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通过对选材历史的研究,阐述了运动选材发展.运动选材大体经历了3个阶段:自然选材阶段、经验选材阶段、多学科综合选材阶段.并在20世纪80年代初期形成了一门独立学科-运动选材学,它是运动选材研究进程中的一个重要里程碑,但不是运动选材研究的终结.今后必然迈向第4个发展阶段-科技化选材阶段.目前还没有进入科学选材阶段,只是在探索科学选材,每一新的阶段都努力向科学选材的目标靠近.  相似文献   

一、运动员的选材与气质类型的关系选材是指直接或间接地将被选者运动才能的天赋因素测定出来,并根据测试结果分析其将来的竞技能力。科学选材是研究人体运动潜力和预测运动员成材可能性的一门科学,它既是训练学的主要组成部分,又属于人体科学的研究范畴,涉及到训练学、心理学、医学、生物化学、生理学、遗传学等诸多学科的内容,具有多学科、综合性的特点。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,总结归纳我国当前跳高运动员选材过程中存在的一系列问题,以期为今后我国跳高运动员选材提供具体建议。研究结果显示:跳高运动员选材过程中选材与育才概念界定混淆;选材过程中严重局限于身高因素;片面考虑家系遗传因素;受选育结合思维模式限制;选材过程中一味地推崇对杰出运动能力相关基因的研究等问题。建议今后对跳高运动员进行选材时,除考虑身高因素外,应重点测评其各项身体素质,并将运动员祖父辈的多种性状以及国外优秀跳高运动员的运动基因进行分析与对比,实现跳高运动员遗传图谱与基因选材。  相似文献   

朱红伟 《冰雪运动》2009,31(6):10-14
为了使我国速滑运动员选材的指标更加科学,评价方法更加规范,对近几年我国速滑运动员科学选材文献资料进行收集、分析、整理,并采用对各地速滑运动员选材情况进行调查的方法,发现我国速滑运动员科学选材的方法与指标的研究处于缺乏科学系统性的停滞状态,速滑选材仍以经验选材为主。提出速滑运动员的科学选材不仅要应用多学科的测评方法,而且要对多学科测评方法进行综合运用;根据速滑选材各阶段的任务和目的,通过定性或定量的方法对选材测试指标进行筛选。  相似文献   

构建残疾人运动选材理论体系是实现残疾人竞技体育事业全面、协调、可持续发展的题中之义。主要采用文献资料、专家访谈、逻辑分析等研究方法,对残疾人运动选材理论体系的概念、地位、作用、理论与现实依据及整体结构进行了解析,在此基础上,提出了构建我国残疾人运动选材理论体系的可行路径,以期为我国残疾人竞技体育事业的发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   

以我国基层业余田径运动训练初级选材被选群体和12~16岁奥运后备人才培养基地(业余体校)在训运动员为主要研究对象,对基层业余田径运动选材进行了研究.首次提出了田径运动专类选材的概念,根据我国基层业余田径运动的训练特点,构建了基于专类的运动员选材指标体系和评价方法,对初级选材后的试训进行了分析与论述.在复选中引入"核心竞技能力"和"典型指标"概念,简化了复选指标体系,从操作层面上使复选更加符合基层业余训练选材工作的实际.  相似文献   

当前运动选材研究的十大热点问题   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
运动选材学科是一门潜力大、难度大、综合性强的新兴学科。遗传基因研究成果对运动选材领域的渗透研究,先天与后天运动能力的发现、发展及其关系研究,运动选材预测理论和方法,尤其是对组成运动员竞技能力各因素的发展预测研究等问题,是当前运动选材研究的热点问题。  相似文献   

该文通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、经验总结法,对项群训练理论视域下珍珠球的运动训练进行研究分析,旨在针对每个不同位置及阶段的运动员提出科学的体能训练及技战术训练指导。研究结果表明:(1)水区运动员,参照技能主导类同场对抗性项群的篮球运动员选材方法进行选材;(2)封锁区运动员,参照技能主导类隔网对抗性项群的排球运动员选材方法进行选材;(3)得分区运动员,参照技能主导类隔网对抗性项群的网球运动员选材方法进行选材;(4)根据项群训练理论,珍珠球水区运动员技术训练主要强调技术动作的动力性,提高对抗能力及在激烈对抗条件下技术的准确性,战术训练以全场区域紧逼以及人盯人防守战术为主;(5)封锁区、得分区运动员的训练主要强调步法和手法的创新,保证快速特点的充分发挥。  相似文献   

