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奇,《说文》中释日"异也".奇观,通常指奇异的景象,极具吸引力.新闻的"奇观"缘于什么?缘于矛盾冲突.作品中的矛盾冲突,是指作品中所反映的不同事件、情感、观念等方面的对立与冲突.  相似文献   

根据"物-意-文"双重转化理论,新闻采写的真实性是对客观事实认识正确性与认知结果表述准确性的统一.新闻真实性原则的把握就是化解"物-意-文"双重转换中的认知矛盾与表达矛盾的过程.  相似文献   

媒体对于社会弱势群体的报道与关注,很大程度上缓和了社会矛盾,有利于和谐社会建设,但在报道过程中同样也存在着一定的问题,特别是近几年来媒体所热衷的"卖子"、"卖肾"类新闻及其所产生的社会影响更是令人深思.  相似文献   

本文从墨子与韩非子的思想方法入 手,探讨了两位思想家的传播效果观。本文认 为,墨子方法论"兼",强调了矛盾的同一性, 因而在传播效果上提出了"染论",比喻传播可 以取得像"丝染"一样的强力效果。韩非方法论 "矛盾",强调了矛盾的斗争性,因而在传播效果 上提出了"难论",认为传播要取得效果非常困 难。本文还就上述的两个传播效果观进行了评价 和比较。  相似文献   

纪录片创作要有"兴奋点"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷冶夫 《新闻记者》2004,(11):29-30
为什么有的片子在看素材的时候兴奋不已,可是编出成片看的时候,并不过瘾,原因就是编导不会安排故事情节的“兴奋点”。对于纪录片的兴奋点的把握,是从选题就开始的。一个富有矛盾、富有戏剧化冲突的选题,已经具备了作品兴奋点的雏形。我们都知道,有矛盾才会有戏剧化冲突;有了戏  相似文献   

靳舍 《传媒》2018,(14):89-91
融媒体时代,传媒行业发展迅速,人才需求旺盛,但每年传媒专业的毕业生中都存在着找不到合适工作或者脱离原有专业的现状.这种现状的出现,一方面是由于传媒行业发展过快,另一方面则是高校的新闻教育与业界需求存在明显的矛盾.我国的新闻教育中存在着高校与传媒业间的壁垒和高校在人才培养中的"精"与"全"两难的矛盾.本文对融媒体时代我国新闻教育改革的现状和困境进行研究,并在此基础上,提出来"供给侧"思维下新闻教育改革的方向.  相似文献   

徐建龙 《湖北档案》2001,(10):18-18
"丰富馆藏"和"优化馆藏"是档案工作中一对矛盾的两个方面.回顾昨天,我国的档案管理工作曾遭到过十年动乱的严重破坏.  相似文献   

他们同属于"80后",却因为生在农村而要比城市同龄人付出更多的"成长代价".他们有一颗火热激情的心,他们在希望与迷惘的矛盾中,在敏感与脆弱的交织中,守望属于自己的那片天空.  相似文献   

被民间称为"飙车案"的杭州"5·7"交通事故,从一条窄窄的斑马线升腾为一场舆论狂飙.让我们思考如何应对网络舆论的强势挑战?如何防控小事件演变为大风波?信息发布,怎样把握快速与准确的关系?怎样协调个人隐私权与公众知情权的矛盾?当事件仍在调查中,如何避免信息发布"空窗期"?当政府还没有发布权威信息,媒体应该怎么办……  相似文献   

广播中的谈话节目,立足于一个"谈"字。主持人能否与听众"聊"起来,听众是否愿意向主持人倾诉,是否愿意与主持人交流与沟通,或者说"谈话"是否能够引向深入,是否能够感人至深,这其中,除了听众需要具备一定的表达能力之外,主持人的作用显然是关键的关键,他(她)  相似文献   

出版发行市场化运作对图书采访的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
姚倩 《大学图书馆学报》2005,23(2):34-37,61
出版发行业的市场化运作表现为:图书发行渠道已不再是新华书店一统天下;图书市场已经进入包装、炒作、宣传、造势的时代;订单、书目、广告、折扣等成为出版发行业争夺读者、争夺客户、争夺市场的重要手段。出版业市场化运作给图书馆带来深刻影响:图书馆的进书渠道日益拓宽;入藏图书的品种、复本日益受到市场的牵动;图书采访鉴别选择难度日益加大;与书商的关系日益扑朔迷离。  相似文献   

