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Let''''s Play     
1.-Tennis,anyone?玩网球,谁来? -Count me in.I'll get my racket.算我一个.我去拿球拍.  相似文献   

Let''''s Play     
Bingo koala kangaroo lion cheetah zebre hippo cotton candy griaffe popcorn penguin camel panda monkey apple hot dog icn cream egg banana sandwich orange cookie Let's Play  相似文献   

Magic Play     
一、FamilyTree小魔女有一棵FamilyTree(亲情树),把家人、亲戚都列在上面,你能找到他们吗?提示:Across1:Yourfather’sormother’sfather.5:Yourdad.6:Yourmum.7:Yourfather’sormother’sbrother.Down1Yourfather’sormother’smother.2:Yourfather’sormother’ssister.3:Yourmother’sdaughter,eitherelderoryoungerthanyou.4:Yourmother’sson,eitherelderoryoungerthanyou.二、MagicGuessing大眼兔为了考考同学们的观察力,特意找了一些独特视角形成的图形,你能猜出来吗?不妨试试。1.Viewfromthetop2.Viewfromthe…  相似文献   

The play within a play has long been understood as Hamlet’s attempt to catch the conscience of the King. But is that all it is? Perhaps there’s more to the Murder of Gonzago than either Hamlet or even Shakespeare, himself, intended? While the narrative of the Player King and Player Queen clearly works to tap into the private guilt of King Claudius, it also does much to reveal the hidden psychology of Gertrude, a woman whose motives and psychological underpinnings are often concealed to the audience. The purpose of this article is to use the play within a play as a meta-text through which the reader can learn to decode, first, who Gertrude was, both as a wife and a person, prior to Hamlet Sr’s death, and, second, offer an explanation for why she remarries so quickly in the wake of her first husband’s murder. In this sense, though Hamlet designs the play within a play to gain ocular proof of Claudius’ crime, he may unconsciously also do so to catch the conscience of his mother, and thereby better understand himself. The play within a play within a play’s the thing.  相似文献   

Play the Piano     
It,5 too diffieult for me to Play,Miss. 拉小提琴时我来说 太难了,老师。 Whieh instrument ean you Play, Li Li? 你会演奏什么乐器,莉莉? 31}斗 摘表 终鲤鲤L— musieal/’mju:z:kl/畔音乐的 instrument/instrumant/n.器械, noteln分。似n.音符 enough/l’n动adj.足  相似文献   

刚刚在9月发行新专辑《酷玩》的潘玮柏,这次可是下了很大的决心,不仅成功瘦身,还自己创作了不少好歌,让所有人看到了潘帅的努力。不过辛苦的同时,可不要忘了也让生活玩酷一下。  相似文献   

放暑假了,和我老T一起运动运动吧!做什么呢?打羽毛球吧,这是常见的一项运动,既经济又有趣。现在让我们学一些打羽毛球的常用术语吧。serve[s蘼v]发球It’s your turn to serve.该你发球了。a fastserve快速发球3s.Itry to catch it,butitruns too fast.(2)班郭磊tie[tai]平手,比分相同T hey are going to tie again.你们会再次打成平手。吃t e abackhand反手(的)H e hasa good backhand.他反手击球很棒。forehand['f蘅蘼h覸nd]正手(的)Everyone uses a forehandserve.doubles双打每人都用正手发球。D oubles are m ore fun.双打比较好玩…  相似文献   

Play and learn     
一、下图是用19根火柴摆成的英文单词Book,请你拿掉4根火柴,使它变成另一个英文单词,怎样变呢?  相似文献   

After the Play     
The children cheered wildly as the play Mrs Samuels' Adventure(《山姆夫人历险记》)was coming to the end.Of course the play ended happily.Clever old Mrs Samuels had safely escaped from her dangerous place.  相似文献   

