic literacy and academic development. A phenomenographic analysis is used to interpret variation in lived experience of study support of three participant groups: students, tutors and support staff, and the resulting ‘outcome spaces’ are analysed with respect to the role of a variety of study support mechanisms in the development of academic literacy. This study concludes with an examination of how the tensions and conflicts that arise through a lack of shared meaning and aspiration can serve as an indicator of the need for a deeper understanding of both the range of student profiles in higher education and of what we mean by study support.  相似文献   

高等教育研究与高等教育期刊的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文旨在阐明高等教育期刊在传播高等教育研究成果中所起的作用。首先 ,简要介绍了高等教育研究的现状 ,主要是欧美国家有关高等教育研究的定义、性质的各种观点 ,以及欧美高等教育研究的差异。其次 ,重点介绍了欧洲主要的高等教育期刊以及其他高等教育研究出版物的情况及各自的特点。最后 ,从作者、编者、读者三个不同的角度剖析了高等教育期刊对于传播高等教育研究成果所发挥的作用  相似文献   

Higher Education Research & Development (HERD) was established to address a perceived gap in higher education publishing: research of interest to practitioners that was engagingly written. After 30 years of contributing to the field, HERD has constructed a unique position for itself among higher education journals. This paper reviews the general patterns and tendencies demonstrated through the citation practices of authors in the first five years of HERD and it compares them with the ideas used to support arguments about higher education research in more recent articles published in the journal. By comparing the results of this review with citation practices in similar journals of higher education, the study suggests that HERD continues to attract practitioner researchers responding to the changing social and epistemological landscape of higher education. The paper concludes that HERD has been instrumental in consolidating the concepts of the field in a way that has accommodated a large number of authors who only occasionally engage in higher education research. This, in turn, has led to the emergence of a distinctive literature about higher education teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to discussion of theory application in higher education research. We examine 59 empirical research papers from specialist journals that use a particular theory: activity theory. We scrutinise stated reasons for choosing the theory, functions played by the theory, and how the theory is valorised. We find that the theory is usually chosen for its direct empirical applicability; used for abstraction, explanation and contextualisation; and valorised for apprehending complex situational dynamics. It is rarely chosen to challenge conceptualisation of the research object; used to establish investigative paradigms; or valorised in ways that implicate wider bodies of knowledge or potential theory development. We argue that higher education researchers should reconsider how their application of activity theory is interwoven with interpretative processes, how the theory might frame research design rather than simply data analysis, and how they account for the range of roles that the theory actually plays across research endeavours.  相似文献   


This research examines how faculty members in higher education collaborate with colleagues, their collaborative professional work, the nature of these collaborations, and the benefits they get from it. Research findings show that collaborations are perceived as one of the important components of academic and professional development. The findings indicate issues about the characteristics and nature of collaborations as well as about colleagues with whom faculty members prefer to collaborate, the ways in which they collaborate, the advantages of collaborations, and the important role that academic leaders and institutions play in encouraging collaborations.  相似文献   

This article argues that the individual academic is all but absent from the assumptive worlds of policymakers in UK higher education. It is taken for granted in research on academic identity that those who work in higher education as teachers and researchers refer to themselves as, and indeed are referred to by others as, ‘academics’. Evidence is drawn from a study of policymakers in the UK to demonstrate that the word ‘academic’ is not a part of the lexicon of higher education policymaking. Moreover, the concept of the academic is cast into shade by an overwhelming emphasis on ‘the student experience’, and, from another direction, by a location of professional academic accountability at the level of the higher education institution rather than the individual. The article concludes with an exploration of what work this absence of the academic in policy does in disrupting the possibilities for engagement between the worlds of academia and policymaking and in perpetuating the discourses of marketisation and new management in higher education. It also suggests understanding the assumptive worlds of policymakers is a crucial counterbalance to a growing body of literature on academic responses to change, some of which has tended towards the self‐referential.  相似文献   

积极开展院校研究,促进民办高校健康发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国民办高校近年来得到长足的发展,但由此带来的一些问题也亟待从理论上进行探讨。我国民办高等教育研究应以院校研究为重点,这是民办高校生存和发展的需要,是实现民办高校成功转型的需要,也是民办高校提升质量、办出特色以及加强规范管理、实现管理科学化的需要。为此,应做好“领导认识到位,研究力量到位,研究方法到位”等工作。  相似文献   

