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Bibliographic control—Reviews; Documentation resources—Ways of sharing  相似文献   

图书馆自动化系统运行安全与防护   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
图书馆自动化系统运行安全与防护●王以群ABSTRACTToaimattheoperationoflibraryautomationsystem,thepaperputsforwardthesafetymeasuresfortechnicalmanag...  相似文献   

本文介绍了如何在通用试题库系统中,采用Automation技术,在应用程序中后台驱动Word2000完成试题的编辑和打印输出,同时讨论了包含文本、声音等多种类型数据的试题的存储方式的选择和实现。  相似文献   

佛罗里达图书馆自动化中心(Florida Center for Library Automation,FCLA)于2007年5月14日发布了基于GPL标准的DAITSS(Dark Archive in the Sunshine State)资源档案库。  相似文献   

佛罗里达图书馆自动化中心(Florida Center for Library Automation,FCLA)于2007年5月14日发布了基于GPL标准的DAITSS(Dark Archivein the Sunshine State)资源档案库。  相似文献   

The users demands and the situation of economic & cultural development of the society as wellhinge the rise and fall of the library cause.Demands of users have not been get on the upsurge in thatthe economic and cultural development of china is in a state  相似文献   

联机公共检索目录系统的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the development of the Online Public Access Catalogues in the 1970s, libraries in Europe and America have devoted more and more attention to it. To date, it has already developed to the third generation. The OPAC System makes those users who lack training and experience be able to use it directly. It provides the users a kind of capability to access, which is neither like the order language with a very complex function, nor is it like the "menu" one with a very simple function. The interface design of it is an important phase of OPAC device,the study of which falls into the following categories;1)the matching aid.2)the retrieval aid.and 3)the semantic/contextual aid.The successful practice of the development and services of OPAC opens up a wide range of prospect for readers to use library materials directly.  相似文献   

论联机环境对规范控制的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The article explains the basic concepts of authority control, cataloging of copies and the original cataloging. Changes of authority control in the online environment are also discussed, including authority control for shifting from precataloging to postcataloging and separating of mechanical labour from mental labour, and the implementation of authority control at different levels. The paper shows the necessity of partial and local authority control, pointing out that the individual authority of files may have already been obsolete,and they should be replaced by online authority files.The author holds that the vital question confronted by libraries is to make a change of authority work so as to control online catalogues.He also places emphases on the chief problems to be taken into consideration for the ahthority work in China.3 illus.17 references.  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

At present, the research papers on comparative librarianship in China lack the studies of living examples. There are too many approaches to pure theories. On account of the lack of the support from practices, merely depending and drawing on the experience from other countries,it is very hard for the achievements made to guide the practices. Thus, theory and practice would split and break up sooner or later. Besides, some researchers are eager for quick success and instant benefit, trying to accomplish in one move.In addition,narrow knowledge of the researchers and the irrational structure of knowledge also affect the researchers to make a thorough study.  相似文献   

杨昭悊早年图书馆学行考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为我国现代图书馆学和图书馆事业的重要奠基人,杨昭悊先生早年的图书馆学行活动是相当重要的文献史料。阐述了杨先生译介《图书馆学指南》的缘由及其撰著《图书馆学》的自觉与影响,评述杨先生赴美途中对日本图书馆的报道与推介,考察其早年图书馆学行活动,以原始史料复原这位早期图书馆事业先行者令人尊敬的图书馆精神与情怀。  相似文献   

Almost 20 years ago the United States and China established a program for exchange of government publications through their two national libraries, the Library of Congress (LC) and the National Library of China (NLC). Both sides have made tremendous efforts to honor the exchange agreement, although LC hopes to receive more comparable materials from its counterpart. The recent shift to electronic formats in the United States and the government Internet censorship in China pose serious challenges to the existence of this program. Suggestions are made for ameliorating these difficulties.  相似文献   

戴志骞生平与图书馆事业成就考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴志骞是中国现代著名的图书馆学家,为中国早期图书馆事业的发展作出了巨大贡献。但中国图书馆学人对其生平活动与著译成就了解甚少,相关论述中常存在不少值得商榷之处。文章首先考察了戴志骞在上海圣约翰大学就读与工作,北上清华学校,留学美国,南下国立中央大学,以及转战银行业的具体情况。然后考察了戴志骞与中国图书馆界的情缘,包括参与或发起成立多种图书馆协会,开设演讲以传播图书馆学知识,作序以提携图书馆界后学等。最后考察了戴志骞的著述成就,包括他撰写的各种图书馆学研究著述以及书报介绍文章等。参考文献36。  相似文献   

