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刘畅  赵瑜  杨帆 《图书情报工作》2015,59(1):99-105
[目的/意义] 通过分析时间限制和任务次序在用户实验设计中对被试和实验结果的影响,提出响应的优化方案。[方法/过程] 使用实验法,对被试搜索时间进行严格的控制,分别验证时间限制和任务次序对被试搜索体验的影响。[结果/结论] 在有时间限制的情况下,被试对于成功完成搜索任务的信心较低,且在任务结束后,对检索结果的自我认同度较低;任务次序也会影响被试的检索体验,搜索任务的次序越靠前,用户的信心和体验越易受到较为负面的影响。建议学者在采用实验法进行用户行为分析的时候,要科学全面地对搜索任务和情境变量进行轮换,如采用拉丁方的设计。同时,若非检验实验时间限制对搜索行为的影响,应尽量避免实验过程中对被试的搜索时间进行限制。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the public speaking state responses among 47 Finnish subjects. Cognitive, behavioral, and physiological components of stale‐responses were investigated in relation to speakers’ trait communication anxiety and amount of previous experience speaking in public. Trait communication anxiety was found to correlate significantly with the cognitive aspect of state response, whereas amount of previous experience was found to be reflected in subjects’ heart rates. Characteristics of the Finnish speech culture and educational system are discussed when interpreting the results.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究在协同与独立模式下完成信息搜索任务的过程中,用户在搜索体验、交互行为方面的差异,试图通过对比研究来理解协同信息搜索行为的特点,为协同搜索系统的设计提供借鉴。[方法/过程]基于图书交互式检索平台(CLEF-Social Book Search)进行实验,共招募16名独立被试和18名协同被试到实验室完成多种类型的书目搜索任务,对搜索前后问卷记录的搜索体验以及后台服务器记录的搜索过程交互行为进行对比分析。[结果/结论]搜索体验方面,协同搜索被试比独立搜索被试对实验系统的功能评价更好,对系统的美感、耐用性、新颖度评价更高,参与实验的专注度更高,但却感到更加费力;搜索行为方面,相比独立模式下的被试,协同模式下的被试在目标型任务中进行更多次决策,尤其是删除书目的决策,意味着协同搜索被试在搜索后期会进行更多的决策讨论和整理;在探索任务中,协同被试比独立被试的平均决策时间和首次决策时间都更长,可能是由于在探索任务中协同被试的参与度更高、讨论更多。  相似文献   

高校社科查新体系构建探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍高校社科查新体系构建的必要性,分析社科查新体系与现有的科技查新体系之间的区别,指出高校社科查新的现存问题,就高校社科查新体系的构建提出五点建议:一、发挥政府导向功能,推动社科查新体系建设;二、借鉴科技查新经验,健全社科查新行业规范;三、自建社科成果数据库,加强社科文献资源建设;四、配备高级查新人才,建立专业社科查新队伍;五、加大宣传和教育力度,提高社科研究者查新意识。  相似文献   

The study examined and assessed the search techniques of trained end-users and determined whether or not they were searching the system effectively. One hundred and thirty-one users searched a full-text system and completed a survey that asked them to evaluate the system and describe their search strategy and techniques. Overall, 55% of the total indicated dissatisfaction with their searches. Correlations between native language and searching results and satisfaction are shown. These findings suggest that computer literate end-users with prior experience searching other databases and formal training experience more difficulties than is commonly realized. Implications for training are discussed.  相似文献   

Transaction logs from online search engines are valuable for two reasons: First, they provide insight into human information-seeking behavior. Second, log data can be used to train user models, which can then be applied to improve retrieval systems. This article presents a study of logs from PubMed®, the public gateway to the MEDLINE® database of bibliographic records from the medical and biomedical primary literature. Unlike most previous studies on general Web search, our work examines user activities with a highly-specialized search engine. We encode user actions as string sequences and model these sequences using n-gram language models. The models are evaluated in terms of perplexity and in a sequence prediction task. They help us better understand how PubMed users search for information and provide an enabler for improving users’ search experience.  相似文献   

