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1.①—W hy didn't you give the wallet to them an atonce?—H e before I realized it was his.(2005江苏扬州市考题)A.had been disappearedB.has disappearedC.had disappearedD.has been disappeared【解析】这句话的意思是:在我意识到钱包是他的时,他已经消失了。“他消失”这个动作是发生在过去的过去,故用过去完成时,选C。②—Sorry,M r.G reen.I have m y hom eworkathom e.—That's O K.Butdon'tforgetnexttim e.(2005山东省考题)A.forgotten B.put C.left D.kept【解析】该题选C。leave与forget均有“遗忘”之意。它们…  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you doing for va-cation?【讲解】句子时态是现在进行时,但表示的却是将来的意义。现代英语中,用现在进行时来表示将来,意味着动作马上就要发生。表示位移的动词,如go,come,leave,begin,start等都有这种用法。【真题】—Jim,can you help me to wash the dish-es?—Sorry,Dad.I______to the shop.(2006江西省)A.go B.wentC.am going D.have been【点拨】选C。按逻辑来推理,吉姆当时不能帮他爸爸洗碗的原因是他正在或将要去干某事,C选项表示“将要”,故选C。2.【原句】When are you going?【讲解】本句中的when是疑问副词,用来对时间进行提问,意为“什么时候”。【真题】—______did you see a cat run from be-hind the door?—As soon as I entered the room.(2006山东省临沂市)A.What B.WhenC.Where D.Why【点拨】选B。As soon a...  相似文献   

【考点1】He should stop wearing that silly earring.(p.19)【直击中考】1.—I feel tired and sleepy.—Why not stop___?(2005黑龙江课标卷) A.to relax B.relaxing C.resting D.to work 2.We have worked for three hours.Now let‘s stop____a rest.(2005河北) A.had B.have C.to have D.having【解析】1.选A 2.选C。stop后跟to do或doing时意义不同:stop to do sth.表示“停下来去做某事”;stop doing sth.表示“停止做某事”。  相似文献   

1.【原句】Therewillbelessfreetime.(Unit1)【真题】Thereanimportantmeetingnextweek.(2005湖南岳阳市)A.willhasB.willhaveC.willbeD.willgoingtobe【解析】选C。这是考查therebe结构的将来时形式。也可用Thereis/aregoingtobe...,其中的be在此不可用have(has)来代替。2.【原句】WhatdoyouthinkSallywillbeinfiveyears:(Unit1)【真题】He’llcomebackaweek.(2005贵州毕节实验区)A.fromB.atC.afterD.in【解析】选D。in和after均可表示“在……后”,但in常以现在为起点,表示将来的一段时间以后,常与一般将来时连用。而after是以过…  相似文献   

1.【知识要点】—How long did you skate today0—For six hours.【中考考点】1)—have you been here.—For a month.(2004辽宁省)A.How often B.How farC.How long D.How soon2)—What a nice dogD How long haveyou had it.—two years.(2005山西省太原市)A.For B.Since C.In【解析】1)选C。从答语来判断,所问的应该是“多长时间”。2)选A。介词for后面接表示一段时间的时间状语。2.【知识要点】Thanks for sending me the snowglobe of the monster.【中考考点】Thank you for my grandpawhen I was away.(2005陕西省)A.looking after B.look overC.looking at D.look for【解析】选A。Thanks/Thank youfor...意思是“因……而感谢……”,介词for后面可接名词或动词-ing形式。...  相似文献   

【考点1】Mario,you used to bc short, didn‘t you?(p.10)【直击中考】1.Mr Smith___a super surfer.But now he is too old to go surfing.(2005太原) A.has given up B.is good at C.used to be 2.梅医生过去是个护士。Doctor Mei____to be a______.(2004湘潭)【解析】1.选C 2.填used;nurse。used to意为“过去常常”,后面接动词原形。  相似文献   

