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“技术的社会形成(SocialShaping of Technology)”理论是一种对技术与社会复杂关系进行具体分析的方法理论。本文主要描述欧洲在这一研究领域中所取得的成果。“技术的社会形成”理论着眼于分析与技术发展有关联的个人、群体和机构,剖析它们本身的利益所在,它们之间的关系,以及对技术施加影响的势能和着  相似文献   

按照科技部《关于进一步加强科技援藏工作的若干意见》的要求,我厅以改善西藏科技条件为重点,开展科技援藏工作,取得了初步的成效.  相似文献   

按照科技部《关于进一步加强科技援藏工作的若干意见》的要求,我厅以改善西藏科技条件为重点,开展科技援藏工作,取得了初步的成效。  相似文献   

社会资本与技术创新的扩散   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
技术创新扩散是社会性过程。作者在总结了社会资本概念和特征之后,把其应用于对技术创新扩散过程的研究,指出社会资本在促进隐性知识的传递与扩散、提高资源配置能力与技术创新扩散的速度、潜在采用者范围和采用者总量以及技术创新的数量和能力等方面有积极作用。  相似文献   

This study extends and tests the dual factor model of technology usage (Cenfetelli, 2004, Cenfetelli and Schwarz, 2011), which recognizes enablers and inhibitors as two distinct constructs in the context of social media. We test the effect of two enablers: perceived usefulness and perceived enjoyment on perceived communication quality and social media continuance intention. We advance the understanding of the conceptualization of inhibitors from object-based, social-based, behavioral-based, and affective-based perspectives. We investigate the moderating effects of affective-based inhibitors (i.e., perceived social media distress and perceived social media anxiety) and the direct effects of object-based inhibitor (rapid change), social-based inhibitor (i.e., distorted reputation), and behavioral-based inhibitor (perceived complexity) on communication quality and continuance intention. To test the hypotheses, we collected data using an Online Crowdsourcing Markets (OCMs) technique. Using a sample of 268 Facebook users, our findings suggest perceived enjoyment is the main enabler, whereas perceived complexity is the main inhibitor of social media continuance intention. The findings also suggest that perceived social media anxiety moderates the relationships between (1) perceived complexity and perceived enjoyment, (2) perceived complexity and perceived usefulness, and (3) perceived complexity and perceived communication quality. We also find distorted reputation has a positive effect on perceived complexity but rapid change does not have a significant effect on perceived complexity. Perceived communication quality also significantly influences social media continuance intention. Our study confirms the dual factor model of technology usage and advances social media research by demonstrating that inhibitors are distinct from enablers.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对建筑科学类期刊网络化、数字化及新媒体技术应用情况的调查与分析,了解优秀期刊与普通期刊发展进程上的差别,旨为推动我国科技期刊的数字化、网络化、多媒体化整体发展做出贡献。【方法】 利用网络搜索和微信关注等方法,通过搜索期刊官网和微信公众平台,辅以文献阅读法,掌握32种优秀期刊、193种普通期刊的网络化、数字化及新媒体技术的应用状况。【结果】 建筑科学类期刊中的优秀期刊普遍重视网络化、数字化以及新媒体技术的应用,期刊官网和微信公众平台是最典型的表现,分别担负着期刊PC端和移动端宣传推广功效,并形成了互为补充的态势,而普通期刊在此方面的表现却较为逊色。【结论】 占我国科技期刊数量比很高的普通期刊必须加大网络化、数字化及新媒体技术的应用工作,尤其要重视期刊官网和微信平台的构建与维护,并要重视加入综合性中文期刊数据库工作,以全面推动我国科技期刊数字化、网络化、多媒体化整体发展进程。  相似文献   

人脸识别技术是以人工智能算法为技术支持,以大数据分析为手段,进而实现人脸识别的目的。根据算法的不同,有基于2D识别算法和3D识别算法的人脸识别技术系统。但不管基于何种算法,均面临欺骗攻击、技术利维坦及责任风险等社会风险。欺骗攻击包括2D欺骗攻击和3D欺骗攻击;人脸识别技术利维坦是集人工智能“赛维坦”和大数据“数字利维坦”于一身的复合型技术利维坦;责任风险表现为现有的过错责任原则无法有效地对人脸识别技术带来的责任规则进行划分。为防范人脸识别技术的社会风险,除需对该技术进行深度研发外,更需要从该技术系统的应用端出发,对该技术使用的范围、手段和目的进行规制。  相似文献   

