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张格 《海外英语》2012,(16):283-284
The language is a play of signs. However, behind the signs is the culture manipulates the signs. The sign is the surface structure; while under the surface is that the thinking pattern matters, which is the only small part of the culture. The culture difference always exists. I would like to study it in terms of the problems which the essay reveals. The first part is to list examples, and the second part tries to analyze it in terms of thinking patterns. The last part is the concluding part. It intends to find solutions to avoid that problem.  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the rapid changing requirements of customers,enterprises most cooperate with each other to form supply chain.The first and the most important stage in the forming of supply chain is the selection of participants.The article proposes a two-staged decision model to select partners.The first stage is the inter company comparison in each business process to select highefficiency candidate based on inside variables.The next stage is to analyse the combination of different candidates in order to select the most perfect partners according to a goal-programming model.  相似文献   

The verb to get is extremely useful. It can be used in a number of expressions. It can also mean several different things: to become, to arrive, to receive, to buy. The words in brackets can be substituted for others.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.The t____is the king of the animals.2.The g____has a long neck.Many people want to see it.3.The animal is u____.No one wants to see it.4.Welcome to the z____.The dolphin is smart.The penguin is fun.5.Class begins  相似文献   

It’s Always Me     
A father said to his sons,“Tom orrow your m other is going to bake a pie.W ho is going to eatit?” The oldestson replied,“Father,Ill eatit all。”The father then said,“Tom orrow Im going to butcher a pig.W ho isgoing to eatit?”The sam e son answered,“Father,Illeatit all。” The father added,“Tom orrow we are going to plough the field.W hois going to plough?” The oldestson answered again, “Its always m e. N ow its som eoneelse s turn to volunteer。”It’s Always Me!河北@侯世敏…  相似文献   

范宁 《海外英语》2016,(4):135+142
The paper aims to analyze the problems animal-protection faces and try to give advices about how to solve these problems. The first part will analyze that in the history of philosophical development, many philosophers make any excuse to place human above animals. The second part will make comments about how Costello makes the comparison about the poems of Rilke and Hughes about animals. The final part mainly talks about that the dilemma of the animal-rights movement and how to improve the situation.  相似文献   

A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says, "I want one ticket(票) to the zoo," and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, "How old are you, young man?" The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her. The boy says: "I'm four at home, and two in the buses." At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.  相似文献   

Name:Shanay Occupation:Student Travel Motto:The more you see,the more you know. The reasons why I travel: I travel because I want to understand questions and gain know ledge about this planet I live on.The only way for me to do this is to travel and speak to people.Find and share knowledge and ideas.Also it is really fun to see,taste,and try new things.  相似文献   

李裕玲 《海外英语》2013,(5X):241-245
The paper intends to explore the language futures of Chinese recipes from the perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar. Different from previous research made by others, it is written to explore the relationship between the writer and the putative readers. The Mood structure, Modality, the Theme choices, cohesive devices,and transitivity are presented systematically. The embodiment of the functions of the main elements from Systemic Functional Grammar is presented. The major objectives are to discover the Systemic Functional characteristics and help enthusiasts write Chinese recipes in English explicitly. The study finds that to keep the texts concise and easy to follow, Chinese recipes are written with few mood structure. The research finds that Halliday doesn’t count conjunction word or as a way of showing possibilities in category of Modality. Yet it is supposed to be put into this category as well.  相似文献   

Job Interview     
Three guys go to a job interview.The man that’s giving the jobinterview doesn’t have an years.The first guy goes into the office for hisinterview.The man says to him,“The job that you’re applying forrequires powers of observation.  相似文献   

小歌 《英语沙龙》2013,(4):48-49
Once,a friend from China came to visit me around the selection time.So,on the Election Day I took him to the polling place to see democracy in action. The Unexciting Election Process 平淡的选举过程 The polling place was located in a church.There were a few desks with volunteer workers sitting behind them,all smiles.No one checked my ID.I just went up to the volunteer workers and told them who I was,and one of them found my name from a voters' list.The only thing I needed to do was to sign next to my name to validate the information.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore what salient characteristics can be found in some university teachers' approaches to teaching in Finland, Japan and India, and in what ways university teachers in Finland, India and Japan use ICTs (information and communication technologies) in their own teaching. Furthermore, this study aimed to investigate what ICT applications these same teachers use in their teaching. The data were collected via an electronic survey and interviews. The participants (N=21) were university teachers from Finland (N=8), Japan (N=I0) and India (N=3). Their approaches to teaching were explored by applying the ATI (approaches to teaching inventory) and its modified version focusing on the use of ICTs in teaching. The study reported in this paper was a pilot study, thus the results are based on the limited number of respondents. The ATI and ATI ICT subscales and ICT inventory applied in this study have been confirmed to be valid. The university teachers in Japan and Finland differed in their approaches to teaching: The Finnish teachers scored higher on the CCSF (conceptual change orientated, student-focused) approach to teaching than the Japanese teachers, while the Japanese teachers scored higher on the ITTF (information transmitting, teacher-focused) approach to teaching. Two Indian teachers were classified as having a teacher-focused approach to teaching, while the third was classified as having a student-focused approach to teaching. The teachers' differences in their use of ICTs related more to their disciplinary status than to their cultural background.  相似文献   

