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ABSTRACT Much work has been done on gender stereotyping in textbooks for foreign language teaching. However, little has focused on the language of dialogues, which are a characteristic feature of language textbooks. In the light of this gap, this article describes the author's own study analysing discourse roles in dialogues in three recent text books for the teaching of English as a foreign language. The results showed an encouraging level of gender fairness. The authors then explore whether this fairness was achieved through the creation of gender balance in social and occupational roles, and suggest that this was so in the case of these three books. They also discuss the negative implications of gender-imbalanced dialogues for female students + language practice opportunities. This study has implications for language teachers, teacher educators, and writers and publishers of language teaching materials.  相似文献   

宋华强 《成都教育学院学报》2009,23(11):111-112,116
新课程改革涉及学生、教师和家长的利益,人们都对其充满希望。文章针对新课程改革中的新教材、课堂教学、学习方式、教师研修、学业评价等问题提出以下看法:新教材还须磨炼,课堂教学应回归本真,学生学习方式必须多变,教师研修应更有效,学业评价瓶颈急待突破。如此,方能让新课程改革更加稳健地推进。  相似文献   

新一轮体育与健康课程的改革决不仅仅是换一套教材,而是一场教育观念的更新。改革涉及到该课程的目标,内容,考核与评价,体育教师必须学习现代教育理论,理解新课程标准,才能把握课程标准和新教材。在实施新的课程标准时应建立新的教学理念和平等的师生观,并要努力体育教师的整体综合素质。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络的广泛应用,高校师生获取信息、组织信息、使用信息方法和观念的进一步改变,传统的以印刷介质为主要媒体的图书资料系统,已远远不能适应时代的发展,建立数字化、网络化的新型图书资料系统势在必行。本文从实现共享的必要性、可能性,以及文献数据库和网站的建立、维护、更新等方面做了简要的论述,为高校图书资料系统之间实现资源的网上共享提出了方法和途径。  相似文献   

This study analyses whether the primary school mathematics textbooks from two Spanish publishers show a varied instructional diet of addition and multiplication problems at different levels of complexity. To do so, it analyses the problems in all the primary grades by the publishers Santillana and SM according to two levels of complexity: (a) procedural (number of steps needed to solve the problem); and (b) semantic/mathematical (addition or multiplication structures, with their different subtypes). The results show that: (a) these problems are so simple that the books themselves cannot be regarded as a sufficient tool to teach students to solve the more complex problems; and (b) if we compare them with previous studies, the design of the problems has hardly changed in 10 years. These results show that the variety of problems in books should be expanded both procedurally and semantically/mathematically, and teachers should be given assistance to compensate for these shortcomings when using these textbooks in class.  相似文献   

随着版权引进图书数量的逐年递增,在版权引进过程中遇到的问题也更加复杂和多样化。文章以提高版权引进工作实效为主线,从图书版权信息收集、版权申请、版权合同签订以及版权引进流程管理等四个实操层面重点列举并阐述了引进图书版权过程中需要注意的几个问题。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of including explicit nature of science (NOS) content in read-alouds of elementary science trade books on the teaching and learning of NOS. We focused on three aspects of NOS: the creative, the empirical, and the inferential NOS. The trade books were read aloud by teachers in three hierarchical levels: Level I served as a control and consisted of a trade book that remained unmodified, Level II consisted of a trade book that had been modified to include explicit references to NOS, and Level III consisted of a modified trade book accompanied by educative curriculum materials that were aimed at improving the teachers' views of NOS as well as supporting teaching about NOS. We used the Views of Nature of Science Questionnaire-form CE (VNOS-CE) preintervention and postintervention to determine changes in teachers' views of NOS and interviews preintervention and postintervention to determine changes in students' views. Audio recordings of read-alouds were used to determine changes in teaching practice, including the frequency and the quality (i.e., naïve or informed) of the NOS references in the discussions. Interviews were used to determine teachers' perceptions of the modified trade books and educative curriculum materials. We found that both teachers and students developed more informed views of the targeted NOS aspects after the intervention and that teachers addressed NOS more often, and in a more informed manner, when they had trade books that explicitly supported NOS instruction and educative curriculum materials that supported their learning about NOS. Furthermore, they perceived the intervention materials favorably. Teachers' views and practices were able to change in tandem because of the intervention materials that supported explicit NOS instruction. We highlight the need for more widespread development of similar educative curriculum materials.  相似文献   

本文记叙了青岛第四十一中学教学管理及校本研训过程中的实际做法,即依托大学教育资源成立教师发展学校,依托专家,进行以"一课多人上"的课堂实录为主载体的评课式研讨;以"同课异构"式的集体备课为主载体的备课式研讨;开展以读好书写随笔为主要形式的教师自我研训;以及开展以生成性问题为中心问题的"行动教学研究"等校本研训活动。并对开展校本研训取得的效果进行反思。  相似文献   

The British novelist Nicky Singer talks about becoming a writer, the role of editors and about who decides what can—and what can’t—be published either side of the Atlantic. Her three novels explore territory which can make publishers nervous: Feather Boy (initiation rites and domestic violence), Doll (self-harm) and The Innocent’s Story (terrorist suicide bombing). The sharply contrasting responses from publishers in the United Kingdom and the United States are described. Through Nicky Singer’s sometimes extraordinary experiences with publishers runs the implicit question, perhaps as important now as it has ever been: What constraints should there be on what is explored in books for young readers?  相似文献   

