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This study traces the reception of rhetoric of science work in book reviews by science studies scholars, focusing particularly on critiques of the author's own book by historians of science, to ground recommendations for improving our status in the interdisciplinary conversation. In describing the work of other science studies scholars, rhetoricians of science should acknowledge the rhetorical contributions of nonrhetoricians and negotiate a shared space rather than attempt to fill perceived lacunae in the literature.  相似文献   

在战国诸子百家争鸣的枢轴时代,诸子的学术思想建树彪炳可观,决不仅仅限于政治、哲理层面,此外即便在史学思想层面也卓有成就,沾溉千古,由此后世学者有战国诸子源出史官文化之说,在中国古代史学发展史上也应特设专章,为之大书一笔。  相似文献   

明末清初鄞县人沈光文致力于中华文化在台湾的传播,因其在甬台文化交流史上的特殊地位,宁波本土学者格外关注沈光文其人其事研究,乐承耀著《台湾文献初祖沈光文研究》一书就是典型代表作之一。文章就该书主要内容,学术创新和需要商榷之处进行了述评,认为该书是一部具有一定创新的学术著作,但也存在一些可以进一步拓展的空间,书中的一些疏漏也影响了全书的整体质量。  相似文献   

<说文释例>是<说文>学中的要籍,也是王筠的代表作之一.长期以来,人们对<说文释例>一书的性质众说纷纭,有的学者以为其书是专讲体例的,有的以为是清人的文字学概论,有的则回避了其书的性质问题.王筠以"释例"名书,就是说明<说文>的主要内容、主旨、体例、表达方式、体裁等问题的.其目的在于帮助阅读<说文>者抓住重点,尽快入门,很好地阅读<说文>一书.这与令人所说的"释例"专指编纂体例不同.在清代的<说文>释例类著作中,专讲编纂体例的书出现在晚清.正确地揭示"<说文>释例"在各个不同历史时期的内涵是重要的,可以使我们更清楚地了解<说文>学研究的发展情况.  相似文献   

本文介绍19世纪50年代至2019年期间,欧美地区学者用英文发表的中国宝卷研究、翻译成果以及学术书评。通过评介不同时期欧美地区的中国宝卷研究,整理回顾中国宝卷研究在欧美学界的发展历程;梳理海外中国宝卷研究中的代表性议题;聚焦欧美地区宝卷研究与文学、音乐、宗教、社会文化史等相关学科的互动发展及多重研究视角;汇总近期相关研究学者与团体的学术研究动态;总结欧美英语学界关于中国宝卷研究的范式及发展趋势,为中国宝卷研究者的相关工作提供文献、资讯参考及可资借鉴的方法与视野。  相似文献   

司马贞撰写《史记索隐》的初衷是要续补《史记》,但是由于种种原因,这项工程没能完成,进而改为注解,因而《史记索隐》中也常常体现司马贞补《史记》的残留痕迹。古今学者对司马贞及其著作的研究多集中在"三家注"之一的《史记索隐》上,对司马贞的补史工作或是视而不见,或是只作只言片语的讨论。然而,明确司马贞续补《史记》的自觉意识和批判精神在《索隐》中的体现,是我们做好《史记索隐》研究工作必不可少的一环。  相似文献   

图书编辑学之我见是,图书编辑之于编辑即是拥有编辑学的共通特征;图书编辑之于图书即是受图书的特点及功能制约。图书编辑学不仅是一个丰富的理论形象,更多的还需要老师实践经验的充实。  相似文献   

成书于三国时期的子书《诸葛子》,至迟于宋初亡佚。该书的作者当为东昊诸葛恪,而非诸葛亮。清人周广业、严可均、马国翰、王仁俊四家辑有《诸葛子》,文本各不相同。该书撰人或阙名,或题诸葛恪,王仁俊辑受目录《诸葛武侯集解》的影响而径题“汉诸葛亮撰”,综合运用目录学、版本学、校勘学的方法,对佚文进行整理和解读对推进三国诸葛家族研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

郑颖 《丽水学院学报》2004,26(1):125-128
《四库全书总目》是我国古代最大的一部官修书目。历来的学者、研究人员都给了它极高的评价。《四库全书总目》设置了“存目”,这是其类目设置中的一大特点,对书籍的选择包含着深刻的思想内容。以子部存目为例,论述了只留书名不存其书所反映的清代学者尊崇儒学,鼓励创新,谨严求实。注重道义教化,力求雅正的思想观念及学术风尚。  相似文献   

Japanese education has been a focus of comparative studies for the past 20 years. Many scholars have attributed the economic success of this industrialized society to a highly literate and well-educated population. Recent studies, however, have tended to be more critical of, in particular, Japanese higher education (HE). Indeed, most universities in Japan are acutely aware of the need for change and a considerable effort at institutional reform is sweeping the nation. Unfortunately most of the constructive criticism of Japanese HE has not yet been published in English. One of the most vocal of the reformists, Professor Ikuo Amano, has published widely on various aspects of HE in Japan. The following paper is a translation of a chapter in his book Challenges to Japanese Universities. This translation is prefaced by both a synopsis of this book as well as a brief introduction to Amano and his work.  相似文献   