A shepherd brought his sheep into the field to graze, and sat downunder a tree to rest.Suddenly a tiger cam e outofthe w oods.The shepherd picked up his staffand jum ped up.The tiger w as just about to spring at the m an when he saw the staffand got frightened. The tiger thought it was a gun. They stared at eachother,and neither dared to m ake the first m ove.A t that m om ent, a fox cam e running by. The fox saw that the tigerand the shepherd were afraid of each other and decided to turn th…  相似文献   

Scientists think that many-perhaps most-animals can notsee colors.The world is black and white to them.To find out if dogs could see colors,scientist gave dogsfood every time they played a certain piece of music.The dogsgot ready to eat only when they heard this piece of music.They did not get ready to eat when they heard other pieces ofmusic.Then the scientists gave the dogs food every time theyshowed them a certain color.The dogs got ready to eat whenthey saw this color.The scientists then…  相似文献   

江洋 《海外英语》2014,(18):298-300
The study aims to uncover the differences between a Chinese writing teacher and a foreign writing teacher in evaluating Chinese college students’ English compositions and find out students’ attitudes towards different kinds of feedbacks. The data collection method, sample analysis and questionnaire have been implemented to probe for the results. The results are supposed to give some suggestions to the English writing class in Chinese universities.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 Look at this unhappy family: the father,the stepmother, the son named Tom and the daughter named Rose. The stepmother doesn't like Tom and Rose. She asks the father to take the children to the forest. She wants Tom and Rose to lose their way home. The father has to listen to her bad idea.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to teach urban young children music concepts and English by composing creative music and songs with contrast elements. The subjects were seven urban young children aged from three to four in a Taiwan kindergarten. The duration was twenty-four weeks, with two sessions per week. The teaching contents included Hello Song, Musical Movement, Music Appreciation and Goodbye Song. The study applied the thematic music elements to the teaching content. The main methodology was a qualitative study and quantitative data used to receive objective support. Assessment included a pre-test at the beginning, a post-test and participation observation at the end of the study. The head of the kindergarten, the classroom teacher and a parent completed activity feedback forms to obtain social validity. The results show that through the use of creative music pieces of contrast and song activities, urban young children's understanding of music concepts was progressive and English ability was improved. The study findings are: (1) Using contrastive music pieces is a good method for teaching very young urban children to understand music concepts; (2) Creating simple target objective songs with contrast elements is a good way for urban young children to learn simple English; (3) Music with contrastive elements could motivate urban young children to do movement spontaneously and learn the spoken language simultaneously; and (4) Contrastive music could be used for pre-classical music learning.  相似文献   

题目 The radius of the O is 2. The chord AB is equal to the chord CD. Both of the distance from the 2 chords to point O are 1. The area range of the quadrilateral ABCD is____.  相似文献   

The capability automated warehouse in of a company to implement an an optimized way might be nowadays a crucial leverage in order to gain competitive advantage to satisfy the demand. The order picking is a warehouse function that needs to deal with the retrieval of articles from their storage locations. Merging several single customer orders into one, a picking order can increase efficiency of warehouse operations. The aim of this paper is to define throughout the use of ad-hoc genetic algorithm (GA) how better a warehouse can be set up. The paper deals with order batching, which has a major effect on efficiency of warehouse operations to avoid wastes of resources in terms of processes and to control possibility of unexpected costs in advance.  相似文献   

Cat Scan     
A man takes his motionless dog to the vet."Doc,I think my dog is dead.”The vet looks the dog over, goes into a backroom,and comes out with a cat.He places the caton the table next to the dog.The cat walks aroundand sniffs at the dog.The dog does not move.The  相似文献   

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