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全球信息公开法评级体系在信息公开全球化推广的大背景下应运而生。评级机构期待该评级体系有助于明确各国信息公开法律和国际标准之间的内在差距,并为各国今后信息公开改革运动指明方向。但是,评级体系的固有缺陷,包括主动公开指标的缺乏以及没有兼顾到信息公开法律实施,不利于各国最终提升其透明度,尤其对于我国更是如此。今后评级体系应增加主动公开评估指标,并明确那些直接影响法律实施的指标,在提高其权重的基础上进一步完善。  相似文献   

State and local governments regularly disclose financial information to the public so that the current financial status of the government is recognized publicly. The purpose of such disclosure is to achieve accountability and inform citizens about governments' financial decisions. Despite the efforts to improve the accessibility and readability of financial information, we do not know whether and how the financial information is processed by citizens. This study investigates how citizens assess the financial condition of governments when different financial information is presented. We conduct an online survey experiment to understand how disclosed financial information shapes citizens' perceived level of a government's fiscal stress and their attitudes toward governments' revenue-raising strategies. We find that citizens prioritize the financial indicators that they are familiar with, such as debt and surplus ratios. While both historical and social reference points play an important role, social reference is more effective in influencing citizens' perception. We only find limited evidence to support the relationship between citizens' perception of fiscal stress and their support toward governments' decisions to raise revenues.  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in public organizations increasingly holds the potential to improve transparency, accountability, and public participation, by providing a more effective and efficient disclosure of information to the citizens and organizations and by providing channels for interaction with the government. While transparency and interactivity features of government websites constitute two critical elements for public participation and democracy facilitated by web-based technologies, little research has been done to explain why some public organizations choose to deploy website technology more openly with these features. This paper aims to examine the managerial, organizational, and environmental factors that are related to variation in transparency and interactivity features of local government websites, which we believe are key dimensions to governmental website openness. The paper first develops a literature informed conceptual model of governmental website openness and then tests this model using data from a national survey of 850 government managers in 500 cities. The model results are compared across three different departments: community development, finance, and police department. Overall findings indicate that higher website openness is positively related to increased frequency of public participation in agency decision making and civil society influence, increased technical capacity, lower organizational control, and higher perceived usefulness of website technology. In addition, due to differences in the operating contexts of the departments, the effects of organizational control, technical capacity, environmental influences, and perceived usefulness of website technology on governmental website openness tend to differ by the type of department.  相似文献   

档案机构改革是关系我国档案工作持续健康发展的全局性、深层次变革,迫切需要理论指导与经验支持。马克思廉价政府理论的主要内涵包括:机构精简、结构优化,廉洁法治、清除腐败,公开透明、监督有力,权责清晰、高效运转,执政为民、人民民主。它启示当前我国地方档案机构改革应该坚持“精兵简政”的原则,明确局馆职能的合理定位和科学分工,树立组织间关系运行法治化思维,参与电子政务的全面推行与实施,找准政府信息公开与档案保密之间的冲突与协调,协同职能相近部门共同打造符合人民美好生活向往的数据资源库。  相似文献   

The quality of transparency at the local level affects the provision of essential services such as health, education, and security. Most scholarship on local compliance with national transparency legislation focuses on active forms of transparency (e.g., obligatory online disclosure) in rich countries. Yet recent work emphasizes the particular weakness of local transparency compliance outside of rich democracies, especially with regards to passive forms of transparency (e.g., responsiveness to information requests). We contribute to this literature by examining a series of electronic freedom of information audits of municipal compliance with transparency regulations in Brazil. Unlike other studies, we examine both the determinants of compliance on parchment (de jure compliance) and in practice (de facto compliance). Our findings, which speak to socioeconomic, political and administrative concerns, reveal telling distinctions between de jure and de facto compliance. The paper offers important lessons for policy-based efforts to improve new transparency measures.  相似文献   

