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学界对构式范畴的争议源于没有厘清其理论/ 操作层面,本文提出基于频次的认知固化可以作为构式的操作界定。认知固化的渐变性、层级性、动态性对应构式的原型性、抽象度、动态性。通过对英语本族语者的关系代词取舍开展基于条件概率的共现词分析发现:1)隐性/ 显性关系代词从句呈现基于条件概率的认知固化,可以被界定为构式;2)隐性关系代词从句比显性关系代词从句更加靠近具体词语层面,认知加工负载更小。  相似文献   

给出了条件概率的加法公式,乘法公式和—般的全概率公式。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a research study that involved the use of blended action learning to support leadership development within the New Zealand education sector. An important contributor to the success of this technology-enabled approach to professional learning was the role taken by the blended action learning facilitator. Two complementary aspects of this role were: enabling learning, the main focus of which was encouraging participation in online interactions; and acting as a trusted inquisitor, a process involving both supporting and challenging participants in their leadership learning. This study found that the balance between these two roles varied over the course of the blended action learning groups and this led to the identification of five distinct stages of blended action learning facilitation.  相似文献   

条件概率是概率论中的一个重要内容,在事件与事件的关系中扮演着重要的角色,基于条件概率与两个事件都发生的概率概念之间的异同,进而阐述了计算条件概率时常用的一些方法以及技巧,以加深学生对条件概率的理解.  相似文献   

Developing sustainable learning networks for entrepreneurs is the core objective of the Sustainable Learning Networks in Ireland and Wales (SLNIW) project. One research team drawn from the Centre for Enterprise Development and Regional Economy at Waterford Institute of Technology and the School of Management and Business from Aberystwyth University has contributed to the understanding of how to create sustainable business learning networks for entrepreneurs. The research findings are attributed to action research by the conduction of two separate cycles in the forum of research projects. The first cycle, called Female Entrepreneurs in Ireland and Wales, produced findings that were reflected on and investigated further by the research team through the establishment of the second cycle named SLNIW. This paper discusses the two action research cycles through the action sets of planning, action, observing and reflecting and the contribution of the development of understanding and practice of networking for entrepreneurs through the production of guidelines for establishing sustainable learning networks.  相似文献   

Action learning is a pedagogical practice that helps participants learn by talking about their workplace action with fellow participants (‘comrades in adversity’) in their action learning set. This paper raises questions about the action in action learning, such as: how do members of an action learning set learn from and through each other? How do they learn through their developing conversation and interaction?

To answer such questions, I argue that, ‘ethnomethodology’ (the study of ‘member's methods’ or ‘folk methods’ for doing any kind of practical action) is useful for showing the intricacy of the practical learning process in action learning, as in learning in action, more generally. The paper illustrates the conversational and interactional work of members doing things and learning together in action (for example discovering things in science and in board meetings); and argues that this approach may also be used to study action learning in practice.  相似文献   


The Learning study and the Educational Action Research approaches to educational research are compared, not from a third, neutral point of view, but from the perspective of the former. Hence, the comparison is carried out in terms of how the main point of departure of the Learning study (LS), the question of ‘What is to be learned?’, is addressed in the two approaches. Both represent critical stances to Educational objectives, the frequently taken-for-granted answer to the question. Educational objectives communicate, however, what the students are expected to become able to do, but not what they need to learn in order to get there. Hence, what is to be learned cannot be stated in advance, prior to the teacher learning what her students need to learn. The two approaches to educational research agree on the principle that what is to be learned has to be found in the interaction between students and teachers; however, there is an important difference between the two concerning the very point of departure. Educational objectives are too wide and imprecise according to LS, the teachers have to find the critical aspects (necessary to appropriate, but not appropriated as yet by the students) of the object of learning. According to Action research, as formulated by Lawrence Stenhouse, educational objectives are too narrow, too limited and limiting. We shall start looking for what is to be learned amongst inherent aspects of the content itself.  相似文献   