为备战2022年北京冬奥会,推进我国速滑运动技术水平的提高和科研水平的增强,通过文献资料法和逻辑分析方法对近八年我国速滑运动科研文献进行整理,总结国内速滑运动科研成果的现状,提出速度滑冰运动未来的研究发展方向,为加快我国速度滑冰运动发展提供依据.研究结果显示,我国速滑运动科研集中在对运动技术分析、专项力量和训练监控方面;在营养补剂、运动员选材、运动疲劳等方面研究相对缺乏.创新训练方法、利用新的运动监测技术和多学科相融合的研究模式是速滑运动未来研究的热点及重点.  相似文献   

中国竞技体操选材现状研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
对1950一2002年间与竞技体操选材有关的文章进行了检索,并对我国50余年来竞技 体操选材方面的研究进展情况进行了分析。研究认为,竞技体操选材必须加强运动员中、高级选 材和单项选材工作;加强心理与专项结合的选材研究;加大综合选材的力度。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to develop an evidence-based method for identification and classification of wheelchair sports (rugby) activities and performance during a match using fractal dimensions. The approach involves five wheelchair rugby athletes of different classifications who were monitored during six different matches using mobile devices with in-built accelerometers. The linear acceleration signals were processed using two different approaches based on calculating fractal dimensions. One was based on Rényi’s entropy, which produced the probability dimension (S 0), and the other was based on Hausdorff’s definition, resulting in the Hausdorff dimension (D H). When both dimensions were individually plotted as cumulative distribution plots, they offered two approaches to analyze the performance of a wheelchair rugby athlete. Combining the two dimensions produced a two-dimensional (2D) mapping that identified five different activities of each athlete during a wheelchair rugby match—(1) no activities, (2) low activities, (3) high-speed coasting, (4) high-speed pushing, and (5) extreme collisions. In the 2D mapping, four boundary lines separate the five different activities, which produced a template for each athlete. It was found in this research that the classification and skill level of the athlete had an effect on the boundary line values that form the template. The outcome of the activity identification was also verified by comparing with video footage of the athletes. The method developed in this research has possible applications for coaching, match analysis, and talent identification.  相似文献   

皮纹选材作为遗传选材的有效方法引起了人们的广泛关注。通过对我国优秀青少年蹦床网上运动员皮纹特征的研究,得出结论:我国优秀青少年蹦床网上运动员在多项皮纹指标上具有明显的特征,可以利用皮纹将一般人群和具有运动潜力的人群区别开来。  相似文献   

对现代田径运动训练发展趋势的再认识   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
龙斌 《体育学刊》2002,9(3):120-122
总结了现代田径运动训练发展的8种趋势,即科学选材、训练的专项强度、比赛机会增多、运动员职业化、营养恢复、心理训练、训练科学化、运动器械的高科技化。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、问卷调查法,数理统计法等方法对大连市体校青少年男子短跑运动员的身体形态、机能、素质等指标进行筛选,确定出有效性和可靠性均较高的7项指标,为运动员的选材和训练实践提供一定的参考。选材成套测试与教练员的定性评定结果具有较高的一致性,能够较为全面反映出运动员的真实水平。  相似文献   

