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The National Waxworks Museum of China, as part of China National Museum, showcases 126 life like wax figures of celebrity from China and the rest of the world which feature exquisite craftsmanship, vivid portraits and unique scenes. Since its opening in 2004, the waxworks on display have attracted numerous visitors and media coverage. A press article used the caption "On the opening day, the real guardian even frightened an old woman" to describe how lifelike these waxworks are.  相似文献   

The Geological Museum of China, first built in 1916, is the largest of its kind in Asia and currently collects 200,000 samples, some of which are the mostvaluable in the world, such as the Shandong Dinosaur fossil, the world's tallest, most well-preserved fossil of duck-billed dinosaur; the Oriental Shenzhou Dinosaur fossil, the world's only extant coelurosaur fossil; teeth fossils of Yuanmou Ape Man, China's oldest human fossils ever found: the world's largest single crystal; the world's largest yellow arsenic crystal; huge cands and more,  相似文献   

Lajos Szalay and Fan Zhou's works are coming together to strengthen China's ties with Hungary on the countries' 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations.  相似文献   

On January 11,2011,a huge bronze statue of Confucius,9.5 meters in height,was officially installed outside the north gate of the National Museum of China to the east  相似文献   

West Street is the oldest in Yangshuo, a small town in Guilin, with towering karst peaks and surrounded by Li River. In this less- than-one-kilometer street, there are more than 100 cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, all with both Chinese and English or French ads. Called "a foreigner street", West Street attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year. Le De (happy), a French-styled restaurant, and Hong Fu (Big Fortune), a Chinese-styled hotel, are the most splendid  相似文献   

Last autumn, the exhibition Early China: the Formative Period of Chinese Civilization was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing. The 210 sets or pieces of exhibits showcase the origin and early evolution of Chinese civilization from 3500 BC to 1400 BC.  相似文献   

邓玉娜 《寻根》2005,(6):82-85
经过晚清几十年中西方文化的激烈碰撞之后,民国时期的中国礼俗呈现出新的形式特征:一方面传承着几千年来的本国传统仪式,一方面吸纳了西俗的新仪式。具体到婚姻礼俗,则表现为新旧两种婚礼形式的并存,即传统婚礼和文明婚礼(也称西式婚礼)兼行。本文以豫南信阳地区为例,依据地方志材料,试对当地民国时期的婚礼仪式加以论述,期能引玉。  相似文献   

China is the world’s earliest ceramic producer and porcelain inventor. As early as in the Xia Dynasty (ca. 2070 BC – ca. 1600 BC), green-glazed ceramics, quite similar to porcelain wares, appeared in China. By the 2nd century AD, ancient Chinese succeeded in producing porcelain wares with radiant glaze, transparent texture, low water absorption and clear resonance, at the  相似文献   

王保国 《寻根》2005,(2):41-44
在人类文化特征的生发阶段,由于人对自然的支配能力远低于自然对人的影响力,地理环境就成了制约人类文化生成的主要基础。所以,探讨文化特征形成的基本因素,必须重视文化生成的地理环境。  相似文献   

<正>Gold and silver are rare and valuable metal with special luster. The use of gold by mankind can date back to the remote past. As early as 12,000 years ago, a...  相似文献   

赵文斌 《寻根》2001,(2):78-80
1998年11月4日,一座以收藏、陈列、研究中国青瓷为主的专题博物馆——深圳玺宝楼青瓷博物馆隆重开馆。这是中国目前馆展青瓷数量最多、品类最全、体系最为完备的一座私立青瓷博物馆,也是一座融收藏、科研、教育、旅游、化资源开发等各种功能为一体的高品质的新型博物馆。  相似文献   

吴永章 《寻根》2004,(1):20-24
客家人是中原移民,在南徙过程中,饱受战乱与颠沛流离之苦,迁至被时人目为蛮荒之地的闽粤赣地区后,又需要在极其困难的自然与社会条件下,筚路蓝缕,开基创业。因此,客家先人们眷恋故土,并教诫子孙“宁卖祖宗田,不卖祖宗言”,要“敦宗睦族”、“追远慎终”,把中原文化作为联结族群  相似文献   

<正>In June 2011, the Year of Chinese Culture was launched in Sydney, Australia. The exhibition "Reflection of the Soul: Chinese Contemporary Ink Wash Painting",...  相似文献   

唐金培 《寻根》2008,(5):48-52
作为中国民俗文化重要发祥地的中原农村社会,其传统婚姻礼俗世代相袭,传承久远。但辛亥革命后,随着社会急剧变革和中西文化猛烈碰撞,中原农村的传统婚姻在观念、制度、仪式等方面都出现了一些新动向。其变化虽不及城市特别是沿海开放城市那样迅速而显著,但也初步呈现出中西杂糅、新旧并陈的时代特征。  相似文献   

程有为 《寻根》2004,(1):14-19
2003年10月,第十八届世界客属恳亲大会在河南省郑州市隆重举行,分布于世界各地的数千名客家游子来到了母亲河——黄河之滨,踏上了魂牵梦绕的一方热土,实现了寻根谒祖的夙愿。  相似文献   


Despite, or perhaps because of, being only 45 miles apart and of a similar size, Glasgow and Edinburgh are famous for their historical and cultural differences and notorious for their rivalry. This article will explore the history of museum visiting by comparing the current visitor demographics of Glasgow Museums, with those of the National Galleries and the National Museums in Edinburgh, and exploring the extent to which these differences can be traced back to the founding cultures of these institutions. Drawing on historical visitor data and discourse analysis of official museum commentary on visitor behaviour, this article will assess Davies, Paton and Sullivan’s museum version of the Competing Values Framework and Wouter’s theory of informalisation as approaches to interpret how institutional traditions have interacted with wider social developments. It will conclude with reflections on the implications for museum history, and for current policy and practice.  相似文献   

The Exhibition on Longquan Celadon was held in the Capital Museum in Beijing during the Chinese New Year. The 85 celadon masterpieces produced in Longquan offered viewers an opportunity to learn more about the history of this famous celadon kiln center of ancient China.  相似文献   

王新环 《寻根》2011,(1):40-42
清末民初,在现代公共卫生事业尚未产生之前,河南民众普遍是靠民间防疫活动祛病避邪的。即便到了公共卫生事业已在乡村零星出现的民国时期,广大民众仍然更愿意秉承民间传统,结合当地的风物和民俗,以自发的防疫避瘟活动来驱除病魔。这种自发的群体性的民俗防疫活动,往往是和节日紧密地联系在一起的。  相似文献   


I deconstruct the distinctive facets of mediated framing of integration through a textual analysis of Flemish newspapers. Using Entman’s framing theory, I identified four primary integration frames: Fortress Europe, Streamlined Labour, Solipsistic Representation, and Competing Integration Frames. Specifically, I describe the ambivalence of media framing, which intertextually borrows from dominant representation of (im)migrants. The papers simultaneously frame integration as an assimilative social contract to be agreed to by (im)migrants and as a responsibility of the host society to integrate (im)migrants. Counter-framing, present in all four media frames, is critical to both dismantling systemic marginalization and ameliorating processes of integration.  相似文献   

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