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Libraries often wonder if their collections can support their faculty’s research. Large citation databases, such as Scopus or Web of Science, can help automate such a review process. This session will present findings about to what extent faculty were able to complete their journal publications without utilizing interlibrary loan. Using data gathered from Scopus, the range and date of journals referenced by faculty at my home institution will be compared with holdings from my library’s electronic resources knowledge base to determine the level of overlap. Results will be presented by journal discipline to highlight any variation among the science, social science, and arts and humanities divisions. Special emphasis will be given to using this data to inform decisions about purchasing journal backfile collections.  相似文献   


Handheld electronic devices are becoming popular and are playing an increasingly important role in the distributed learning environment. Enabling library users to maximize their access to library resources through these devices involves challenges that include determining the level of interest among users, identifying relevant resources, and establishing technical and compatibility standards. Affordability of devices for consumers, and availability of resources and support for handheld computing initiatives within libraries must also be considered. This study examines issues and challenges surrounding the design and delivery of library services and resources for personal digital assistants (PDAs) at Royal Roads University Library, finding that there are beneficial research applications for handheld devices that can be implemented even while related technologies continue to evolve.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(72):195-206

Training, supervision, and evaluation of student assistants is not a topic covered in most library school curricula; it is a skill that it is assumed one will have or acquire through on-the-job experience. This article focuses on the hiring, supervision, training, and evaluation of student information assistants in the reference/electronic resource setting. Student Information Assistants are known by many names-reference assistants, peer counselors, research assistants, and database assistants, to name a few-but within this article I will use the name Student Information Assistants (SIAs).  相似文献   

After almost two decades, mobile technologies are now such a part of the fabric of the hospital environment that hospital libraries must take this opportunity to continue to positively impact health outcomes by providing health professionals with valuable information and services via personal digital assistants (PDAs) and smartphones. This article provides background information on mobile technology use and handheld devices. It describes how hospital librarians, regardless of staff, budget, or access to technology, can position the hospital library to connect health professionals to clinically relevant mobile resources and library services. Suggestions for the promotion of mobile resources are included, as well as tips for keeping current. A significant amount of free content is identified.  相似文献   

郭茂育 《图书馆杂志》2012,(5):86-90,96
文职僚佐是唐代藩镇的重要组成人员,任职藩镇文职僚佐是当时知识分子走上仕途的重要途径。由于这方面的史料比较零散,且不少材料所记又比较泛浮,不易考订,加大了研究唐代藩镇幕僚的难度。文章以新出土的墓志为依据,对新发现的唐代藩镇文职僚佐资料进行归纳和考列,以补史料之不足,可供人们进一步研究,以期对此方面的研究有所贡献。  相似文献   

走向移动互联时代的图书馆服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国内外实践表明,图书馆服务正在走向移动互联网时代。分析移动互联网时代图书馆服务的发展机遇,从自动化系统变迁、移动馆藏的发展、移动互联网站的涌现、参考咨询的变化、面向移动设备的客户端应用工具五个方面讨论移动图书馆的发展现状,并从移动设备本身的问题和图书馆服务的问题两方面讨论图书馆服务走向移动互联时代面临的挑战,提出相应对策。  相似文献   

This essay plays Jacques Derrida and Marshall McLuhan off of one another and allows each to rub up against the other's voice. It will be argued that these works (which are rarely, if ever, read in conjunction) elicit underlying themes of each other, including similarities found in both their subjects and their reception. A connection via James Joyce will be discussed as well. The “writing” of non-books by Derrida and McLuhan, it will be argued, deconstructs communication form in a manner similar to Joyce, highlighting and applying to Derrida and McLuhan what Samuel Beckett once said of Joyce: “His writing is not about something; it is that something itself.”  相似文献   

