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When I was small and dreaming of going to Africa because I was in love with Tarzan(泰山—美国影片人猿泰山的主人公),I was jealous of Tarzan’s Jane.I thought she was a wimp and I’d have made a much better mate for Tarzan myself.I wanted to go to Africa and live with animals and write books about them.My mother used to say to me"Jane,if you really want something,and if you really work hard,if you take advantage of the opportunities and if you never give up:you’11 find a way."  相似文献   

※ 单词拼写 ※ 1. I must a_____________ for not being able to meet you at the airport on time. 2. In order to avoid the p______________ for the wrong that he had done, he went to a European country in 1981. 3. He was too s_______________ to admit that he was wrong and refused to say sorry to his girl friend. 4. You’ve put me in a very a_____________ position and now I don’t know how to deal with the matter. 5. I am sorry that I was a____________ just now and didn’t quite catch what you sa…  相似文献   

祥忠 《今日中学生》2012,(17):27-28
I wasn’t a t hief One day I went out and left my key at home. When I came back, I couldn’t get in because my wife was away staying with her friends. I had to break a window, so I found a big stone. There was a great noise when I broke the glass, and I had to be careful when I reached through to turn the  相似文献   

D ear editorI’m sorry to trouble youM y nam e is Y in X in.I’m sixteen.W hen I was twelve I suddenly got badlysick.I don’t know the reason for this kindof illness.From then on I have had tostay at hom e and can’t go to school tostudy with all the other children.I amvery sad.B ut I have been fighting againstthe illness hard since three year ago.A l-though the doctor told m e that I wouldkeep the illness all of m y life and I lostthe chance of going to school to study withother student…  相似文献   

It happened in late February. There was snow on the ground.It was adark day and cold. I was on the way homefrom sehool as usual, and I stopped threeblocks away to whistle(打口哨)for Yorky.Iwaited.He didn’t come. I whistled again.Still he didn’t come。Then I began to run. I stopped before I got to the street in  相似文献   

Coming home from school that dark winter day so long ago, I was filled with excitem ent of having the weekend off.But I was 1 in-to stillness by what I saw. Mother, seated at the far end of the sofa,was 2 ,with the second-hand green typewriter on the table.She told me that she couldn’t 3 fast and then she was out of work. My shock and embar-rassment(尴尬)at finding Mother in tears was a perfect proof(证明)of how 4 I under- stood the pressure on her. Sitting beside her on the sofa,I began very slowly to understa...  相似文献   

When I first went to China to teach English I was at a rural school in the south. The closest city was Conghua, with about eighty-five thousand people. I liked to go there on my one day off each week to buy fruit and other things to have in my dorm at the school. Sometimes, I would go with one of the other foreign teachers but many times I would go alone and I would be the only westerner in the city, a minority of one.  相似文献   

Yesterday I was going to have lunch when my dad came in, with apaper box in his hands. No sooner had he stepped into the sitting roomthan he said excitedly, “Dog, dog. I’ve bought a baby dog.”Hearingthis, both my brother and I rushed to the box,  相似文献   

This essay is aimed at reflecting my English learning experience,which is divided into three stages:The first six years’of study as a junior and senior high school student,when I always got high scores in the exams.I thought I was a sucessful English learner at that time.Four years as an English major in a teacher’s college,where I found my English was as other people called "Chinglish".No matter how hard I worked I couldn’t talk freely with native speakers.As time went on,I got to know the phenomenon belonging to interlanguage fossilization of English learning.Two years later after I graduated from the university,I went to University of Canberra to study my Master degree,there I found the essential factors that could help me get over fossilization through enhanced motivation,increased comprehensible input and production of communicative output.  相似文献   

丁业宏 《中学生英语》2013,(14):36-38,48
一、完形填空I’ll never forget the Christmas when I played Santa’s helper.Our son Alvin,who was six years old,1 a new sound system. "Please bring me a new stereo(立体声) so I don’t have to listen to my dad’s old 2," he told the mall Santa.Laura and I took note. On Christmas Eve,we placed Santa’s cookies and milk 3 the fire,tossed a few carrots on the roof for the reindeer,and 4 Alvin to sleep in our bed at the back of the house,5 the sound of Santa’s boots wouldn’t wake him.I had 6 a small workshop in the spare bedroom and spent the whole night putting together that stereo. 7,I took a break to move Alvin from our bed to his-he was afraid that Santa might think he wasn’t home and would forget  相似文献   

