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While advances in genomics have enabled sensitive and highly parallel detection of nucleic acid targets, the isolation and extraction of the nucleic acids remain a critical bottleneck in the workflow. We present here a simple 3D printed microfluidic chip that allows for the vortex and centrifugation free extraction of nucleic acids. This novel microfluidic chip utilizes the presence of a water and oil interface to filter out the lysate contaminants. The pure nucleic acids, while bound on cellulose particles, are magnetically moved across the oil layer. We demonstrated efficient and rapid extraction of spiked Human Papillomavirus (HPV) 18 plasmids in specimen transport medium, in under 15 min. An overall extraction efficiency of 61% is observed across a range of HPV plasmid concentrations (5 × 101 to 5 × 106 copies/100 μl). The magnetic, interfacial, and viscous drag forces inside the microgeometries of the chip are modeled. We have also developed a kinetics model for the adsorption of nucleic acids on cellulose functionalized superparamagnetic beads. We also clarify here the role of carrier nucleic acids in the adsorption and isolation of nucleic acids. Based on the various mechanistic insights detailed here, customized microfluidic devices can be designed to meet the range of current and emerging point of care diagnostics needs.  相似文献   

Detection of individual target cells among a large amount of blood cells is a major challenge in clinical diagnosis and laboratory protocols. Many researches show that two dimensional cells array technology can be incorporated into routine laboratory procedures for continuously and quantitatively measuring the dynamic behaviours of large number of living cells in parallel, while allowing other manipulations such as staining, rinsing, and even retrieval of targeted cells. In this study, we present a high-density cell self-assembly technology capable of quickly spreading over 300 000 cells to form a dense mono- to triple-layer cell arrangement in 5 min with minimal stacking of cells by the gentle incorporation of gravity and peripheral micro flow. With this self-assembled cell arrangement (SACA) chip technology, common fluorescent microscopy and immunofluorescence can be utilized for detecting and analyzing target cells after immuno-staining. Validated by experiments with real human peripheral blood samples, the SACA chip is suitable for detecting rare cells in blood samples with a ratio lower than 1/100 000. The identified cells can be isolated and further cultured in-situ on a chip for follow-on research and analysis. Furthermore, this technology does not require external mechanical devices, such as pump and valves, which simplifies operation and reduces system complexity and cost. The SACA chip offers a high-efficient, economical, yet simple scheme for identification and analysis of rare cells. Therefore, potentially SACA chip may provide a feasible and economical platform for rare cell detection in the clinic.  相似文献   

Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) are found in the blood of patients with cancer. Although these cells are rare, they can provide useful information for chemotherapy. However, isolation of these rare cells from blood is technically challenging because they are small in numbers. An integrated microfluidic chip, dubbed CTC chip, was designed and fabricated for conducting tumor cell isolation. As CTCs usually show multidrug resistance (MDR), the effect of MDR inhibitors on chemotherapeutic drug accumulation in the isolated single tumor cell is measured. As a model of CTC isolation, human prostate cancer cells were mixed with mouse blood cells and the label-free isolation of the tumor cells was conducted based on cell size difference. The major advantages of the CTC chip are the ability for fast cell isolation, followed by multiple rounds of single-cell measurements, suggesting a potential assay for detecting the drug responses based on the liquid biopsy of cancer patients.  相似文献   

Optofluidic tweezer on a chip   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A novel method to realize an optical tweezer involving optofluidic operation in a microchannel is proposed. To manipulate the optical tweezer, light from an optical fiber is passed through both PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane)-air surface lenses and an optofluidic region, which is located in a control channel. Two liquids with different refractive indices (RIs) are introduced into the control channel to form two different flow patterns (i.e., laminar and segmented flows), depending on the liquid compositions, the channel geometry, and the flow rates. By altering the shapes of the interface of the two liquids in the optofluidic region, we can continuously or intermittently control the optical paths of the light. To demonstrate the functionality of the proposed method, optical tweezer operations on a chip are performed. Changing the flow pattern of two liquids with different RIs in the optofluidic region results in successful trapping of a 25 μm diameter microsphere and its displacement by 15 μm.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and testing of a magnetic microfluidic chip (MMC) for trapping and isolating cells tagged with superparamagnetic beads (SPBs) in a microfluidic environment for selective treatment and analysis. The trapping and isolation are done in two separate steps; first, the trapping of the tagged cells in a main channel is achieved by soft ferromagnetic disks and second, the transportation of the cells into side chambers for isolation is executed by tapered conductive paths made of Gold (Au). Numerical simulations were performed to analyze the magnetic flux and force distributions of the disks and conducting paths, for trapping and transporting SPBs. The MMC was fabricated using standard microfabrication processes. Experiments were performed with E. coli (K12 strand) tagged with 2.8 μm SPBs. The results showed that E. coli can be separated from a sample solution by trapping them at the disk sites, and then isolated into chambers by transporting them along the tapered conducting paths. Once the E. coli was trapped inside the side chambers, two selective treatments were performed. In one chamber, a solution with minimal nutrition content was added and, in another chamber, a solution with essential nutrition was added. The results showed that the growth of bacteria cultured in the second chamber containing nutrient was significantly higher, demonstrating that the E. coli was not affected by the magnetically driven transportation and the feasibility of performing different treatments on selectively isolated cells on a single microfluidic platform.  相似文献   

