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电刺激肌肉力量训练是体育运动训练运用电子科学的一项新技术。本文根据文献资料.综述了电刺激肌肉的力量训练的含义与优点、作用与机理和使用方法等问题  相似文献   

视网膜电图可用于评判视觉系统的发育、功能及病变,已成为眼科必备检查项目之一.目前已开发商用系统仅用于人类眼科检查和大的动物研究,无法用于斑马鱼视网膜功能测量.利用玻璃电极、四维度微操、LED光刺激模块及电生理放大器,搭建了适合于幼小斑马鱼视网膜电图测量的系统,系统具有高信噪比、适应性强、方便操作、实验成功率高等优点,将...  相似文献   

目的:探讨电刺激小脑顶核治疗脑梗死的疗效.方法:将74例脑梗死患者随机分为两组,治疗组在常规治疗基础上用电刺激小脑顶核,治疗一疗程后进行疗效评分.结果:接受电刺激者疗效明显优于对照组,两组比较差异有显著意义.结论:电刺激小脑顶核治疗脑梗死有明显疗效,有利于减少致残率.  相似文献   

目的:探讨电刺激小脑顶核治疗脑梗死的疗效.方法:将74例脑梗死患者随机分为两组,治疗组在常规治疗基础上用电刺激小脑顶核,治疗一疗程后进行疗效评分.结果:接受电刺激者疗效明显优于对照组,两组比较差异有显著意义.结论:电刺激小脑顶核治疗脑梗死有明显疗效,有利于减少致残率.  相似文献   

电刺激增强肌肉力量的机制及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电刺激法是一种利用外加脉冲电流刺激作用于神经-肌肉的运动点,使肌肉产生收缩,进而提高肌肉力量的一种安全有效的方法.它在竞技体育中的应用取得了显著的效果,同时伴随着分子生物学技术的发展,科研人员在电刺激增强肌肉力量的机制方面取得了丰富的研究成果.本文重要阐述了最近几年有关电刺激增强肌肉力量的分子生物学机制及其应用效果,旨...  相似文献   

许天荣 《物理教师》2001,22(6):19-19
1 实验装置如图 1所示 ,其中A、B为两个金属圆筒 ,直径约为 6cm ,高 8cm左右 ,C、D为两接水容器 (可用普通小铁桶制作 ) ,它们分别通过金属片跟A、B两圆筒连接 ,并起固定A、B两圆筒位置的作用 .D、C两接水容图 1器底部垫有石蜡作为绝缘物 .盛水容器E固定于铁架台上 ,工作时水从盛水容器E经软管从T形管两端的尖嘴状管口呈串珠状分别落入接水容器D和C中 ,A、B两圆筒相隔约 2 0cm左右 ,两金属片也应相隔一定距离 ,防止放电 .2 起电原理通常空气中的尘埃都带有一定的电荷 ,并不完全都显电中性的 .同样的道理 ,圆筒A、…  相似文献   

设置合适的刺激参数是电生理实验成功的重要前提.本文借助Pclab-430C生物医学信号采集处理系统,探究了"牛蛙坐骨神经干动作电位测定"、"牛蛙腓肠肌收缩特点"、"牛蛙心肌期外收缩与代偿间歇"三个经典电生理实验的阈刺激参数范围.结果表明:牛蛙坐骨神经干兴奋与腓肠肌兴奋的阈刺激强度差异不显著,而心肌产生兴奋需要的阈刺激比神经干和腓肠肌产生兴奋所需阈刺激强(p<0.01).心肌兴奋的最小阈刺激波幅(y)与波宽(x)符合y=2.766 9x-0.474(R2=0.936 5)关系.引起神经干兴奋及腓肠肌兴奋的电刺激基强度值均为(0.010±0.000)v;而引起心肌产生期外收缩的基强度值为(0.521±0.088)v.建议在蛙神经干动作电位和腓肠肌收缩特性实验中,将单刺激波宽设置在0.1~0.5 ms之间的一个值,波幅可从0.01 v逐渐增大;蛙心期外收缩实验中,建议将单刺激的波宽设置为1~5 ms之间的一个固定值,波幅从0.5 v逐渐增大.  相似文献   

