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新媒体的影响不仅体现在实际生活层面,更给人们的思维方式带来了革命性的影响.新媒体思维的总体特征可以用“悖论”来概括,其中存在独白与对话、匿名与公开、解构与建构、丰富与浅表等悖论.新媒体思维的悖论特征正是目前语言新形态、新特点出现的深层原因,所以在语言规范上同样要采取顺应与规范的悖论性方法.  相似文献   

包括电视批评在内的中国当代电视理论和电视事业的发展,处于一个十分复杂的社会语境中。这种复杂.集中地体现在中国电视的发展面临着四大悖论:文化产业与文化工业的碰撞和紧张、人文精神与世俗精神的碰撞和紧张、产业化与商业化的碰撞和紧张、本土化与同质化的碰撞和紧张。有趣的是,这些悖论在当代的中国都是在一个时间维度上同时出现的。因此,电视批评理论的研究视角,也就有了相当广阔的社会背景,即“我们的文化建设是处在一种充满矛盾诉求的悖论式的语境之中。”  相似文献   

国际化语境下的农业题材博物馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入20世纪80年代以后,全球化的影响反映到社会的所有领域,博物馆乃至整个文化遗产领域的国际化水平超过了现代博物馆发展历史上的任何一个时期,而且这种趋势可谓愈演愈烈。然而作为这种发展的一个悖论,在国际化背景下对博物馆个性化、多样化发展的诉求亦前所未有地高涨。  相似文献   

就业能力建设:一种分析和解决大学生就业问题的新途径   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
改革开放近三十年来,中国经济持续高速增长,奥肯定律失效,在我国出现了宏观经济增长过程中的两大悖论:一是经济高速增长,就业吸纳能力不足,就业形势异常严峻;二是经济高速增长,消费不足,物价水平在一个较长时期维持在较低的水平。具体到大学生就业方面,表现为大学应届毕业生工作难找,大学生的期望工资逐年走低,大学生的初次就业率大幅下降。  相似文献   

陈愈超 《传媒》2005,(9):58-59
什么报刊会出现发行的悖论? 从开元策略的报刊零售市场研究结果看,这种现象主要出现在以广告收入为主要经营目标的报刊身上,这种报刊的特点是在发行上赔本,主要靠广告收入来维持媒体本身的生存和发展.  相似文献   

赵文婷 《传媒》2023,(13):35-37
中国喜剧电影的狂欢化叙事作为重要的艺术表征,不仅局限于狂欢行动、狂欢语境的建构上,更多还体现在人物形象、视觉表达和叙事结构的狂欢化呈现上,并由此形成了独特的艺术魅力和审美特质。但受种种因素的影响,许多喜剧电影狂欢化叙事流于表层甚至无用,出现了具有意义悖论的文本内容。因此,有必要对中国喜剧电影狂欢化叙事及其意义悖论进行系统审视,寻找症结所在,以明确未来发展路径。  相似文献   

聂震宁:阅读的悖论《中华读书报》刊登复旦大学出版社成立30周年"阅读与文明"论坛上,全国政协委员、中国出版协会副理事长聂震宁的发言:读者对图书面临着选择的悖论。这个悖论就是,读书必须要选  相似文献   

新媒体时代是一个令人充满乐观与忧虑的时代,借助于其技术优势,新媒体对我们的社会生活带来了翻天覆地的变化,但也出现了众多不利于社会发展进步的因素。也就是说,新媒体在强化社会发展的同时也会弱化社会发展,这是新媒体时代媒介与社会发展的悖论。在这样一个时代,我国应创新社会管理方式,充分发挥其对社会发展的积极作用,并采取一系列措施防止其负面效应的出现。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,当代艺术日渐成为大众媒体上的一个常规报道领域.但是当代艺术的含混以及当代艺术生态的复杂都使得这个领域充满争议性和不确定性.文章从这一报道领域的悖论性入手,分析了当代艺术报道与艺术界、社会公众之间的矛盾和相互关系.当代艺术是一个非常特殊的报道领域,用普适的新闻价值和新闻规范去要求,将失去针对性并流于空洞说教,只有增强对这一领域悖论性的理解和探究,才能有的放矢,促使大众媒体的当代艺术报道以更加自省的意识去呈现当代艺术.  相似文献   

丛杉 《全国新书目》2008,(Z1):14-14
著名散文作家王充闾先生最近又推出他新的历史散文集《龙墩上的悖论——中国皇帝命运大思考》。这本书展开了独特的历史生活领域,将历代帝王遭遇到的悖论现象集中展现在系列散文作品中,在历史深度和情感深度的挖掘中焕发出独特的文学魅力,耐人阅读,发人深思。  相似文献   

Encompassing both the controlled messages of values advocacy and less explicit rhetorical actions such as philanthropy, community programs, and volunteerism, organizational epideictic affirms common values. This essay argues that such common values are problematized by the presence of paradox even in seemingly innocuous epideictic subjects. Through a case study of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's “Stay in Bounds” program teaching children to be good sports both on and off the field, the essay demonstrates the challenges of organizational epideictic through the paradox of excellence. It also provides suggestions for the management—but not elimination—of paradox in organizational epideictic, particularly directed at external publics.  相似文献   

