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19世纪末20世纪初美国社会政策剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学者们对19世纪末20世纪初美国严重社会问题所提出的一系列社会政策研究较少,特别是对社会政策与社会思想观念之间联系的研究有待深入。本文对此进行了探究:美国当时社会政策的制定与社会思想观念的变化有着紧密联系,这种联系反映在社会思想观念上主要表现为沃德的“社会导进说”以及哲学领域逐渐形成的实用主义理论等,这些社会思想观念的变化促进了社会政策的制定。  相似文献   

英国十九世纪的社会立法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在英国步入“福利国家”的历史进程中,各项社会立法的提出,确立,不断完善是其主要途径之一。其中,英国十九世纪的几项社会立法无颖处于这一社会立法轨迹中的起始阶段,有其不容否认的渊源关系,对其研究具有重要理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

高启安 《家教指南》2011,(4):119-124
19世纪末20世纪初,打着各种旗号的外国探险队、间谍纷至沓来,其中日本人不在少数。除国人熟知的大谷探险队的橘瑞超、吉川小一郎外,在这之前还有数拨。最早来甘肃的是1888年的浦敬一和藤岛武彦等人,继之路过甘肃的主要还有大谷探险队的渡边哲信和堀贤雄,以及藤本强、林出贤次郎、波多野养作等人次。他们都或多或少地留下了一些关于当时甘肃的种种记载,成为日本人最早的反映甘肃情况的史料。  相似文献   

章从19与20世纪之交的科学革命前夕的自然科学状况入手,描述当时牛顿力学和形而上学思维方式结盟所形成的一统天下局面,进而揭示当时自然科学大厦中科学理论和思维方式的危机,说明解决科学危机和哲学危机的出路只能是实现科学革命和思维方式的反转。科学发展中内在的矛盾和危机是科学革命的深层动力。  相似文献   

在多重因素的作用下,19世纪英国爆发了科学教育与古典教育的激烈论争.论辩双方就教育目的、教学内容、教学方法与教学组织形式等广泛的领域展开激烈的论争.在论争过程中,科学教育的理念逐渐占得主动并为英国社会所接受.这次论争,对英国传统大学的改造和城市学院的建立和快速发展发挥了很大的作用.  相似文献   

19世纪前期专门研习汉学的书院以诂经精舍和学海堂为代表,虽然这些书院的创立、教学活动部宣称不以培养科举人才为主要目标,甚至将科举之学排斥在教学内容之外,然而这些书院不仅不反对生徒应举,而且生徒的科举及第率都相当高,这说明汉学书院仍然无法脱离科举制度的影响。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this research was to investigate, within an at-risk population, parent and child characteristics associated with a mother's self-reports of severe physical assault and assault on the self-esteem of the child in the first 3 years of life. DESIGN: The study population consisted of a community-based sample of mothers of newborns identified as at-risk for child maltreatment (n=595). Families were assessed annually from the child's birth through age 3 using instruments with established psychometric properties. Independent variables investigated included: family socio-demographics, parity, mother's social support, maternal depression, maternal problem drug or alcohol use, partner violence, child's age, child's sex, low birth weight/small for gestational age (SGA), and mother's perception of child's demand level. Associations with maltreatment were examined using multivariable methods for longitudinal data. RESULTS: Child severe physical assault was significantly associated with parent characteristics (maternal depression and partner violence); and child characteristics (SGA). Assault to the child's self-esteem was significantly associated with maternal depression, maternal illicit drug use, partner violence and mother's perception of child's demand level. Controlling for family sociodemographic characteristics did not change the associations. Likewise, while mother's perception of child demand level had an independent association with self-esteem assault, the associations described above persisted while demand level was held constant. In this high-risk sample, abuse was not associated with mother's age, education, race, parity, or household income level. CONCLUSIONS: While characteristics such as SGA can serve as markers for increased abuse risk, they are not amenable to intervention after the child is born. However, certain other risk factors, such as maternal depression and domestic violence are malleable and should be targeted for intervention with the goal of preventing child maltreatment.  相似文献   

19世纪中后期英国社会兴起的科技教育运动改变了英国教育的古典传统,打破了古典教育的垄断局面,奠定了现代科学在英国教育中的地位,促成了英国教育从社会边缘向社会中心的转移。19世纪中后期英国的科技教育运动之所以能够取得成功,得益于政府和社会各界将科技教育置于重要的战略地位,政府采取了适当的干预策略,在运动开展过程中正确处理了科技教育与古典教育的关系,注重科学教育与技术教育的协调发展,特别是加强了实验教学和实验研究。这些因素共同推动了19世纪中后期英国科技教育运动的顺利开展,同时也给后世留下了宝贵的历史经验。  相似文献   

略论19世纪德国研究生教育的诞生、发展、影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
19世纪 ,德国对人类社会高级人才培养体系做出的一个巨大贡献是开创和完善了现代意义的研究生教育 ,并从此对世界高等教育的发展产生了巨大深远的影响。时至今日 ,回顾与反思德国留给我们的这份丰厚的历史遗产 ,仍有不可低估的现实意义。  相似文献   

Although a childhood history of abuse is related to parental child abuse, many parents with a history of abuse are not abusive. To determine the effects of a childhood history of abuse on adult child abuse potential, a modified Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) and the Child Abuse Potential (CAP) Inventory were administered to matched groups of physically abusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse, nonabusive comparison mothers with a childhood history of abuse, and nonabusive comparison mothers without a childhood history of abuse. The modified CTS asked about childhood events and was used to confirm a childhood history of abuse. As expected, the CTS verbal and violence scales were higher for the abusive and nonabusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse. None of the CTS scores were different for the abusive and nonabusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse. In contrast, the CAP abuse scores distinguished between all three study groups. However, on the CAP factor scales, only the rigidity and unhappiness factors discriminated between abusive and nonabusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse. Nonabusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse were less rigid in their child expectations and were happier in their interpersonal relationships than abusive mothers with a childhood history of abuse.  相似文献   

19世纪美国经济发展快速,实现了由农业化向工业化转变。但是,美国经济的发展却是以自然环境资源的极大破坏和浪费为代价的。造成美国19世纪环境问题的根源是“人类中心论”价值观导致的人与自然关系的扭曲和资本主义时代利益至上原则下滋生的对物质财富病态性的疯狂追求。  相似文献   

跨世纪河北对外开放的若干战略性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
〕河北省20年来的对外开放虽然取得了很大的成就,但与东南沿海省份相比仍有不小的差距,如何构建与完善跨世纪的河北省对外开放战略显得尤为重要。以环渤海经济发展战略为突破口,全面构建河北的对外开放战略乃是重之中重;另外还要注重发展省际协作,强化利用外资的力度,深化外贸体制改革,使河北省的经济发展再上一个台阶  相似文献   

Republic并非进入中国之始便与"共和"相连。事实上,在19世纪下半叶,republic的中文翻译与"共和"涵义的近代化各自行有自己的路径。直至19世纪末,随着"共和"使用频率的增加,二者之间的关联才被学者们所关注和讨论。  相似文献   

17世纪后期至19世纪中期,云南矿冶业获得了长足的发展.其主要特点是:它是较为全面、整体的发展,在矿冶业里已有局限的资本主义萌芽,且催生了兴盛的矿冶文化,但也具有封建社会鲜明的时代特征,与此同时它产生的影响也十分巨大  相似文献   

本文根据有关史料分析,认为从1800年至1950年中国音乐在南洋四国的传播特点有四:传播的阶段性、传播媒体及途径的社会性、传播内容的偏重性、传播方式的多样性  相似文献   

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