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"学讲计划"的精髓对于学生就是践行好"五步",对于教师就是走好"五步",教师与学生都要能够高效严格的执行好"学讲计划"对各自的要求。文章以小学英语为例,从师生的这"五学"和"五步"展开论述,力求构建互动高效的英语课堂。  相似文献   

冯玲  袁庭岚 《考试周刊》2010,(17):207-208
为帮助医学生在实习过程中尽快地完成角色转换,圆满地完成实习任务,本文提出“五勤”教育是医学实习生进入临床阶段后的重要教育内容。  相似文献   

教育实习是高等师范教育的一门综合实践课程。作为教育实习指导教师,如何保证教育实习的指导质量,这是一个复杂的课题。本文立足于钦州师专地理系学生的实际,并结合自身的指导实践,认为在教育实习中,指导学生树立“五观”是做好教育实习的前提;做到“五备”是搞好教育实习的基础;过好“三关”是实现教育实习目标的保证。并将“五观”、“五备”、“三关”命名为指导教育实习的“553工程”。  相似文献   

路广志 《考试周刊》2012,(72):53-53
小学低年级是基础教育的起始阶段,夯实语文基础,培养学生基本的语文素养显得尤为重要。要在平时的教学中真正意义上地帮助学生克服困难、轻松愉快地学习语文,教师必须根据教材采取形式多样的教学方法。用“五学”为快乐课堂导航。  相似文献   

王钰东 《江苏教育》2023,(11):84-85
<正>我校在课前预学的基础上,建构以引学、探学、展学、延学、测学为主要环节的“五学”课堂教学范式,实现“以学为主,互动生成”的课改理念。现以人教版物理教材高一“万有引力定律”一课的教学为例,来谈谈基于“五学”课堂教学范式的高中物理教学。一、引学:创设情境、提出问题“万有引力”这一概念对学生来说较为生疏,因此,在引入“万有引力”之前,笔者先带领学生观看行星运动的视频,了解行星的运动有一定规律,让学生产生好奇和探索的欲望,之  相似文献   

巧用"五学"(自学、互学、问学、教学、悟学),不仅能让学生学会,而且能让学生会学、乐学,能让学生真正"学进去"并且能够"讲出来"。正如中国著名大教育家陶行知先生所说:"真教育是心心相印的活动,唯独从心里发出来的,才能打到心的深处";巧用"五学",学生自主预习、自我学习的良好习惯逐渐养成,课堂上学得轻松、愉快,提高了学习兴趣,真正实现了"要我学"为"我要学";巧用"五学",学生学得扎实,学得透彻,产生了良好效应,提高了课堂教学效率,提高了阅读教学质量,提高了学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

李仁甫 《江苏教育》2023,(11):82-83
<正>“以学为主,互动生成”是我校课堂教学的基本理念。为了真正做到“互动生成”,我校在“学”字上做文章,策略性地把“学”细化为“五学”(引学、探学、展学、延学和测学)。下面,笔者以执教过的《子路、曾皙、冉有、公西华侍坐》(以下简称“《侍坐》”)为例,谈谈我们在课堂教学中如何践行“五学”课堂教学范式。  相似文献   

结合自身实践,对新的"五学"课堂教学模式中有关教育理念、内容、方式方法等进入了讨论。  相似文献   

任务型“五学”课堂,首先体现的是一种教学理念,其次才可以看作是一种教学模式。主题任务是驱动学生学习的“点火器”,也是整个课堂学习的“发动机”。“五学”围绕任务展开,始于任务,终于任务。  相似文献   

丁才林 《江苏教育》2023,(11):79-81
江苏省盐城中学在“以学为主,互动生成”理念的基础上,提出了以“引学、探学、展学、延学和测学”为主要环节的“五学”课堂教学范式,并通过名师示范、部门协同、常态课实践等一系列举措,推动该教学范式落地生根,充分释放课堂活力,提高学生学习效益,推动教师队伍成长,对“三新”背景下的高中课堂教学改革具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

总结了高校实践教学的特点,提出了实践教学规划综合集成研讨厅的概念,构想了综合集成研讨厅的基本框架和功能机制。有利于高校改善实践教学规划设计阶段的管理工作。  相似文献   