1.【原句】What are you going to bewhen you grow up?(P.59)【短语】grow up是固定短语,意思是“长大”。【考例】I have a dream.W hen I,I want to be a scientist.(2005宿迁市)A.m ake up B.com e upC.grow up D.turn up【解析】选C。从句意来判断,应用grow up。2.【原句】I’m going to m ove som ewhereinteresting.(P.61)【语法】形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在被修饰词的后面。【考例】There’s too m uch noise here.Let’s go to.(2004昆明市)A.quiet everywhere B.som ewhere quietC.everywhere quiet D.quiet som ewhere…  相似文献   

1.【原句】I study by m aking flashcards.(U nit1)【真题】I study for a testworking with a group.(2005北京海淀区)A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。by是介词,意为“通过……”。by doing sth.表示“通过……方式(方法)”或“借助某种手段做某事”。2.【原句】I thought m y classm ates m ightlaugh at m e.(U nit1)【真题】W e are often told atpeople in trouble.(2005天津市)A.not to sm ile B.to sm ileC.not to laugh D.to laugh【解析】选C。laugh一般作不及物动词,后接宾语时,要用laugh at,意思是“嘲笑……”。该题…  相似文献   

一单项选择题 1.建设有中国特色的社会主义经济,必须坚持①社会主义公有制为主体②全体人民的共同富裕③多种所有制经济共同发展④按劳分配为主体,多种分配方式并存() A.惬父酥⑧B .Q)多④C.<公矛还)D.①侄X孰刃 2.我国社会主义基本经济制度是由()决定的 ①社会主义性质②我国现阶段的阶级斗争状况③党的领导人④现阶段基本国情 A.(公②B.(多④C.(D诬)D.(乡③ 3.下列举措能够体现共同富裕的选项有() ①国家部署扶贫开发工作②关注西部、支援西部③走可持续发展道路④华西村先后建立了宁夏、黑龙江华西村 A.口乡⑧B(I)乡重C.(称多④D.…  相似文献   

1.【原句】Tom is m ore athletic than Sam.(P.32)汤姆的体格比萨姆的更强健。【语法】多音节形容词或副词的比较级的构成方法是在其前加上m ore,athletic为多音节词,其比较级形式为m ore athletic。【考例】Since China has been a m em berof W TO,E nglish is useful than before.(2004陕西省)A.m ore B.m ost C.m uch D.very【解析】选A。由than一词可判断横线处需要用比较级,useful的比较级形式为m oreuseful。2.【原句】W e both enjoy going to parties.(P.33)我们都喜欢参加聚会。【单词】动词enjoy后接宾语只可以是v-ing,…  相似文献   

1.No permission has for anybodyto enter the building.(N M ET1988)A.been given B.givenC.to give D.be giving析:A。析语境可知,该空表示被给,应用被动语态,has后面应接been done。2.U ntil now,his hom ework has notfinished.A.being B.be C.been D.to be析:C。语境逻辑制约家庭作业是被完成的,因此该空应用被动语态,has后面应使用been done的形式。点评:现在完成时被动语态结构为has/have been done,使用has been done时主语为单数,使用have been done时主语为复数。解题时应首先分析语境逻辑确定现在完成时被动语态,然后对照其结构公式确定答案。3.The window.Y ou need notwash it again.A.is w ashed B.was washedC.has been washed D.will be washed析:C。该句强调窗户已被清洗。对现在造成的影响是窗户是...  相似文献   

一、作状语1.现在分词作状语①from other continents for mil-lions of years,A ustralia has many plants andanim als not found in any other country in thew orld.(2005湖北)A.Being separatedB.H aving separatedC.H aving been separatedD.To be separated考点:现在分词作原因状语。思路分析:该题的正确答案为C。分析句子的主语A ustralia与separate的关系,应为动宾关系,即被动关系,故用被动形式,再看separate这个动作是在主句的谓语动词has之前发生的,因此要用分词的完成形式。②The storm left,a lot of dam-age to this area.(全国卷2)A.caused B.to have causedC.to cause D.having caused考点:现在分词作结果状语。思路分析:该题的正确答案为D。“造成许多损害”是在“暴风雨”发生以后,故用分词的完成形式。一...  相似文献   