Places like zoos, where free-choice learning is encouraged, are important for conveying climate change and sustainability issues to the public. Free-choice learning that targets environmentally focused sustainable behavior changes must be meaningful in order to encourage actual behavior change post-visit. However, visitors often fail to translate their learning into behavior change after a visit. This research explores the role of post-visit action resources (PVARs) in facilitating long-term learning for individual environmental sustainability after a visit to the Leatherdale International Polar Bear Conservation Centre in Winnipeg’s Assiniboine Park Zoo in Manitoba, Canada. An embedded mixed-methods research design used personal meaning maps and follow-up interviews to measure free-choice learning; data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Findings revealed that the PVARs positively affected free-choice learning after an on-site visit to the zoo. Recommendations and implications are discussed in relation to practical applications and implications for future research in environmental education.  相似文献   

The article presents and illustrates the learning journey (LJ) – a new management development approach to inter-organisational learning based on observation, reflection and problem-solving. The LJ involves managers from different organisations and applies key concepts of action learning and systemic organisational development. Made up of practitioners from 6 to 8 organisations, the LJ visits each of the organisations to explore management practices, taking into account their particular organisational context and challenges. Following a sequence of (a) becoming aware of the particular organisational context, (b) learning about established management practices and (c) working on a current challenge as ‘comrades in adversity’, the article introduces and illustrates the LJ approach. The article closes with a discussion of the approach's challenges and implications for research on – and development of – inter-organisational learning processes.  相似文献   

Action learning has the ability to solve complex problems and to significantly increase the speed and quality of individual, team and organizational learning. Its theoretical base and relationship to adult learning orientations and the source of this power remain relatively unexplored. The authors conducted an extensive review of the literature in order to examine how each of the six critical components of an action learning program (namely; a problem or task, a group, the reflective inquiry process, action, learning, and an action learning coach) incorporates and applies five major adult learning schools (behaviorist, cognitivist, humanist, social and constructivist). An empirical example from the authors’ experience is presented to illustrate the extent and range in which action learning incorporates each of the five schools of adult learning.  相似文献   

Four pigeons were trained in a delayed conditional discrimination in which color and line cues jointly indicated trial outcome. These were either combined in advance of a retention interval (RI) or separately presented before and after the RI. The former procedure resulted in less forgetting over the RI, the difference increasing with longer RIs. In a second study, the line cue was presented redundantly before and after the RI, and then selectively omitted from either temporal location during probe tests. In general, the results indicated that the birds relied upon the line as a cue to a greater extent when it was compounded with the color in advance of the RI than when it was presented after the RI. The data support an interpretation based on anticipatory processing in working memory, which leads to better retention than retrospective remembering.  相似文献   

The action learning set (ALS) is an often-used tool in practice development to facilitate group reflection. As such, its use evolves in the hands of the participants as they become more comfortable with the process and as trust develops amongst group members. This paper aims to discuss the journey of one ALS over a 2-year period. It seeks to highlight the process of learning through an ALS and the complexity of making the process meaningful for the participants. The role of trust within an ALS cannot be overstated. This was an imperative factor in the overall effectiveness of the set.  相似文献   

This study presents the outcomes of a semi-systematic literature review on the role of learning theory in multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) research. Based on previous systematic literature reviews in MMLA and an additional new search, 35 MMLA works were identified that use theory. The results show that MMLA studies do not always discuss their findings within an established theoretical framework. Most of the theory-driven MMLA studies are positioned in the cognitive and affective domains, and the three most frequently used theories are embodied cognition, cognitive load theory and control–value theory of achievement emotions. Often, the theories are only used to inform the study design, but there is a relationship between the most frequently used theories and the data modalities used to operationalize those theories. Although studies such as these are rare, the findings indicate that MMLA affordances can, indeed, lead to theoretical contributions to learning sciences. In this work, we discuss methods of accelerating theory-driven MMLA research and how this acceleration can extend or even create new theoretical knowledge.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Multimodal learning analytics (MMLA) is an emerging field of research with inherent connections to advanced computational analyses of social phenomena.
  • MMLA can help us monitor learning activity at the micro-level and model cognitive, affective and social factors associated with learning using data from both physical and digital spaces.
  • MMLA provide new opportunities to support students' learning.
What this paper adds
  • Some MMLA works use theory, but, overall, the role of theory is currently limited.
  • The three theories dominating MMLA research are embodied cognition, control–value theory of achievement emotions and cognitive load theory.
  • Most of the theory-driven MMLA papers use theory ‘as is’ and do not consider the analytical and synthetic role of theory or aim to contribute to it.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • If the ultimate goal of MMLA, and AI in Education in general, research is to understand and support human learning, these studies should be expected to align their findings (or not) with established relevant theories.
  • MMLA research is mature enough to contribute to learning theory, and more research should aim to do so.
  • MMLA researchers and practitioners, including technology designers, developers, educators and policy-makers, can use this review as an overview of the current state of theory-driven MMLA.