China has adopted a push model of Freedom of Information (FOI) legislation that emphasizes proactive disclosure of government information. This differs from a pull model that stresses citizen-initiated access or reactive disclosure. The push model of FOI legislation, which has reduced the importance of access requests in China, grew out of its local causes. However, the degree of push or proactive disclosure under China's current FOI Regulations is undermined by several factors, including a limited access mechanism, broad and vague exemptions, and the omission of the maximum disclosure principle.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the literature on government transparency by addressing the question of what drives the differences in local government levels of transparency. Our main objective is to ascertain whether transparency is mainly driven by the leadership, capacity and other political traits of the local governments themselves – “supply-side determinants” – or, rather, if it hinges on social, cultural and/or other local community factors (“demand-side” determinants). We test the hypotheses derived from this theoretical framework using the results of the Municipal Transparency Index which is based on the information disclosed in the local governments' official websites and was applied to all Portuguese municipalities for the first time in 2013. Our findings indicate that municipalities with less financial autonomy, run by male mayors, with a larger number of consecutive terms in office, and smaller margins of victory in local elections display lower levels of transparency. On the demand-side, the unemployment rate and the average age of the municipal population emerge as the best predictors and are both negatively associated with transparency.  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》的颁布为政府信息公开提供了法律保障。本文阐明了政府信息公开及其立法理论基础人民主权和知情权的内涵与意义,并对《条例》的作用与原则、信息公开的范围、知情权的内容等进行了介绍与探讨,并对信息公开法律规定与电子政务相辅相成的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   

当前我国高校的信息公开制度与信息保密制度尚未形成良好的博弈格局,信息公开的法律依据尚不严密,信息公开相关主体的认知态度尚有较大差异,因而,体现现代大学治理结构的高校信息公开制度的构建与实施,尚需逐步推进.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):168-183
The increasing prominence of transparency as a news value warrants discussion over its effects in various forms of media. Literary journalism provides a useful platform to assess the function of transparency because of its position on the margins of mainstream journalistic practice. This paper analyses the function of disclosure and participatory transparency against the truth-claims of a book-length work of literary journalism. It concludes that while transparency is valuable in building a journalist's credibility, significant thought needs to be given to how disclosure transparency interacts with the rhetorical effects of narrative in sustaining the truth-claims made about a text.  相似文献   

高树庆 《图书馆建设》2012,(4):20-22,27
高校图书馆文献资源采集的信息公开是高校信息公开的重要组成部分,其有利于保障读者的知情权、参与权、表达权和监督权,提升图书馆正面形象,提高图书馆采访工作的透明度。高校图书馆要明确文献资源采集信息公开的范围、内容、程序和形式,建立健全高校图书馆信息公开制度,完善信息披露和监督机制,拓宽信息公开渠道,将信息公开情况与图书馆领导和相关采访人员的绩效考核挂钩,从而保障文献资源采集信息的公开化、透明化。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]信息公开是各国政府应对突发公共卫生事件的重要机制,合理评价政府信息公开有利于建立智慧共享的疫情防控体系。[方法/过程]本文拟对政府网站信息公开工作进行数据采集,通过相关政策内容分析拟定指标。采用变异系数的方法来对所选取的疫情信息公开指标进行权重的计算并验证其合理性。最后,采用灰色关联度分析对中国30个省政府网站数据进行综合评价。[局限]对于一些较为优秀的县级市缺少评价,在数据量采集和指标选取上还具有一些的局限和欠缺。[结果/结论]本文弥补了政府信息公开与能绩评价结合研究的匮乏,构建了多维度的危机信息公开能绩评价指标模型,深入探究政府应对新冠肺炎疫情事件的信息公开现状及现存问题。  相似文献   

How well do governments comply with their own transparency statutes? Alarmingly, answers to this question are in short supply because of patchy comparative data. This study begins to address this gap by analyzing an exhaustive compilation of 265 transparency compliance evaluations (i.e. audits) authored by NGOs, academics, and government oversight authorities across Latin America between 2003 and 2018. Aggregating data on patterns of evaluation and public sector compliance with transparency statutes, we find modest increases in compliance over time, strikingly low compliance with passive transparency compliance (i.e. governmental responses to citizen requests) at the local versus national levels of government, and significantly higher compliance scores when government oversight agencies act as evaluators. Our data also reveal worrying gaps in evaluation efforts. Evaluators tend to focus far more on active transparency (i.e. website-based disclosure) than passive transparency, more on national level governments than subnational governments, and preponderantly on the executive as opposed to legislative or judicial branches of government. Textual analyses show that education is the most evaluated policy theme, with financial policies and social services close behind. In presenting the first large-scale cross-national assessment of transparency compliance, the current study brings to light trends in the effectiveness of transparency regimes and patterns of transparency evaluation across Latin America.  相似文献   

