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<正> 1 You were just laid offfrom your job.You:a.spend the next weekcurled up in the fetal(胎儿的) position. Your life as youknow it is over.b.are slightly panicked, buttry to keep calm. You'resmart. You won't beunemployed for long.c.see it as a sign that you  相似文献   

Your body language during an interview tells people how you would perform at work. In fact, some experts say nonverbal language is more important than verbal (言辞上的)language. When you have a job interview, use the following tips to help your body language:  相似文献   

Whether your preferred destination is the executive suite or simply the nearest exit from your current position, don't let your job take you aimlessly down any path. In fact when it comes to career planning, don't think in terms of "jobs" at all, says corporate transitions expert William Bridges, Ph.D. Instead he suggests building your career plan on "doing the work you're best at for the employers who need it."  相似文献   

本期回复High degree to high salary? OscarMany graduates with high degrees feel hopeless and powerless in looking for a job. They say there is no ideal job with high payment as well as promising career future. I absolutely agree with it. My salary is almost as much as an employee's with low education background.  相似文献   

1.你的钢笔可能在你的口袋里。误: Your pen may be in one of your pocket.正: Your pen may be in one of your pockets.析: one of后要接复数名词。  相似文献   

现代人的生活烦恼很多,压力很大,焦虑也成为了流行的精神疾病。让我们一起科学地认识焦虑吧!It's 4 a.m., and you're wide awake - palms sweaty, heart racing.You're worried about your kids. Your aging parents. Your 401 (k). Your health. Your sex life. Breathing evenly beside you, your spouse is oblivious. (健忘的) Doesn't he-or she-see the dangers that lurk in every shadow? He must not.  相似文献   

We're very much concerned about work, which is central to our life. We may like or dislikeour work in light of the work conditions and more importantly, the pay. You may be asked todescribe your job, your present or past job. The following examples may be of help.  相似文献   

舒清海 《广东教育》2014,(11):62-70
(辽宁D篇)Travis is the manager of G&G where he is responsible for forty employees(雇员)and profits of over$2 million per year.He's never late to work.He does not get upset on the job.When one of his employees started crying after a customer screamed at her,Travis took her away."Your working uniform is your shelter," he told her. "Nothing anyone says will ever hurt you. You will always be as strong as you want to be."  相似文献   

Your presence is a gift to the world, You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to be- Take it one day at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles, And you'll make it through what comes along. Within you are so many answers, Understand, have courage, be strong.  相似文献   

Your sister carelessly spills red wine on your brand-new, snow-white carpet. Your boyfriend makes a pass at your best friend. A driver accidentally knocks your kid off her bike, breaking her leg. For most of us, any one of these scenarios might be enough to fill us with frustration and rage. But while the 1970s pop psychotherapy movement focused on the importance of letting anger out, more recent research suggests that there's a smarter, healthier way to react to  相似文献   

尚为孩童之时,幸福来得就像拥抱一只小猫小狗那样容易。随着时光的流逝,今日的幸福早已物化,不再是自己对美好生活的享受,而是和赚钱联系在了一起。除了工资飞涨以外,似乎再也没有什么能够让我开怀,然而金钱却无法买得幸福。你的银行存款和你的薪水紧密相连,但幸福的存折全然取决于你自己。让我们直面它吧——除了自己,没有什么人能够让你感受到幸福。幸福是需要自己创造的。  相似文献   

酒店经济性薪酬一般由岗位工资、加班工资、绩效工资、福利津贴等构成,岗位工资是薪酬构成中的最基本也是最重要的部分,通常酒店的加班工资、绩效工资等也都是以岗位工资为基础来计算的.  相似文献   

每个即将面临毕业的大四学生都会对未来感到迷茫与害怕。应如何面对毕业后的生活,应提前为毕业做哪些准备,想必都是每个大四学生都比较关心的问题。接下来,就看Brad怎么说吧!  相似文献   

How do you develop a salary equity analysis procedure that will help identify whether or not your institution has a reasonably equitable and legally defensible salary structure? This paper presents a multiphase approach to identify and correct salary inequities based on gender. The major steps are to (1) determine if a problem situation exists by using a conceptually sound, objective procedure that does a legal and effective job of explaining faculty salaries; (2) develop feasible adjustment strategies if inequities exist that solve or improve the situation; (3) implement the correction and establish a monitoring process that is consistent with the culture and values of the institution. Involving and educating key university personnel in the selection of models and strategies is critical to acceptance and validation of the process and to minimizing negative reaction internal or external to the campus. This paper is designed to be helpful to administrators and researchers who need to make informed choices about salary equity models and implementation strategies.  相似文献   

春天是感冒多发季节:我们来教大家几个与感冒做斗争的点子,来学一下吧,保护好自己,这样才能更好地学习更好地生活噢!经常用肥皂和温水洗手,不要用手摸你的脸。不要共用水杯、水瓶和毛巾等等。确保你得到充足的休息,你的身体需要充足的休息与传染病作斗争。  相似文献   

股份制下的高职院校,其分配制度改革的目标是在建立以职务——能力为基础的岗位绩效工资制度。改革的重点在于:根据教师的职业特点确定合理的收入水平;科学分析、设置各类岗位,构建导向性的高薪层级及标准;建立完善的岗位绩效管理体系,加强绩效管理。改革的难点在于岗位职责的划分;岗位绩效的考核;高薪差距的确定。  相似文献   

小雅 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):12-14
1.每日练习。你的声音就是你的工具。你可以阅读、写、记英语,但如果你不磨砺自己的工具,你的口语水平就不会得到提高。开始可多用英语进行简短的交谈。你在课外说得越多,你的口语水平就提高得越快,你掌握得也就越快。这包括高声朗读,运用新单词,用英语交谈、提问、演讲,听自己的录音。希望录音机和镜子在你学习英语的过程中成为你的好朋友。  相似文献   

对2011年全国8个省份30所高校抽样调查数据的实证分析发现:人力资本依然是影响毕业生求职结果、起薪和工作满意度的重要因素;家庭背景对求职结果有显著影响,它不仅表现在就业机会获得方面,也表现在起薪和工作满意度上;就业结果的地区和性别差异依然存在;就业单位性质、行业状况是造成毕业生起薪差异的重要原因之一;学用结合程度、户口档案解决情况和起薪等都会对毕业生的工作满意度产生重要影响。  相似文献   

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