Encompassing both the controlled messages of values advocacy and less explicit rhetorical actions such as philanthropy, community programs, and volunteerism, organizational epideictic affirms common values. This essay argues that such common values are problematized by the presence of paradox even in seemingly innocuous epideictic subjects. Through a case study of the National Collegiate Athletic Association's “Stay in Bounds” program teaching children to be good sports both on and off the field, the essay demonstrates the challenges of organizational epideictic through the paradox of excellence. It also provides suggestions for the management—but not elimination—of paradox in organizational epideictic, particularly directed at external publics.  相似文献   

基于个体知识的专用性、互补性和动态性特征,结合个体知识的主观论,将员工个体知识概念界定为具有一定确信程度的知识(信念)体系,从而选取主观概率的概念来表征员工个体知识的确信程度,进而分析员工个体知识的主观概率表达式。同时,根据贝叶斯推理,深入研究员工个体知识的主观概率修正过程,并指出该研究的实践应用价值。  相似文献   

基于主观概率的组织知识的表征方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出基于心理学的知识定义,分析知识的信念特征;给出基于主观概率表征知识的方法;深入探讨基于主观概率的组织知识的纵向维度分析和横向维度分析的意义及其表征方法。其中,纵向维度分析将组织知识表示为共享知识、局部知识和个体知识;横向维度分析将组织知识表示为组织认识知识、组织价值知识和组织情感知识。组织知识的内涵及其分布分析,为探索组织知识与组织绩效的关系构建了理论基础。  相似文献   

The journal impact factor (JIF) is the average of the number of citations of the papers published in a journal, calculated according to a specific formula; it is extensively used for the evaluation of research and researchers. The method assumes that all papers in a journal have the same scientific merit, which is measured by the JIF of the publishing journal. This implies that the number of citations measures scientific merits but the JIF does not evaluate each individual paper by its own number of citations. Therefore, in the comparative evaluation of two papers, the use of the JIF implies a risk of failure, which occurs when a paper in the journal with the lower JIF is compared to another with fewer citations in the journal with the higher JIF. To quantify this risk of failure, this study calculates the failure probabilities, taking advantage of the lognormal distribution of citations. In two journals whose JIFs are ten-fold different, the failure probability is low. However, in most cases when two papers are compared, the JIFs of the journals are not so different. Then, the failure probability can be close to 0.5, which is equivalent to evaluating by coin flipping.  相似文献   

钟伟金 《图书情报工作》2012,56(18):122-126
以科技文献中的共现关键词—叙词词对(以下简称共现词对)为研究对象,运用互信息法、概率法计算方法,以准确率和召回率为衡量指标,通过绝对值方式和相对最高值方式,分析这两种统计方法在不同区间内对同义共现词对的自动识别效果及特点。研究发现,概率法的相对最高值方式具有最佳的同义共现词对识别效果。最后,探讨互信息法、概率法与共现频率的关系,揭示这两种统计方法在同义共现词对的识别上存在互补的特性。  相似文献   

我国已完成的4次公共图书馆评估因为强化了原有的公共图书馆管理体制而与当前进行的公共图书馆管理体制改革形成了悖论。二者之间的悖论不仅阻碍了公共图书馆管理体制改革,而且也削弱了公共图书馆评估的作用,影响了公共图书馆事业的长远发展。为此,要转变政府职能,改变现有的公共图书馆行政层级评估方式,深化管理体制改革;妥善处理两者之间的关系,真正发挥两者合力,推动公共图书馆事业健康发展。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):205-231
Scholars emphasize the importance of rich communication media for the development of Teleworkers' organizational identification, but tests of these relationships have produced inconsistent results. The connectivity paradox helps explain these findings. The paradox suggests that Teleworkers' connectivity to others through communication media facilitates remote work by affording greater social presence, while also negating the benefits of telework by enabling stressful interruptions. These outcomes of connectivity may benefit and detract from identification. We propose a model linking the core features of the connectivity paradox to organizational identification. Teleworkers and office workers were surveyed, and a multigroup path analysis was utilized. Results indicate that connectivity increases stress from interruptions and indirectly diminishes Teleworkers' identification.  相似文献   

Information Retrieval systems typically sort the result with respect to document retrieval status values (RSV). According to the Probability Ranking Principle, this ranking ensures optimum retrieval quality if the RSVs are monotonously increasing with the probabilities of relevance (as e.g. for probabilistic IR models). However, advanced applications like filtering or distributed retrieval require estimates of the actual probability of relevance. The relationship between the RSV of a document and its probability of relevance can be described by a normalisation function which maps the retrieval status value onto the probability of relevance (mapping functions). In this paper, we explore the use of linear and logistic mapping functions for different retrieval methods. In a series of upper-bound experiments, we compare the approximation quality of the different mapping functions. We also investigate the effect on the resulting retrieval quality in distributed retrieval (only merging, without resource selection). These experiments show that good estimates of the actual probability of relevance can be achieved, and that the logistic model outperforms the linear one. Retrieval quality for distributed retrieval is only slightly improved by using the logistic function.  相似文献   

对电子文件法律效力确认的一种思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对电子文件法律效力的认定问题 ,文章考察了国际上的有关立法实践 ,着重探讨了司法实践中盖然性规则的运用以及相关的取证原则  相似文献   

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