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This study examined how message-response exchanges produced in the interactions between active learners only, reflective learners only, active-reflective learners and reflective-active learners affected how often active versus reflective learners posted rebuttals to arguments and challenges across four types of exchanges that believed to promote critical discourse (argument–challenge, challenge–counterchallenge, challenge–explain, challenge–evidence) in computer-supported collaborative argumentation (CSCA). This study found that the exchanges between reflective learners produced 44% more responses than in the exchanges between active learners ( ES  = +0.17). The reflective–reflective exchanges produced 47% more responses than the active–reflective exchanges ( ES  = +0.18). These results suggest that groups with reflective learners only are likely to produce more critical discourse than groups with active learners only, and the ratio of active–reflective learners within a group can potentially influence overall group performance. These findings illustrate how specific traits of the learner can affect discourse processes in CSCA and provide insights into process-oriented strategies and tools for structuring dialogue and promoting critical inquiry in online discussions.  相似文献   

This study explores the arguments used by 14-year-old students in making decisions about the design of a road in their area. The whole activity was based on an actual problem at the time the research took place. The procedure was a sequence, where students worked first individually, then in groups and finally they had to take a class decision. Then they had to realize one of the final proposals and design the construction of a bridge that their planning had involved. This paper first elaborates the general perspective of such an approach; it then describes the process of argumentation and analyses the nature of the students' arguments, which are discussed on the basis of a specifically constructed network.  相似文献   

Arguments are put forward in this paper that classroom word problem solving is more-and also less-than the urgent analysis of a factual structure, in the sense that it is essentially a species of a social-cognitive activity. Word-or story-problems, presented in classroom contexts, represent textual and pragmatic patterms of a certain grammaticality. To present a problem verbally to a student means to organize a fact in some way for the attention of a problem solver. There is not only the structure of the problem text itself by which situations are denoted, but there is also the stimulative nature of the social-pragmatic context which shapes the student's textbook-problem solving behavior over a long period of time.The present paper discusses the results of several studies showing, for example, that subject matter related attitudes towards a problem frequently do not play an important part in the problem solving efforts; that students often solve problems correctly without understanding them; and that false contextual expectations can lead to abstruse errors of understanding and to peculiar solution attempts.The studies indicate that students can become sensitive and skilful in perceiving and capitalizing on subtle textual and contextual signs pointing to the solution and anticipating its pattern. It seems that usual textbook problems let students get accustomed to certain courses of processing where a simple fact, like whether an equation works out evenly or does not, can stop the process or push it further. It is argued that the deeper reason for the observed textual and contextual influences on understanding and problem solving lies in a fundamental weakness of the student's epistemic control behavior. The psychological and instructional significance of the studies is discussed.  相似文献   

综合实验题分为三大题型,通过实例说明三种题型的解题思路和对每种题型的思考.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to compare the effects of different communication media on the quality of arguments and the development of argumentative reasoning. The study involved 73 undergraduate students. It consisted of a pre-test, an intervention session consisting of either an asynchronous online discussion or a face-to-face discussion, and a post-test. The pre-test consisted of a mini essay to ascertain participants’ opinion of smacking, and a 21-point smacking scale, where participants indicated how much they agreed or disagreed with smacking. The online group participated in a seminar discussion over a period of 2 weeks. The face-to-face group participated in the seminar discussion for a 1-h period. The seminar discussion was about the detrimental effects of smacking on children's development. One week after the seminar discussion, the post-test was administered. No statistically significant differences were found between the two conditions in terms of improvement in the quality of the students’ arguments. However, the quality of the argumentation used in face-to-face was higher than that used in the online discussions. The implications of these findings for theoretical models of collaborative activity are discussed.  相似文献   

The positive effects of collaborative learning in a face-to-face environment are well known. However, little empirical research exists to determine if such effects transfer to a computer-mediated environment. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of computer-mediated collaboration on solving ill-defined problems. Participants first worked through a Web-based instructional program that taught them a four-step problem-solving process. Then they worked in computer-mediated dyads or alone to apply the steps to solve a realistic problem scenario. Results indicated that participants who worked in computer-mediated collaborative dyads performed significantly better than did participants who worked alone. The results also indicated that dyads spent significantly more time than participants in the individual treatment. Both treatment groups had positive attitudes toward working collaboratively, Internet-based instruction, and transfer of problem-solving skills. Implications for the implementation of computer-mediated collaboration in distance learning are discussed. During article preparation, he was a PhD student at Arizona State University (ASU), Tempe. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the United States Air Force, Department of Defense, or the United States government.  相似文献   