Play by Ear     
一天晚上,郝鹏给Tom打电话,想商量一下圣诞节的安排。  相似文献   

Yesterday evening, I went to see a play. It was really significant. It was about Zheng Xiaoyue, a very clever and diligent middle school student. Unfortunately , her mother died when she and her brother were very young. Her father was out of work and, worse luck, was seriously ill. She was studying at school, and her little brother Zheng Xiaogang was also studying at school like her. The two poor children had to work while studying so that they could afford the tuition and their father's medical costs. The father was becoming from bad to worse, and they had to pay more money. However,they were too young to  相似文献   

Play and Learn     
1.Use your head动动脑小辣椒Chili分别打电话找好朋友小熊Peter、小狗Tom、小兔Marry、小猴John,请他们一起去春游。试试给图中的空格内填上合适的电话用语。  相似文献   

Research Findings: Outdoor play is important for children’s health and development, yet many preschool-age children in child care settings do not receive the recommended 60 min/day of outdoor play. Child care providers have previously described parent-related barriers to increasing outdoor playtime, including parents not providing appropriate clothing for their children and parents’ preference for academics over active play. This study explored parent perceptions and knowledge of outdoor playtime in child care environments. On average, parents reported wanting their child to spend significantly more time playing outside during a full day of child care than the recommended minimum. However, more than half of parents reported that they did not know how much time their child actually spent playing outside, and 43% reported that they did not know their child care center’s outdoor play policies. Practice or Policy: Child care providers may overperceive parent-related barriers to outdoor play. Parents generally support outdoor play for their preschooler during center-based child care but are not well informed about outdoor playtime and policies. Encouraging communication between parents and early childhood educators about these topics could lead to more universal support and strategies for promoting outdoor and active play opportunities for children, which are important for children’s health and development.  相似文献   

Imagery research with children has been primarily examined within a structured physical activity context. However, researchers have begun to investigate children’s imagery use in their active play (i.e., unstructured leisure-time physical activity). The objective of the present article was to develop a conceptual model of active play imagery—the active play imagery model. This objective was accomplished by applying the components of the revised applied model of deliberate imagery use (RAMDIU; Cumming and Williams, 2013) to the context of active play. The proposed model comprises the same seven components included in the RAMDIU (i.e., where and when, who, why, what and how, meaning, imagery ability, and outcomes). However, in contrast to the RAMDIU, the active play imagery model acknowledges that individual characteristics can directly influence one’s ability to image. The proposed model will provide a guiding framework for future research and applications of active play imagery.  相似文献   

The early childhood profession needs to establish a different discourse to describe what has been referred to as play in early childhood. The authors draw from literature on inquiry theory to provide a theoretical lens for discussion and offer a model for inquiry through the Project Approach for the early childhood setting. The authors posit that early childhood educators need to clarify and extend the definition of play by distinguishing between play that occurs outside of the classroom as opposed to play that occurs as part of classroom curriculum. Further, educators need to develop the language for analyzing acts of inquiry and articulating these processes to parents and the public. An examination of the inquiry process of one preschool learner offers one way to begin articulating classroom inquiry and demonstrates how each instance of inquiry is a complex, reflective, and semiotic act.  相似文献   

Let's Play     
李世荣 《初中生》2007,(7):55-55
1.-Tennis.anyone?玩网球,谁来? -C0untmein.I'llgetmyracket.算我一个。我去拿球拍。  相似文献   

Let’s Play     
1. —Tennis,anyone?玩网球,谁来?—Count me in. I(ll get my racket. 算我一个。我去拿球拍。2. —Why don(t you play football?你为什么不踢足球?—It(s so dangerous. 它太危险了。3. —Come on,Toby,I(ll beat you.来吧,托比,我会打败你。—Wait to see. 等着瞧。4. —Are you ready?准备好了吗?—Not ready. 没有。  相似文献   

That was Tuesday, and all the rest of the week Jack and Sally were very busy. First they took the tickets around to all the families in the twobuildings. That was easy after they'd rung the first few doorbells. Miss Fid-  相似文献   

Jack Amold was listening to the radio.  相似文献   

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