个性是个体的心理倾向性和品质的组合,它决定着个体的活动和行为方式,同样影响或决定着运动员在技术方面的表现和今后发展。对运动员的个性心理特征研究是运动心理学研究的重要内容之一,已成为我国运动心理学领域中的热点。本文采用卡特尔16项个性因素量表对运动员个体进行了个性特征的调查研究,表明了优秀武术男运动员在聪慧性(B)、有恒性(G)、敏感性(I)等因素表现为高分特征,在独立性(Q2)因素表现为低分特征,优秀武术女运动员在聪慧性(B)、自制性(Q3)因素表现为高分特征,在稳定性(C)、实验性(Q1)等因素表现为低分特征。这为今后武术运动员的心理选材、科学训练提供了参考的心理依据。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to extend research that has focused on the identification of stressors associated with coaching practice by systematically evaluating how such stressors effect athletes, and more broadly, the coach–athlete relationship. A total of 13 professional- and national-level athletes were interviewed to address the three study aims: how they detect when a coach is encountering stressors, how coach experiences of stress effects them as an athlete, and how effective the coach is when experiencing stress. Following content analysis, the data suggested athletes were able to detect when a coach was experiencing stress and this was typically via a variety of verbal and behavioural cues. Despite some positive effects of the coach experiencing stress, the majority were negative and varied across a range of personal influences on the athlete, and effects on the general coaching environment. It was also the broad view of the athletes that coaches were less effective when stressed, and this was reflected in performance expectations, perceptions of competence, and lack of awareness. The findings are discussed in relation to the existing theory and with reference to their implications for applied practice, future research, and development of the coach–athlete relationship.  相似文献   

我国高水平击剑运动员成才规律分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过文献资料法,以高水平击剑运动员成长过程的家庭背景、外在环境、及各生理特征等为研究内容,运用实证研究和理论分析相结合的方法,揭示我国击剑高水平击剑运动员的成才特征,为击剑竞技体育运动中充分、合理地使用人才,减少人才的浪费,为击剑管理部门科学决策、科学选才、训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(4):719-735
Sport has the capacity to intimately engage fans, deliver intensely emotional experiences, and create attachments to athletes and teams. This connection can be threatened by a number of actions or incidents, including scandals, and fans may engage in a range of behaviors to protect their identification. The purpose of this study is to explore and explicate the concept of fan empathy and illuminate the processes that fans engage in that lead to an empathetic response. Using data from online discussion forums and in-depth interviews, the authors examined empathy in the context of athlete misbehavior and indiscretions. Results provide evidence for the concept of fan empathy as both a cognitive and emotionally focused response, extending the current knowledge of fan behavior. Further, the findings reveal five sensemaking processes that facilitate an empathetic response in the context of inappropriate athlete behavior. This research has implications for sport managers seeking to manage and maintain relationships with fans, including in the face of actions or behavior that might threaten fan identification and association with the sport entity.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to talent transfer, rapidly develop, and qualify an Australian female athlete in the skeleton event at the 2006 Torino Winter Olympic Games and quantify the volume of skeleton-specific training and competition that would enable this to be achieved. Initially, 26 athletes were recruited through a talent identification programme based on their 30-m sprint time. After attending a selection camp, 10 athletes were invited to undertake an intensified skeleton training programme. Four of these athletes were then selected to compete for Australia on the World Cup circuit. All completed runs and simulated push starts were documented over a 14-month period. The athlete who eventually represented Australia at the Torino Winter Olympic Games did so following approximately 300 start simulations and about 220 training/competition runs over a period of 14 months. Using a deliberate programming model, these findings provide a guide to the minimum exposure required for a novice skeleton athlete to reach Olympic representative standard following intensified sport-specific training. The findings of this study are discussed in the context of the deliberate practice theory and offer the term “deliberate programming” as an alternative way of incorporating all aspects of expert development.  相似文献   


The Foundations, Talent, Elite and Mastery (FTEM) framework was designed through the lens of a world leading high-performance sport agency to assist sporting stakeholders operationalise and research their whole of sport development pathways (Gulbin, J. P., Croser, M. J., Morley, E. J., & Weissensteiner, J. R. (2013). An integrated framework for the optimisation of sport and athlete development: A practitioner approach. Journal of Sport Sciences, 31, 1319–1331). In response to the commentary by MacNamara and Collins (2013) (Journal of Sports Sciences, doi:10.1080/02640414.2013. 855805), it was possible to document many inaccurate, false and misleading statements based on inattentive reading of the original article. We reinforce that: FTEM is a holistic framework of sport and athlete development and not a surrogate for a talent identification ( TID) model; bio-psycho-social components of development are liberally embedded throughout the FTEM framework; and the combined research and applied insights of development practitioners provide strong ecological validity for the consideration of stakeholders looking to explore applied approaches to athlete pathway management.  相似文献   

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