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《Popular Communication》2013,11(1):43-60
This article examines how iVillage.com, one of the most popular World Wide Web portals for women, advises them on how to integrate the demands of wage and domestic labor. Specifically, the article focuses on the implications such advice has for gender relations within the family and for feminist politics in U.S. society. Discursive strategies in advice generated by iVillage.com support the ideology of postfeminism, which promotes individual consumer-based solutions for a primarily middle-class audience over politics addressing the gendered division of labor, both within individual families and in social structures. Such commercial Web-site discourses are consistent with those constructed by other mainstream media.  相似文献   

孔良海 《寻根》2009,(1):130-131
这里是废墟,数不清的瓦屑陶片堆起了一条长坝,片片瓦砾散落在绿杨衰草之间,流水泥沙之中。昔日的荣华变成了遐想,变成了供人凭吊的沼泽,绿装翠盖的芦苇芰荷遍布其间。几百万江西移民曾经带着诀别,带着失落从这里出发,渡过茫茫大湖,驶向一个未知的远方……  相似文献   

Building on research on immigrant political socialization and social connections in politics, I advance a theoretical model for how immigrants develop their sense of political discussion in a new nation. This model, the Social Contact Model of Immigrant Political Socialization, focuses on the influences coming from close-knit social groups and wider-ranging social networks. I apply the model through a qualitative study of Mexican-heritage immigrants in the US and the likely sources of socialization that influence their political discussion behavior. The findings provide some support for the theoretical model and suggest there are important differences between Latino immigrants and native-born Whites in how they learn to engage in political discussion.  相似文献   

范毓周 《寻根》2011,(2):22-30
殷人东渡美洲是近年来中外学术界普遍关注的一个重要问题,围绕这一问题,不少中外学者都曾发表过论著,提出过不少假说和推断。这些假说和推断大多都将发现于墨西哥东海岸的美洲最早的文明—奥尔梅克文明的出现和商代末年武王伐纣后原属商朝的殷人渡海远逃联系起来。  相似文献   

Stereotype research depicts the generic immigrant as incompetent and untrustworthy. The current research expands this image, specifying key information dimensions (e.g. nationality, socioeconomic status) about immigrants. To see how perceivers differentiate among particular immigrant groups, we extend a model of intergroup perception, the Stereotype Content Model (SCM; Fiske, Cuddy, Glick, & Xu, 2002. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 82, 878–902), to immigrant subgroups. The SCM predicts that perception centers on competence and warmth, and relates to targets’ perceived status and competition within society. Specified by nationality, race, ethnicity, and class, images of immigrants differ by both competence and warmth, with most groups receiving ambivalent (low–high or high–low) stereotypes rather than the uniform low–low for the generic immigrant. As predicted, ambivalent stereotypes reflect target nationality combined with socioeconomic status, supporting the SCM's ambivalent stereotypes and social structural hypotheses, as well as better defining immigrant stereotypes and their contingencies.  相似文献   

The Global Cultural Initiative (GCI) was a flagship cultural diplomacy effort introduced by the Bush Administration in the mid-2000s; one project of this initiative was the American Film Institute's Project: 20/20, a program of 19 films from five continents scheduled to tour the United States and abroad. This paper is a historical exploration into how the Bush Administration reconstructed American identity and culture through framing, and how that framing was embedded within cultural diplomacy initiatives like the GCI. This paper contributes to an understanding of how intercultural dialogue is often based on key messages and constructed ideas.  相似文献   

傅辉 《寻根》2006,(5):118-121
一中华民族的姓,不仅是一种记录族群血缘关系的见证,也是后人寻觅同姓支脉繁衍、迁徙,探求家世渊源脉络的基本线索。但是,在中华民族姓氏的嬗变中,异姓同宗现象却相当普遍。而明初以降华北移民后裔中的异姓同宗现象,则与史不同。据1993年版河南《内黄县志·氏族》调查,内黄一县之内,异姓同宗现象竟达七宗之多,其中明初移民分姓宗数与避难移民分姓宗数相等。虽然对那些因担心政治迫害而分姓的动因,无须多言,然而,对明初政府行为下的华北移民分姓的动机,无论从移民政策,还是社会学等方面,都有深入考察的必要。历经元末明初浩劫后的华北,社会经…  相似文献   

縱觀我國學術史,每個時代,大抵都有新舊之争,然皆未若清民之際為烈.似乎可以說,"新舊之争"四個字已成為民國學術史的關鍵詞.然何人為新,何人為舊,既難截然一劃而分,而舊中蘊新,新又返舊,更趨複雜.  相似文献   

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