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特殊疑问词 do you think(can you guess/does she say等) 陈述句?这一结构又称复杂疑问句,常用来征询对某一疑点的看法、判断、认识、猜测和请求,表疑问的插入语又起到主句的作用,所以其后一定要用陈述句语序。例句:  相似文献   


Three strategies for teaching and learning about photosynthesis are described and criticized on the grounds that none of them promotes understanding of photosynthesis as a carbohydrate‐producing process in a way which can be related to students’ prior knowledge. The ‘guided discovery’ strategy, which currently predominates in classrooms, involves experimental procedures which frequently distract students from the crucial aspect, i.e., starch production, but leaves their prior understandings largely undisturbed. An ‘element analysis’ strategy and a ‘meaning of plant food’ strategy are also assessed.  相似文献   

乐为 《高中生》2011,(16):25
父母太多的唠叨会打击我们脆弱的心,让我们失去做事的信心。(冀俏然)我虽然知道父母的唠叨也是对我好,但总让我感到是对我的一种束缚。他们经常唠叨这应该那样做,那应该这样做,会让我失去独立生活的能力,养成事事依赖别人的坏习惯。(高军慧)  相似文献   

In the past few years, there has been a tremendous upsurge of interest in children with emotional and behavioural problems. New units, clinics and agencies have been set up by the government and by the statutory bodies and voluntary organisations in the community to help these children overcome their problems. Much publicity has been given to the provision of assessment, counselling and preventive services but so little to how effective these services are. Why is this so? I suspect that there may be problems relating to our capacity to elucidate the causes of the child's problems correctly. Of course there may be problems relating to the competency of the staff in giving the right sort of assistance to the child; but sound treatment must be based on a good understanding of how the child's problems come about in the first place.  相似文献   

Understanding how children think about the needs of animals may aid bridging from how they care about individual animals to caring about the environment more generally. This study explored changes with age in children's conceptions of animals' needs, including how such conceptions may extend beyond the individual animal to larger systems and conservation. During attendance at a North American zoo, 171 children between the ages of 4 and 14 years were interviewed and did drawings in response to questions about the needs of a favorite animal. The results reported here focus on developmental patterns. Animals' basic physiological needs were grasped at an early age. Understanding ecological and conservation needs showed the strongest developmental trends across the full age range, with some children showing early proficiency in ecological, but not conservation, concepts. Conservation and ecological thinking appeared to follow different trajectories, especially through middle childhood, when other dimensions than knowledge may cause increases in conservation conceptions. Educational implications include building on interest in individual animals; not underestimating even young children's ability to assemble ecological facts around an animal; emphasizing concrete ecological connections; and highlighting animals that children experience in their own lives. Considering the needs of animals offers a developmentally pre‐potent way to increase how children know and value multiple levels of biological organization.  相似文献   

Finding ways of successfully including pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties in mainstream schools remains a significant challenge as we move towards a more inclusive future. In this article, Fiona MacLeod, Upper School Co-ordinator at Willow Grove School, a special school for pupils with emotional and behavioural difficulties in Wigan, describes a pilot project designed to promote the reintegration of pupils at transfer to the secondary phase of their education.
She reports on a series of successful placements and discusses the factors that may have helped to sustain the inclusion of some of the pupils in her pilot group. The work described in this article was undertaken as part of the author's MA (special educational needs) programme at Lancaster University.  相似文献   

