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To understand both immediate and longer-term effects of a short duration, interpretive wildlife tourism program, we studied responses from participants in a sea turtle watch program. This program comprised an interpretive presentation followed by an opportunity to view a nesting loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta). We conducted 37 programs in 2013 and 2014, for 843 participants, of whom 70.5% were able to see a nesting turtle. We measured participant attitudes, knowledge, intention to act, and long-term behavior change. Initial participant responses indicated prior interest in nature and environmental topics, and a knowledge base focused on biological sea turtle information. After the interpretive presentation, participants chose to provide conservation-related information as opposed to natural history-related information. Intention to engage in conservation behaviors was high following the turtle watch experience, regardless of whether a turtle was seen. The conservation value of our turtle watch program is expressed through conservation-focused knowledge acquisition by participants and their high post-program intention to engage in behaviors benefiting sea turtles, both of which precede long-term behavior change in an interdisciplinary model of behavior change.  相似文献   

Nature watch     
Marine turtles are known to migrate several thousands of kilometres between their feeding and breeding grounds. These migrations have been studied by the application of metal tags on flippers, with intense monitoring at nesting sites, and opportunistic recovery in offshore waters, providing information on turtle movements. Often, several thousands of tags have been applied with very low levels of recapture. Satellite telemetry is a high-tech, and expensive, method to track turtles during their migration across the open ocean. Molecular genetic techniques have offered ways to track turtles both through space and time. The comparison of genetic haplotypes from different regions makes it possible to study population structure, test theories of natal homing, and even assign feeding populations to nesting sites and vice versa. The study of these haplotypes has also made it possible to look at relationships between species and populations, and study evolutionary biogeography or phylogeography of these animals.  相似文献   

<正>At first, scientists thought it was a worm. They were studying sea turtles in Costa Rica. One turtle had something sticking out of its nose. It could not breathe. Scientists pulled the object out. It was a plastic straw.  相似文献   

通过对养鳖的几个生态因子的分析,采用生态调控和强化措施,降低生产成本,为生产出优质的绿色养殖鳖提供思路。  相似文献   

Nature watch     
Sea turtles are a fascinating group of marine reptiles that evolved millions of years ago. They show an intriguing variety of strategies to deal with their aquatic mode of life. Their migrations are legendary, and the mass nesting of the Ridleys is one of nature's most extraordinary spectacles. The eight species are all endangered due to human activities. While some have been exploited for meat, others have suffered due to factors such as pollution. This article details some of the more interesting aspects of their life history and examines their decline in recent times.  相似文献   

本文通过对宁波海洋渔业经济发展现状和存在问题的分析,提出在宁波应做好海洋牧场的建设,保障宁波用海资源;现代海洋渔业发展与保护海洋生态环境并重;开拓远洋捕捞业,调整海洋捕捞作业结构;积极发展海洋休闲渔业,推进休闲渔业产业化,以实现海洋经济可持续发展。  相似文献   


The authors constructed a 32-item survey instrument to measure knowledge and aspects of attitudes (issue understanding and concern, locus of control, and verbal commitment) regarding sea turtle conservation on Zakynthos, Greece. It was completed by 332 5th and 6th grade students from 21 classes in 3 geographic settings. The results indicate low knowledge scores, but high score levels for attitudes. Knowledge, understanding and/or concern, and locus of control significantly correlated with grade level. Overall, a significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitudes was demonstrated. The findings of the study may be useful in designing environmental education programs to promote sea turtle conservation.  相似文献   

We are not ninja turtles! If the dead could talk this would be the cry of the Italian Renaissance Masters—Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello—to young children currently clamoring for a bunch of TV turtle characters who live in a sewer, fight bad guys with swords and order out for pizza.Joyce Mesrobian is an Early Education Consultant and a reviewer of children's books. © Joyce Mesrobian, August 1990.  相似文献   

This study examined students alternative conceptions of reptiles and amphibians and the extent to which these conceptions remain intact through the elementary (grades 4 and 6), junior, and senior high school years. We administered multiple-choice and free-response instruments to a total of 513 students and interviewed at least 20 students at each educational level to get an in-depth view of their original conceptions. Then, we developed and administered a two-tier multiple choice diagnostic instrumentto assess various levels of students understanding of amphibians and reptiles(N=1267). The results showed that most students were able to classify snakes as reptiles, whereas fewer than 30% of the students across different ages classified sea turtles as reptiles; the remaining 70% classified sea turtles as amphibians. More students were able to correctly classify frogs as amphibians than toads. In most instances, students correctly classified prototypical representatives of the two animal classes more readily than less exemplary representatives, a finding that supports previous research (Trowbridge, J.E. andMintzes, J.J. (1988). Alternative conceptions in animal classification: A cross-age study. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 25(7), 547–571). Interestingly, the alternative views of sea turtles as amphibians remained intact throughout the school years. Interview data indicated that students classified sea turtles as amphibians largely because sea turtles are able to live in terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Semantically, amphi means living on land and in water. When asked to distinguish between reptiles and amphibians and to classify several species into those two groups, a wide range of alternative conceptions emerged and the origin of those alternative conceptions are discussed. Similar results were obtained when we applied a two-tier multiple-choice diagnostic instrument to assess students understanding of amphibians and reptiles.  相似文献   

