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The Nigerian society has cultural and social differences from those of people in developed countries from which educational programmes and practices have been borrowed. The differences are reflected in the peculiarities in the majority of Nigerian citizens’ need for educational and informational services in libraries. In responding to these peculiar needs of a people whose majority has had no tradition of using books, the librarian who administers their needs may require education and training which must differ in content from the conventional library programmes as currently borrowed from developed countries.

Core courses for the training of librarians who are expected to provide information which may not be recorded in print form, have been suggested for preparing these librarians for the kind of service that would sustain the interest and appreciation of their clientele in the use of libraries. The selected courses, based on the culture and structure of the people, will involve the production of literacy resources, information gathering and dissemination for non-literates, book publishing to conform with local demands and public relations activities which would ensure the social relevance of the library school programmes to the needs of the society.  相似文献   

The Nigerian society has cultural and social differences from those of people in developed countries from which educational programmes and practices have been borrowed. The differences are reflected in the peculiarities in the majority of Nigerian citizens' need for educational and informational services in libraries. In responding to these peculiar needs of a people whose majority has had no tradition of using books, the librarian who administers their needs may require education and training which must differ in content from the conventional library programmes as currently borrowed from developed countries.Core courses for the training of librarians who are expected to provide information which may not be recorded in print form, have been suggested for preparing these librarians for the kind of service that would sustain the interest and appreciation of their clientele in the use of libraries. The selected courses, based on the culture and structure of the people, will involve the production of literacy resources, information gathering and dissemination for non-literates, book publishing to conform with local demands and public relations activities which would ensure the social relevance of the library school programmes to the needs of the society.  相似文献   

国内外卫生信息管理本科教育比较分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过比较国内外卫生信息管理教育的现状以及国外8所高校和国内11所医学院校本科生课程的设置情况,发现国内外在培养目标定位、课程设置及培养层次上存在明显差别,提示我们应以IMIA国际倡议为指导,明确培养目标,制定合理的课程体系,使我国卫生信息管理教育国际化、规范化。  相似文献   

国内外健康信息管理研究生教育现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:介绍、分析美国、德国、英国、澳大利亚等国健康信息管理(HIM)研究生教育和研究的先进理念和实践经验,促进我国HIM研究生教育与国际接轨和高质量专业人才的国际化发展.方法:通过文献调研、网站访问及实际调查等,了解国内外健康信息管理(HIM)研究生教育的现状.结果:国内外在健康信息管理研究生的培养目标、课程设置、专业协会对健康信息管理教育的要求和支持等方面存在较大差异.因存在HIM内涵界定不清使得培养目标不明确、课程设置没有统一标准两大问题,我国开设的很多HIM研究生课程与HIM管理实际需要的能力衔接不紧密,不能满足国内相关部门对人才的需求.结论:我国应借鉴国外经验,重新修订培养方案,构建符合我国卫生信息化需要的健康信息管理研究生培养模式.  相似文献   

国外数据监护教育与职业发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从理论研究与实践进展两方面分析国外数据监护教育与职业发展.归纳国外数据监护教育与职业发展的5个特点:教育与培训课程正在兴起,课程类型多样,形成了针对各层级的教育与培训项目,存在多种形式的合作模式,课程内容体现实际岗位技能需求.最后总结对我国数据监护教育与职业发展的启示.  相似文献   

This paper examines the characteristics and variety of digitization training initiatives in North America and to a lesser extent, Europe, and the growing development of credit-bearing courses and programs within higher education relating to digitization, with a specific focus on librarianship. Information was collected in response to an inquiry posted in late July 2004 on the ARLIS, JESSE, and DIGLIB listservs, supplemented by ongoing perusal of these sources, Web searches, and suggestions from colleagues. It also briefly discusses the benefits and challenges associated with the development of digitized library resources, and the need for greater attention to professional development for those working in digitization.  相似文献   