In this review, we explore what educating science teachers for sustainability implies according to the 23 book chapters and many sampled teacher education and science methods courses in the edited book by Susan Stratton, Rita Hagevick, Allan Feldman and Mark Bloom, entitled Educating Science Teachers for Sustainability, published in 2015 by Springer as part of the ASTE Series in Science Education. We situate the review in the current complex landscape of discourses around sustainability education, exploring its grounding in an anthropocentric ideology next to emancipatory practices and a holistic vision of the world. We offer a quick overview of the chapters and themes addressed. We then take up some ideas to think with. We are particularly invested in thinking about the implications of sustainability education as going beyond science teachers and science education, and as implying a serious engagement with and critique of current unsustainable ways of living. We play with the idea of taking sustainability education beyond neoliberal ideals of education and offer some suggestions by bringing in voices of students, youth, land-based learning and the idea of living sustainability. We also explore what indigenous scholars and epistemologies could have contributed to an exploration of sustainability education, a voice that was absent in the book, yet helps desettle the conversation and actions taken, moving the discourse beyond an Eurocentric grounding.  相似文献   

《赵贞吉诗文集注》是今人官长驰对赵贞吉的《赵文肃公文集》所作的唯一注本,这为后学者研究赵贞吉其人其文提供了极大方便。但该注本由于所用底本及其他原因,存在一些讹误脱漏及标点不当之处。本文使用杭州大学图书馆藏明万历十三年刻本,对该注本一一进行正误补脱,改正不当标点,并分析了造成讹误脱漏的原因,以期该注本更加准确、完善。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》是中国传统兵学的经典之作,近代尤其是1937年全面抗战后对《孙子》的研究可谓盛极一时。近代早期西方军事学在华传播之时,《孙子兵法》作为传统兵学代表被冷落一旁,抗战开始后,它的重要地位一再得到强调,并被近代中国知识人反复研究,这个现象本身就传递着意味深长的信息。对民国时期的《孙子兵法》研究进行了深入细致的文本分析,考察了近代军事学人在融合中西兵学上所做的努力与思考,并对融合中西兵学问题进行了反思。同时,还以民国《孙子兵法》研究为视角,研究了西方军事学在民国的传播情况,揭示了学术传播的语境性特点。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to see how well an elementary teacher intern was able to help her students see both the differences between language arts, science and social studies, and connections among them, using an action research design, including student interviews, observer logs, journal notes, students' ‘connection’ journals, student work, and her record and planning book as data sources. She designed and delivered an interdisciplinary language arts, science and social studies curriculum that focused on electricity. She found that students were finally able to see the interdisciplinary natures of language arts and science, and language arts and social studies, but did not see connections between science and social studies. Implications include making explicit disciplinary instruction, as well as connections between the disciplines.  相似文献   

国外科学史融入科学课程的研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
科学史融入科学课程已成为欧美等发达国家科学教育改革的大趋势,国外学者对此进行了大量研究.本文回顾了科学史融入科学课程的历史,对科学史融入科学课程的教育价值和教学策略作了综述.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey and report on the empirical literature at the intersection of science education research in Latin American and previous studies addressing international research trends in this field. Reports on international trends in science education research indicate that authors from English-speaking countries are major contributors of publications. Despite the internationalization of the science education community, as represented by the publication of the work generated in non-English-speaking countries, research trends in science education in Latin America are uncommon in the literature. Therefore, it was deemed important to explore the scholarly productivity of science education researchers from Latin America to learn about the research orientations pursued by scholars from this region. Collective review findings are presented with respect to author’s nationality, publication volume generated in each country, research type and topic, collaborative research, and areas for future research. Of the ten countries represented in this study, Brazilian authors were the most research active scholars followed by their colleagues from Venezuela, Mexico, and Argentina. The History, Philosophy and the Nature of Science (HPNOS) was the topic that most attracted the interest of Latin American science education researchers, and the Empirical Qualitative studies was the most frequent research type combination in the analyzed publications. Findings in this study suggest a relationship between investment power in Research and Development (R&D) and the scholarly productivity not only in science education but also in the scientific field in the countries of the region.  相似文献   

《郎官石柱题名考》是清人赵钺、劳格撰写的一部学术巨著。其的搜集之完备与考订之精审,向为后代学者所赞叹。然近代以来,地下材料出土甚多,可以补充与订正该书的阙误。  相似文献   

李继高先生编著的《名人读书艺术》的内容特点:一是论及了读书问题的方方面面,如为什么要读书、读什么书、怎样读书等;二是书中论及的读书方法都是老作家、老学者的经验之谈,可学可行;三是借名人之口谈读书,有“名人效应”;四是本书作者在每篇文后所作的“提示”准确清晰。该书对人们的读书学习具有鼓励、指导和导向作用。  相似文献   

《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》之所以受人推崇,是因为它有着不朽的艺术生命力。随着时代的变迁,学者的研究方法不同,评论也不尽相同,但是作品本身所具有的真理和美感谁都无法否认。当然,真理从来都不是赤裸裸的,只有去除遮蔽才能达到最终的澄明达到最高的美感——真理。  相似文献   

茅元仪所作《武备志》,为中国古代著名兵学著作,被称为"军事学的百科全书"。其中《兵诀评》部分,集中整理、注释了包括《孙子兵法》在内的九部兵学典籍。茅元仪高度评价《孙子兵法》,称"前孙子者,孙子不遗;后孙子者,不能遗孙子",并综合宋本《十一家注孙子》,重新对《孙子兵法》加以注解,其中不乏精辟见解。同时借军事言政治,表达了其报效朝廷的政治理想。  相似文献   

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