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Students graduating in applied sciences from well-known universities and colleges this year are, as ever, getting the green light in their quest for work units, while those graduating in the basic sciences, especially girl students, are out of luck.  相似文献   

Independent schools pride themselves on providing a unique educational experience for students, one that is robust and mission-driven and capitalizes on lower student-to-teacher ratios that allow for more personalized learning and high-quality teachers. Numerous studies measure teacher effectiveness in public schools, yet there is little research on teacher quality in independent schools. This study finds that independent schools use four key characteristics to describe high-quality teachers: (a) strong relationships with students, (b) strong pedagogical knowledge and content expertise, (c) a growth mind-set, and (d) the ability to fit well within the school's culture. We also examine school practices and find that some commonly used activities for recruitment and selection are intended to identify the key characteristics of high-quality teachers. Administrators use demonstration lessons and interviews to assess candidates’ abilities to develop strong relationships with students and their pedagogical knowledge and content expertise. However, we find that practices around teacher evaluation are inconsistent.  相似文献   

独立学院"独立"之辨   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
独立学院从早期的“二级学院”演变而来,要坚持“优、独、民”的发展方针,只能在发展过程中逐步走向规范。拥有独立的办学权和法人财产,是独立学院独立的根基,这里涉及到独立学院与公办高校和投资者的关系。只有在独立学院渡过了办学资金的“瓶颈”制约期并获得学士学位授予权,民办高等教育的立法比较完备,公办大学的退出机制趋于成熟时,独立学院才能真正独立办学。  相似文献   

马来西亚拥有包括学前、小学、独立中学、大专等各教育阶段在内的比较完整的华文教育体系,其中华文独立中学的三语教学特色备受瞩目。本文简要回顾了马来西亚华文教育的发展以及华文独中三语教学局面形成的政策原因,并基于对17所华文独中校长的采访,分析了华文独中三语教学的现状、优势和困难,提出了一些相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

The changing forms and processes of social reproduction undertaken by Canada's elite independent schools are examined. Ideology, values, recruitment, and socialization processes and mechanisms in the member schools of the Canadian Association of Independent Schools are analysed. The focus is on reproduction theory (both the reproduction of the structure of classes and the intergenerational reproduction of families). The various forms of reproduction are examined in relation to class, ethnicity and gender. All have undergone considerable change; while the schools have remained critical agents for the reproduction of elites in Canadian society, the rise of meritocratic ideology and recruitment have had a paradoxical effect.  相似文献   

Education commissions, higher education bureaus, education departments (bureaus), and finance departments (bureaus) of the various provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the central government, and independently planned cities, as well as the various relevant ministries and commissions under the State Council:

With the reform of China's economic structure and the separation of the administrative organ from the enterprises, changes are taking place in the economic relations between many business departments and the enterprises under them. These changes have affected, to some extent, the funding for specialized secondary schools affiliated with these departments. The jurisdiction of some of these schools has also been adjusted accordingly. Under the circumstances, we need to further clarify the issue of funding for specialized secondary schools.  相似文献   

Headship transitions in U.S. independent schools represent critical organizational events that affect multiple school constituencies, including faculty, staff, and students. With recent projections forecasting a high level of impending headship transitions in independent schools, this paper seeks to capture how second-year U.S. independent school heads (n = 16) describe their transition experiences in order to provide insights into how boards, heads, and school communities can provide meaningful supports for their incoming school leaders. Further recommendations for practice and research are also provided.  相似文献   

中师的终结 ,师专的消减 ,本科师范院校的困惑 ,教师教育体系正在发生质的变革。可以说 ,教师教育体系由三级向二级 ,再向一级 ,最后走向非定向型走向完全开放之日 ,将是独立建制的师范院校走向终结之时 ,这是一个一向安全系数极高的独立的师范院校的时代走向终结 ,这种终结标志着—个旧时代正在结束 ,意味着教师教育新时代的到来。但旧时代的完结和新时代的建立是一个过程 ,当新的体系还没有完全建立 ,旧的体系又不能有效约束时 ,很可能会造成教师教育一定程度的虚空状态 ,教师教育质量的滑坡是极有可能的  相似文献   