Many forms of bias have been identified in higher education research, and in educational and social research in general. This article identifies a further form of bias, positivity bias, and places it in this broader context. Positivity bias is the tendency, in some forms of published higher education research, to only or chiefly report examples of initiatives or innovations that worked and received positive evaluations. Empirical evidence of positivity bias, in the form of an analysis of a sample of published articles from selected higher education journals, is presented and discussed. Suggestions as to the causes of positivity bias and how it might be handled are presented.  相似文献   

学术不端行为破坏了高校学术研究的有序发展,探寻其成因,并探究监督查处机制的构建具有重大的现实意义。从主客观两个角度出发,分析当前学术监督机制弱化、学术查处机制虚化是当前高校学术不端行为滋生的制度原因,同时从名利诱惑、成本博弈及道德缺失等学术主体的三个角度论证了高校学术不端行为滋生的原因,以期加强对高校学术不端行为研究,促进高校学术不端行为监督查处机制的构建。  相似文献   

高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国高等教育研究的认识论中存在着“学科论”与“领域论”的学科属性之争,由此导致高等教育的学科化研究和高等教育的多学科研究两种研究方法。高等教育的学科化研究直指高等教育学学科建设,而高等教育的多学科研究则被高等教育理论和实践证明是行之有效的方法,是目前高等教育研究的主流范式。两种研究方法各有其效用,但缺陷和不足也十分明显。在“学科论”和“领域论”两种观点在未来一段时间内仍将存在的情况下,如何厘清高等教育的学科化研究与多学科研究之间的关系是高等教育研究不断创新的关键所在。  相似文献   


This article addresses how technology-enhanced learning (TEL) is implemented in higher education institutions. The study is based on data collected from a nationwide survey and semi-structured interviews with academic managers. The findings suggest that: (1) members of the academic management staff have limited knowledge of institutional strategies; (2) there is a gap between what academic managers believe they do to support and implement TEL and what other academic staff perceive them to actually do; and (3) TEL is seldom discussed during performance assessment reviews. In addition, the study reveals that academic managers have different understandings of the use of educational technology. Those differences appear to be closely related to the individual managers’ assessment of TEL’s role in supporting teaching.  相似文献   

试论高校体育课中的探究式教学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校体育课实施探究式教学,其效果明显优于传统教学法。体育课探究式教学改变了传统教学法统一化和单一化的单向传习模式,其基本教学程序应为:创设情境,提出问题;搜集资料和信息;引出假设,进行实验探究,论证;整合、归纳、迁移、应用。  相似文献   

略论高等教育中的问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
问题是现实存在与认知和理想状态之间的冲突,问题意识的形成是认识主体与外界交互建构的过程。问题研究是指基于问题解决的研究,其过程可分为提出问题、分析问题、提出问题解决方案以及追踪方案实施。增进高等教育问题研究的意识和能力,需要直面对象、确认前提和慎对常识。  相似文献   

我国学位与研究生教育研究的现状与发展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
新中国成立以来 ,我国学位与研究生教育工作取得了巨大成就 ,当前正处于深化改革和加快发展的时期 ,迫切需要在理论联系实际原则指导下加强学位与研究生教育研究。今后一个时期 ,研究工作一方面要以应用研究为主 ,为我国学位与研究生教育的改革和发展服务 ,另一方面要加强理论研究 ,为建立有中国特色的学位制度和研究生教育学的理论体系打下初步基础  相似文献   

多学科研究与高等教育理论的形成和发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等教育理论是以其他社会科学学科的理论发展为基础,立足于高等教育实践,站在高等教育学科立场上研究高等教育现象而得以形成和发展的。因此,在高等教育研究过程中,有必要将多学科研究高等教育与运用多学科研究方法论研究高等教育区分开来。只有立足于高等教育实践,才能丰富和发展高等教育理论。  相似文献   

伯顿· R·克拉克指出 :高等教育系统是由生产知识的群体构成的学术组织 ;高等教育系统的中心是学科和院校之间形成的交叉矩阵 ;高等教育系统的协调是科层、政治、市场和专业的多方协调形式的统一 ;高等教育系统的变革是运动中的矩阵。伯顿·R·克拉克的高等教育系统观 ,对我国高等教育的理论和实践具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   

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