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宁里 《文化交流》2004,(3):73-74
鄞州,原为鄞县,位于浙江省宁波市郊。鄞州历史悠久,山水秀丽,风光旖旎,自古为世人所称颂。公元前221年秦始皇设置“鄞、、句章”三县,唐以后称鄞州。鄞县始终是浙东首县,历代均为州、府、路、道的治所。鄞州从东、南、西三面环抱宁波老城区,面积1380平方公里,形状酷似翩翩起舞的美丽蝴蝶,人口73万,是宁波市最大、最有实力的市辖区域。鄞州商贸自古繁盛,古时明州就是中国重要的通商口岸之一。著名的“海上丝绸之路”“瓷器之路”就以此为起点,素有“无鄞不成市”之说。梁祝文化公园鄞州是古老而美丽的“梁祝”爱情故事的发源地。鄞州梁祝公园…  相似文献   

2004年4月13日,地处浙江东海之滨的鄞州日报发表了一篇题为《何时茶香飘出堇山水》的记者述评,文章一开头,记者就用发问语气写道:“又是茶叶飘香时。‘望海茶’、‘瀑布仙茗’、‘奉化曲毫’,这一个个茶叶品牌在全市越叫越响,但令人遗憾的是,在这些知名品牌中没有一个是属于鄞州的。为此,人们不禁要问:曾经辉煌的鄞州茶叶何时香气飘出堇山水?经过几年的名优茶评比,鄞州何时才会有一个在全市乃至全省叫得响的茶叶品牌?”令人欣喜的是,事隔不久,4月22日在宁波国际会展中心隆重举行的“中国·宁波国际茶文化节暨农业博览会”的中国名优绿茶评比…  相似文献   

2013年10月29日,宁波东乡鄞县大道东吴段68号又一家博物馆开业了,宁波邱隘咸齑登上了大雅之堂。 咸菜,在宁波人的日常俚语中称为“咸齑”。而制作咸齑的主要原料为雪里蕻,即雪菜,所以这座博物馆就被称为宁波鄞州雪菜博物馆了。  相似文献   

科技在右 文化在左——中国工程院院士陈剑平人生剪影   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2012年4月。清明节。在这个中国人的感恩节,陈剑平如同以往每年一样,携妻带女回宁波鄞州老家扫墓。虽然已经在杭州读书工作多年,但家乡在陈剑平心中的分量永远都是最重的,他不会忘记自己是从家乡的小路走出去,走向省城杭州走向首都北京直至走向世界。  相似文献   

经典的美术馆观众(艺术观众)研究,围绕着“阶级”“性别”“种族”等人之属性,探讨文化艺术实践。文化资本理论为准确把握美术馆观众的行为提供了重要的理论基石。近年来关于美术馆观众行为的研究呈现出几个特征,一是较多为消费者行为学、心理学、艺术教育的跨学科领域,比如考察摄影对观展记忆的影响研究、摄影动机研究等;二是多立足于西方文化艺术实践语境,且经验性研究较少。最为重要的是,数字时代下,美术馆观众的文化实践行为呈现出一些新现象,比如线下摄影打卡、线上社交媒体传播等。该研究综述从经典的“艺术观众”相关研究切入,继而对近年来国内外的美术馆观众行为研究进行梳理,以期对该领域研究概貌、研究走向有一个清晰的把握与展望。  相似文献   

漫漫 《文化交流》2006,(6):31-34
20世纪上半叶,中国教育界波涌浪激,多元并争,北京大学作为新文化运动的中心舞台,更是气象万千。当时,在蔡元培先生“兼容并蓄”的办学思想指导下,北大网罗众家,荟萃精英,使得一大批学博功深的名流纷纷执教北大,被誉为“一钱(钱玄同)、二周(周树人、周作人)、三沈(沈士远、沈尹默、沈兼士)、五马(马裕藻、马衡、马鉴、马准、马廉)等诸位教授,就是北大黄金岁月的经典组合,而且都是浙江人。令我们引以为荣的是“,五马”教授系浙江宁波人,他们是宁波鄞州邱隘盛垫村马海曙的五个儿子。一门“五马”在人文学术领域各领风骚,这在北大历史上是绝无仅…  相似文献   

韩国自20世纪中期以来,以1995年的三星儿童美术馆建立为起点,国立、公立和私立美术馆、画廊及综合文化中心等开始盛行多种以儿童为主体的展示策划方式。该文主要针对2022—2023年釜山市立美术馆儿童画廊策划的两个具有代表性的展览和教育空间的运营管理项目展开研究。研究主要采用了案例分析法、综合分析法和艺术管理的方法。研究主要目的是通过展示具有地域特色的釜山市立美术馆儿童画廊空间,研究当前韩国地方性美术馆中儿童文化艺术空间的资源开发和运营方法。此外,该文可为国内地方性儿童文化艺术空间提供学术研究参考,为我国儿童美术馆的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

正"蝉蜕今魅——俞启慧版画精粹展"2020年7月在浙江美术馆展出。俞启慧先生1934年生于上海,籍贯浙江镇海,1960年毕业于浙江美术学院(今中国美术学院)版画系并留校任教,是浙江现代版画典藏体系中不可或缺的重要艺术家。其版画作品被中国美术馆、北京鲁迅博物馆、浙江美术馆、宁波美术馆、大英博物馆、  相似文献   