在马尔科夫报酬模型上,把条件概率算子引入连续随机报酬逻辑中,以此表达更为丰富的性质。在harmony假设下,路径的报酬限制可以转化成时间限制,从而将连续随机报酬逻辑中的路径公式转化为连续随机逻辑中的路径公式。再由已知的参数化乘积连续时间马尔科夫链的方法,建立起高效的检测算法。  相似文献   

Maintaining students' privacy in higher education, an integral aspect of learning design and technology integration, is not only a matter of policy and law but also a matter of design ethics. Similar to faculty educators, learning designers in higher education play a vital role in maintaining students' privacy by designing learning experiences that rely on online technology integration. Like other professional designers, they need to care for the humans they design for by not producing designs that infringe on their privacy, thus, not causing harm. Recognizing that widely used instructional design models are silent on the topic and do not address ethical considerations such as privacy, we focus this paper on how design ethics can be leveraged by learning designers in higher education in a practical manner, illustrated through authentic examples. We highlight where the ethical responsibility of learning designers comes into the foreground when maintaining students' privacy and well-being, especially in online settings. We outline an existing ethical decision-making framework and show how learning designers can use it as a call to action to protect the students they design for, strengthening their ethical design capacity.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Existing codes of ethical standards from well-known learning design organizations call upon learning designers to protect students' privacy without clear guidance on how to do so.
  • Design ethics within learning design is often discussed in abstract ways with principles that are difficult to apply.
  • Most, if not all, design models that learning design professionals have learned are either silent on design ethics and/or do not consider ethics as a valid dimension, thus, making design ethics mostly excluded from learning design graduate programs.
  • Practical means for engaging in ethical design practice are scarce in the field.
What this paper adds
  • A call for learning designers in higher education to maintain and protect students' privacy and well-being, strengthening their ethical design capacity.
  • A demonstration of how to use a practical ethical decision-making framework as a designerly tool in designing for learning to maintain and protect students' privacy and well-being.
  • Authentic examples—in the form of vignettes—of ethical dilemmas/issues that learning designers in higher education could face, focused on students' privacy.
  • Methods—using a practical ethical decision-making framework—for learning design professionals in higher education, grounded in the philosophy of designers as the guarantors of designs, to be employed to detect situations where students' privacy and best interests are at risk.
  • A demonstration of how learning designers could make stellar design decisions in service to the students they design for and not to the priorities of other design stakeholders.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • Higher education programs/institutions that prepare/employ learning designers ought to treat the topics of the designer's responsibility and design ethics more explicitly and practically as one of the means to maintain and protect students' privacy, in addition to law and policies.
  • Learning designers in higher education ought to hold a powerful position in their professional practice to maintain and protect students' privacy and well-being, as an important aspect of their ethical design responsibilities.
  • Learning designers in higher education ought to adopt a design thinking mindset in order to protect students' privacy by (1) challenging ideas and assumptions regarding technology integration in general and (2) detecting what is known in User Experience (UX) design as “dark patterns” in online course design.

The notion of action learning driven innovation is explored with reference to three action-learning projects carried out in the last year and a proposed multi stakeholder project starting in 2016. The authors also provide an account of ‘innovation’, including its rationale and characteristics, and argues for its particular suitability in the practice of action learning.  相似文献   

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