Scientists with the CAS Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM) announced on 26 Nov., 2008 the successful development of China's first atom-chip system for achieving Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC),a milestone progress  相似文献   

Cui S  Liu Y  Wang W  Sun Y  Fan Y 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(3):32003-320038
This paper examined the feasibility of a microfluidics chip for cell capturing and pairing with a high efficiency. The chip was fabricated by the polydimethylsiloxane-based soft-lithography technique and contained two suction duct arrays set in parallel on both sides of a main microchannel. Cells were captured and paired by activating two sets of suction ducts one by one with the help of syringe pumps along with switching the cell suspensions inside the main microchannel correspondingly. The effects of suction flow rate and the dimensions of suction channels on the cell capturing and pairing efficiency were characterized. The present chip was capable of creating 1024 pairs of two different cell populations in parallel. The preliminary experimental results showed that the cell capturing efficiency was 100% and the pairing one was 88% with an optimal suction rate of 5 μl/min in the chip in the 2 μm-sized suction duct chip. The cell viability after capture inside the microfluidic device was 90.0 ± 5.3%. With this cell capturing and pairing chip, interaction between cells in a single pair mode can be studied. The ability to create cell pairs has a number of biological applications for cell fusion, cell-cell interaction studies, and cell toxicity screening.  相似文献   

On the one hand, lensless imaging technology has become one of the key technologies to achieve point-of-care testing; on the other hand, microfluidic technology has shown great application potential in the field of biological detection. Using mainstream lensless imaging technology to achieve biological cell imaging in microfluidic chips has technical limitations. In particular, it is more difficult to achieve lensless imaging for non-spherical cells in microfluidic chips such as red blood cells. Achieving red blood cell recognition and posture estimation in a microfluidic chip under the lensless imaging, combined with mainstream lensless imaging technology, can provide more effective red blood cell morphological parameters for medical diagnosis. In this paper, the method for red blood cell recognition and posture estimation in microfluidic chips based on lensless imaging is given. First, the relevant theoretical basis is introduced. Then, the models of red blood cell recognition and posture estimation in microfluidic chips based on lensless imaging are given. The effect of red blood cell flipping on lensless imaging is analyzed in the modeling process. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by experiments. Experiments show that the proposed method can well achieve red blood cell recognition and posture estimation through the shape characteristics of red blood cells.  相似文献   

This paper describes the design and implementation of digital controllers for a flywheel energy storage device that incorporates a radial flux hybrid permanent magnetic bearing. Although the uncontrolled device is asymptotically stable, active control is required to: (i) ensure that a finite radial air gap is maintained at all times, and (ii) attenuate the oscillations of the flywheel which reduce the efficiency of the motor generator. The paper presents the design of gain scheduled discrete time linear quadratic regulator (LQR) and linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controllers for this rotordynamic system. Real time experiments are conducted to investigate the performance of the controllers. The result indicates that the LQR controller with approximate system velocities is easier to implement than the LQG controller, and also provides superior performance.  相似文献   

We report a new design of microfluidic chip (Multiple electric Field with Uniform Flow chip, MFUF chip) to create multiple electric field strengths (EFSs) while providing a uniform flow field simultaneously. MFUF chip was fabricated from poly-methyl methacrylates (PMMA) substrates by using CO2 laser micromachining. A microfluidic network with interconnecting segments was utilized to de-couple the flow field and the electric field (EF). Using our special design, different EFSs were obtained in channel segments that had an identical cross-section and therefore a uniform flow field. Four electric fields with EFS ratio of 7.9:2.8:1:0 were obtained with flow velocity variation of only 7.8% CV (coefficient of variation). Possible biological effect of shear force can therefore be avoided. Cell behavior under three EFSs and the control condition, where there is no EF, was observed in a single experiment. We validated MFUF chip performance using lung adenocarcinoma cell lines and then used the chip to study the electrotaxis of HSC-3, an oral squamous cell carcinoma cell line. The MFUF chip has high throughput capability for studying the EF-induced cell behavior under various EFSs, including the control condition (EFS = 0).  相似文献   

