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(A) A seeing-eye dog is a special dog which helps blind people walk along the streets and do many other things. We call these dogs seeing-eye dogs because the dogs are the eyes of blind people and help them to see. These dogs are usually sent to a special school to learn to help blind people for several years.  相似文献   

Once (从前) Jack went to a big dinner party. His coat was not good. When he wentin, no one looked at him and no one gave him food. He was very 1 . 2 he went home,3 his best coat, and then came back to 4 party. Everyone stood up at once andcame 5 him. He was taken 6 the best table. Then Jack put his coat in the food,and 7 , "Please eat, dear coat." 8 people were very surprised (惊奇地) and asked, " 9 are you doing this?" Jackanswered, "I'm asking my coat to eat now. Because you gave this fo…  相似文献   

Have you ever been invited to a party?In English party means a gathering1of people,usually by invitation,for food and amusement.It is fun to attend party.This Sundayfather and mother took me to a party held to celebrate an old teacher's birthday.This is a…  相似文献   

I went to a big party last night, The hosts were celebrating something, so they'd decide to push the boat out[大肆庆祝] ; there was really a good band,fantastic food and lots of drink. I chatted to a few people for the first hour——just the usual small talk.  相似文献   

The western world has always been divided into two types of people-the cool and the uncool. It is a division that __1__ in school. The cool kids are good at __2__. They are __3__ with the opposite sex. They are good-looking and people want to __4__ their style. They can do their homework but they don't make a big effort. That would __5__ be cool.  相似文献   

Mr Smith was a boss of a butcher's shop(肉店). One day a hungry dog came to the shop. The dog wagged(摇动) its tail again and again. The boss gave it some meat to eat. So later on, the dog always stayed with the owner and looked upon him as its own master. When the people found that the boss was friendly(友好) to the dog, they thought Mr Smith could be trusted. As time passed by, more and more customers(顾客) came to buy fresh meat(鲜肉). And he was getting richer and richer.  相似文献   

Both English and Chinese are rich in "dog" cultures. In order to learn English well and communicate successfully with foreigners in cross-cultural communication, it is necessary to make a comparative study on "dog" cultures in both languages. This thesis makes a com parative study on two language-speaking people’s attitudes and feelings toward dog, histories, customs and stories about dog in both Eng lish and Chinese cultures .Through the comparative study, the thesis reveals the differences and similarities of "dog" cultures in both lan guages.  相似文献   

Scientists are trying to make the deserts into good land again. They want to bring water to the deserts, so people can live and grow food. They are learning a lot about the deserts. But more and more of the earth is becoming desert all the time. Scientist…  相似文献   

It was Mr Hill‘s birthday. He was one hundred years old and many people came to his birthday party, A reporter(记者) came to the party and asked him a few questions.  相似文献   

July 15 I went to a big party last night. The hosts were celebrating something, so they'd decide to push the boat out[大肆庆祝]; there was really a good band, fantastic food and lots of drink. I chatted to a few people for the first hour--just the usual small talk[闲聊]. Then I met this great guy. We got talking and we really hit it off[合得来]. I'm seeing  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2006,(2):F0004-F0004
If you are in a town in a westerm country,you'll often see people walking with their dogs.It is still true_1_ a dog is one of the most useful_2_ in the world,but the reason that one keeps a dog _3_changed.Long,long ago,a man met a dog and _4_ it to help him fight_5_animals,  相似文献   

Lunch In Town     
As there are so many people at work in London,there are nu-merous cafes and restaurants in everyarea.A meal may cost anything from amodest sum to quite a few pounds,de-pending on the restaurant and the food  相似文献   

July 15 I went to a big party last night.The hosts were celebrating something, so they'd decided to push the boat out[大肆庆祝]:there was a really good band,fantastic food and lots of drink.I chatted to a few people for the first hourjust the usual small talk[闲聊]. Then I met this great guy.We got talking and we really hit it off [合得来].I'm seeing him tomorrow!  相似文献   

正AThe women's club always had a meeting every Friday afternoon.Once a professor from the university came to talk to them about an important problem after they had tea and asked some questions.The professor talked to the club about the problem of food and population."There is not enough food in the world for everybody,"he said."More than half the people in the world are hungry.And when they get  相似文献   

Dogs are flesh-eating animals. From the Stone Age( 石器时代) menlived in caves( 洞穴). The dogs first became man?s friends. Soon the mentrained( 训练) the dogs to help people in the hunt to carry their burdens(担子), to guard their camps and so on.Dogs have a fine sense of smell ( 嗅觉). They can go in search ofmissing things. For example, a golden seal(图章) in a museum(博物馆)was missing some years ago, and the policemen searched for it every-where in vain(徒劳). Finally a dog found the go…  相似文献   

In Canada you can find dogs and cats in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these pets and regard them as their friends . Before the 1 them at their houses, they take them to 2 hospitals to give them needles3 they won't carry disease(疾病) .They have special(特殊的) animal food shops, so they can get animal food in almost every shop. Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit people's homes, they would be very glad to show you then-pets and they are very proud of them. You will  相似文献   

There are lots of reasons to love a food festival.Whenever there's one in Melbourne,I think about going. A few weeks ago,I went down to the Night Noodle Markets after work with my colleagues.It was an outdoor food festival,a grassy 1)patch at the edge of the city,serving up all kinds of Asian street food you can think of.When the eight of us arrived at a quarter to six,2)a sea of people greeted our eyes.Tables are 3)packed.Queues are in front of the 4)food stalls where chefs 5)dished up food right before our eyes.  相似文献   

A One night ,a thief (贼)broke into an old man’s house. He__1__a noise and woke upthe old man and his wife .The husband told his__2__to be silent(安静), while he saidloudly, “My dear, these days thieves are __3__.If they take __4__their clothes and putthem on the table ,people in the room will fall asleep and __5__wake up. ” When thethief__6__this, he took off his clothes __7__and was ready to work . At this __8__, thehusband suddenly shouted in a loud voice, “Stop thief ! Stop thief !”…  相似文献   

绿波 《今日中学生》2011,(35):25-26
The pig is wronged Long, long ago, the pig often helped people with their work. There was a family which had a pig and a dog. The master told the pig and the dog to tilt land (耕地) . The pig dug the ...  相似文献   

There are many people in the world wholike to talk about selfishness,and almost ev-ery one of them says that selfishness is a de-prayed thing.I agree with them.Now,let's first make sure what selfish-ness is.Here is a story for you.There wasonce a dog and a cat sitting by a kitchendoor.When the cook came out and threw sev-  相似文献   

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