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Funny Stories     
"You are the first one !" One day,a man saw fisherman standing beside a lake with a mirror. "Excuse me,"he said."Could you tell me what are you doing?" "I'm fishing." "Fishing with a mirror?" the man asked. "Sure,it's my new interest," answered the fisherman. "Could you tell me how it works?" "Okay,but you will give me a hundred dollars." The man wanted to know the answer,so he gave the fisherman the money.The fisherman said,"First you aim (对准目标,瞄准) the mirror into the water,and when a fish goes by,you let the ray (光线) of the sun on its head.The fish is puzzled (感到迷惑不解) and then you catch it."  相似文献   

When you sneeze, Americans would say "God Bless You" to you. In many Eu-ropean cultures, sneezing traditional-ly is associated with(与……有关联)death. And Americans believe that you are very close to death when you sneeze, because sneezing can expel(驱逐)the soul, thus life will es-cape from(逃脱、逸出)the body. So they say "God Bless You" to a sneezer as a charm against the danger of the moment. Neglecting these magical words means that the sneezer would end up in the next world. How…  相似文献   

奥运将至,今日话题"牵手2008"望诸君踊跃发言。——斑竹(我)Only you,能伴我取金牌,Only you,能与我同拼搏,Only you,能保护我,让那短暂失意不来困扰我,奥运精神,就是Only you。——唐豆豆  相似文献   

一、动词be的形式口诀展示:be动词三变化,am,is还有are,"我"(I)用am,"你"(you)用are,is紧跟"他(he)、她(she)、它(it)"。"我们(we)、你们(you)"和"他们(they)"。全用are来表达。  相似文献   

正AA philosopher(哲学家)who went to call on a sick friend was told at thedoor:"He is alreadydeparted(过世).""Well,tell him I called,"replied the philosopher.BSocrates(苏格拉底)had troubles in his marital(婚姻的)life.Out of ithe gave the youth a piece of advice:"If you get a good wife.you will becomevery happy;if you get a bad one,you will become a philosopher—and thatis good for every man."  相似文献   

1 完形填空(10分) The wods in this dictionary (1) in listed in alphabeticalorder:this (2) that words beginning with A are listed atthe (3) of the dictionary, words beginning with Z are list-ed at the (4), and words beginning with M are listedaround the middle. So if you want to find the word"menu", you can turn straight to the in (5) thedictionary. To help you to find words (6), in the top corner ofeach page you will (7) the first or the (8) word on thatpage. So you can work through the dictionary rapidly.looking up these words, until you find (9) that begins  相似文献   

One day Jack broke his mother's glass. When shesaw the broken glass, she cried, "Jack, your father isgoing to punish(惩罚)you." "I'm too upset(沮丧)to punish you now." said Jack'sfather."I'll do it after supper."  相似文献   

1.have,have got英美说"有"句法不同。如:Have you any sisters?(英)Have you got any sisters?(英,口语)Do you have any sisters?(美)  相似文献   

(李磊:江苏南京市拉萨路小学英语教师,曾获第六届全国小学英语优质课评比一等奖。本课为译林新版《英语》四(上)Unit 4 I can play basket-ball (Storytime) 第一课时。)教学内容(图1)(图1)一、引入故事1.Play a game——Listen and judge Rules(游戏规则):Say"Yeah,Yeah,Yeah"if you think it is true.Say"No,No,No"if you  相似文献   

1.课文原句:When you have readsome Chinese poems,you will have seenand heard some of the features that allgood poetry shares.考点:"将来完成时态"的用法。解读:"将来完成时"由"will/shall have(been)dode"构成。表示到将来某一时  相似文献   

Remember the first time you saw E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial? Did you cry? Spend the next month telling your nearest and dearest to "phone home" in your best E. T. voice?We've got a slew(许多,大量) of facts and figures to get you up to speed on everything E. T. And don' t worry, we won' t tell anyone we saw you crying in the theater.  相似文献   