The effects of ration level and feeding frequency on digestibility in juvenile soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, were investigated. Four ration levels 1.5%, 2.5%, 4.0% and satiation (6.0% BW/d) were used. Apparent digestibility (AD) of dry matter (DMAD), protein (PAD) and protein real digestibility (PRD) were significantly affected by ration level, but not by feeding frequency when the ration level was similar. However, the feeding frequency affected the AD, DMAD, PAD and PRD significantly when the turtles were fed to satiation. The relationship between fecal protein content (Y) and protein intake (At) can be expressed as a quadric equation: Y=-0.1742+0.1476X-0.0003X^2 (r^2=0.876, n=27, F=93.92, P〈0.01).  相似文献   

远古秦汉海洋渔农文化史事拾摭   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以捕鱼和猎取海上物品以及以“雒田”、“象耕”和采珠业为主要内容的中国海洋渔农文化 ,早在先秦时期就已形成 ,到了秦汉时期更获得了空前的发展。大量材料表明 ,中国并非“有海而无海洋文化” ,而是一个创造海洋文化的文明古国。  相似文献   

One day, a fisherman went fishing on the sea and met a big shark.  相似文献   

“关关雎鸠”是以雎鸠鸟的雌雄和鸣,兴起“乐得淑女以配君子”的主题。这种说法,不仅渊源有自,且亦可由《关雎》一诗的音乐性质得以证明。认为此句是以鱼鹰求鱼象征男子向女子求爱的观点,其实未必能够成立。《关雎》诗以本句起兴,取义有二:一以春季物候兴发婚姻主题,二则以雎鸠之“挚而有别”兴发婚姻之性质。其内容和音乐都吻合西周之端肃典正的礼乐精神。  相似文献   

渔业始终是史前时期辽东半岛重要生业之一。旧石器时代晚期已经出现了专业捕捞工具。进入新石器时代以来,因时地不同,渔业水平具有不平衡的特征。青铜时代以降,渔具与作业方式日臻成熟。新石器时代出现的海上捕捞,使渔业生产进入了一个新的阶段。即使是在农业产品较为充足的时期,渔业仍是重要的补充。虽然环境因素制约着渔业生产,但渔业始终保持着发展的态势,成为农业的重要补充或主要生业。  相似文献   

渔业资源在冰岛经济中占居极其重要的地位,因此对冰岛周围水域丰富渔场的控制就成为冰岛对内、对外政策的重要目标。为实现这一目标,冰岛多次扩大渔业管辖范围。在这一过程中,冰岛与其他国家发生无数次冲突,冰岛与英国的"鳕鱼战争"就是其中的典型。战争固然与生态、经济和法律等因素有关,但政治因素的考虑也是至关重要的。  相似文献   

梅山三峒 :即“上峒梅山打猎” ,以山区为主要地域 ;“下峒梅山打鱼摸虾” ,以靠近江河水域等地区为主要地域 ;“中峒梅山掮棚看鸭” ,以田垅平地为主要地域。梅山文化区早期人类与大自然抗争中 ,为人类社会做出了杰出贡献的英雄人物 ,被尊称为梅山神 ,为群体神  相似文献   

叶子 《英语沙龙》2007,(4):24-25
很多年前,在荷兰的一个小渔村,一个男孩使人们认识到无私奉献会有回报。由于全村都以渔业为生,人们成立了一个志愿救援小组,以应对紧急情况。在一个风吼云裂的晚上,强劲的风暴掀翻了一艘在海上作业的渔船。在束手无策、进退两难的情况下,船员们发出了SOS求救信号。划艇救援队的队长发出警报,村民们随即聚集到俯瞰海湾的镇广场上。  相似文献   

Case studies are one way of producing the evidential base necessary for ICT to become embedded in everyday teaching and learning. Such case studies are vital for the purposes of generalisation. Also, teacher generated case-studies have the benefit of being research that is done by teachers in conjunction with Higher Education support and mediation, as opposed to research being done to teachers by Higher Education. One such teacher-generated case study at the cutting edge of ICT researches the effectiveness of a Virtual Field Station for the teaching of an A Level biology topic. The subject was the exotic one of the Mediterranean sea turtle. Student fieldwork involving these fascinating creatures is desirable but difficult, as the sea turtle's habitat is the archipelago of the Aegean Sea. The paper argues that a Virtual Field Centre is an effective substitute for actuality in terms of the development of student knowledge and understanding for examination purposes. As such, it is an innovative development that sits at the forefront of an area of Science Education that is rapidly developing, ie ICT-mediated teaching and learning.  相似文献   

渤海渔村剪纸构图精美,剪纸作品体现出渔家妇女独特的审关情趣和心理诉求,其中所蕴含的文化内涵是很丰富的,具体表现为:祈求降福辟邪,家庭吉祥平安;祈求多子多福、人丁兴旺;祈求出海的亲人平安归来;宣示伦理道德,教育子孙后代;表达对美好生活的享受和热爱等。  相似文献   

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