美国iSchool图书情报学人才培养模式的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]了解美国iSchool 图书情报学人才培养模式的现状,为国内图书情报学人才培养模式的改革提供借鉴。[方法/过程]对美国排名前15的iSchool院校进行网络调研,从培养目标、培养内容、培养方式以及人才培养评估4个方面对其图书情报学人才培养模式进行调查分析。[结果/结论]美国iSchool旨在培养学生掌握学科基础知识、基本技能、信息技术以及提升其学习与研究能力;其核心课程类别设置广泛,涉及基础课程、信息技术、研究方法及跨学科课程等方面;人才培养方式多样化,包括学位教育、认证、双学位、辅修等多种方式;认证协会、排名机构与学院重视对人才培养质量的评估。美国iSchool人才培养模式对我国的图书情报学人才培养具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This paper explores data journalism education, with a particular focus on formal training in the higher education sector globally. The study draws on data from: (1) the 2017 Global Data Journalism Survey, to study the state of data journalism education and the requirements in terms of training and (2) a dataset of 219 unique modules or programmes on data journalism or related fields that were curated and examined in order to understand the nature of data journalism education in universities across the world. The results show that while journalists interested in data are highly educated in journalism or closely related fields, they do not have a strong level of education in the more technical areas of data journalism, such as data analysis, coding and data visualisation. The study further reveals that a high proportion of data journalism courses are concentrated in the United States, with a growing number of courses developing across the world, and particularly in Europe. Despite this, education in the field does not have a strong academic underpinning, and while many courses are emerging in this area, there are not enough academically trained instructors to lead and/or teach such interdisciplinary programmes in the higher education sector.  相似文献   

北美图书情报教育发展新动向分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会信息化的发展、人才市场竞争加剧使图书情报教育面临挑战,必须通过改革创新以适应发展的需要。在调研的基础上,总结、分析北美图书情报教育发展的新动向,涉及培养目标的提升,教育层次的多样化,模块化的课程体系,开展面向广泛领域的科研以促进教学发展以及重视开展实践性教学、加强学生综合能力培养等方面。目的是为我国图书情报教育改革创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   

在"健康中国"战略下,医学知识服务保障体系对建设国家健康信息化服务体系、提高健康教育服务能力和提高全民健康素养进行支撑。文章从医学知识服务管理机构、医学知识服务支持政策、医学知识服务实施策略、医学知识服务研究和培训、医学知识服务合作和医学知识服务质量评价等方面对英国医学知识服务保障体系现状进行分析,提出我国医学知识服务保障体系建设策略:加强医学知识服务管理机构和政策体系建设,开展医学知识服务项目研究和职业教育培训,重视医学图书馆知识服务合作和评价。  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims of the study were to examine whether and how librarians with a generalist background can transfer to roles demanding more expert knowledge in the health sector. The objectives were (i) to compare the education and training needs of health librarians with science degrees with the education and training needs of health librarians with arts and humanities degrees; (ii) to compare the education and training needs of librarians working in the National Health Service (NHS) sector with the education and training needs of librarians working for the health sector but within higher education. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews with 16 librarians, a convenience sample of librarians working in the Thames Valley NHS region. RESULTS: The main findings confirmed that structured continuing professional development (CPD) is required to meet the rapidly changing needs in the health sector. The emphasis ought to be on teaching skills, outreach work, marketing and promotion, research skills and methods, subject knowledge and terminology, and management skills. Library school curricula do not appear to meet the demands of medical library posts. A first degree in scientific subjects is advantageous in the early stages of a career but diminishes with continuing training and experience. There is no evidence of a significant difference in training needs and provision between the librarians in NHS posts as opposed to those in higher education (HE) posts. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions suggest that library schools need to update their programmes to include teaching skills, advanced search skills, project management skills, research methods, with more practical exercises. Particular attention should be given to librarians with a first degree in non-scientific subjects in terms of time allocated for CPD, quality of training and access to reliable mentorship.  相似文献   

信息化是图书馆学教育的必然走势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
信息化是图书馆学教育的必然走势李景正Abstract:Twoprogrammesforlibararyeducationareputforward:1)libraryspecialityisthemainbodyoftheeducationandre...  相似文献   