改革实验教学,突出学生工程实践能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
电子技术是一门理论性和实践性并重的技术基础课,而且有很强的工程实践性。该文介绍在实验教学中,突出学生工程实践能力培养方面所进行的探索和实践。  相似文献   


Writing practices are seen to be essential for professional engineers, yet many engineering students and academics struggle with written communication, despite years of interventions to improve student writing. Much has been written about the importance of getting engineering students to write, but there has been a little investigation of engineering academics’ perceptions of writing practices in the curriculum, and the extent to which these practices are visible to their students and to the academics. This paper draws on research from an ongoing study into the invisibility of writing practices in the engineering curriculum using a practice architectures lens. The paper uses examples from the sites of practice of two participants in the study to argue that prevailing practices in engineering education constrain more than enable the development and practice of writing in the engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

本文通过分析机械类大学生的特点,结合国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要对培养创新人才的要求,论述了在培养机械类大学生在工程实践与创新竞赛能力方面的一些经验和做法。在此基础上,指出通过激发学生创新兴趣,培养学生创新意识;通过实践平台,培养学生创新竞赛能力;发挥榜样引领作用,营造学校创新竞赛氛围。以期为高校教育工作者提供理论参考和实践指导。  相似文献   

根据土木工程专业教实践性教学要求,系统阐述了土木工程专业生产实习的教学模式。通过合理的教学模式,强化了学生在实习过程中各项能力的培养;通过教学实践证明科学合理的生产实习教学模式,适应了高校教学培养模式的要求,有利于人才培养。  相似文献   


This article presents a large-scale evaluation study of over 3000 9–14-year-old students who participated in an engineering workshop during their school fieldtrips. Student perceptions right before and after, as well as two weeks after the workshop were captured and examined. Before the workshop, younger students and boys, generally exhibited higher interest, higher self-efficacy, and less negative stereotypes for engineering than their counterparts. Also, Caucasian students had higher self-efficacy and lower negative stereotypes than Hispanic students. Students’ interest, self-efficacy, negative stereotype, and utility perceptions of engineering were significantly improved right after the workshop, and improved perceptions were maintained at the delayed-post (follow-up) survey. The results indicate that fieldtrips can significantly improve students’ perceptions towards engineering and improved perceptions are not limited to the workshop day, but persist afterwards. The gender and ethnic differences in engineering perceptions in the youngest age group indicate that outreach interventions should begin in elementary school.  相似文献   

This paper opens a theoretical discussion regarding the pedagogy of a learning setting as students experience it. Students’ experience of learning deserves particular attention because it may differ from the pedagogy that is designed and campaigned for by the school, or even from the one that is ‘experienced’ by the teacher in the same situation. In order to open up such a discussion, we introduce the term ‘pedagogy in practice’ (PiP). This new term describes the pedagogy that actually acts on students’ thought and affects; it relates to the interaction between the school’s pedagogy and students’ experience of it. In this paper, we define the concept of PiP and examine its implications and differentiation from related pedagogic concepts. By doing so, we question educators’ and policy makers’ ability to understand, evaluate, make sense of, and eventually improve pedagogies or curricula in general without looking at PiP in particular.  相似文献   

After 1.5 years of college, men and women engineering students in a population of 42 schools had different retention rates in engineering at their original schools. Based on a sample of students at 16 schools, the estimated population retention rates were 73.3% for men and 67.8% for women. This report discusses student characteristics that were related to retention for men or women, as well as the destinations of students who left engineering at their original schools.  相似文献   

机械工程实践教学改革与实践   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于新世纪人才培养目标和现代工程实践教学内涵,构建体现工程实践的基础性、实践性、创新性综合工程实践教育和工程实践教学新体系,形成了包括基础性实验、综合设计性实验和研究创新性实验等三层次实验教学新模式。结果表明,新的教学体系和教学模式提高了实践教学质量,受到了学生的好评。  相似文献   

以建筑工程造价专业为例,针对大学生在校学习期间如何能最大限度地积累工程实践经验,提出了“立足专业实习,积累实践经验”的教改思路,并论述:“课堂理论应与现场参观相结合,较长时间现场实习、定时返校理论学习,结合毕业设计和毕业实习积累工程经验,通过案例教学积累工作经验。”等具体举措。  相似文献   

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