何树声 《教育导刊》2003,(2):113-116
建立符合受教育者全面发展的规律,激发受教育者创造性的新型教育教学模式,形成相互激励、教学相长的师生关系,努力创造有利于人才成长的良好教育环境和社会环境,促进学生自主发展、和谐发展、有特色发展和可持续发展.  相似文献   

初中地理的自主教学模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童竹君 《教育导刊》2001,(15):68-69
素质教育是以人的发展为本的教育实践活动。在中学全面推进素质教育,就必须着力构建一个与素质教育宗旨相吻合的,有利于弘扬学生的主体性,能够让全体学生以一种自主的势态,调动和整合自己各方面的本质力量,把人类社会化的精粹内化为自身素质发展的养分,从而实现学生主体的积极建构的教育模式。为此,我结合地理学科的特点,于三年前提出构建中学地理学科三维立体课程,并通过立体性的教学实践,不断发展学生的自主性学习,逐渐总结出初中地理的自主教学模式。  相似文献   

学界已有关于学生评教的研究主要针对评教主体、评教工具、评教制度以及评教结果提出质疑,并从数据统计、比较借鉴等方面来提出对策建议,但这些研究大多关注学生评教表面存在的问题,就学生评教而言评教,对教师的实际情况考查不足。从结构的视角切入是独立学院学生评教研究的一个重要视角,以个案研究的方式对独立学院教师进行深度访谈,分析独立学院教师生存现状的社会结构因素,将是未来相关研究可以拓展的一个方向。  相似文献   

考试评价研究的科学、全面发展,对促进基础教育的均衡发展、减轻学生负担、彰显学校办学特色,提高教育教学质量都将产生重要影响。试卷评价体系是衡量和评估试卷是否公平科学、准确规范,学生学业质量是否达标的标尺。本文以自主课程建设实验学校学业水平考试试卷评价标准的探究为切入点,通过建立命题蓝图评价量表,使试卷蓝图科学化;通过建立试卷质量评价量表,使评价过程标准化,评价结果可量化,评价报告可读性强。  相似文献   

高职院校单独招生政策在天津的执行分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在国家政策的推动指导下,结合天津高职院校发展实际,天津市制定了<2009年天津市部分高职院校进行自主招生改革试点实施办法>.该政策提出,试点院校自主确定报考资格、自主组织考试、自主确定入学标准、自主进行录取.调查分析表明,这一自主招考政策初步达到了分层选拔的政策目的.但总体来看,该政策在考核内容、宣传及监督机制等方面都有待进一步完善细化.  相似文献   

高等学校自主招生的问题与对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究通过对上海、南京、杭州、宁波和苏州5市40所高中的大样本调研,发现81.7%的高中教师、71.8%的学生赞成高等学校实行自主招生,高等学校自主招生对高中师生的教学行为产生了一定影响,但高等学校自主招生的定位还需进一步明确,在操作上要进一步保障公正性、提升科学性,要警惕产生新的应试教育.在此基础上,本文就高等学校自主招生的定位、专业化和公正性等方面提出了政策建议.  相似文献   

Although much research has focused on the public school experiences of African American students, few studies exist that explore their race-related experiences within an independent, private school context. Studies have suggested that, while private, independent schools may elevate the quality of African American students’ education, many of these students experience social isolation from their peers. Using a qualitative methodology, the current study explores the experiences of African American students attending a private, independent school. Moreover, this investigation explores how schools as well as parental contexts contribute to racial identity development. Results indicated the importance of parents, schools and other significant institutions as racial socialization agents as well as their influence on specific identity-related processes. Educational implications for findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

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