The rapid growth of world population and changes in government policies and programs have brought many changes to the area of population information. These include an increase in the amount of population information and funds devoted to research as well as an increase in awareness of the need to improve access to population information. Population information resources are located mainly in the developed countries, and no adequate information flow has yet been established to and from the developing nations. In response to this need, emerging regional population information networks are already identifiable. Focus is on components of an international population information network; North America and Europe; Latin America; Asia; Africa; and POPINS (worldwide population information system) Proposal, the model, and a counterproposal. It is evident that a strong North American European network is coalescing rapidly. The Latin American Population Documentation Systems (DOCPAL) offers the promise of bringing order to population information in Latin America. In Asia and Africa the situation in regard to population networks looks encouraging. During the next 2-year period the POPINS proposal will be carefully scrutinized. On the basis of these efforts, it seems reasonable to predict that within a 7-10 year period a de facto worldwide population information network will be a reality.  相似文献   

数字图书馆的专业教育近几年来在美国及其他国家迅速发展。网络调查显示大学开设数字图书馆专业课程的数字4年内增加了3倍。目前不但专业信息管理及图书馆院系设置此课程,计算机、通信及工程学院也设置类似课程。从对40多所大学数字图书馆课程的教学大纲、学习重点、课题项目及选用教科书的研究分析中可以看出,多数院系重视学生的实际操作本领,一些注重数字图书馆学的系统教育,一些偏重网络及计算机软件技术的教育。虽然占领先地位的并非都是传统的图书馆院系,有些教授内容也未全部使用此领域的最新研究成果,但将数字图书馆作为一门新学科内容,训练学生掌握使用这门新技能,已成为信息学、信息与计算机技术和信息管理大学课程中的一个热点。数字图书馆专业教育的迅速发展反映了信息管理及图书馆学教育的一个新趋势。  相似文献   

In this report, responses to a questionnaire to the directors of the sixteen past and present medical library education programs are presented. The questionnaires indicate a rather wide variety of training programs with emphases that vary from preparation of management personnel to preparation of subject specialists and those skilled in the techniques of information storage and retrieval. The content of the degree programs is fairly evenly divided among general retrieval and outside courses. The internship programs place more emphasis on the work experience than do the degree programs, supplementing this experience with appropriate courses in science, health sciences, management, and information storage and retrieval. Program directors indicated that new or expanded programs are needed in medical library education, although caution is reflected in comments concerning the limited job market. Most of the internship directors stated that they could not accommodate more individuals in their programs without expansion of staff and facilities.  相似文献   

In the Scandinavian countries, archival education and training are provided by a great number of actors. There are no traditional archives schools in the sense of the école de chartes but all the other forms of education and training are available. Archival science has a strong presence in universities especially in Sweden, Finland and Norway. A typically Scandinavian characteristic is the prominent role of the National Archives Services as providers of archival education and training. In Finland the National Archives Service has two comprehensive programmes, resulting in formal degrees, for people working in archival duties in the administration or in the private sector. Another markedly Scandinavian characteristic is that records management has a prominent role in educational and training programmes. Also archival associations and foundations are mong the actors in the field of education and training in Scandinavia. The Norwegian “Arkivakademiet” and the Finnish Association of Business Archivists are good examples of this.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors need information skills to deliver health care in the 21st century. There is concern that those who trained before the 'information age' will be inadequately equipped for their work. OBJECTIVES: To assess doctors' use of computers for clinical tasks, and their knowledge and skills in health information management and technology. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey. SETTING: An acute NHS trust in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: 96 (83%) of all doctors in the trust responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of respondents reporting the following: use of computer-based systems for clinical tasks, knowledge in eight health informatics topics, skills in using specific hardware and software applications. Also comparison of reported skills between senior and junior staff; proportion of doctors identifying specific training needs. RESULTS: All but one (1%) of the responding doctors used a computer regularly. Over three quarters of respondents reported they were semi-skilled or fully skilled in basic office applications, though the juniors scored significantly more highly than the seniors for some applications. However, 44% of doctors reported no skills in database software, identifying this as a training need. Around half of the doctors were unaware of health informatics topics, including electronic patient records, the Caldicott report and data protection law. In each case the senior doctors were significantly more aware than the juniors of the topic in question. CONCLUSION: Both junior and senior doctors have basic computer literacy, but nearly half of this population identify the use of database software as a training need. In addition, there are several health informatics topics of which a large proportion of doctors, particularly the juniors, have little knowledge, but which have not been identified as training needs. Some recommendations are made for provision of in-house health informatics education for doctors.  相似文献   

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