This study followed from a previous investigation into the impact of guidance given in writing tasks when six hundred eleven year olds completed writing tasks with varying content and structural support. The aim was to find if the support facilitated better writing and if the nature of the support had differing effects. The findings suggested that the support provided in the stimuli did not significantly affect performance. A qualitative study investigated the reasons why the support did not have a significant effect and explored the factors which affected children as they faced a writing task. ‘Think aloud’ strategies were used to encourage them to verbalise their thoughts as they planned a piece of writing from a given stimulus. The children were then interviewed according to a semi‐structured interview schedule and their planning sheets were also considered.  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2005,20(2):61-68
In this article, Elizabeth Cowne presents the results of research which began as an investigation into the organisational contexts in which special educational needs coordinators (SENCOs) work, and continued as an evaluation of the outreach SENCO training accredited with the London Institute of Education. Questionnaire data was collected from course members over a three‐year period. Further research used focus groups in four London boroughs to explore SENCOs' views of their constant and emerging roles. Interviews with local education authority (LEA) officers from the same London boroughs enquired how SENCOs and their schools were supported. Findings confirmed earlier research showing the importance of management support. Where SENCOs had sufficient non‐contact time and status, they felt efficient. Taking part in the long courses enhanced confidence, skills and knowledge. The focus groups uncovered the wide variety and expanding roles held by SENCOs: the majority requiring work with pupils, parents, teachers, teaching assistants (TAs) and outside agencies. LEA support was seen as essential in maintaining this ever‐changing development.  相似文献   

This article presents the key findings of a recent study investigating young people's knowledge and understanding of Jesus and demonstrates how young people today appear to be experiencing the same difficulties when engaging with the figure of Jesus in the religious education classroom as they did almost 40 years ago. It concludes by suggesting that religious education needs to take careful account of the kinds of difficulties experienced by pupils in order to present the person of Jesus more effectively to young people today.  相似文献   

我们大多数人在走过这个世界的时候过着一种平静而默默无闻的生活,很可能我们没有受到过热烈的欢迎,没有以我们的荣誉建造的纪念碑。但这并不会减少我们有可能产生的影响,因为有好多人等待着像我们一样的人来陪伴。他们感激我们的同情关爱,感谢我们的激励鼓舞,他们需要我们于世绝伦的才智。甚至有些人仅仅因为得到我们给予的付出而过上更幸福的生活。我们经常低估了一次接触、一个微笑、一句温暖的话、一次关切的聆听、一句真诚的赞美,或者微不足道的关爱之举的力量——所有这些都有可能让一个人的生活发生改变。——利奥·巴斯卡戈利亚he m…  相似文献   

Steven As a college student,stock investment for me is negative.Gloomy guys enjoy their gloomy days,I guess.We students can hardly assume  相似文献   

Twenty children who attended a clinic for learning difficulties? were given a personal report following their assessment. Each report was simply written and explained the reasons for referral, the results of the tests and what would happen next in their remedial program. The children were then contacted by mail and asked questions about their reactions to receiving a report. The children's answers and the informal comments of parents and teachers were very positive. It is suggested that writing reports for children is a simple and effective way of encouraging children with learning difficulties to play a more active part in their remedial program.  相似文献   

There is a trend in Irish universities to utilise the benefits of the e‐learning as a mechanism to improve learning performance of campus‐based students. Whilst traditional methods, such as face‐to‐face lectures, tutorials, and mentoring, remain dominant in the educational sector, universities are investing heavily in learning technologies, to facilitate improvements with respect to the quality of learning. The technology to support reuse and sharing of educational resources, or learning objects, is becoming more stable, with interoperability standards maturing. However, debate has raged about what constitutes effective use of learning technology. This research expands upon a study carried out in 2003 examining students’ perceptions of e‐learning in a large undergraduate accounting class environment. As a result, improvements were made to the instructional design of the course, to enable students to engage interactively with content. The subsequent study, reported in this paper, adopted a broad range of techniques to understand students’ learning experience in depth. The findings of this research provide an insight into how these students really work and learn using technologies, if at all. It is hoped that our findings will improve the experience for both students and lecturers who engage in teaching and learning through this medium.  相似文献   

儿童观是人们如何看待、评价儿童的基本理念或基本态度。儿童观影响儿童教育的理念、路径、方式与实践行动。儿童教育理论与实践表明,有什么样的儿童观,就会有什么样的儿童教育立场与儿童教育实践。儿童教育的理想与现实形成的巨大反差要求必须从根本上重新审思现代儿童教育实践的应有状态,必须站在儿童发展的视角予其以关注,予现代儿童观以必要的人文关怀。这在今天不仅有其重大的理论意义,而且是现代儿童教育应然的价值追问。  相似文献   

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