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发展女子链球运动员旋转能力的训练手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析女子链球运动的发展现状及其技术特点,认为发展旋转能力的训练手段包括:投掷不同重量器械的专项力量和专项速度练习,持杠铃的专项力量练习和基础力量练习,并阐述每种练习的方法及其效果。  相似文献   

在日常训练中,大家常以杠铃的负重练习作为提高体育考生力量的方法,进而提高其短跑的成绩,这一方法可以取得一定的效果。但是体育考生的训练基础差,且肌肉力量的发展又不平衡,因此,仅靠杠铃练习来提高其短跑所要求的力量素质,一是训练后的恢复较慢;二是由于器械条件的限制,杠铃负重力量训练与短跑的专项用力形式和特点有较大的差异,力量训练的效果不易在短跑的成绩上体现出来;三是易  相似文献   

一、准备期专项力量安排特点 青少年跳远教练员所采取的专项力量训练手段主要为杠铃练习和跳跃练习,其中以杠铃练习为主。杠铃练习时负荷强度为本人最大负荷强度的40%以上,重复4-12次,重复10组以下,练习的持续时间为10-60分钟,组间间歇时间一般为3-5分钟。  相似文献   

李阳  李山 《中华武术》2010,(11):52-54
目前,杠铃房的专项力量训练仍以负重抗阻这种形式为主。杠铃房的专项力量练习对专项能力的提高有着举足轻重的作用。但是怎么把杠铃房的专项力量训练与专项有机结合并有效促进专项能力的提高是值得考虑的问题。因此,本文从专项力量训练的宏观角度提出了一些看法,为教练员和运动员在实践过程中的训练提供参考。  相似文献   

周强 《体育科学》1999,19(3):44-47
采用实验方法,将受试者分为 3组,第 1组采用与 100 m跑动作结构或特点相似的力量练习,第2组采用杠铃负重为主的力量练习,对照组仅进行跑的练习,进行为期3个月的实验。结果表明:采用与跑的动作结构相似的力量练习的第1组受试者,比后两组受试者的后蹬速度快,摆腿幅度大,踝关节缓冲作用效果好,“送髋”技术明显,成绩好。作为一种指导思想和具体方法,结合专项动作结构进行力量训练是可行和必要的。而作为专项力量训练手段,杠铃负重练习中的某些练习在安排和方法上有待于调整。  相似文献   

在田径运动员的力量训练中,一般力量是专项力量的基础,一般力量强了,专项力量才会提高。应先练一般力量素质,然后通过一定时间的训练,转化到专项力量中去,要打好力量素质基础。作为一般力量的主要训练手段,杠铃负重练习在训练课中占有相当比例。实际上在很多训练中,一般力量并没有起到基础作用,它也不可能转化成专项力量能力。作为一般力量主要手段。杠铃负重练习和专项之间的需求有着根本的不同.有着质的差异,他们之间不能互相转化。  相似文献   

刘耀荣 《体育世界》2013,(4):102-103
在专项技术保持稳定的基础上,力量成为决定运动成绩的关键要素之一。目前,力量训练的方法很多,但是如何选择适宜的训练工具和手段,有效提高运动员力量和快速用力能力,是所有教练员和运动员追求的目标。本研究通过对杠铃这种传统阻力练习方式的分析,从生物力学方面揭示杠铃训练的特征,为正确认识和应用杠铃阻力训练提供理论依据。  相似文献   

力量训练是提高短跑运动成绩的重要手段之一,但是在实际训练过程中却存在一些问题。一是训练条件所限。“目前,在多数省市队的力量训练房里,除杠铃外,多是一些大众化的健身器材,这对提高影响跑速几个最关键的肌群的专项力量和专门性力量的作用甚小,远远不能适应短跨专门性力量训练的需要”(王卫星)。省市专业队的力量训练条件都很有限,更不要说下面基层学校了,二是练习的针对性问题。由于目前采用的杠铃练习内容,有全蹲、半蹲、弓箭步跳、抓举、高翻、跳深等手段,然后转入冲跑或跨跳等方式,充其量是基础专项力量练习,原因是在转换过程中是否能达到要求的效果是关键。最佳的专项力量练习应该在实际运动中施加负荷。如起跑的专门练习,最好在起跑过程中施加负荷或牵引。  相似文献   