Discovery tools are the next phase of library search systems. Illinois State University's Milner Library implemented EBSCO Discovery Service in August 2010. The authors conducted usability studies on the system in the fall of 2010. The aims of the study were twofold: first, to determine how Milner users set about using the system in order to better inform customization choices, which in turn would create better search experiences, and second, to find out whether discovery tools fix the problems of federated search. With federated search technology, users often felt frustrated by the search experience. Some reasons for the frustration included a desire for better ways to determine the relevancy of search results and for more information about the material included in the records. The authors determined that while many federated search problems were solved, some issues persisted. Overall, the move to EBSCO Discovery Service at Milner Library has been a positive experience for its users.  相似文献   

杭璐  陈嬿  王嘉琪 《图书情报工作》2020,64(19):109-118
[目的/意义] 提升可用性和情感体验是引导儿童使用信息搜索工具的重要途径。通过实验研究的方法,了解输入方式和性别差异对儿童搜索体验的影响,为儿童信息搜索平台建设提供参考依据。[方法/过程] 邀请儿童完成特定的封闭式搜索任务,评估键盘打字、手写输入和语音搜索3种输入方式对儿童信息搜索可用性和情感体验的影响。[结果/结论] 搜索输入方式对儿童信息搜索可用性有显著影响,其中语音搜索的操作可用性最好、儿童的情感体验最积极;性别对儿童信息搜索可用性和情感体验有显著影响,男孩在信息搜索中的行为表现和情感体验较好;输入方式与性别差异对搜索可用性存在交互效应;语音用户界面搜索方式能够满足儿童的可用性和情感需求。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 构建基于关联数据的探索式检索系统,充分利用关联数据中隐藏的知识网络,向用户提供发现新知识的机会。[方法/过程] 基于DBpedia电影数据集,采用改进的向量空间模型进行关联数据的语义相似度计算,使用可视化的交互技术对检索结果进行呈现。[结果/结论] 通过基于任务的评价方法与IMDB进行对比,证明基于关联数据的探索式检索系统能够提高检索效率,提升用户体验并能引导用户发现其感兴趣的信息。  相似文献   

以笔者长期检索经验为基础,以抽样检索结果为依据,将CALIS与国图OPAC书目检索结果进行对比分析。检索结果表明,二者书目数据质量高,值得肯定;存在的差异,各有特色。二者的共同问题是数据不规范、不一致。建议实行统一的编目规则,并严格执行,遵循以用户为中心的原则,以便于书目信息资源共享。  相似文献   

大数据时代,智能终端技术和搜索引擎技术的发展,为改进数字图书馆读者的搜索体验提供了可能。通过分析读者的个性化搜索需求,文章提出了一种大数据时代基于读者体验视角的数字图书馆个性化搜索引擎。该搜索引擎可节省搜索时间和提高查询效率,使查询成本最小,显著提高了系统的整体搜索性能。  相似文献   

数字图书馆集成检索系统中分页策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集成检索系统是数字图书馆的重要组成部分,结合“NSTL国外科技文献嵌入式检索主界面”项目的实际特点,在列举信息检索中常见分页算法并使用实例对分页算法进行对比分析的基础上,为该项目的集成检索系统选择最优的分页算法,提高系统的响应速度。  相似文献   

基于语义联想的中文图像搜索引擎——构想与实验*   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在分析了目前主流中文图像搜索引擎研究和开发的优点和缺点基础上,结合实际开发经验,提出一个基于语义联想的中文图像搜索引擎的构想。在图像内容信息表示上充分利用相关的文本信息。系统通过分析用户的检索行为记录,自动发现词间关系,并用知识库的方式来组织和存储图像信息,达到语义联想的功能。  相似文献   