人口老龄化是一个全球性的问题,如何破解这一难题,浙江省宁波市鄞州区正在探索一条"文化养老"的路子,让老人由衷开怀。找到了新生活在寒气降临的季节,鄞州有一些文化活动倒是挺热,比如在区老干部活动中心,一个叫蔡明的耄耋老者和其他几位年龄相仿的书画同好,办了一场展览。  相似文献   

正这里充满市井民俗风情,还有文商并荣的痕迹宁波是一个港口城市,自唐宋以来,日本、朝鲜等国家的人,或多或少在这个城市留下遗迹或记述。宁波府城隍庙,又称宁波郡庙,始建于明代,是我国目前保存完整、现存规模最大的城隍庙之一,是宁波历史文化地标性建筑,在宁波地区可谓家喻户晓。千年的历史长河里,郡庙是宁波古城文商并荣的象征。宁波城隍庙充满了丰富多彩的市井民俗风情,是宁波一代人的记忆。  相似文献   

中国书法历史悠久,它是世界上独一无二的瑰宝,是中华文化的灿烂之花。2013年5月20日,海内外闻名的我国书法大师沙孟海先生的故乡、宁波市鄞州区迎来了"中国书法之乡"的荣誉称号,第一届沙孟海书法艺术节同时开幕,中国书协领导将此评价为"近年来全国书法界的一项盛事"。书法之乡人才辈出书法艺术在鄞州的出现至少可以追溯至1000多年前。史料记载,鄞州大地上先后出现过南宋四家之一张即之;元代翰林书风中  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a light levels survey conducted at the Donald W. Reynolds Center for American Art and Portraiture in Washington DC. The museum space is shared by the National Portrait Gallery and the Smithsonian American Art Museum. After six years of extensive renovations, the building reopened to the public in July 1, 2006. The structure was not originally designed to house a museum collection since it contains numerous openings such as windows, doors and skylights, which provide a path for natural radiation to enter the building and come in contact with the artworks. From a preventive conservation standpoint, this is an important problem since sensitive works of art in the collection may be subjected to damage caused by light exposure. Environmental data loggers installed throughout the museum were programmed to take successive measurements every 10 min for 24 h a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks a year. This light levels assessment started in November 1, 2007 and finished in October 31, 2008. This study presents a new method for determining natural radiation exposures registered in exhibition spaces that rely on both electric lighting and natural lighting, considering the growing trend of using daylight illumination in museums.  相似文献   

Art museum output changes away from collection maintenance to display events and to the sale of add-on goods. What is the driving force? A series of theoretical explanations are tested: technological changes which favor new input combinations and thus arrive at a changed output; changes in the relative price structure; income flows and their relation to the productivity of the different museum output segments. It will be claimed that changes in the ability of art museums to become productive as part of a communication network are the major driving force of the output change.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the different factors influencing the intention to revisit a cultural attraction with an application to the Museum for Modern and Contemporary Art (MART) in Rovereto, Italy. The empirical data were obtained from a survey undertaken in 2009 and a zero-truncated count data model is estimated. The findings reveal that sociodemographic characteristics positively influence the probability to return to the museum. Also, as reported in other studies, the temporary exhibitions offered by the museum have a significant impact with an incidence rate ratio almost twice as high. No matter how much visitors spend on accommodation, they are less likely to revisit if they travel in groups, by train or on foot, are far from their town of origin and have spent a long time visiting the museum.  相似文献   

This essay revisits Meyer Schapiro's critique of Heidegger's interpretation of Van Gogh's painting of a pair of shoes in order to raise the question of the dispute between art history and philosophy as a contest increasingly ceded to the claim of the expert and the hegemony of the museum as culture and as cult or coded signifier. Following a discussion of museum culture, I offer a hermeneutic and phenomenological reading of Heidegger's ‘Origin of the Work of Art’ and conclude by taking Heidegger's discussion of the strife between earth and world to the site of the ancient temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bassae as an example of the insistent foreclosure of the ancient work of art and the conflicts of the pervasive efforts of modern conservation.  相似文献   

InMaking the Mummies Dance, Thomas Hoving, former director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, articulates a blistering defense of his, admittedly minority, view; namely, that trading directly with dealers when selling deaccessioned works of art or adding to museum collections is preferable to buying and selling in the open auction market (Hoving, 1992). Hoving has been severely criticized for his trades during his tenure at the Metropolitan, as well as for his assessment of the market for fine arts, which runs counter to the prevailing views held by many American public officials, professional art critics and museum boards. We shall present a theoretical model in support of Hoving's argument that trades made at auctions may not serve the public interest. We shall also statistically investigate the stochastic processes which characterize the tertiary art market.  相似文献   

蔡荣 《文化交流》2013,(9):29-33
浙江人文荟萃,艺术创作尤其繁荣,自南宋以来即为中国书画重镇。"南宋四家"(李唐、刘松年、马远、夏圭)、赵孟頫、黄公望、徐渭、陈洪绶、任伯年、吴昌硕等都是在中国美术史上无论如何也绕不开的大师级人物。1927年11月,蔡元培选址杭州西子湖畔,于次年建立了中国第一所综合性国立高等艺术学府——国立艺术院(中国美术学院前身)。从此,20世纪的浙江美术发展历程就与这所高等学府相辅相成,可以说是"同呼吸,共命运"。浙江为中国美院的发展提供了良好的传统艺术积淀和氛围,以及众多的优秀师资、生源,而中国美院  相似文献   

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