This article offers a unique study of the material form of the television receiver between the 1930s and 1960s. Very little has been written to date on the history of the television set as an artefact. Yet its design and appearance played a major role in the acceptance of television in the home. The meanings of television sets are explored, from the design of wooden cabinets as family furniture to the shaping of portable sets as symbols of progress. A case study of British events is conducted, with reference made to American and other nations’ developments in so far as they relate to Britain's television receiver history. The article confirms that the material form of the television receiver contributed to a narrative of domesticity and progress by reconfiguring the relationship between home and communication technology. The fusion of craft and futurist ideas in design reflected tensions about the receiver as an expression of traditional domestic values, of progress and modernity, and as an icon.  相似文献   

The author briefly describes arguments used in the quality versus demand debate, discusses how a number of public librarians have compromised between the two in their selection practices, and shows how battle lines are being redrawn with the rise of public libraries which claim to be exclusively demand‐oriented.

The bulk of the paper, however, reviews research done during the last quarter‐century in public libraries to determine whether any evidence has been found to support claims that demand‐oriented public libraries are filled with materials of dubious quality. While a great deal has been written on the quality versus demand issue, the author notes that much of it is rhetoric only; the research itself is scanty, in part due to the complexities of defining and measuring quality. However, three factors are identified which have been assumed to affect collection quality: the financial resources the library devotes to book purchases, the educational background of individual selectors, and the degree of contact such selectors have with the public. The author reviews studies relating to these factors and concludes that to date, there is no evidence to corroborate the belief that the quality of books in demand‐oriented libraries is less than that of their quality‐oriented counterparts. Suggestions for future research needed are included.  相似文献   

类书是一种特殊的文献编纂形式。检讨近八十年来有关类书的研究状况,类书的研究可以分为相关研究专著与相关研究论文两部分。从相关研究专著来看,各成体系,面也铺得较宽;从相关研究论文来看,对类书的研究主要集中在类书与目录学的关系、类书与索引的关系、类书的分类体系与分类思想、类书产生与发展的原因、类书的起源、类书的性质、类书的综论性研究、类书的功用、类书与文学的关系、类书的现代化、类书与文献编纂、类书的编纂思想、敦煌类书等十几个方面。同时,指出了八十年来类书研究的不足之处,以期对将来的类书研究有所帮助。  相似文献   


A moulding of the Sutton Hoo ship impression was taken, so that a complete record could be preserved after the final excavations which would necessitate destroying the impression. Plaster of Paris was used as a moulding medium. Experiments were made with consolidants and release agents. Wet paper towelling was used as a barrier between sand and plaster, clay protected the iron rivets. Work began in the burial chamber and progressed to stern and bow. Pieces were made approximately 66 cm square and butted up to each other. Ribs of the boat were moulded separately in 7 or 9 pieces. There were 85 pieces moulded altogether.  相似文献   

Attempting to account for the sex structuring of organizations, this article reviews literature on sex differences in three areas of importance to leadership research. Finding few differences between male and female leaders, the article suggests the use of a framework based on Schein's (68) career stages for further analysis of the sex structuring phenomenon.  相似文献   

中西方人本思想对图书馆人本管理的启示   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国传统人本思想以群体为价值主体,价值取向是责任和义务。西方则以个体为价值主体,价值取向是个人的权利。中西方人本思想对图书馆服务、管理和改革带来启示。  相似文献   

CALIS通过“集团引进”的方式购买电子资源已经有8年历史,为我国高等教育的发展和科研水平的提高起到了很大的促进作用。但由于各地经济、科技以及教育发展的不平衡,电子资源的引进也出现了东西部失衡的现象。作者从多个方面分析和研究了CALIS引进电子资源的地区分布情况,提出了改善资源失衡的几点建议。  相似文献   

介绍了商场促销的主要手段,然后通过商场促销手段与高校图书馆读者服务工作之间的对比,选择了对高校图书馆读者服务工作有借鉴作用的商场促销方式,分析其应用在图书馆读者服务工作中的方式和作用,希望对目前高校图书馆的读者服务工作带来一定的变革,使图书馆读者服务工作更加人性化、更具主动性。  相似文献   

试析网络信息源极限   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对信息源的界定,以知识产权为标杆,阐述了信息资源的社会无形资产特征,进而甄别了信息源的专有权和公有权,论证了图书馆在网络环境下的社会定位。  相似文献   

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