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Literature on Web 2.0 experiences of higher education faculty in developing countries such as Pakistan is very limited. An insight on awareness and practices of higher education faculty with these tools can be helpful to map strategies and plan of action for adopting latest technologies to support teaching–learning processes in higher education of such countries. This survey study was aimed to examine the competence and practices of higher education faculty in Pakistan with Web 2.0 technologies such as blogs, Wikis, Google Docs, Skype, Flickr, YouTube, and social networks. The study was also focused to look for what type of role faculty play while using these tools; and to find whether any significant differences in terms of age, gender, or academic discipline exist in competence and usage of these tools by the faculty. The data were collected from a sample of 246 university teachers in the spring 2014 semester. The findings of the study indicated that faculty participants reported to use Web 2.0 social tools more frequently than instrumental tools. Similarly, their competence with social tools was higher than their competence with instrumental tools. Additional results indicated that their competence with Web2.0 tools significantly differed with respect to their age, gender, and academic disciplines.  相似文献   

With laptops, mobile phones, tablets and broadband wireless access becoming more widely available, Web 2.0 is now entering schools. This changes the way students work and communicate, altering their relationship with knowledge, and generating new objectives for media literacy in the digital society. Thus, schools face new challenges and this paper aims at highlighting four of them. A first challenge relates to trust. Web 2.0 opens the classroom to the world and educators have to face new dangers and irrelevant uses, while bringing their students to gain better access to information and culture. The second challenge relates to teachers’ professional identities. The role of teachers is changing as Web 2.0 tools are being used by students, and policymakers should take this into account. A third challenge relates to a growing need to control working time, timetable organization and rhythm in schools. The fourth challenge that we underline is the need for common rules that allow students to benefit from the opportunities offered by Web 2.0 to develop their autonomy and to foster ethical practices.  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is an instructional model which allows for more advanced learning activities during in-class time while introduces subject knowledge to students prior to class. To address a gap in the recent research regarding higher education instructors’ experiences, perceptions and adoption decisions of the flipped classroom instruction, this study aimed at investigating the critical factors which were predictive of a higher education instructor’s decision to adopt a flipped classroom instructional model through exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multiple regression in a US university. The results revealed that performance expectancy and technology self-efficacy were significant predictors. Although facilitation condition was significantly correlated with instructors’ adoption decisions, it was not a significant predictor. This study suggests that in order to improve higher education instructors’ adoption decisions of the flipped classroom and other active learning instructional models, it is of priority for institutions to remove the internal barriers to instructors’ adoption decisions of these instructional models, such as improving their performance expectancy and technology self-efficacy.  相似文献   

随着Web2.0技术的不断成熟,其在教育教学中的应用越来越引入注目。分析了Web2.0理念和技术在教育教学中的应用研究现状及存在的问题,指出今后的发展趋势,以期Web2.0的教育应用更加广泛深入和富有成效。  相似文献   

Web 2.0时代的"网民议程设置"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以"Web 2.0"为依托的"网民议程设置"以双向互动、自下而上、自由随意为其基本特征,在新颖、别致、富于想象力方面,往往超出传统传播学的议程设置."网民议程设置"的零碎、分散,并不意味着缺乏深度和社会价值,有时它提出的议题反而能够提供主流议程设置所不具备的时代精神,并成为主流媒体的"议程资源".这些,都为"Web 2.0"时代的大众传媒的议程设置理论探讨增添了新颖元素和广阔想象空间.  相似文献   