功能性电刺激是一种治疗运动功能受损的有效治疗方案。在现有功能性电刺激基础上,提出基于表面肌电信号的动态跟随型反馈电刺激方法,采用动态标志阈,与实时表面肌电信号进行即时对比,控制电刺激输出强度大小;交替实现肌电采集和电刺激,提高处理频率,加强实时性;根据患者个体肌电的差异,动态设定刺激初始值,实现个性化治疗;增加疲劳动态识别功能并及时停止刺激。实验结果表明,系统能实时动态调节电刺激强度大小,动态跟随时间缩短到3s,患者运动过程中动态标志阈改变次数增多,治疗时间内电刺激强度变化增大,提高了治疗的有效性;患者一旦出现疲劳,系统能即刻识别并停止电刺激,有效地保护了患者。  相似文献   

下图是苏科版(2012)八年级下册第七章第二节"www"中第二题的插图。"当带负电的橡胶棒与金属小球接触时,电荷就会传导到金属杆和金属箔片上,两片金属箔片就会因为带同种电荷而张开。"那么书上的这句话和这张插图正确吗?那么我们必须要从研究三种起电方式开始。  相似文献   

以葡萄糖为唯一碳源,研究了细菌Y—BAC在交流电的刺激下细胞的生长和葡萄糖降解的过程.研究表:明对细菌施加交流电20min后,采用50-300Hz的交流电对细菌的脱氢酶没有明显的刺激效应;当对细菌施加交流电12h后时,细菌的脱氢酶和葡萄糖的降解和细菌细胞的通透性没有明显的变化.  相似文献   

Gait recognition is the key question of functional electrical stimulation (FES) system control for paraplegic walking. A new risk-tendency-graph (RTG) method was proposed to recognize the stability information in FES-assisted walking gait. The main instrument was a specialized walker dynamometer system based on a multi-channel strain-gauge bridge network fixed on the walker frame. During walking process, this system collected the reaction forces between patient's upper extremities and walker and converted them into RTG morphologic curves of dynamic gait stability in temporal and spatial domains. To demonstrate the potential usefulness of RTG, preliminary clinical trials were done with paraplegic patients. The gait stability levels of two walking cases with 4- and 12-week FES training from one subject were quantified (0.43 and 0.19) from the results of temporal and spatial RTG. Relevant instable phases in gait cycle and dangerous inclinations of patient's body during walking process were also brought forward. In conclusion, the new RTG method is practical for distinguishing more useful gait stability information for FES system control.  相似文献   

To analyze the use of upper limb support during paraplegic walking assisted by functional electrical stimulation ( FES). a new dynamical measurement for handle reaction vector (HRV) applied by patient to walker was proposed. To avoid the discomfort of direct monitoring, the dynamometer system was designed based on 12 string-gauge bridges instrumented on a standard walker frame. The detailed positions of these bridges were determined according to the deformation distributions of the walker frame under different directional components of HRV. To adapt the system to quantitative and reliable measurement, a redundant-optimized technique was developed in calibration. The measurement accuracy, nonlinearity, and crosstalk of the designed system were investigated, which were better than 1.01%. 2.91%. and 3. 19% respectively. Clinical trials were done with 6 paraplegic subjects using the system and one case was given as the example of actual measurement. All experiment and clinical trial results show that this method is reliable and practicable.  相似文献   

根据电气信息类专业大学生科技创新实验室的建设与运行现状,对科技创新实验室建设运行中的几个关键问题进行了分析,提出以培养创新型人才为目标,以教授为带头人,以各类学科竞赛为载体的科技创新实验室运行模式,从而确保科技创新实验室的有效运行。  相似文献   

A generalized mathematical model of human body current threshold for perception was established and the current flowing through human body could be arbitrary cyclical waveforms.The relationship between human body current threshold for perception and current frequency, true root mean square(RMS) value and influence factor was described.A test system was established based on electroencephalogram(EEG) to study the relationship between human body current threshold for perception and current waveform, frequency ...  相似文献   

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