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英语写作课是英语专业的一门重要课程。《英语写作课教学的一点思考》是何刚强副教授1988年在英国利兹大学英语教学研究中心举办的一次研讨会上的发言。刊登英语文章,尚属首次尝试。现将该文提要摘编如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

A modification of the Hill cipher algorithm was recently proposed by Ismail et al.(2006), who claimed that their new scheme could offer more security than the original one due to an extra non-linearity layer introduced via an elaborated key generation mechanism. That mechanism produces one different encryption key for each one of the plaintext blocks. Nevertheless, we show in this paper that their method still has severe security flaws whose weaknesses are essentially the same as that already found in the original Hill cipher scheme.  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《艰难的抉择》(Dilemma)一文选自美国作家苏珊·埃洛伊塞·欣顿(Susan Eloise Hinton)1971年出版的小说《此一时,彼一时》(That Was Then,This Is Now)。本文选自该书的第十章。本刊上期已简要介绍了小说的故事梗概。本文讲述布里翁到医院看望女朋友卡西因吸毒而昏迷的弟弟M&M之后,深夜回到家里,发现马克还没有回家。身心疲惫的布里翁想抽支烟,却意外地从马克放香烟的床垫下面发现了许多毒品。眼前的一切令布里翁既吃惊又难过,他的心里充满了矛盾。面对着这些不知使多少人深受其害的毒品,又想到自己的好兄弟、好朋友马克,布里翁该怎么办呢?他将做出怎样的抉择呢?[第一段]  相似文献   

This paper reports on participation within on-line forums. The focus is on asynchronous text based discussion within small groups of learners following a learning event or course. Participation is a key issue within such forums and research was carried out into adult learners' experiences within three case studies. Learners were positive about the forums in which they took part but participation was less than many would have liked. This paper describes the constraints on participation and outlines three patterns of participation—non participation, quiet participation and communicative participation. Discussion focuses on the communicative leaner—someone who participates regularly in forums and in ways which are broadly welcomed by others in the group. A profile of the communicative learner is developed in which the importance of fluency, coherence and informality is highlighted. The paper summarises the issues associated with on-line participation and their implications for supporting communicative participation.  相似文献   

In this paper,the author discusses reading testing and its validity,and the requirements of reading to test takers as well as the principles which determine the validity of reading testing. By analyzing two GET - 4 model test( reading section), he shows how to make a test of great validity so as to ensure the accuracy and objectiveness of a test.  相似文献   

张琦云 《音乐世界》2010,(14):60-61
还记得人体探险队中,被骗的银赫哭着说:“在成为成员之前,我们先是兄弟”的话。朝夕相处的这些年,经历了风风雨雨的这些年,对于SuperJunior是成员来说,更懂得了“珍惜”两个字。  相似文献   

In recent years,a large number of dialect words merged with Chinese mandarin,becoming a main source of Chinese new words and contributing to the diversity of Chinese.Targeting this phenomenon,the researchers conducted research on those words.By studying literature,sending out questionnaires,making field trips and observations,this paper analyzes the main factors influencing the dialect words’absorption in Chinese mandarin and the channels involved,summarizes the traits of their formula tion.  相似文献   

马伟娜 《小学生》2011,(1):10-10
词汇是语言知识目标之一,是语音,词形,词义和用法的文字载体,是语句的基本单位.人类的思维活动,思想交流都是由词汇构成的句子来实现的。《新课标》指出:小学英语教学的目的旨在激发和培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的英语学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,培养其一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础,使学生掌握一定的听、说、读、写技能,  相似文献   

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set foot on the Moon. He was the commander of the Apollo 11 lunar module, and was accompanied by Edwin Aldrin. His first words after stepping on the moon were, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."1 This event was televised to Earth and seen by millions! Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio in 1930. He was on a plane for the first time at the age of six. He took flying lessons in his teens and got…  相似文献   

同学们在学习英语时常见到介词in,on,at和with,由于很多情况下它们的意思相同或相近,用法也相似,因此,同学们常常用错。于是,介词王国决定举行一场能力展示秀,让同学们认清它们的用法。下面就请认真看它们的能力展示吧!  相似文献   

The greenhouse effect and the effects of the ozone layer have been in the media and public focus for more than two decades. During the same period, Norwegian compulsory schools have had four national curricula. The two last‐mentioned prescribe explicitly the two topics. Media and public discourse might have been sources of information causing informal learning among pupils. The point of departure for this questionnaire‐based examination of the development of pupils’ knowledge about the greenhouse effect and the effects of the ozone layer from 1989 to 2005 is the changing curricula and formal and informal learning. In 2005 the trends seem to be that more pupils confuse the greenhouse effect with the effects of the ozone layer. At the same time, specific knowledge about the greenhouse effect is improving. This article will discuss some possible causes for these trends, and give some recommendations for teaching the topics in accordance with the last national curriculum implemented in 2006.  相似文献   

一、INTRODUCTION选文简介: 《与狼分享食物》(Sharing Food with the Wolves)选自美国作家琼·克雷格黑德·乔治(Jean Craighead George)的小说《狼群中的朱莉》(Julie of the Wolves)。米娅克斯成了狼群中的一员,并破解了许多狼的语言和行为密码,与它们和谐相处。然而这群狼从未带回任何食物与她分享。饥饿的她吃草根、找野菜、捉小鸟……,都不能填饱肚子,  相似文献   

Since the introduction of the National Student Survey (NSS) in 2005, like many other institutions, the university where this study took place has expended substantial effort in improving the quality of feedback to students. However, despite much research, changes in pedagogical approaches and shifts in conceptual understanding related to feedback practice, assessment and feedback still receive the lowest satisfaction ratings in the NSS. Lecturers are discouraged when students fail to take note of their feedback, or sometimes do not collect assignments that have been marked. Understanding why feedback is not always acted upon remains an important area for researchers. This paper reports on an in-depth interview study with 14 final year undergraduates, reflecting on their perceptions of feedback written on marked assignments, by selecting examples of what they considered to be ‘good’ and ‘bad’ work. Findings suggested that emotional reactions play a significant part in determining how students will act on the feedback they receive, and the concept of ‘emotional backwash’ is introduced.  相似文献   

郭晨 《海外英语》2012,(23):233-235,238
Popular word on line is a kind of language form which is welcomed by netizens.The popular word on line is the most active part of network language.They are made of expressions what the internet users are established by usage.The popular words on line have a very strong nature of medium.They are the comprehensive products which come from the facts of social politics,economics,culture,environment and people’s psychological activities etc.of a certain time.The total amount of new emerging popular words on line is not so many every year,but the influence of them can not be belittled.This study focuses on the popular words on line with the cases of the popular words occured in recent years.It works on the reasons for their rapid spreading.The author summarizes their characteristics and put forward some ways for the guidance of the popular words on line.  相似文献   

本文介绍了进食障碍的主要表现,引入人本主义心理学家马新洛的需要层次理论,从生理需要、安全需要、归属与爱的需要、尊重需要及自我实现需要的缺失方面分析了进食障碍患者的心理现状以及进食障碍的形成原因.  相似文献   

Love is an eternal theme of literature which plays a vital role in people's life.With cultural exchanges,the acceleration of globalization,and cultural integration,Chinese and Western’s view of love have influenced each other.There is no doubt that literature is the mirror of the culture.By comparing Western and Chinese literature together,people could learn more about the differences between the two different lifestyles and cultural values.From the angle of culture,this thesis will look at how the characters’fates are mainly infl uenced by their attitudes towards material life,different sexual understanding and the way they view themselves.  相似文献   

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