American people like to say "Thank you" when others help them or say something kind to them. People in many other countries do like that, too. It is a very good habit(习惯).You should say "Thank you" when someone passes you the thing you want, when someone opens the door for you, when someone says you have done your work well, or you have bought a nice thing, or your city is very beautiful."Thank you" is used not only between friends but also between parents and children, brothers and sisters…  相似文献   

Welcome to the Hotel CaliforniaSuch a lovely placeSuch a lovely facePlenty of room at the Hotel CaliforniaAny time of year,you can find it hereYou can check out any time you likeBut you can never leave 最近刚听过一个学生乐队翻唱这首老鹰乐队(Eagles)的"加州旅店"(Hotel California)。歌曲开始那段漂亮的吉他独奏,一下子把我拉回到一些关于青春的记忆当中。数年前,当我第一次在电台节目中听到大门乐队(The Doors)充满激情的歌曲"点燃我的火焰"(Light My Fire),我  相似文献   

1.Good luck(to you)!祝您好运!2.I wish you good luck/success.祝您好运/成功。3.Good/Happy journey(to you)./I wish you a pleasant journey./Have a good trip.祝您旅途一帆风顺。4.Have a nice/good/pleasant time./Enjoy yourself.祝您玩得愉快!5.Happy New Year!/Merry Christmas!/Happy Teachers"Day!新年快乐/圣诞快乐/教师节快乐!6.Happy birthday to you!/Have a happy birthday!/I"d like towish you a happy birthday!(祝你)生日快乐!7.Best wishes to you on this holiday season.向你致以最诚挚的节日祝福。8.Bes…  相似文献   

A famous 85-year-old millionaire(百万富翁) once gave a speech at an American university. "I'm going to tell you how to get very rich at the same time," he said. "The secret is very simple. What all of you have to do is to avoid(避免) bad habits like drink  相似文献   

下面举一些常用的问候例句: 1."How are you?" "Fine,thank you." 2.How are you doing? 你好吗? 3.How's your work? 工作(学习)怎么样? 4.How are you getting on? 一切都好吗? 5.How are you making out? 你过得怎么样? 6.How's everything with you? 日子过得好吗? 7.How have you been? 你好吗? 8.How is your family (your brother,wife...) doing? 9.Hi,how is it going? 嗨,好吗?  相似文献   

<正>课题:小学英语三年级上学期3A Unit7 Would you like a pie?内容简介:本课的教学内容是Unit7 Story time,以Mike介绍他的妹妹给大家认识而展开的话题,在这个过程中学会与新朋友打招呼,以及offer your friends some food。本课时突出学生"介绍朋友"和"认识朋友"的能力及"学会分享"的意识培养,并在这个过程中培养孩子善于交流、主动交际、开朗自信的优秀品质。同时掌握食品类单词an ice-creamr,an egg,a cake,an ice cream,a hot dog和本单元的重点句型Nice to meet you.Would you like…?What about…?及相应回答。目标预设:1.知识目标:(1)能听懂、会说、会读单词:a cake,an ice cream,a hot dog,an egg。(2)能初步听懂、会说、会读句型Would you like…?/What about…?及回答Yes,please.和No,thank you.明白如何询问别人的意见。(3)能读懂理解、会说并且会读Nice to meet you,并且明白回答是Nice to meet you,too.(4)能读懂理解、会说并有感情地表演:Story time,初步学会向他人介绍自己的朋友和主动结交朋友。  相似文献   

Hello everyone, welcome to bilingual (Chinese and English) passageway. Customs vary greatly from country to country. How do you avoid a potential cultural "faux pas" When communicate with an American? The information and tips here will help you avoid embarrassment perhaps.  相似文献   

Long, long ago, a farmhand (雇工) worked for a landlord (地主) then. One day, when the farmhand was having breakfast, the landlord said, "It takes you too much time to go to work and then come back for lunch, then go to the fields again and come back for supper. I want you to have your breakfast, lunch and supper together now before you go to  相似文献   

(1)Helping Each Other John was reading a book under a big tree. Mike came up and said, "Be quick, the teacher is waiting for you." "Wait a moment,let me finish the story." "Is it very interesting? " "Yes,very interesting." "Then leave it to me; I'll help you fin-  相似文献   

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