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Innovations in undergraduate medical education, such as integration of disciplines and problem based learning, have given rise to concerns about students' knowledge of anatomy. This article originated from several studies investigating the knowledge of anatomy of students at the eight Dutch medical schools. The studies showed that undergraduate students uniformly perceived deficiencies in their anatomical knowledge when they started clinical training regardless of their school's didactic approach. A study assessing students' actual knowledge of clinical anatomy revealed no relationship between students' knowledge and the school's didactic approach. Test failure rates based on absolute standards set by different groups of experts were indicative of unsatisfactory levels of anatomical knowledge, although standards differed markedly between the groups of experts. Good test performance by students seems to be related to total teaching time for anatomy, teaching in clinical context, and revisiting anatomy topics in the course of the curriculum. These factors appeared to outweigh the effects of disciplinary integration orwhether the curriculum was problem‐based or traditional. Anat Sci Ed 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

Instructional developers need to determine the degree of economically justifiable rigor for evaluating instructional products. Rigorous evaluation, involving outside evaluators, random assignment of masses of individuals from well-defined populations, and massive amounts of data, is often beyond their means. At the opposite extreme, representing no evaluation at all desite the size of consumer market, are most standard educational materials. A successive approximations scheme to empirical determination of effectiveness is needed, with consumers aware of the risks involved. The fear to “teaching to the test” (recently termed “wholly indefensible”) conflics with the basic assumptions of the teachonology of instruction and with the achievement of accountability of the instructional system to its consumers.  相似文献   

How much is it?     
教材分析:本课是“OxfordEnglishChangjiangEdition”(4B)第四单元第一课时,主要内容是“SectionA:Kenisatashoppingplaza.Hehassixtyyuanandhewantstobuyapresent.Heisaskingtheshopassis-tantthepricesofsomeitems”。根据这一话题,我确定出本课的目标:重点是用英语认读人民币及货物价格,能通过提供的信息应答“Howmuchisit?Doyouwantone?”,以持续相互间的交谈。我采用听、说、学和演的教学方法,遵循趣味性教学原则、情景教学原则和交际性原则,充分发挥现代教学媒体的优势,使课堂“情趣化、生活化、交际化”,引导学生在一种轻松、自…  相似文献   

教材分析:本课是“Oxford English Changjiang Edition”(4B)第四单元第一课时,主要内容是“Section A:Ken is at a shopping plaza.He has sixty yuan and he wants to buy a present.He is asking the shop assistant the prices of some items”。根据这一话题,我确定出本课的目标:重点是用英语认读人民币及货物价格,能通过提供的信息应答“How much is it? Do you want one?”,以持续相互间的交谈。我采用听、说、学和演的教学方法,遵循趣味性教学原则、情景教学原则和交际性原则,充分发挥现代教学媒体的优势,使课堂“情趣化、生活化、交际化”,引导学生在一种轻松、自然的氛围中快快乐乐地学习英语。  相似文献   

<正>【教学目标】1.知识目标:能听、说、认读四个单词:colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive;掌握描述颜色和价格的句子:It is colourfulprettycheapexpensive.2.能力目标:能在实际生活中运用句型,并能作相应的替换。3.情感目标:能以得体的方式与人交际。【教学重难点】单词pretty,colourful,cheap,expensive的认读;单词expensive的发音。【教学过程】Step I:Warm Up1.Creeting:Hello!How are you today?…2.Sing a song.3.Free Talk,复习服饰类单词。  相似文献   

This article presents activities appropriate for the first half of a general introductory statistics course. All activities revolve around the same data set collected early in the course. The activities require students to make decisions about how they should proceed.  相似文献   

教材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(PEP)四年级下册。教学目标:1.能听懂、会说"It′s colourful/pretty/expensive."2.能够在情境中正确使用"CanI help you? ""How much is thisdress/…? "  相似文献   

Clever Mouse and Miss Bee are shopping at a supermarket. Clever Mouse: How much is the book? Shopgirl: $ 5. Miss Bee: How many bananas do you want to buy? Clever Mouse: Nine. Miss Bee, how much juice is there in the fridge? Miss Bee: None. Let's buy some. 难点一、How many 和 How much 的意 思都为“多少”, 大都用于疑问句中。 难点二、How many 用于可数名词前, 如: How many books do you have? 难点三、How much 用于不可数名词 前, 如: How much juice is left? 难点四、询问价格时用 How much, 如: …  相似文献   

(选自仁爱版《英语》七年级上册第4单元第1话题SectionB。)教材分析:本课是围绕"shipping"展开的,在上节课中,学生已经学到了一些关于"shipping"的知识,而且他们也掌握了一部分有关购物的表达方式,比如"How much is it?""I’lltake it."等。所以让学生趁热打铁,在这个时候对  相似文献   

一、教学内容(略) 二、教学目标(略) 三、教学重点(略) 四、教学难点(略) 五、教学准备 课件、教学卡片、玩具小图片、标有价钱的积分卡  相似文献   

镜头一:新单词“colourful,pretty,cheap,expensive”的教学。 1.课件呈现出一件色彩丰富的连衣裙,标价20元,教师问学生:  相似文献   

一一一.『-,.-一一1.看图写出下列商品的英语名称和价格。竺卿一,哩竺愉咨一肠一汾一垦一嗡2念号3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 n.选择方框内的词填空。elothes,dollars,long,green,buy,sell thirty,eheap,whieh,how mueh C .are 1 0 yuansD,15 ten yuan ()3一Are your pants ve叮long?一No,they’re ve仃___. A .small B.red C.big D.short ()4一____15 that?一Five dollars. A .What B.Who C,How many D.How mueh ()5一How mueh 15 your new bike?一____350 yuan. A .It B.Its C.It’5 D.Theyare ()6.We_—一have an eraser·…  相似文献   

设计理念“How much is it?”是人教版四年级下册Unit 5的课程。教学时,应注重语言的实践性和交际性,在课堂上教师要努力营造比较真实的语言环境,让每个孩子都想说、敢说、会说,并能灵活运用所学的英语知识,使学生用英语购物的口语  相似文献   

Teachingcontents:Sen-tencepatterns:Excuseme.Howmuchisthiscamera/watch?It'ssixty-fiveyuan.Doyouwantone?No,thankyou./Yes,please.Teachingaims:1.StudentswillbeabletobuysomethinginEnglish.2.Studentswillbeabletoanswer.3.RaisetheirinteresttolearnEnglish.4.Encouragethestudentstohavegoodcooperationwitheachotherandlearnfromeachother.5.Theywillbepolite/afterlearningthedialogs.Teachinglearners:thepupilsofGrade4Teachingmethods:1.TotalphysicalResponse2.CommunicationApproach3.WholeLanguageAp-proachT…  相似文献   

"How much be 主语"用来询问价格,意思是"……多少钱?"。如果主语是不可数名词或可数名词单数,那么be用is形式;如果主语是复数可数名词,be用are。例如:  相似文献   

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