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Whenevermybrothers熏sis鄄terandIgettogetherweliketotalkaboutDad.Weallowe(把……归于)oursuccessinlifetohim—andtothemanhemetonenighton atrain.Ourfather熏SimonAlexanderHaley熏wabornin1892andbroughtup(养育)inasmafarmingtown.HewastheeighthchildofAleHaley-afarmerslave—andofawomancalleQueen.OneofQueen’sgreatideaswasthatmyfatherbeeducated.Backtheninasmalltownboywasconsidered(认为)“wasted”ifheremainedinschoolafterhewasbigenoughtodfarmwork.Sowhenmyfatherreachedthesixtgrade熏Queenbegan…  相似文献   

导读:红杉树是一种跟恐龙同时代的植物。在半个世纪之前,北美有数十万公顷的原始红杉树。然而,由于木材加工业的步步紧逼,在今天红杉树已成为濒危植物。24岁的朱丽叶·希尔是一个漂亮的加利福尼亚女郎。她有一颗水晶般的爱心,芙丽而又热爱大自然,人们给她起了个“蝴蝶”的绰号。为了保护世界上罕见的、珍贵的名叫“卢娜”的红杉树免遭砍伐,朱丽叶·希尔不畏艰辛,在一棵红杉树上安营扎寨,度过了738个日日夜夜。最终,她凭借自己的勇气和努力赢得了胜利,同时她的智慧与善谈也使她成了一位出色的环保活动家。(虹雨)  相似文献   

This early spring, my father and I went to visit Shantou in Guangdong Province. One afternoon, we went to visit the seabeach. The wind was warm, but strong. The wave struck the large stones which stood in the water firmly and made loud noise. The surface of stones was smooth because of the waters striking them year after year.I admired the strength of nature!  相似文献   

Victorian age is the age full of fundamental changes in the society.At this turning of times,many poets spoke out their anxiety about this world,like Alfred Tennyson and Matthew Arnold,their poems express their anxiety and helpness about the new world and their sadness and loneliness about the loss of the old world.Certaintly there are also some poets like Thomas Hardy who were more ready to face the new world soberly and accepted the reality directly.Probably they alredy realized the coming of the new world could not be stopped anyway.These are the voices at the turning of the times.The aim of this essay is to find out such voices by doing a comparative study on the three poets and their poems  相似文献   

July 20th 1969 was an important day.Two Americans landed on the moon.Their names wereArmstrong(阿姆斯特朗)and Aldrin(俄尔德林).They went in a spaceship.Its name was Apolloll(阿波罗十一号).  相似文献   

A farmer had ten em ployees on his farm,and none of them w as asenergetic as the farm er thought he should be. He hitupon a plan whichhe believed would cure them of their lazy habits.“Men,”he said one m orning,“I have a nice,easy job for the lazi-estm an on the farm .W ill the laziestm an step forward?”Instantly nine ofthe m en stepped forward.“Why don'tyou step to the frontw ith the rest?”the farm er inquiredofthe rem aining one.“Too m uch trouble,”cam e the reply.The Laziest Man o…  相似文献   

张静 《海外英语》2014,(22):220-221
Sandra Cisneros is a distinguished Chicano and Latina writer whose novel entitled The House on Mango Street focuses on identity construction.The paper will interpret Esperanza’s struggle for self-identity in the process of her growth both physically and psychologically.  相似文献   

A maths teacher said to a student's father, "Look! How does your son study the maths﹖ Ninety minus forty-five is the second half.”“O h,I m ustteach him when I go back hom e.A ctually he didn t consider the play-off(加时赛).”The Ball Fans——The Father and the Son!河北@严双红…  相似文献   

AInongthedistinguishedEnglishcriticalrealistsOfthe19thcentUry,GeorgeEliotisleSSfamousthanCharlesDickensandWilliamMakepeaceThackeray,butsheisthemOStlearnedandthemostremarkableinwritingamongthewomennovelistS,andshehasastrongclaimtobethemostimPOrtantandinterestingofEnglishphilOSOPhicalnovelists.Sheusesherfictionasameansofthinking.aboutphilosophicalandmoralissues.MemoryplaysanimPOrtantroleinalmOStallofbargeEliot's.works.ShebelievesthattheOnlyvalidformOfhumanidentityisano~icone:theremus…  相似文献   

Advertising English as a functional variety has its distinctive linguistic features. This paper will concentrate on grammatical and lexical features from the view of stylistics. In this paper, there are many examples involved, from which we can have a deep understanding of English advertising from the stylistic angle.  相似文献   

French Lieutenant's Woman written by John Fowles mainly talks about the developing relationship between Sarah Woodruff and Charles Smithson.Sarah Woodruff known as"Tragedy",or "The French Lieutenant's Woman" is caught between the Victorian and modern ages.Rumors spread around that she stands by the sea to wait for the French Lieutenant who seduced her to return.And Charles is a young,lazy but intelligent English gentleman,who breaks off his engagement to a traditional young woman Tina to pursue Sarah.The novel is very special and attractive in many ways,so my purpose of the paper is to analyze how characters' desire and postmodern environment wind through the story.  相似文献   

Full name is one of the similarities and differences between western country and Chi- na It is not only the language and symbol, hut also the reflection of rich history and culture. This passage will simply introduce the origin of family name, then combine the deriving of family name in the western country and several concerning factors of naming in the western country to com- pare Chinese and western cultures.  相似文献   

Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales. During which, Chaucer described the pilgrimage undertaken by people on horseback to the shrine of Archbishop Beckett at the Canterbury Cathedrale, with each tolling a story to pass the time. "The Knight'sTales" is one among those stories with exciting plot, and is full of turns and twists.  相似文献   

The fairytales of Oscar Wilde could well speak the secret of this great Aesthete, if read between the lines. The hidden mosex ality-related metaphor in his longest fairytale, The Fisherman and His Soul, is analyzed and explained in this p i cordance with personal experience of the writer.  相似文献   

IntroductionMostofustakeitfor grantedthatunderstandinganutterancemeansthecomprehensionofthetotalmeaningconveyedbythespeaker.Asamatteroffact,itusuallyturnsoutthatitisfarfromenoughforustounderstandandinterpretthemeaningfullyandcorrectly .AnEnglishwordusu…  相似文献   

王楠 《海外英语》2011,(10):357-358
Language researchers have long been working on the language transfer theory since 1970s with an aim to help second language acquisition. Researches on transfer of pronunciation were explored from many aspects, such as phonetics, age, motivation and culture etc. By illustrating the Chinese learners’ improper English pronunciation, it tries to discuss the negative transfer of their mother tongue on the English pronunciation on the theoretical basis of phonetic and phonological differences between the two languages. Based on these studies and analysis, it hopes to arouse the learners’ awareness of the different pronunciation between English and Chinese and their interests in acquiring a native-like pronunciation, and hopefully the teachers will also help the learners have a good knowledge of the difference before they’re affected by the negative transfer of Chinese.  相似文献   

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