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现象图析学作为一种研究取向和方法业已被接受,但它与现象学的关系一直没有被彻底厘清,这妨碍了人们对它的准确理解以及对相关应用的指导.文章基于现象学(哲学)态度,分析了现象图析学与现象学的渊源关系,由此揭示:现象图析学在"聚焦二阶视角、文本处理、结果空间描述"三个方面继承了现象学态度,它是现象学态度指导下的面向人们体验世界的不同方式的实征研究方法.现象图析学在认可个体构造不同的基础上所展开的学习者差异分析,不仅可以拓展教育研究范式,指导相关研究工作的开展,也对教育教学实践有着重要的应用意义.  相似文献   

现象图析学是西方大学学习与教学研究主要的理论基础.现象图析学作为一种学习理论与研究范式从联系和感知的视角重新解释学习,强调情境的作用和学习者的立场,推进了大学学习与教学研究的繁荣.现象图析学在大学学习与教学研究中的应用包括大学师生的教学方式及其影响因素、教学信念、教学环境感知,以及教学结果.未来进行现象图析学研究应该注意其在情境、文化、国别、解释性与实证性矛盾等方面存在的问题.  相似文献   

现象描述分析学立足于所谓第二层次的视角来研究与人类活动有关的现象。通过研究人们对某一现象的描述概括出一些具有本质差别的观念。以此认识现象以及经历这一现象的人.研究表明。学习观基本上可归结为表层式和深层式两类.我国教师的教学观可归纳为两类取向(注入取向、发展取向)、五种观念(传授观、应试观、能力观、态度观、育人观).研究表明。注入式教学对学生的学习有负面的影响。发展式的教学观对学生的学习有正面的影响.  相似文献   

现象描述分析学:一种重要的质的研究方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现象描述分析学是一种质的研究方法,近30年来迅速发展并在欧洲与北美被广泛用于各种教育观念的研究。本文阐述了现象描述分析学的理论基础、基本假设、研究程序和方法,探讨了该方法在教育研究上的应用。  相似文献   

自上个世纪70年代以来,起源于现象学传统的现象描述分析学在教育研究领域里取得了长足的发展,到现今.已形成自己独特的研究视角、完备的理论框架和独树一帜的研究方法,被认为是一种较为成熟的、质的教育研究与评价方法论。本文在阐述现象描述分析学的含义、起源、研究对象、研究方法的基础上,进一步研究了其阶段划分与具体步骤,以促进国内现象描述分析学在实践中的进一步研究与发展。  相似文献   

现象描述分析学与学习观、教学观的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
现象描述分析学立足于所谓第二层次的视角来研究与人类活动有关的现象,通过研究人们对某一现象的描述概括出一些具有本质判别的观念,以此认识现象以及经历这一现象的人,研究表明,学习观基本上可归结表层式和深层工两类。我国教师的教学观可归纳为两类取向(注入取向、发展取向)、五种观念(传授观、应试观、能力观、态度观、育人观)。研究表明,注入式教学观对学生的学习有负面的影响,发展式的教学观对学生的学习有正面的影响  相似文献   

"空间观念"是数学学习的核心概念之一.《标准(2011版)》从四个方面对空间观念进行描述:空间观念指根据物体特征抽象出几何图形,根据几何图形想象出所描述的实际物体;想象出物体的方位和相互之间的位置关系;描述图形的运动和变化;依据语言的描述画出图形等.培养初步的空间观念是发展空间想象力的基础,是小学几何初步知识教学中的一项主要任务.那么,在小学数学教学中,该如何培养学生的空间观念呢?  相似文献   

统计与概率主要是研究现实生活中的数据和客观世界中的随机现象,它通过对数据的收集、整理、描述和分析以及对事件发生可能性的刻画,来帮助人们作出合理的决策。在信息社会里,数据日益成为一种重要的信息。如何收集数据、整理数据、分析数据已成为每个公民必须具备的基本素质。为此,《标准》在研制过程中,将统计与概率作为数学教育的四个领域之一,这足以说明其教育价值的重要性。小学阶段学习统计与概率的目的主要是:引导学生用随机的观点来理解现实世界,初步掌握收集、整理、描述和分析数据的方法,逐步形成统计的观念;通过统计与概率的学习…  相似文献   

