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This article is part of a set of papers generated from a keynote presentation by Dr. Jack Frymier at the 1997 CREATE annual meeting. Dr. Frymier dealt with several reasons, that, as he saw it, invalidate the use of student achievement data in teacher accountability systems. This article first notes problems with Dr. Frymier's conception of accountability. Next, it summarizes some of the recent evidence showing the strong connection between school and teacher effectiveness measures and student achievement. It then notes some of the benefits of school and teacher effectiveness measures external to their function as measures of performance. Next, policy issues arising from the use of student data and the associated research are considered. Finally, it concludes with some cautions about using effectiveness measures in teacher accountability systems.  相似文献   

An experimental field study was conducted to examine the impact of accountability on effectiveness in the teaching of physical education. Accountability was constructed through the introduction of a system of reporting and feedback between the teachers and the professional supervisor on two levels of intensity, high and low. Findings show that the institution of the accountability system improved the participant teachers' effectiveness as compared with control group teachers. Improvement in students' achievements was more evident in girls than in boys. The accountability system constructed for this study may be applied not only in physical education but in other educational areas as well.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,问责制逐步在美国的教师教育中开展起来,这为教师培养的质量提供了保障。到目前为止,美国教师教育问责制先后经历了三种表现形态:基于审核或认证标准的教师教育、未来教师在教师执照考试中的表现、未来教师对儿童学术成就的影响。从这三种形态中可以清晰地看出其两次转型:从输入到输出、从教师到儿童。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革的新理念使教师参与课程发展有了新的变化,本文论述了在课程发展中教师权力享的有必然性,分析了教师参与整个课程发展过程使权力的途径:即参与课程设计和决策、课程实施以及课程评价,从而指出教师参与课程发展权力与职责的一致性。  相似文献   

基于"美国的未来取决于教师"的基本判断,20世纪90年代至今,美国联邦层面关于教师教育的立法活动与日俱增,对教师教育的介入形式更加丰富,对教师质量的整体控制和问责力度持续加大,并相继创设了基于《高等教育法案》的教师质量年度报告机制、基于《不让一个孩子掉队法案》的教师质量标准问责机制以及基于"力争上游计划"的教师质量结果问责机制,形成了美国联邦政府教师质量问责的"三驾马车"。借鉴美国经验,结合国情实际,我国亟待建立教师质量年度报告机制,建设大规模学生学业数据库,建立教师质量经费问责机制,强化教师质量保障机制中的问责要素。  相似文献   

Educator accountability for student progress in learning goes hand-in-hand with the social contract that assigns responsibility for education to schools. From this perspective accountability rests most heavily with teachers, since they are the most directly responsible for learning, but it extends to specialists, school administrators, and school board members as well. To accommodate the realities of classrooms, schools, families, and communities, however, the caveat is added that teacher accountability needs to be thought of as both conditional and collective. The implications of this view are discussed for teacher work, teaching as a profession, and the meaning of reasonable and defensible standards of performance when addressing the issue of educator accountability for student learning. Illustrative criteria of accountability are proposed, which the author believes to represent a realistic balance between the ethical obligations of a profession, the dependence of citizenry on these obligations being met, and the hard realities encountered in attempting to meet them.  相似文献   

The restructuring of formal education in Australia continues apace. Driven by economic rationalism and reflecting the language, practices and strategies of management in business and industry, this restructuring, we are assured, is going to result in high‐quality education and teacher accountability. In our view, this rhetoric of quality assurance and accountability is being used to mask a deep and fundamental shift in both the focus of education to be provided in Australia and the roles of teachers and teacher educators. To lift this mask and expose the nature of this shift requires an examination of the context in which this restructuring is occurring, the use of the term ‘quality assurance’ and education in relation to government actions.  相似文献   

有效的教师评价是提高教育教学质量、促进教师成长和学生发展的重要手段,英国的绩效管理教师评价制度极大地调动了中小学教师的积极性和参与热情,取得了显著成效.借鉴和吸取英国绩效管理教师评价制度的成功经验,对推进当前我国基础教育课程改革,实现教师管理的科学化,具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

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