新课程小学数学教学参考书(简称"新教参")是教师教学的范本,教师专业发展的平台,其功能发挥在于编写的创新.新教参编写应按两叙述形式前后进行,先采用顺叙形式(新教参的"教学建议"部分)帮助教师理解教材编写意图以把握教学,后采用倒叙形式(新教参的"教学思考"部分)帮助教师反思教材编写意图以形成教学策略.  相似文献   

Learning from curriculum materials: Scaffolds for new teachers?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores how beginning teachers use and learn from curriculum materials. As part of a longitudinal study of beginning English teachers who teach in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, the researchers tracked teachers’ responses to and use of materials over time, and how these materials shaped their classroom practice. The authors found that the teachers spent an enormous amount of time searching out curriculum materials for their classes and that the curriculum materials they encountered did, indeed, powerfully shape their ideas about teaching language arts as well as their classroom practice. Based on their findings, the authors propose a trajectory for the teachers’ use of the curriculum materials. New teachers begin by sticking close to the materials they have at hand. Then, over time, as they learn more about both students and curriculum, they adapt and adjust their use of the materials. The authors argue that new and aspiring teachers need opportunities to analyze and critique curriculum materials, beginning during teacher education and continuing in the company of their more experienced colleagues.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if the voluntary literacy behaviors of children could be increased in type and quantity through design changes by including reading and writing materials in dramatic play areas. Thirteen preschool classes were distributed into one control group and three different experimental groups: one in which thematic play with literacy materials was guided by teachers, one in which thematic play with literacy materials was not guided by teachers, and one in which books, pencils and papers were supplied in unthemed dramatic play areas with teacher guidance. The type and quantity of literacy behaviors in each of the three experimental settings were determined by direct observation prior to intervention, during intervention, and after a delayed period of time. Literacy behaviors increased significantly in all the experimental groups over the control group. Thematic play with teacher guidance yielded greatest gains; the provision of books, pencils and paper with teacher guidance yielded the next greatest gains; and thematic play without teacher guidance yielded third greatest gains. The effect of the treatments continued after a delayed period of time.  相似文献   

成人新时期的图书资料贵在精,贵在新。它在成人高校图书管理者的开发下,为成人高校的德育、教学和辅助教学的信息共享提供了最新的资源和最新的信息,为成人大学师生创造性地教学打下了坚实的基础,同时为培养社会主义现代化的创新人才做出了积极的贡献。  相似文献   

<正>1.Introduction As Nunan(1991)points out that before teachers adapt materials,it is important to consider that many materials are well designed by publishers,and the material may useful and helpful in a suitable context,such as in my home country,published materials both in middle schools and senior high schools are edited every year,which is in order to address some problems  相似文献   

The present study builds on teachers’ professional knowledge about mathematics learning difficulties. Based on the input of 918 primary school teachers, an attempt is made to develop an overview of difficult curriculum topics in primary school mathematics. The research approach builds on new conceptions about the professional identity of teachers and earlier conceptions that point at the critical relevance of teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. It is also found that the adoption of a specific commercially available learning package (CALP: manuals and exercise books used in the classroom) plays a mediating role.  相似文献   

Revisiting curriculum inquiry: the role of visual representations   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Curriculum materials and knowledge about curricular purposes and structures are valuable tools that teachers often draw upon to organize instruction and facilitate student learning. Careful analysis of teachers’ curriculum implementation and the decision-making that undergirds their curriculum use is critical for fully understanding enactment. This paper compares how integrity analyses of implementation of curriculum materials and actor-oriented analysis of teachers’ curriculum use can help researchers, teacher educators, and curriculum designers interpret teachers’ decisions about what aspects of new materials to use and how to use such materials. Drawing on evidence from teacher interviews and observations, we compare two teachers’ enactments of a new elementary-level environmental biology unit. Our analyses of integrity point to differences in teachers’ adaptations with respect to their consistency with the purposes and structures of curriculum materials as construed by designers. By contrast, our actor-oriented analysis explain how the teachers’ different approaches to interpreting the goals and structures of the curriculum unit partly account for patterns in their enactment in ways that can inform refinements to materials and the design of professional development supports for teachers. In so doing, we show how implementation integrity and actor-oriented analyses offer complementary perspectives to inform curriculum research and development.  相似文献   

论文立足全新版《大学英语》教材,针对配套的各类教辅书展开调查,了解其在师生中的普及情况,并对各类教辅书进行对比研究与思考,旨在帮助广大师生合理地选购该教辅书、充分发挥其在教学中拾遗补阙的作用,使之成为师生真正的“良师益友”。  相似文献   

高校院系图书资料室更适合读者需要,所藏图书资料价值在于利用,利用的关键在于图书资料工作者服务,因此,图书资料管理人员必须不断加强自身学习与修养,为读者提供更优质的服务,从而更充分地发挥出高校院系图书馆的作用。  相似文献   

高校图书馆新书推荐旨在组织师生更好地利用图书馆。常熟理工学院图书馆存在新书展示盲目、展示量递减,网络推荐量偏少、知晓率低,新书利用率低等问题。提高展示效果和馆员素质,拓宽推荐渠道,发挥网络推荐功能,可切实提高高校图书馆新书推荐效率。  相似文献   

解决高校双语教学中矛盾的方法与途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
双语教学作为培养高素质双语人才的重要途径之一,近几年在我国高校逐步开展。要理解双语教学就需明确双语教学与外语教学的关系、双语教学与专业外语的关系。双语教学实施中存在的主要问题有:教材的问题、师生素质的问题、课时的问题等。要保证双语教学的质量,教师就必须处理好教材的使用问题,研究教学方法,同时提高自身的外语运用能力。  相似文献   

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