网络技术的伦理困境及社会建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络技术在促进人类生产和生活方式变革的同时,也产生诸多伦理悖谬。其思想根源在于网络技术主体受道德相对主义和个人主义思想的困扰。为消解网络技术伦理困境,加强制度安排、完善法律保障、增强社会综合治理能力,构成网络技术健康发展的社会保障体系。  相似文献   

系统集成网络模式中的知识管理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一个针对系统集成网络模式的知识管理框架,并从知识源的识别、知识库及立体交叉网络的构筑、知识集成创新和创新成果的市场运用等几个方面,研究如何实施知识管理,认为以这一框架为基础的知识管理的有效实施是系统集成网络模式成功运转的保证。  相似文献   

Ethics and Information Technology - During the last decade there has been burgeoning research concerning the ways in which we should think of and apply the concept of responsibility for Artificial...  相似文献   

Venture capital has played an important role in funding the development of a number of US high-technology industries. Economists and business scholars utilizing models based in traditional economics have studied venture capital from the perspective of investment decision-making. These models provide significant insights, and yet they do not explain the actual operation of venture capital. This case study of the creation of LAN industry utilizes a synthesis of the dominant design and social constructionist perspectives to create a more nuanced explanation of how the practice of venture capitalists operates to create firms and industries.  相似文献   

This paper presents some results of a case study of the usage of the social networking platform studiVZ by students in Salzburg, Austria. The topic is framed by the context of electronic surveillance. An online survey that was based on questionnaire that consisted of 35 (single and multiple) choice questions, 3 open-ended questions, and 5 interval-scaled questions, was carried out (N = 674). The knowledge that students have in general was assessed with by calculating a surveillance knowledge index, the critical awareness towards surveillance by calculating a surveillance critique index. Knowledge about studiVZ as well as information behaviour on the platform were analyzed and related to the surveillance parameters. The results show that public information and discussion about surveillance and social networking platforms is important for activating critical information behaviour. In the case of studiVZ, a change of the terms of use in 2008 that brought about the possibility of targeted personalized advertising, was the subject of public discussions that influenced students’ knowledge and information behaviour.  相似文献   

Information and Communications Technology Sector has been experimenting important challenges related to rapid technological changes motivated by consumers´ requirements. Social capital and organizational legitimacy are considered as key assets for long-term survival and success. The main purpose of this research is to quantify the positive effects that SC and legitimacy have on customer loyalty and commitment. The results achieved through the application of PLS-SEM to treat the 986 effective responses show the positive and significant connection between the considered variables. This research contributes offering additional empirical evidence on intangible assets management and will help companies' managers to build stronger relationships with their customers.  相似文献   

导论 当前我们进行的“技术研究”(Technology Studies)和所用的“技术的社会形成”(Social Shap-ing of Technology approach)方法理论是在特定的历史环境中形成的,尤其是和西方现代政治对技术变迁所产生的社会经济影响的关注紧密地联系在一起的。“技术的社会形成”论综合并吸取了在技术研究领域中不同研究学派的  相似文献   

科技企业孵化器的网络化发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对科技企业孵化器网络化发展的基本原理进行了研究,分析了孵化器内部和外部关系网络的动态形成过程,对我国四种不同类型的科技企业孵化器:政府主办的公共型孵化器、大学科技孵化器、企业内部创办的孵化器、其他类型的私营孵化器的网络化发展策略进行了研究。  相似文献   

亢琳 《大众科技》2014,(8):167-169
文章以“孔融让梨”的故事为引子,阐述了“仁、义、礼、智、信”等中华民族传统美德的核心内容;提出艺术设计教育应传承中华民族传统美德,探索了艺术设计教育传承中华民族传统美德的途径、方式以及行之有效的实践模式,提出将中华民族传统美德纳入艺术设计教育教学的总体规划、教学主渠道、主阵地,充分发挥艺术欣赏课、教师言传身教的重要作用,加强中华民族美德教育,探索了传统美德课讲授、学科渗透、艺术表达和角色体验等四种模式;把中华民族传统美德教育贯穿在艺术设计教育之中,为中华民族传统美德的弘扬、更好地培养中国特色社会主义人才奠定基础。  相似文献   

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