Evidence-based practice in education entails making pedagogical decisions that are informed by relevant empirical research evidence. The main purpose of this paper is to discuss evidence-based pedagogical approaches related to the use of Web 2.0 technologies in both K-12 and higher education settings. The use of such evidence-based practice would be useful to educators interested in fostering student learning through Web 2.0 tools. A comprehensive literature search across the Academic Search Premier, Education Research Complete, ERIC, and PsycINFO databases was conducted. Empirical studies were included for review if they specifically examined the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on student learning. Articles that merely described anecdotal studies such as student perception or feeling toward learning using Web 2.0, or studies that relied on student self-report data such as student questionnaire survey and interview were excluded. Overall, the results of our review suggested that actual evidence regarding the impact of Web 2.0 technologies on student learning is as yet fairly weak. Nevertheless, the use of Web 2.0 technologies appears to have a general positive impact on student learning. None of the studies reported a detrimental or inferior effect on learning. The positive effects are not necessarily attributed to the technologies per se but to how the technologies are used, and how one conceptualizes learning. It may be tentatively concluded that a dialogic, constructionist, or co-constructive pedagogy supported by activities such as Socratic questioning, peer review and self-reflection appeared to increase student achievement in blog-, wiki-, and 3-D immersive virtual world environments, while a transmissive pedagogy supported by review activities appeared to enhance student learning using podcast.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to provide insight into the several aspects of instructional use of emerging web-based technologies. The study first explores the extent of Web 2.0 technology integration into face-to-face classroom activities. In this phase, the main focus of research interests was on the types and dynamics of Web 2.0 tools used by community college instructors. In the second phase, we were predominantly interested in instructors’ preferences toward tools and the major barriers instructors confront in integrating these tools in a traditional educational setting. The study reveals the extent of instructors’ use of Web 2.0 tools in the classroom relates to a) their level of education and b) training on the tools. Results clearly indicate that level of education and current use of web 2.0 technologies in instruction are major determinants of the instructors’ preferences toward different groups of Web 2.0 tools. Finally, lack of faculty training opportunities was identified as the main barrier for using Web 2.0 technologies. The study offers research based evidence which undoubtedly represent the current trends and issues in the process of technology integration into course curriculum at a community college level. Considering obtained findings, we suggest implementation of an institutional and systematic approach to reinforce inclusion of Web 2.0 technologies in traditional teaching and learning.  相似文献   

近年来,随着动态网站制作技术的发展,人们对网站的要求也越来越高。特别是行业门户级别的大中型网站,不仅要求较高连接速度及更新频率,而且要具有良好的交互性、以及海量的数据处理能力。Web2.0技术的出现,使得动态网站建设有了很大的跨越。针对Web 2.0网站中的用户界面设计技术,主要对传统的table布局方式和新的优化技Div+Css布局方式进行比较分析。  相似文献   

蒋艳 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(1):115-118
从理论上对Web2.0平台支持的多元化大学英语混合式教学进行了探讨。利用web2.0平台的优势激发学生大学英语学习兴趣,以解决课堂教学有限的容量与学生个性化学习需求之间的矛盾,提高大学英语教学质量。  相似文献   

web2.0是近年来提出的一种互联网模式,其核心理念是以人为本,因这一理念而产生的各种应用在教育领域被广泛关注。金融理论课程具有理论性与实践性俱强的特点,这就决定了在该类课程教学过程中,要十分重视学生的参与性。结合电大开放教育金融理论课程的教学实践,探讨如何在web2.0环境下优化教学内容和教学手段,对于实现金融理论课程教学的互动与创新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Web2.0与图书馆编目工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从观众、环境、技术、内容等四个方面探讨Web2.0对图书馆编目工作的影响。旨在更新观念,了解现代编目技术,做好Web2.0环境下的文献编目工作。  相似文献   

Web2.0是互联网技术和理念的升级换代,是新型互联网模式的统称。它蕴涵新型的学习文化,对学习者的信息素养提出了新要求。理解Web2.0技术和学习文化概念,讨论Web2.0的学习文化特征,探索信息素养2.0的基本内涵,对学习者和教育者理解Web2.0学习文化和塑造信息素养2.0,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

远程培训在互联网发展到Web2.0时代呈现出新的特点,利用Web2.0成为基于网络的远程培训新的趋势和动向。面对远程教育技术发展和学习环境的变化,如何有效应用Web2.0技术,甚至成为远程教育需要思考的一个问题,本文通过Web2.0网络技术优势分析,阐述利用Web2.0开展网络交互式远程培训的应用策略,从而提高远程培训的质量和效益。  相似文献   

Web2.0环境下的信息传播机制可以改变当前大学生信息获取渠道和知识分享方式,强调网络性、个性化、社会化、共享性、平等性、开放性等传播学意义上的特征,并对高校社科类专业课教学提出新的要求。针对现行教学情境下传授双方的角色转换、学习共同体的形成等方面,提出开展在线课程建设和研究性学习是当前社科类专业理论课的有效学习方式。  相似文献   

Web2.0下的E-Learning变革:从单向传递到协同共享   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
随着互联网技术从Web1.0发展到Web2.0,E-learning也相应地从E-learning1.0进化到E-learning2.0。E-learning1.0下的教学方式主要体现为单向传递,E-learning2.0下的教学方式则发展和超越了E-learning1.0,更多体现为协同共享。两种教学方式在师生角色、知识管理和传播方式、职责分配、学习目标定义和成绩考核等方面都有质的不同。文章提出E-learning2.0将是单向传递与协同共享教学方式的融合,这个融合的过程不仅需要硬件上的升级,更需要人们思维模式上的转变。  相似文献   

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