档案进入数据态管理模式,需要新的档案价值鉴定体系.在概述谢伦伯格文件双重价值理论的核心要点的基础上,分析档案管理模式改变、信息公开、电子文件以及档案数据对双重价值理论时序性假设和方便利用等假设的冲击,反思双重价值理论在信息时代存在的合理性.从多元性角度重构档案价值理论,提出档案价值多元模型、档案多元价值变化时间模型,对...  相似文献   

文章探讨我国科研诚信治理中的透明性,提出基于透明性导向的科研诚信治理进路。通过分析科研诚信治理的透明性内涵,指出我国科研诚信治理中存在透明性不足问题及其成因,并进一步提出了基于教育透明、规制透明、案例透明和多方协同的科研诚信治理进路。具体包括开展系统化、专业化、常态化的科研诚信教育,推动科研诚信规制的公开、培训和普及,实现科研不端案件的精研、共享和传播,促进资助方、政策制定者、学术共同体和社会公众之间的良性互动。  相似文献   

信息系统项目负责人的绩效评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息系统项目负责人的工作绩效决定了信息系统开发项目能否成功,但目前并没有针对项目负责人的较规范的绩效评估指标体系。应依据项目负责人的职责和在项目成功的度量标准基础上,对项目负责人的绩效进行评估。绩效评估指标有职责完成衡量指标和管理行为的测量指标两种。评估方法有:量表法和AFP法。图3。参考文献5。  相似文献   

龚赛群 《出版科学》2012,20(5):54-57
基于技术保护目的,学术期刊论文作者对论文中涉及的科技信息选择不完全公开。本文借助信息不对称和信息博弈论的有关思想,研究学术期刊论文科技信息不完全公开的原因和种种表现,分析其对期刊质量的影响,并对科技期刊编辑面临的挑战和对策进行探讨。  相似文献   

Patients who are HIV+ are often faced with the choice of whether or not they should tell their health care providers that they are HIV+. Although appropriate health care and safety require the communication of such information, the stigmatization associated with HIV puts at risk the patients’ pride, dignity, and ultimately the quality of their health. Using Goffman's (1963, 1967) notions of face and stigma, the present study described the major influential factors prompting the act of disclosure of HIV, the act itself, and the effect that act appears to have had on the patient/provider relationship. Phase I of the study gathered pilot data through in‐depth interviews, leading to a quantitative questionnaire used in Phase II. A sample was obtained through AIDS organizations around the U.S. and via electronic mail addresses for AIDS/HIV electronic discussion groups. The interviews and surveys asked respondents to recall a time when they had to make the decision to disclose or not disclose their HIV+ status to a care provider. The results indicated that patients typically did disclose their HIV+ status despite their strong feelings of stigmatization. Three key factors were related to their decisions: 1) perceived necessity of disclosure; 2) subjective feelings of comfort about the disclosure; and 3) perceptions of stigmatization. Patient satisfaction levels were also related to these factors. Implications for face maintenance and health care management as well as the determinants of subjective comfort are discussed.  相似文献   

Public access to government records is essential for democratic self-governance, and attitudes toward that right can facilitate or hinder public policy regarding transparency. As more people use the internet for gathering information about their governments and communities, it is unknown whether such online information-seeking is related to increased support for government transparency and the right to request public records. This paper applies a uses and gratification theory approach to examine internet information use and its relation to support for citizen and press access to government records. Three U.S. studies examined media-use correlates with support for government transparency: a paper questionnaire survey of college students (N = 614), an online survey (N = 1819), and a random-digit-dial telephone survey of randomly selected U.S. adults (N = 403). Analyses indicated varying results for television and newspaper use, but in all three datasets reliance on the internet for information was positively associated with support for access to public records. Implications for government transparency in a society increasingly reliant on the internet for information are discussed.  相似文献   

黄淼  黄佩 《新闻大学》2020,(1):15-28,125
本文整合行动者网络理论的"转译"概念和"驯化"理论,研究面向算法推荐平台的自媒体生产实践。笔者观察了4个推荐平台,访谈了6位平台管理者和6位自媒体创作者,基于实证数据阐释发生在自媒体生产过程中的两次算法驯化。两次驯化构建了两个行动者网络--在平台运营实践中形成的"职责共识网络"、在自媒体创作群体中形成的"规律共识网络",二者再共同构成自媒体内容生产网络。算法规则在两个局部网络中都是"强制通过点",同时也是局部网络之间的连接点,由此成为整个网络的权力中心。  相似文献   

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