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This paper discusses the teaching approaches which English primary schools are encouraged to use as part of the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) and the ways in which the case for their increased use is supported by research and inspection evidence. This evidence suggests that, in the years immediately before the NLS was implemented, early reading in English primary schools was largely taught by individualised methods. The skills for dealing with information texts were taught rather patchily. Links between reading and writing were often not directly made. The paper argues that the reasons for this individualised pedagogy can be traced back to the influence of the Plowden Report of 1967. The limitations of individualised teaching with whole classes have subsequently been highlighted by school effectiveness research. The paper outlines the studies which have influenced the NLS in promoting greater direct interactive teaching of literacy and notes some critical issues which are still to be resolved.  相似文献   

In this article I explore contrasting approaches to literacy and learning in Key Stage One classrooms. In particular I question whether the approach to writing composition in the NLS Framework for Teaching is consistent with what we know about children’s story telling and writing in the early years. Children are powerful thinkers who constantly strive to make meaningful and playful engagements with their social and cultural worlds, of which texts are an important part. Through composing and writing stories in school the children in this study are often exploring aspects of their identities, having fun in entering into adult and fantasy worlds, and working with their friends to create texts which place them in powerful roles.  相似文献   

As schools adapt to the Key Stage 3 Literacy Strategy, this paper looks at early impacts upon secondary English departments of the primary National Literacy Strategy (NLS). Since 1999, pupils with increasing experience of the primary NLS have been entering secondary schools. This paper focuses upon four secondary English departments at three points in time: early in the first year in which secondary schools received Y7 students who had experienced the NLS (autumn 1999), towards the end of the same school year (July 2000) and five terms later (spring 2002). The paper looks for shifts over time in departmental policy and practice across the primary/secondary transfer that may relate to the impact of the primary NLS. Of the two major findings from rounds one and two of interviews, one was confirmed by the third round of interviews and one was not. The persistent finding was that greater success with post-NLS students in Y7 was experienced by the English department that already practised high levels of liaison with feeder primary schools and worked positively to publicise their literacy practices across their own school's other subject departments. However, over the three years, the four departments grew more varied in their preparation for, and responses to, receiving students from the primary NLS. This suggests that English departments are operating their responses to the primary NLS with a fair degree of autonomy.  相似文献   

以过程为中心的英语写作教学法已成为近年来非常流行的改革英语写作教学的思潮。改变教学方法就必然先要改变传统的终结性评价方式。本文从英语写作教学实践的角度出发,探讨行为表现评估在英语过程写作教学中的具体运用,并指出采用这种全新评估方式的过程写作教学必然会促进英语写作教学的质的飞跃。  相似文献   

Graham Frater 《Literacy》2000,34(3):107-112
This paper arises from survey work in 32 primary schools during the academic year 1999–2000. The first part celebrates good practice, whose roots it finds in effective whole‐school strategies for literacy, and in confident approaches to the NLS. The second part features schools where achievements in literacy, and particularly in writing, are less secure. It suggests that these schools often share a conscientious, but anxious and closely literal interpretation of the NLS framework, and that this hinders the progress of their pupils.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the National Literacy Strategy (NLS) offers contradictory pedagogical advice to teachers on 'interactive teaching'. It reports research on teachers' perceptions of and responses to this advice and focuses particularly on NLS demands for teaching which is 'well paced with a sense of urgency'. Evidence from case studies and systematic observations of classroom interaction is used to show that whilst teachers vary in their sensitivity to the dilemmas posed by NLS demands, their classroom discourse in the Literacy Hour is quantitatively and qualitatively different from pre-NLS discourse. It is suggested that opportunities for critical reflection on practice are needed to help teachers articulate and resolve the dilemmas created by the imposition of prescribed programmes on personal educational principles.  相似文献   

要提高学生的写作能力,需要长时间的练习,这也是一个循序渐进的过程。小学低年级主要进行的是写话训练,到了三年级,才开始尝试写作。写话训练是写作的基础,两者之间有着必然的联系,需要有效进行衔接。教师要思考如何更好地进行写话训练,以有效对接写作教学。文章结合教学实践,对写话训练与写作教学有效衔接进行论述。  相似文献   

“如何提高职高生的写作能力,为他们以后的生活、工作、深造打下扎实的基础”是一直困扰职高语文教师的难题,经过多年对职高生的作文教学与实践,认为要对职高生分阶段分梯度进行作文训练;在课堂教学过程中,贯穿听说读写的知识弥补和能力训练;适当降低难度,调动学生的积极性,让他们充分写作并全面参与评改;分模块进行专项训练.这样,在职高两到三年的有限学习时间内,是可以有效提高学生写作能力,为升学做好准备的.  相似文献   