【考点1】A:How do you study for a test? B:I study by working with a group.(p.2)【直击中考】I study for a test____working with a group.(2005北京市海淀区) A.in B.by C.at D.to【解析】选B。介词by表示“通过……手段或方式”,后接名词或动名词。【考点2】What about listening to tapes? (p.3)  相似文献   

have (has) been to 与have (has) gone to的区别have (has) been to 表示主语去过某地,而现在已不在那里;have (has) gone to表示主语去了某地,现在已不在此地。如:My teacher has been to Japan twice. 我的老师曾到过日本两次。(现在不在日本。)My teacher has gone to Japan. 我的老师到日本去了。(现在不在此地了,有可能到了日本,有可能还在去日本的路上。)小练习:判断下列句子的正误。①A.Where have you been? B.Where have you gone? C.Where has he gone? D.Where has he been ? ②A.He has been to Dalian. …  相似文献   

一、有明显的表示过去的谓语或状语,说明动作发生在过去例1.All morning as she waited the medical reportfrom the doctor,her nervousness_____.(NMET2003)A.has grown B.is growingC.grew D.had grownas引导的时间状语从句指过去,故选C。例2.—We could have walked to the station;itwas so near.—Yes,a taxi_____at all necessary.(NMET1992)A.wasn’t B.hadn’t beenC.wouldn’t be D.won’t be第一个人说“我们本来可以步行到车站”用了表示过去的虚拟语气,说明实际情况是“We didn’twalk to the station”;第二个人既然…  相似文献   

【一般过去时的用法】一般过去时表示在过去某一时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,也可用来表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作或行为,常和yesterday,lastnight穴week,month,year...),ago,justnow,once,oneday,attheageof...,before,when等表示过去的时间状语连用。例如:①—Look选Howdirtytheriveris选—Butitclearbeforeafactorywassetupnearby.穴2004北京西城区)A.usedtobeB.willbeC.hasbeenD.is②Heoftenintherivernearhishomelastyear.穴2004北京)A.goesboatingB.goboatingC.wentboatingD.wenttoboating【解析】①选A。beforeafactorywas…  相似文献   

【原句】What’s your name-(上U1)【真题】—did the teacher talk to youthis afternoon5—Something about our sports meeting.(2005山东省济宁市)A.Why B.WhatC.Where D.How【解析】本题答语是一个省略句,完整的句子是:The teacher talked to ussomething about our sports meeting.由此可推断出空白处应当是疑问代词,而A、C、D三项均为疑问副词。答案为B。【原句】A:Is this your pencil-B:Yes,it is.It’s my pencil.(上U2)【真题】—What did you do at the weekend5—I did homework.(2005南京市)A.me B.myself C.my D…  相似文献   

1.It looked as if it were broken.【考点】as if常用来引导方式状语从句,当从句与事实相符时用陈述语气,与事实相反则用虚拟语气。【考例】Eliza remembers everything ex-actly as if it yesterday.(2006全国卷Ⅰ)A.was happening B.happensC.has happened D.happened【点拨】本题as if后接从句,与(现在)事实相反,故用虚拟语气(用一般过去时),选D。2.I was walking along the road nextto the river when I saw a little girl fallthrough the ice.【考点】when用作连接词,可引导状语从句表示时间、条件、让步等关系,分别译作“当……  相似文献   

※高考回顾※1.I send you100dollars today,the rest_____in a yew.(2005湖南卷)A.follows B.followed C.to follow D.being followed2.I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise_____.(2005北京卷)A.going on B.goes on C.went on D.to go on3._____from other continents for millions of years,Australia has many plantsand animals not found in any other country in the world.(2005湖北卷)A.Being separated B.Having separatedC.Having been separated D.To be separated4.He hurried to the station only_____tha…  相似文献   

1.Before2008we will finish_____theOlympic park.(2005北京市)A.build B.builtC.building D.to build2.—Where can I find Jack?—He_____the post office.(2006武汉市)A.has been to B.had been toC.has gone to D.had gone to3.—Where’s Sam?—He_____for France.(2006泰州市)A.had left B.has leftC.leaves D.will leave4.This is a big class,and_____of the stu-dents are girls.(2005河北省)A.two third B.second threeC.two thirds D.two three5.Shanghai is larger than_____city inIndia.(2005黄冈市)A.any other…  相似文献   

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