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我们先看几道高考题: 1. I couldn't do my homework with all that noise .(2005年北京卷) A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on 2.two exams to worry about, have to work really hard this weekend. (2004 年北京卷) A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Because of 3.It was a pity that the great writer died his works unfinished.(2004年福建卷) A.for B.with C.from D.of 4.production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.(2000 年全国卷)  相似文献   

1.(天 津 卷 )Y ou should understand the traffic rule by now.You’ve had it____ often enough. A.explaining B.to explain C.explain D.explained 2.(天 津 卷 )Idon’twant____ like I’m speaking illof anybody,butthe m anager’splan isunfair. A.to sound B.to be sounded C.sounding D.to have sounded 3.(上 海 卷 )H e got well-prepared for the job inter- view ,for he couldn’trisk ____ the good opportunity. A.to lose B.losing C.to be lost D.being lost 4.(上 海 卷 )____ into use in April2000,the hot…  相似文献   

第I卷(共100分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.According to recent reports,one of the rare animals,________crocodile,is in________danger of dying out.A.a;the B.不填;a C.不填;the D.the;不填2.The number of the photo copiers they produced this year has increased________30/compared with_________of last year.A.by;that B.to;those C.with;ones D.of;it3.—Is Mike a diligent student?—No,but he …  相似文献   

一、全国各地试卷字形题集解1.(全国一卷)下列各组词语中,有两个错别字的一组是()A.啜泣层峦叠嶂嗑碰义愤填膺B.辑拿额手称庆坍塌班师回朝C.秸秆大有裨益赘述披肝沥胆D.摩娑厝火积薪巨擘见风驶舵2.(全国二卷、三卷)下列有两个错别字的一组是()A.嘉奖誓死如归奏效越俎代庖B.慰籍弱不经风整饬历久弥新C.真谛既往不咎小憩举步为艰D.体恤提纲挈领端倪磐竹难书3.(江苏卷)下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A.抵牾划时代彬彬有理崭露头角B.宣泄破天荒戎马倥偬蛊惑人心C.凑合泊来品重整旗鼓食不果腹D.愿景万户侯滥竽充数声名雀起4.(北京卷)…  相似文献   

2007年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试物理(江苏卷)分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分,第一卷11小题38分,第二卷8小题112分,全卷150分.  相似文献   

第一组:(1)The girl has a great interest in sport and____badminton classes twice a week over the last three years.(2013福建卷)(2)The girl had a great interest in sport and____badminton classes twice a week over the three years that followed.(改编题)A.took B.is taking C.takes D.has been taking答案与解析:(1)D;(2)A。均考查时态。题(1)句意是:这个女孩子对体育很感兴趣。过去三年来每周两次参加羽毛球培训班。时间起点为三年前,终点为现在,动作持续不间断,使用现在完成进行时;题(2)句意是:  相似文献   

1.—Could you tell me whom the radio______by?—Sorry,I have no idea(.2007福州市)A.invents B.inventedC.is invented D.was invented2.—How many students are there in your school?—______the students in our school______over twothousand.(2006青海省)A.The number of;is B.The number of;areC.A number of;is3.选择与划线部分意义相近的短语:In the end,he decided to send the sick child to hospital.(2007成都市)A.At once B.At last C.At first4.The kids didn’t start to fly kites on the playground______th…  相似文献   

1.(MET1990)Beyond stars,the astronaut saw nothing butspace.A.the;×B.×;the C.×;×D.the;the2.(MET1991)Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone in1878.A.×B.a C.the D.one3.(MET1991)After watching TV,she played violin for anhour.A.×;×B.the;the C.the;×D.×;the4.(MET1992)—Where is Jack?—I think heOs still in bed,but he might just be in bath-room.A.×;×B.the;the C.the;×D.×;the5.(MET1993)Many people are still in habit of writing silly thingsin public places.A.the;the B.×;×…  相似文献   

正定语从句是高中英语重点语法,也是每年高考必考的语法项目之一。五年来各地高考对定语从句的考查主要集中在以下几个方面。考点1:考查关系代词与关系副词辨析1.(2013年山东卷35)Finally he reached a lonely island______was completely cut off from the outside world.A.when B.where C.which D.whom2.(2013年新课标卷24)When I arrived,Bryan took me to see the house______I would be staying.A.what B.when C.where D.which  相似文献   

1.(全国卷一)下列词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.忌讳砥砺蜚然成章流水不腐,户枢不蠹B.刍议安详自鸣得意愚者千虑,必有一得C.烦燥闲暇焚膏继晷金玉其外,败絮其中D.徇私编纂坚如磐石盛名之下,其实难负2.(全国卷三)下列词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.切磋洽谈会悬梁刺骨覆水难收B.气概水笼头风雨如晦落荒而逃C.招募度假村有恃无恐试目以待D.怅惘挖墙脚功亏一篑矫枉过正3.(北京卷)下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是()A.辍学既便耳濡目染不孚众望B.海涵连锁截长补短美轮美奂C.切身特聘专程谒见义气相投D.申说回馈禁止赌搏征稿启事4.(天津卷)…  相似文献   

为了更好地进行2007年的生物高考复习,笔者对2006年全国高考理综生物试卷中(两套全国卷、北京卷、天津卷、重庆卷和四川卷等)就相关能力考查的试题做一简单分析。  相似文献   