对化学工程与技术专业研究生“科技论文写作”课程教学内容与模式进行探讨。结合近年来的教学实践,在重视论文写作创新性与规范性的基础上,加强对研究生鉴赏与交流能力的培养,增设发表观研讨、学术报告制作与演讲、论文写作辅助软件等内容,以期提高课程教学效果。  相似文献   

目前高等教育以专业基础知识的灌输为主要教学方式,理论与实践脱离,使学生在接受理论时十分吃力,教学效果事倍功半,不利于培养创新型人才。本文结合教学实践,构建了基于学科交叉和学科集成的实验教学方法,具体介绍了在梯队建设、教学体系、课程建设和教材建设等方面所做的工作。通过近几年的实践与探索,该教学方法在培养创新型、综合型人才方面具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

支架式教学模式作为建构主义的一种教学范式,可以有效地处理"教"与"学"之间的关系。近年来在国内外教育教学理论和实践领域日益受到重视。本文结合支架式教学理论,探讨其在大学英语写作教学中的运用,为外语写作教学提供新的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文根据相关文献资料和教学实践,提出“模仿练写”的教学方法,研究在大学英语写作训练初级阶段如何使学生较快地入门,以及减轻教师评阅负担的问题。  相似文献   

网络写作教学发展的当务之急是把模式的研究引入到网络写作中来。“导练”教学模式就是在现代教育理论指导下,教师充分利用导学手段指导学生进行知识、技能的训练,并使之转化为能力的一种教学实践活动。导是练的铺垫,练是导的目的。文章从教学模式的涵义出发,构建了网络环境下写作教学中的导练模式,在理论基础、操作程序、评价和实现条件等方面深入探讨了导练模式的诸多因素,以期为模式的构建提供一种新的思路。  相似文献   

Graham Frater 《Literacy》2004,38(2):78-82
In this paper Graham Frater finds early signs of a revival of explicit instruction in English grammar to pupils of compulsory school age in England; this is accompanied by an expectation that such teaching might play an important part in closing the ‘writing gap’. He suggests that, strengthened by the National Literacy Strategy, this early re‐awakening invokes again some of the debates that accompanied the construction of the National Curriculum. Rooted in a case study of a text by a low‐achieving Y7 writer, and in two surveys of effective practice with writing (covering Key Stages 2–4), this paper argues that purposeful text‐level teaching, reading in particular, and the creation of real readerships offer more secure ways of promoting progress in writing.  相似文献   

高越 《现代教育技术》2012,22(12):66-69
文章对高等教育出版社和清华大学杨永林教授共同开发的"体验英语写作教学资源平台"教学功能及研发理念进行了简要介绍。采用实验对比的研究方法检验了该平台在大学英语写作教学中的使用效果,数据统计分析结果显示:学生在使用该平台完成一学期的写作教学训练后,其写作能力有较显著提升,具体表现在内容表述、句式多变、语言正确等指标方面,写作成绩提高较为明显。  相似文献   

Poetry writing is felt by many primary teachers to be an important part of children's early language and literary development. It is also considered by many teachers to be very difficult to assess, due in part to the subjective nature of much poetry. Therefore poetry writing in schools enjoys both high and low status. If practice of teaching this genre is to develop it is necessary for teachers to have a clear view of what children are able to achieve within it. By looking at examples of children's poetry writing, my aim in this paper is to demonstrate how it is possible for primary school teachers to identify features of children's poetry writing which they consider to be of value. I shall argue, from the basis of an empirical research study, that teachers can, therefore, promote and encourage progression in poetry writing by their classes; but that to do so is to challenge views of poetry writing by children promoted in current orders and recommendations.  相似文献   

通过参与大学英语四级考试作文题的阅卷,发现考生英语写作水平低下与大学英语课堂教学有着直接的关联。从考生应试中反映出的写作问题,容易看出大学英语课堂教学中未能充分注重英语写作的科学性和系统性,也未能给予学生充分的写作训练机会。因此,要从根本上提高学生英语写作水平,应结合四、六级作文考试题的评分标准来有效地改进大学英语写作课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

在高职应用写作教学中实践研究性教学理念,有助于教师钻研教材、教法,切实提高教学水平;有助于激发学生学习兴趣、发掘学生内在潜力,使学生应用写作学习由被动接受转为主动探究。研究性教学理念可以借助案例教学法、合作学习法、情境教学法等教学方式得以实践。  相似文献   

文章通过调查研究,揭示了高等专科院校学生中文素养与写作能力等方面存在的问题。指出培养学生中文素养及提高写作能力的主要途径:一是正确认识及理解写作教学中的“本”的问题,即如何在教学中因势引导,充分激发学生学好写作课的内在积极性,唤醒每个学生内心深处对生活、对专业、对未来的生命激情。二是在教学实践中通过改变学生写作观,转变评价标准,激发写作热情,加强阅读等方式落实“本”的意义。三是在实践中加强“本”的应用。  相似文献   

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