Instructional Science - The Productive Failure (PF) approach prompts students to attempt to solve a problem prior to instruction – at which point they typically fail. Yet, research on PF...  相似文献   

基于问题解决的处方教学设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
问题是知识结构的心脏,是教师教学的心脏,是学生学习的心脏。教学过程实质上是师生基于问题解决的互动过程,教学设计则指向于问题与问题解决过程的有效设计。前者在于教学过程中的“临床诊断”,后者在于“开处方”。教学设计可归结为基于问题解决的处方教学设计。  相似文献   

从数学教育的目的出发 ,阐述了数学思想和解题方法以及它们之间的关系。指出了当前在数学思想和解题方法教学上的一些不足之处 ,并结合实例提出了在解题教学中如何运用数学思想和解题方法的一些观点和做法。  相似文献   

Argumentation skills play a crucial role in science education and in preparing school students to act as informed citizens. While processing conflicting scientific positions regarding topics such as sustainable development in the domain of ecology, argumentation skills such as evaluating arguments or supporting theories with evidence are beneficial for developing deep understanding and well-grounded conclusions. We developed a 50-min training intervention to foster argumentation skills in the domain of ecology on topics related to sustainable development and analyzed its effects in a control-group design: (a) training intervention to foster argumentation skills (n = 41), (b) no such training intervention (n = 42). Results showed that this short-term training intervention successfully fostered three components of argumentation skills (i.e., evaluative knowledge, generative knowledge, and argument quality) and declarative knowledge about argumentation. The positive effect on declarative knowledge was stable 1 week after the training and it was mediated by learning processes during the training intervention: self-explaining the principles of argumentation underlying the video-based examples mediated the effect on declarative knowledge 1 week after the training. In short, the training intervention is an effective instructional method to enhance argumentation skills as well as declarative knowledge about argumentation.  相似文献   

1 联系实际法就是将所给问题与实际联系起来考虑 ,抓住题目中的关键词语 (不为有些“不用条件”所迷惑 )寻找等量关系 ,打开突破口。例 1 某人按a元 /件还要优惠 2 5 %的价格进货 ,定销价时 ,想在优惠 2 0 %的名义下 ,获毛收入的 2 5 %的利润。那么利润总额 y与货物件数x间的关系式是 (   )(A) y=a4 x (x∈N)  (B) y =a3x (x∈N)(C) y=a1 2 x (x∈N)  (D) y=3a1 3x (x∈N)解 设每件利润为b ,则每件的毛收入为 :0 75a b。由题意得 ( 0 75a b) 2 5 % =b ,∴b =14 a ,∴ y =a4 x (x∈N)。…  相似文献   

通过4个例题阐述了化归方法在解决数学问题中的作用,对师范院校的学生学习数学教法有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

通过教育使隐性知识能够从解决问题的高手传递给学生正受到关注,本文试图对物理问题解决的内隐知识的建构方法进行探讨。  相似文献   

在数学解题中,通过家义的逆用、公式的变形逆用、逆向分析法、反证法、逆向排除法等不仅很多数学问题运算算化,而且还能培养学生思维的敏捷性,提高学生的数学能力。  相似文献   

The micro-time context of group processes (such as argumentation) can affect a group’s micro-creativity (new ideas). Eighty high school students worked in groups of four on an algebra problem. Groups with higher mathematics grades showed greater micro-creativity, and both were linked to better problem solving outcomes. Dynamic multilevel analyses of the groups’ 2951 turns of conversation statistically yielded 53 watersheds (breakpoints) that separated 36 high micro-creativity time periods from 37 low ones. Group member actions within the last two speaker turns also influenced micro-creativity. Compared to agreements, recent disagreements yielded 11% greater micro-creativity. Students who behaved rudely (rude disagreements, commands) showed less micro-creativity (−15% and −9%) than those who behaved politely (polite disagreements, questions/statements). In a special case, after a wrong idea, rude rather than polite disagreements raised groupmates’ micro-creativity (+60%). Teachers might encourage students to evaluate ideas carefully, speak politely, and avoid impulsive responses to rude behaviors.  相似文献   

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