现象图析学是瑞典哥德堡大学教育学系的研究团队发明并使用的一种教育研究方式,属于教育研究领域一种中观层面的方法论,拥有独特的本体论、认识论、方法论假设.现象图析学的本体论假设,即知识并非绝然的客观真理,而是个体观念与外部现实世界交互式作用的结果.认识论假设,即描述是获得个体对于具体事物观念的基本认识方式.方法论假设,即强调数据收集过程中的探索性特征以及数据分析过程中的情境性特征.现象图析学旨在对个体对于周遭世界体验的现象进行描述,涉及的主要内容包括一阶观点和二阶观点、差异、质的差异的(理解)方式、描述的分类等.近年来,教育研究领域使用现象图析学完成的经验性研究数量与日俱增,但其尚未引起我国大陆学者的高度重视.  相似文献   

当前中学生学习化学有相当大的难度。本文拟从学习心理的迁移规律在化学教学中的运用,来探讨怎样使学生学习化学时化难为易,提高教学效果。现行中学化学教材中,学生难掌握的内容大致有,(1)化学用语,(2)化学基础理论,如物质结构、化学平衡、电离等以及有关微观粒子运动状态等,(3)元素及其化合物的性质、制法和用途等,(4)化学计算,(5)实验现象的观察、分析、综合和推理判断等。这些内容,记忆性知识较多,基础理论知识概括性强,需要一定的分析推  相似文献   

The conceptions an individual holds about a phenomenon can influence and determine associated behaviours and perspectives. Consequently, they have a bearing upon how learning about a phenomenon is undertaken and how that phenomenon is experienced and applied in context. A phenomenographic research approach was used to gather the expressed experiences of e‐learning and professional development for e‐learning held by teachers and support staff from institutions across New Zealand. Five conceptions of e‐learning (as tool and equipment; as a facilitator of interaction; as learning; as a reduction in distance; and as a collaborative enterprise) and four conceptions of professional development for e‐learning (as training; as opening up possibilities; as collaboration; and as relevant and purposeful) were discovered. In this report, we discuss the conceptions, and show how they are interrelated through outcome space. Implications for the professional development of tertiary teachers and teaching support staff are outlined. The study provides some insights for individuals, institutions and those responsible for planning and implementing professional development programmes to help them to support the development and progress of e‐learning in appropriate and rewarding directions.  相似文献   

Development Engineers' Conceptions of Learning at Work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Using Vermunt's model [Vermunt, J. D. (1998). The regulation of constructive learning processes. British Journal of Educational psychology, 68, 149–171] of self-regulated learning as a conceptual framework, this study aims to contribute to the development of finer grained models of higher education students' learning by (1) investigating causal relationships between three student cognitions which feature prominently in the research literature: self-efficacy, conceptions of learning and attributions for academic success and by (2) researching both the direct and indirect effects of these student cognitions on first year university students' study strategies. To that end a model was developed, respecified, tested, and cross validated using path analyses. Results show that within an educational context learning conceptions are fundamental student cognitions since they directly and/or indirectly influence students' self-efficacy, attributions for academic success, and study strategy.  相似文献   

The research reported here deals with students' skill in selfregulated learning. After analyzing the essential components of selfregulated learning, theoretical notions are presented on how skill in selfregulated learning could be developed in students. Next, two empirical studies are reported. In the first study, relationships between the components of selfregulated learning are investigated, as well as relationships between those components and variables such as educational experience, study results and age of students. The second study represents an attempt to help students to develop their skill in selfregulated learning. A Study Advisory Packet was developed intended to broaden their conceptions of learning, education and cooperation and to enlarge their metacognitive knowledge of studying. By means of an evaluative study the usefulness of this packet in the reality of studying at the Open university was researched. The results of the two studies indicate that (1) students' learning conceptions and orientations are closely linked to the study activities they employ, (2) students' learning styles are related to their educational experience and to their study results, but only in a small degree to their age, and (3) the Study Advisory Packet raised students' awareness of different ways of studying and contained practically useful suggestions for studying.A paper presented at the Second Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, Tübingen (FRG), September 19–22, 1987. Original title: Adult student learning in higher distance education. In: P. J. Janssen & L. Svensson (EARLI-Symposium Chair), Student Learning in Its Natural Context.  相似文献   

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