Aptamers are promising cell targeting ligands for several applications such as for the diagnosis, therapy, and drug delivery. Especially, in the field of regenerative medicine, stem cell specific aptamers have an enormous potential. Using the combinatorial chemistry process SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential enrichment), aptamers are selected from a huge oligonucleotide library consisting of approximately 1015 different oligonucleotides. Here, we developed a microfluidic chip system that can be used for the selection of cell specific aptamers. The major drawbacks of common cell-SELEX methods are the inefficient elimination of the unspecifically bound oligonucleotides from the cell surface and the unspecific binding/uptake of oligonucleotides by dead cells. To overcome these obstacles, a microfluidic device, which enables the simultaneous performance of dielectrophoresis and electrophoresis in the same device, was designed. Using this system, viable cells can be selectively assembled by dielectrophoresis between the electrodes and then incubated with the oligonucleotides. To reduce the rate of unspecifically bound sequences, electrophoretic fields can be applied in order to draw loosely bound oligonucleotides away from the cells. Furthermore, by increasing the flow rate in the chip during the iterative rounds of SELEX, the selection pressure can be improved and aptamers with higher affinities and specificities can be obtained. This new microfluidic device has a tremendous capability to improve the cell-SELEX procedure and to select highly specific aptamers.  相似文献   

This study proposes a capillary dielectrophoretic chip to separate blood cells from a drop of whole blood (approximately 1 μl) sample using negative dielectrophoretic force. The separating efficiency was evaluated by analyzing the image before and after dielectrophoretic force manipulation. Blood samples with various hematocrits (10%–60%) were tested with varied separating voltages and chip designs. In this study, a chip with 50 μm gap design achieved a separation efficiency of approximately 90% within 30 s when the hematocrit was in the range of 10%–50%. Furthermore, glucose concentration was electrochemically measured by separating electrodes following manipulation. The current response increased significantly (8.8-fold) after blood cell separation, which was attributed not only to the blood cell separation but also to sample disturbance by the dielectrophoretic force.  相似文献   

Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) is a form of Förster resonance energy transfer. BRET has been shown to support lower limits of detection than fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) but, unlike FRET, has not been widely implemented on microfluidic devices for bioanalytical sensing. We recently reported a microscope-based microfluidic system for BRET-based biosensing, using a hybrid, high quantum-efficiency, form of BRET chemistry. This paper reports the first optical fiber-based system for BRET detection on a microfluidic chip, capable of quantifying photon emissions from the low quantum-efficiency BRET2 system. We investigated the effects of varying core diameter and numerical aperture of optical fibers, as well as varying microfluidic channel design and measurement conditions. We optimized the set-up in order to maximize photon counts and minimize the response time. The optimized conditions supported measurement of thrombin activity, with a limit of detection of 20 pM, which is lower than the microscope-based system and more than 20 times lower than concentrations reported to occur in plasma clots.  相似文献   

Ma Q  Chen C  Wei S  Chen C  Wu LF  Song T 《Biomicrofluidics》2012,6(2):24107-2410712
Magnetotactic bacteria (MTB) are capable of swimming along magnetic field lines. This unique feature renders them suitable in the development of magnetic-guided, auto-propelled microrobots to serve in target molecule separation and detection, drug delivery, or target cell screening in a microfluidic chip. The biotechnology to couple these bacteria with functional loads to form microrobots is the critical point in its application. Although an immunoreaction approach to attach functional loads to intact MTB was suggested, details on its realization were hardly mentioned. In the current paper, MTB-microrobots were constructed by attaching 2 μm diameter microbeads to marine magnetotactic ovoid MO-1 cells through immunoreactions. These microrobots were controlled using a special control and tracking system. Experimental results prove that the attachment efficiency can be improved to ∼30% via an immunoreaction. The motility of the bacteria attached with different number of loads was also assessed. The results show that MTB can transport one load at a velocity of ∼21 μm/s and still move and survive for over 30 min. The control and tracking system is fully capable of directing and monitoring the movement of the MTB-microrobots. The rotating magnetic fields can stop the microrobots by trapping them as they swim within a circular field with a controllable size. The system has potential use in chemical analyses and medical diagnoses using biochips as well as in nano/microscale transport.  相似文献   