目的通过实验研究专项练习对肌肉力量训练的作用,为运动训练中有针对性地、合理地选择专项力量练习动作,提高专项力量训练效果提供参考。方法运用摄像和肌电图同步测试手段,对我国现役3名高水平女子铁饼运动员4个专项力量练习,参与动作的8块主要肌肉的表面肌电(sEMG)进行测试和分析。结果 4个专项练习总体上是以发展下肢的股内侧肌和股二头肌力量为主,但侧重点不完全相同。15 kg挥片转体练习对竖脊肌的作用效果较明显,30 kg杠铃抡摆练习动作对发展腹外斜肌一次性用力力量最有效。结论 5 kg壶铃轮摆转体是对肌肉作用程度及强度最强的一种练习,也是发展股二头肌力量最有效的练习。原地挥片(1.5 kg)练习对肌肉的作用程度有限。  相似文献   

短跑力量练习手段的设计与选择,取决于教练员对短跑专项技术和专项力量认识的准确性和深刻性。现代短跑是以髋为轴的高速摆动—平动运动。为了验证不同力量训练手段对短跑技术与成绩影响效果,采用实验法将受试者分为两组,实验组采用与100m跑动作结构或发力特点相似的力量练习,对照组采用以杠铃负重为主的力量练习,进行为期3个月的实验。实验结果表明,实验组的技术和成绩明显好于对照组,作为一种力量训练的指导思想和具体方法,结合动作结构和发力特点进行力量训练是可行的和有必要的。  相似文献   

An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39-0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   


An analysis system for barbell weightlifting exercises is proposed to record reliable performance and neuromuscular responses. The system consists of surface electromyography (sEMG) synchronized with electrogoniometry and a barbell position transducer. The purpose of this study was to establish the reliability of the three components of the system. Nine males (age 28.9 ± 4.8 years, mass 85.7 ± 15.1 kg) performed squat exercise at three loads on three separate trial days. A data acquisition and software system processed maximal knee angle (flexion), mean power for the concentric phase of squat exercise, and normalized root mean square of the vastus lateralis. Inter-trial coefficients of variation for each variable were calculated as 5.3%, 7.8%, and 7.5% respectively. In addition, knee joint motion and barbell displacement were significantly related to each other (bar displacement (m) = 1.39–0.0057 × knee angle (degress), with goodness-of-fit value, r 2 = 0.817), suggesting knee goniometry alone can represent the kinematics of a multi-joint squat exercise. The proven reliability of the three components of this system allows for real-time monitoring of resistance exercise using the preferred training methods of athletes, which could be valuable in the understanding of the neuromuscular response of elite strength training methods.  相似文献   

马维平 《体育科研》2010,31(5):91-94
用每周一次的肌肉力量训练频率的方法,对高校从未受过常规定期的肌肉力量训练普通大学生,进行在每周一次的体育课上进行了为期10周的肌肉力量训练实验,以观察肌肉力量训练产生的效果。训练前后为他们测试了卧推杠铃和直立杠铃弯举的成绩(1RM),还分别测量了练习前后大腿围和上臂围等。训练周期以后1RM比开始前增加了10%以上,不管是卧推杠铃还是直立杠铃弯举等项目都有明显的进步。结果表明,每周一次频率的肌肉力量练习确实能增加大学生的肌肉力量,但这种形式的锻炼并未能使身体形态发生明显的变化。  相似文献   

Hip extensor strategy, specifically relative contribution of gluteus maximus versus hamstrings, will influence quadriceps effort required during squat exercise, as hamstrings and quadriceps co-contract at the knee. This research examined the effects of hip extensor strategy on quadriceps relative muscular effort (RME) during barbell squat. Inverse dynamics-based torque-driven musculoskeletal models were developed to account for hamstrings co-contraction. Net joint moments were calculated using 3D motion analysis and force platform data. Hamstrings co-contraction was modelled under two assumptions: (1) equivalent gluteus maximus and hamstrings activation (Model 1) and (2) preferential gluteus maximus activation (Model 2). Quadriceps RME, the ratio of quadriceps moment to maximum knee extensor strength, was determined using inverse dynamics only, Model 1 and Model 2. Quadriceps RME was greater in both Models 1 and 2 than inverse dynamics only at barbell loads of 50–90% one repetition maximum. The highest quadriceps RMEs were 120 ± 36% and 87 ± 28% in Models 1 and 2, respectively, which suggests that barbell squats are only feasible using the Model 2 strategy prioritising gluteus maximus versus hamstrings activation. These results indicate that developing strength in both gluteus maximus and quadriceps is essential for lifting heavy loads in squat exercise.  相似文献   