When I was very young, with my mother's influence, I fell in love with English. I liked it so much that my parents sent me to an English class when I was eight. I was young and I couldn't fit at first. The strange English words were hard for me to accept. And then, the teacher taught me the basic English-phonetic, symbols and ABC. They helped me to learn English words  相似文献   

Hi, dad, good morning! I have to do my homework today, it is reading. I n our English class, my classmates were read- ing some articles that our teacher gave them, and the teacher gave me the same one this afternoon, she wanted me to catch up with the others. I was interest- ed in the story, so I told her I would try my best. She was very happy. I n the sto- ry, there’re two kids, one younger brother and one older sister, they were the survivors of a plane crash. They were in a desert. An …  相似文献   

I feel that this award was not made to me as a man,but to my- work’s life work in the agony and sweat of the human spirit,not for glory and least of all for profit,but to create out of the materials of the human spirit something which did not exist before.So this award is only mine in trust.It will not be dif- ficult to find a dedication for the money part of it commensurate with the purpose and significance of its origin.But I would like to do the same with the acclaim too,by using this mome…  相似文献   

My Changes     
I am growing up day by day and I have some changes.1First,my grades are better than before because I study harder.I am very happy abou1this and my parents are happy,too.I will go on studying hard to be the top student in my1class.1Second,I become more outgoing than before.I was quite1and didn’t like to talk with  相似文献   

The Middleton Bank was robbed,and Detective PaulNichols was sent for.The bank 1 said.“The robberhad a long and ugly 2 on his fight cheek.”The manhappened to come into the bank and stood in 3 with theother customers.When he reached the window.however.he handed the bank clerk a piece of paper,saying,"Don’tsay anything or 4 anything,I have a gun and will use itif I have to.Put four thousand dollars in 5 and hand itto me.”6 he was not joking,the bank clerk did 7 as the robber wished.The man walked out of the bank.  相似文献   

A couple of years ago, when I was going tocollege, I volunteered to be a finish-line "hugger" atthe Kentucky Special Olympics held in Richmond1.Because I was studying to become a special-educationteacher, I was very interested in the games and thepeople and wanted to be more involved.The day of the event dawned dreary, wet andgray. I arrived early and watched as the participantsarrived with their families, friends and school groups.Even though it started to rain and a cold wind blew,I didn…  相似文献   

A wolf and a fox were good friends.One day the wolf caught a chicken,and said to the fox,"Go and kill it,cook it well.I’ll invite the bear to share it with us."The fox agreed and boiled the chicken.Soon it was ready.The chicken was so delicious that he couldn’t stand it.He ate up a chicken wing,then a chicken leg...Soon all the chicken was eaten up by him!After a while,the wolf returned home.He asked,"Is the chicken ready?""More or less!"answered the fox guiltily~1.  相似文献   

正You know,weekends are very interesting and colorful.Do you like weekends?I like weekendsverymuch,becauseI can read comic books,have a rest and have fun with my friends.This weekend,I’m going to the Hong Xing shopping mall to buy some clothes with my mother.Then,I’m going to the People Park and take some photos with my  相似文献   

Hi,dad.Howare you today?Today is the first day of our holiday.Ifelt good.I had a busy morning,fromhalf past nine am to one o’clock pm.Idid all the things that mom assigned meto do,and then I started to read somebooks that I borrowed from the library.I was interested in the story,and Icouldn’t stop,for I want to knowtheending.The view out of the window was verybeautiful.Everywhere is white,coveredwith snow.The snowstorm that beganfrom last night,didn’t seem to stop,and the trees that had lost all of theirlea...  相似文献   

I used to think highly of myself as I was always ready to help others. But after one incident, I became less sure.One morning, I was on the way to school by bicycle. A man of about forty was walking a bike with a girl student called Ma Ying sitting on it. I heard that something was wrong with the girl's leg and her father had to take her to school. The man must be her father.  相似文献   

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