This article presents a case study in user-centered design that explores the needs and preferences of undergraduate users. An analysis of LibQual+ and other user surveys, interviews with public service staff, and a formal American with Disabilities Act accessibility review served as the basis for planning a redesign of the Brown University Library's Web site. Three testing phases were conducted: individual usability testing of the existing site and baseline data collection on Web use preferences; focus groups to respond to a functional prototype and search prototypes; and individual usability testing and interviews on revised functional prototypes. The delicate task of obtaining staff buy-in without letting their opinion drive the redesign was accomplished by keeping the project team small and nonrepresentational, submitting all conflicts to user testing, and promising an intranet that would meet the specialized needs of staff. A commitment to experimentation and a willingness to jettison design and functional elements which did not meet user approval kept the design process agile and flexible. Prototype testing of a variety of search options clearly demonstrated that the lack of integration in a library's information system makes it difficult to rationalize and optimize the user's search experience. Difficulties enlisting staff to edit existing Web content were solved by outsourcing content review and editing for Web-appropriate length and format. Except for this content review, the Web site redesign and usability testing were all conducted in-house with limited resources and a nine-month time-frame. The study's focus on user expectations and nomenclature largely confirmed the results of previous studies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Despite the growing use of online databases by clinicians, there has been very little research documenting how effectively they are used. This study assessed the ability of medical and nurse-practitioner students to answer clinical questions using an information retrieval system. It also attempted to identify the demographic, experience, cognitive, personality, search mechanics, and user-satisfaction factors associated with successful use of a retrieval system. METHODS: Twenty-nine students completed questionnaires of clinical and computer experience as well as tests of cognitive abilities and personality type. They were then administered three clinical questions to answer in a medical library setting using the MEDLINE database and electronic and print full-text resources. RESULTS: Medical students were able to answer more questions correctly than nurse-practitioner students before and after searching, but both had comparable improvements in the number of correct questions before and after searching. Successful ability to answer questions was also associated with having experience in literature searching and higher standardized test-score percentiles. CONCLUSIONS: Medical and nurse-practitioner students obtained comparable benefits in the ability to answer clinical questions from use of the information retrieval system. Future research must examine strategies that improve successful search and retrieval of clinical questions posed by clinicians in practice.  相似文献   

针对网站信息检索精确度不高、交互效率低下以及用户体验感不佳等问题,在仔细分析Google Suggest功能与实现原理的基础上,结合Ajax技术在提高数据交互性能以及解决页面重载问题所具有的明显优势,提出基于Ajax技术的动态匹配检索方法,实时响应用户请求,及时刷新检索结果,并有针对性地获取用户检索兴趣,从而扩展网站的检索功能,改善用户的检索体验。  相似文献   

图书馆信息服务和搜索引擎的跨界合作   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
从以网络为中心的信息服务出发,分析图书馆信息服务与搜索引擎跨界合作的技术框架,从信息资源、图书馆员和服务时空3个方面对信息服务进行分析,结合谷歌地图,归纳数据合作、系统合作等跨界合作的具体方法和流程,以及跨界合作中知识产权、应用模式方面的难点,最后总结跨界合作对图书馆信息服务在信息集成、个性化服务方面的启示。  相似文献   

文献检索课中检索系统教学的改革与实践   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
介绍南京邮电学院文献检索课的教改方法与实践体会,认为从利用多媒体课件教学、加强检索技能培养、改革实习和考核方法等方面入手是提高文献检索课教学成效的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study analyzed observations and interviews of 31 participants, who were divided into six age groups, to understand the influence of end-user goals and experience on Internet search approaches. Users who lacked experience approached the Internet similarly no matter what the age group. Children and older adults were more likely to lack online search experience than other users. In addition, children and older adults were more homogeneous than other users in that they had a narrow range of situational goals, whereas users in other groups had a wide range of situational goals. The study has implications for user services and research in end-user searching. An understanding of the influence of age, experience, and goals on Internet search patterns might guide how, how much, and in what format information should be presented in the future. Knowledge gained from this study can also form the basis of hypotheses for larger studies.  相似文献   

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