运用三维运动学研究方法,对参加2019年亚洲举重锦标赛暨东京奥运会资格赛的我国男子举重67kg公斤级优秀运动员谌利军与冯吕栋抓举技术进行对比分析。研究结果认为:提铃准备阶段,冯吕栋身体姿势更符合抓举中“近”的技术要求;总体上,冯吕栋伸膝提铃和引膝提铃阶段技术动作优于谌利军,谌利军发力和惯性上升及接铃阶段技术动作优于冯吕栋。谌利军抓举过程中主要存在伸膝提铃阶段髋关节打开过早,引膝提铃阶段膝关节回屈角度小以及整个抓举过程中杠铃重心左右偏移量过大的问题;冯吕栋主要存在发力和惯性上升阶段“两心”前后距离过大,杠铃相对于运动员水平运动幅度大,垂直运动幅度小以及接铃过程中杠铃下落距离长,下降速度过快的问题。建议谌利军加强膝关节主要屈伸肌群的力量训练以及进行身体左右侧力量平衡的评估;冯吕栋应掌握在发力和惯性上升阶段正确的用力方向,并改善接铃节奏。  相似文献   

Much of the training of competitive telemark skiers is performed as dry-land exercises. The specificity of these exercises is important for optimizing the training effect. Our aim here was to study the activation of the knee extensor musculature and knee angular displacement during competitive telemark skiing and during dry-land strength training exercises to determine the specificity of the latter. Specificity was analysed with respect to angular amplitude, angular velocity, muscle action and electromyographic (EMG) activity. Five male telemark skiers of national and international standard volunteered to participate in the study, which consisted of two parts: (1) skiing a telemark ski course and (2) specific dry-land strength training exercises for telemark skiing (telemark jumps and barbell squats). The angular displacement of the right knee joint was recorded with an electrogoniometer. A tape pressure sensor was used to measure pressure between the sole of the foot and the bottom of the right ski boot. Electromyographic activity in the right vastus lateralis was recorded with surface electrodes. The EMG activity recorded during maximum countermovement jumps was used to normalize the EMG activity during telemark skiing, telemark jumps and barbell squats. The results showed that knee angular displacement during telemark skiing and dry-land telemark jumps had four distinct phases: a flexion (F1) and extension (E1) phase during the thrust phase of the outside ski/leg in the turn/jump and a flexion (F2) and extension (E2) phase when the leg was on the inside of the turn/jump. The vastus lateralis muscle was activated during F1 and E1 in the thrust phase during telemark skiing and telemark jumps. The overall net knee angular amplitude was significantly greater (P<0.05) for telemark jumps than for telemark skiing. Barbell squats showed a knee angular amplitude significantly greater than that in telemark skiing (P<0.05). The mean knee angular velocity of the F1 and E1 phases during telemark skiing was about 0.47 rad?·?s?1; during barbell squats, it was about 1.22 rad?·?s?1. The angular velocity during telemark jumps was 2.34 and 1.59 rad?·?s?1 in the F1 and E1 phase, respectively. The normalized activation level of the EMG bursts during telemark skiing, telemark jumps and barbell squats was 70–80%. In conclusion, the muscle action and level of activation in the vastus lateralis during the F1 and E1 phases were similar during telemark skiing and dry-land exercises. However, the dry-land exercises showed a larger knee extension and flexion amplitude and angular velocity compared with telemark skiing. It appears that an adjustment of knee angular velocity during barbell squats and an adjustment of knee angle amplitude during both telemark jumps and barbell squats will improve specificity during training.  相似文献   