Immunoassay is one of the important applications of microfluidic chips and many methodologies were reported for decreasing sample∕reagent volume, shortening assay time, and so on. Micro-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (micro-ELISA) is our method that utilizes packed microbeads in the microfluidic channel and the immunoreactions are induced on the beads surface. Due to the large surface-to-volume ratio and small analytical volume, excellent performances have been verified in assay time and sample∕reagent volume. In order to realize the micro-ELISA, one of the important processes is the immobilization of antibody on the beads surface. Previously, the immobilization process was performed in a macroscale tube by physisorption of antibody, and long time (2 h) and large amount of antibody (or high concentration) were required for the immobilization. In addition, the processes including the reaction and washing were laborious, and changing the analyte was not easy. In this research, we integrated the immobilization process into a microfluidic chip by applying the avidin-biotin surface chemistry. The integration enabled very fast (1 min) immobilization with very small amount of precious antibody consumption (100 ng) for one assay. Because the laborious immobilization process can be automatically performed on the microfluidic chip, ELISA method became very easy. On-demand immunoassay was also possible just by changing the antibodies without using large amount of precious antibodies. Finally, the analytical performance was investigated by measuring C-reactive protein and good performance (limit of detection <20 ng∕ml) was verified.  相似文献   

提出了一种静态的软硬件任务划分与调度相结合的算法,可以同时获得给定任务集在该类平台上的软硬件任务划分和任务调度方案. 算法的时间复杂度为O(V(E+V)+V2logV+PVlogV). 实验结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

A novel technique for biomolecular detection in microliter droplets floating on the surface of high density oil is presented. Each droplet was captured and manipulated dielectrophoretically and was used as a site for a microscopic bioassay based on agglutination of antibody-conjugated particles. The results were read out by the pattern of unagglomerated gold nanoparticles collected on the droplet surface. Two formats of bioassays, namely gold only agglutination and gold and latex agglutination, were investigated experimentally by varying analyte concentration, particle size and concentration, number of antigen binding sites per particle, time for incubation, and rate of particle collection on the droplet surface. The microbioassays performance was also evaluated with ricin antibodies and compared to the ricin assays in field use. It is estimated that the droplet based assays require 100× smaller sample volume and are ten times more sensitive, though they require longer times to complete. The experiments were interpreted by modeling the kinetics of particle agglutination and mass transfer processes inside the droplets. The incubation time and antigen concentration values calculated by the model correlate well with the experimental results. The results could allow for development of efficient immunoassays on a chip requiring even smaller sample volumes.  相似文献   

The living cells are arranged in a complex natural environment wherein they interact with extracellular matrix and other neighboring cells. Cell-cell interactions, especially those between distinct phenotypes, have attracted particular interest due to the significant physiological relevance they can reveal for both fundamental and applied biomedical research. To study cell-cell interactions, it is necessary to develop co-culture systems, where different cell types can be cultured within the same confined space. Although the current advancement in lab-on-a-chip technology has allowed the creation of in vitro models to mimic the complexity of in vivo environment, it is still rather challenging to create such co-culture systems for easy control of different colonies of cells. In this paper, we have demonstrated a straightforward method for the development of an on-chip co-culture system. It involves a series of steps to selectively change the surface property for discriminative cell seeding and to induce cellular interaction in a co-culture region. Bone marrow stromal cells (HS5) and a liver tumor cell line (HuH7) have been used to demonstrate this co-culture model. The cell migration and cellular interaction have been analyzed using microscopy and biochemical assays. This co-culture system could be used as a disease model to obtain biological insight of pathological progression, as well as a tool to evaluate the efficacy of different drugs for pharmaceutical studies.  相似文献   

Cell migration is a cellular response and results in various biological processes such as cancer metastasis, that is, the primary cause of death for cancer patients. Quantitative investigation of the correlation between cell migration and extracellular stimulation is essential for developing effective therapeutic strategies for controlling invasive cancer cells. The conventional method to determine cell migration rate based on comparison of successive images may not be an objective approach. In this work, a microfluidic chip embedded with measurement electrodes has been developed to quantitatively monitor the cell migration activity based on the impedimetric measurement technique. A no-damage wound was constructed by microfluidic phenomenon and cell migration activity under the stimulation of cytokine and an anti-cancer drug, i.e., interleukin-6 and doxorubicin, were, respectively, investigated. Impedance measurement was concurrently performed during the cell migration process. The impedance change was directly correlated to the cell migration activity; therefore, the migration rate could be calculated. In addition, a good match was found between impedance measurement and conventional imaging analysis. But the impedimetric measurement technique provides an objective and quantitative measurement. Based on our technique, cell migration rates were calculated to be 8.5, 19.1, and 34.9 μm/h under the stimulation of cytokine at concentrations of 0 (control), 5, and 10 ng/ml. This technique has high potential to be developed into a powerful analytical platform for cancer research.  相似文献   

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