!.J0hn shut eveIybody out 0f the kitchenhe could prepare his grand surprisefor the party.(NMET 2002) A.which B.when C.2.一W0uld y叫1ike to come here 0n Saturday? 一ThaIlk you.I’d 10ve t0,s0 that D.as ift0 the dinner partyI’ll be out 0f town at the weekend.(2002北京卷) A.because B.and C.s0 D.but3.He was about to teU me the secret—— someone patted him on the shoulder. (2002 高考上海卷) A.as B.until C.while D.when4.,11he f:珈ous scientist伊ew up——he wasibom and in 1930 he c踟e to S…  相似文献   

1.Class Two will go for a picnic.They made_______6o’clock to meet at the foot ofMt.Tai.(2007山东淄博市)A.it B.thatC.them D./2.Look out!The traffic is_______fast_______we can’t cross the street now.(2007湖北潜江市)A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;that3.—Don’t_______too late,or you will feeltired in class.—I won’t,Mum.(2007湖北随州)A.stand up B.stay upC.wake up D.get up4.By the end of last year,we_______thework.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.has finished B.had finishedC.have finished D…  相似文献   

一、听力理解(略)二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.—When shall we put this theory intopractice?—Not quite sure.Maybe in November of2006.A.the,/B./,the C./,/D.the,the22.I don’t like this one.Its colour is too bright.Doyou have one?A.one darker B.a blackerC.a darker D.a darkest23.In the jungle it be hot and wet.A.can B.may C.might D.could24.—How do you find the performance last night?—Oh,dull.I hav…  相似文献   

魏威 《中学生物学》2007,23(12):46-48
生命活动的调节部分是理综高考常考热点。命题常以图文信息转换和实验设计两类题型出现。2007年理综卷共有8套,其中旧课程卷6套,全国卷为全国卷Ⅰ和全国卷Ⅱ2套;地方卷为北京卷、天津卷、四川卷和重庆卷4套;理综新课程卷共有2套,为山东卷和宁夏卷。这些理综卷生物部分究竟在生命活动的调节中考了哪些考点?能力立意如何?笔者就这些问题进行肤浅的评析,期盼和同行们一起探讨。  相似文献   

简单线性规划2000年进入高中数学教材.2004年江苏高考卷中首次出现了线性规划试题,2006年高考天津卷、安徽卷、广东卷和重庆卷中都有线性规划试题.仔细分析这些试题,可以看出高考题更多关注的是线性规划的本质,这给简单线性规划教学以诸多启示.1关注线性规划的形式从2006年高考题可以看到,试题中出现的线性规划形式更加多样.例1(2006·天津)设变量x,y满足约束条件y≤x,x y≥2,y≥3x-6,则目标函数z=2x y的最小值为().(A)2(B)3(C)4(D)9例2(2006·安徽)如果实数x,y满足条件x-y 1≥0,y 1≥0,x y 1≤0,那么2x-y的最大值为().(A)2(B)1(C)-2(D)…  相似文献   

热点一:对一般现在时的考查1.(2011年新课标卷高考题)Planning so far ahead____no sense so many things will have changed by nextyear.A.made B.is makin C.makes D.has made2.(2011年重庆市高考题)Look at the pride onTom’s face.He____to have been praised by the managerjust now.A.seemed B.seems C.had seemed D.is seeming解析:1.C 2.B。时态题做题的关键就是要把握动作或状态发生的时间。第一小题要填入的是make nosense(无意义)的一种时态。根据题目下半句:很多事情在明年都会发生变化,说明现在过早做计划是没有意  相似文献   

漆小江 《物理教师》2006,27(10):70-71
2006年全国高考已经结束,纵观全国卷Ⅱ物理试题,整体难度把握较好,是一份高质量的好试卷,但其中的几道试题令考生感到困惑,令中学物理教师感到意外.下面笔者就逐个对这几个试题做一解答与分析,与同行们探讨.试题17.原题.(6分)ab是长为l的均匀带电细杆,P1、P2是位于ab所在直线上  相似文献   

1.—Could you please do the dishes,Lana?I’m cleaning the room.—______(.2006吉林省长春市)A.Yes,sure B.Yes,you canC.No,thanks D.No,you can’t2.—Bob,may I______your MP4?—Sure.But you’d better not______it toothers(.2007福建省福州市)A.lend;lend B.lend;borrowC.borrow;borrow D.borrow;lend3.We mustn’t waste water______there isnot enough water on the earth(.2006吉林省)A.so B.until C.because D.but4.Kate didn’t go to the movie last night be-cause she had to______her sick dog athome.(2007…  相似文献   

研读2006年全国各套高考试题,不难发现不少试题设计巧妙,新颖独特,给人一种全新的感觉。本文拟结合今年高考试题,谈谈单项选择题的创新考查。一、命题角度新命题者为了综合考查考生灵活运用语言的能力,往往对一些常见的考查热点进行“加工处理”,变换考查角度,加大对“熟题”的考查力度。如:1.______by keeping down costs will Power Datahold its advantage over other companies.(浙江卷)A.Only B.Just C.Still D.Yet解析:以“only 状语”开头的句子要用部分倒装,这是考生很熟悉的知识点。通常的考查方式要求考生能根据已给出的倒装条件(only 状语)判断出需要倒装,但本题却要求考生根据倒装现象来选择能够成倒装的条件,巧妙考查副词only的用法,这是考生平时复习较少涉及的,因而解题有一定难度。答案为A。2.______homework did we have to do that we hadno time to take a rest.(福建卷)A.So much B.Too muchC.Too little D.S...  相似文献   

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