Much of the training of competitive telemark skiers is performed as dry-land exercises. The specificity of these exercises is important for optimizing the training effect. Our aim here was to study the activation of the knee extensor musculature and knee angular displacement during competitive telemark skiing and during dry-land strength training exercises to determine the specificity of the latter. Specificity was analysed with respect to angular amplitude, angular velocity, muscle action and electromyographic (EMG) activity. Five male telemark skiers of national and international standard volunteered to participate in the study, which consisted of two parts: (1) skiing a telemark ski course and (2) specific dry-land strength training exercises for telemark skiing (telemark jumps and barbell squats). The angular displacement of the right knee joint was recorded with an electrogoniometer. A tape pressure sensor was used to measure pressure between the sole of the foot and the bottom of the right ski boot. Electromyographic activity in the right vastus lateralis was recorded with surface electrodes. The EMG activity recorded during maximum countermovement jumps was used to normalize the EMG activity during telemark skiing, telemark jumps and barbell squats. The results showed that knee angular displacement during telemark skiing and dry-land telemark jumps had four distinct phases: a flexion (F1) and extension (E1) phase during the thrust phase of the outside ski/leg in the turn/jump and a flexion (F2) and extension (E2) phase when the leg was on the inside of the turn/jump. The vastus lateralis muscle was activated during F1 and E1 in the thrust phase during telemark skiing and telemark jumps. The overall net knee angular amplitude was significantly greater (P < 0.05) for telemark jumps than for telemark skiing. Barbell squats showed a knee angular amplitude significantly greater than that in telemark skiing (P < 0.05). The mean knee angular velocity of the F1 and E1 phases during telemark skiing was about 0.47 rad x s(-1); during barbell squats, it was about 1.22 rad x s(-1). The angular velocity during telemark jumps was 2.34 and 1.59 rad x s(-1) in the F1 and E1 phase, respectively. The normalized activation level of the EMG bursts during telemark skiing, telemark jumps and barbell squats was 70-80%. In conclusion, the muscle action and level of activation in the vastus lateralis during the F1 and E1 phases were similar during telemark skiing and dry-land exercises. However, the dry-land exercises showed a larger knee extension and flexion amplitude and angular velocity compared with telemark skiing. It appears that an adjustment of knee angular velocity during barbell squats and an adjustment of knee angle amplitude during both telemark jumps and barbell squats will improve specificity during training.  相似文献   

运用三维运动学的研究方法,对参加2005年全国第十届体育运动会举重比赛的运动员石智勇的抓举技术进行运动学分析。结果表明,提铃过程中人杠重心间距控制合理,杠铃平均加速度超过2 m/s2,体现了优异的爆发力和出色的提铃技术;引膝阶段的技术与常规引膝技术已有了很大的改变,该阶段用时很短,膝关节角度也几乎没产生变化,通过对膝关节的制动充分发挥了腰背部肌肉力量,使抓举时杠铃最高加速度的值出现在引膝阶段而非发力阶段,这是最体现石智勇抓举技术特点的地方;抓举发力阶段,身体用力协调,各关节角度的把握也恰到好处;抓举下蹲支撑阶段技术动作堪称完美,人杠重心间距控制合理,杠铃回落距离仅为13.6 cm,人体重心向下的平均加速度为11.2 m/s2,两项均属于世界顶级选手的技术指标;在起立阶很好地利用了杠铃的弹性势能,与杠铃同步起立,同时人杠重心间距仅为0.002 m,确保了起立的稳定性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate how lower extremity work was distributed during the pull of cleans performed lifting the barbell to the minimum height required to receive it in a full squat (minimal height clean); or with maximum effort to elevate the barbell as high as possible and receiving it in either a full (maximal effort clean) or partial (power clean) squat. Eight weightlifters screened for proficient technique performed these clean variations at 80% of one repetition maximum. Work performed on the barbell and by the lower extremity net joint moments (NJM) was computed from marker trajectories and ground reaction forces. Total barbell work, lower extremity NJM work, knee extensor work, and knee joint excursion during the second pull was lower in the minimal height clean than the maximal effort and power cleans (P < 0.05). This research demonstrates that more knee extensor work is performed in the second pull of maximal effort and power cleans compared to the minimal height clean. The larger knee extensor work performed is due to larger knee joint excursion during the second pull of the maximal effort and power cleans, but not larger knee extensor NJM.  相似文献   

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