Library cooperation is not a new concept in the history and practice of librarianship. This paper reviews the concept of library cooperation in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria and Ghana, with specific reference to areas of cooperation among university libraries in Ghana.The major areas of cooperation such as inter-library loan service, photocopying of documents and exchanges of materials are discussed. Problems of cooperation such as the poor communication network in Ghana and inadequate materials are also highlighted.Recommendations are made for the improvement of the level of cooperation in the university libraries. These include the need to establish a National Library in Ghana; the removal of all psychological and socio-economic barriers to cooperation; and the improvement of the communication system among libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

美国自20世纪20年代开始制定学校图书馆服务相关标准,到2007年共出台了九个全国性学校图书馆服务标准文件,这些标准的制定和实施反映出美国学校图书馆服务发展的脉络。在此过程中,ALA、AASL等行业协会发挥重要作用,图书馆服务和馆员价值得到彰显。具体呈现出以下特征:1学校图书馆服务根据教育改革需要进行调整,保持对学校教育的贡献度;2建设标准和服务标准统一,定量评价和定性评价相结合;3与行业协会的成熟和馆员专业化发展相辅相成。本文呼吁我国的研究者和教育管理部门关注中小学图书馆服务标准的确立,重视学校图书馆服务对素质教育的影响和作用。  相似文献   

图书馆学知识图谱分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
以来自Web of Science数据库有关图书馆主题的3319条文献为研究对象,通过CiteSpaceⅡ软件对相关引文数据和主题词数据进行分析和处理,以知识图谱的方式,梳理了图书馆学的重要学术文献及学术代表人物.本研究得出以下结论:图书馆学的研究力量主要集中在美国,英国、加拿大、中国、德国和日本等亦有突出贡献;当前图书馆学发展的知识基础是由奠基性文献和共被引频次及中心性都比较高的关键文献集合构成;组成图书馆学研究前沿的一系列节点包括搜索引擎的利用、数字图书馆的建设、图书馆的信息服务、信息计量指标和信息组织等众多主题;20世纪90年代以来,图书馆学研究热点包括数字图书馆、信息科学、公共图书馆、国家图书馆、大学图书馆和信息服务等,其中最具代表性的热点是数字图书馆.  相似文献   

Library cooperation is not a new concept in the history and practice of librarianship. This paper reviews the concept of library cooperation in the United Kingdom, United States of America, Nigeria and Ghana, with specific reference to areas of cooperation among university libraries in Ghana.

The major areas of cooperation such as inter-library loan service, photocopying of documents and exchanges of materials are discussed. Problems of cooperation such as the poor communication network in Ghana and inadequate materials are also highlighted.

Recommendations are made for the improvement of the level of cooperation in the university libraries. These include the need to establish a National Library in Ghana; the removal of all psychological and socio-economic barriers to cooperation; and the improvement of the communication system among libraries in Ghana.  相似文献   

During the interval of July 1990 to January 1991, Yu-Mei Wang from Beijing Medical University, visited the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Wang's activities while in the United States were to study and observe our medical library. This paper attempts to acquaint the reader with the Beijing Medical University and its library, as well as activities provided by this library's staff for her training. Cross-cultural observations are made in respect to automation, professional education, and materials used.  相似文献   

《裘开明图书馆学论文选集》序言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
裘开明先生是美国东亚图书馆早期发展中的一位启蒙大师和领袖人物。他的主要贡献在于将西方的图书馆管理方法与中国传统目录学的知识相结合,处理美国图书馆中收藏的中日文资料,并辅导师生的教学和研究。他创建的哈佛燕京图书馆,成为西方汉学研究的宝库。《裘开明图书馆学论文选集》由程焕文教授编辑。读者可以从书中获得图书处理技术方面的指导,同时可以领略到前辈经营管理的实际经验。  相似文献   

袁同礼与美国国会图书馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁同礼为图书馆的一生分为前后两个阶段:第一阶段为1924年至1948年,这二十多年是袁同礼献身中国图书馆事业的阶段;第二阶段为1948年至1965年初,这十七年是他在美国国会图书馆从事治学和著述的阶段,袁同礼一生的主要著述多是在这一时期完成的。本文主要论述、评析了袁同礼在美国国会图书馆的主要事迹。  相似文献   

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