This article focuses on a collaborative project between Mount Saint Vincent University Library and Bermuda College Library to introduce students to services and resources at the libraries of the partner institutions. Using Web conferencing software that allowed for voice, instant messaging chat, and live Web demonstration, a series of workshops was developed to introduce students to the concepts of information and literacy and reinforce for the students that they were able to access librarians and library services at both institutions. Issues relating to both the students’ home library at Bermuda College in Hamilton, Bermuda and their remote library at Mount Saint Vincent University in Nova Scotia, Canada are examined, including the obstacles that have been surmounted as well as recommendations for other libraries considering this type of partnership. Strategies, activities, and tools used to implement the initiative are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]梳理老年人信息搜寻行为的研究进展,有助于厘清老年人在线信息搜寻行为的特征及影响机制,可为老年人网络平台设计、信息资源组织和智能设备研发提供可靠的认识论依据,为顺利推进“智慧医养”建设提供启示。[研究设计/方法]回顾国内外老年人信息搜寻行为研究文献,归纳、分析其主要的研究内容、理论、方法、情境等。[结论/发现]相关研究主要集中在老年人信息搜寻行为影响因素、老年人信息搜寻过程和老年人信息搜寻结果三个方面。当前研究存在跨文化研究和基于纵向数据的研究较少等核心问题;跨文化的老年人信息搜寻行为、将游戏化思想引入老年人信息搜寻过程、进行大样本的自然搜索实验研究等是未来研究中值得关注的几个方向。[创新/价值]详细梳理了老年人在线信息搜寻行为研究进展,指出现有研究存在的问题,并提出未来可关注的研究方向。  相似文献   


As staffing models evolve for academic library service points, online chat reference services require strategic analysis to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This paper will examine the perception of chat reference before and after staffing changes from faculty librarians, staff, and graduate assistants to non-MLIS library professionals and graduate assistants at Florida State University’s a large, public research university library. Our survey explores satisfaction levels and perception of both patrons and library personnel before and after the staffing change.

Our analysis of 197 patron survey results determined that patrons are equally satisfied with non-librarian provision of chat reference services and found chat interactions to be comparable in quality and timeliness to chats staffed by librarians. Our research into staffer survey results revealed a slight decrease in satisfaction with operation of the service, notably in terms of confidence after the staffing transition even though this was not reflected in the patron satisfaction levels. This assessment indicates that library workers are equally as competent in staffing chat reference services as librarians from patron perspectives. As academic libraries continue to measure the value of staffing service desks with librarians, this study will provide relevant insight into how patrons and staffers are affected by changes in staffing models.  相似文献   

Most libraries have fully integrated cadres of student assistants into their daily operations, including helping at points of service. As libraries rely more and more on student assistants, we must maintain exceptional customer service to our users. This requires our student assistants to possess information literacy skills that exceed those of our users. This assessment investigates the information literacy skills of first-year library student assistants when compared to the general first-year student population, and it examines if first-year library student assistants’ information literacy skills increase more than those of their peers during their first semester at college.  相似文献   

Since 1958, the North Carolina Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NCLBPH) has served patrons throughout the State of North Carolina who have no vision, low vision, or who are unable to physically hold a printed book. The collection includes approximately 128,000 titles in accessible formats; and on average, 2,000 titles are sent out to patrons via USPS Mail each day. As with most public libraries, NCLBPH currently obtains a certain number of copies of each new title. For popular titles, this can produce long waiting lists for patrons who are not able to use NLS’s Braille and Audio Recording Download (BARD) service, available on computers and mobile devices. To solve this problem, NCLBPH is embarking on two pilot projects, one for Digital Talking Books (NLS’s proprietary audiobook format) and one for Braille books. These two pilot projects will eliminate the waiting lists for popular titles by instituting a Books on Demand (BOD) system.  相似文献   

Some key questions for publishers in today’s market are: Could Amazon’s recent merger and acquisitions strategy create a disruptive or paradigm shifting business model in the publishing industry? Do their recent actions post mergers and acquisitions illustrate a predicable pattern of behaviour that publishers can strategize around? This paper will explore these questions and look at some of the possible reasons behind Amazon’s business practices and the possible consequences to publishers.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]长期以来,欧盟、美国的跨境数据流动规制两大格局占据国际主导权;日本的跨境数据流动规制新方案打破了传统格局,对中国的跨境数据流动规则制定具有积极的借鉴意义。[方法/过程]运用综合分析、对比方法,对目前国内外跨境数据流动的相关研究进行分类述评,找准突破点。描述欧盟、美国跨境数据流动规制两大格局及其国际影响,分析日本跨境数据流动规制新方案的理念、管辖机制、推向世界进程及对欧盟、美国格局的冲击。在中、日情况对比基础上,分析日本跨境数据流动规制新方案的优势及对中国借鉴的适用性。进而提出以"保障数据安全"为取向的中国跨境数据流动规制路径之思路。[结果/结论]结论认为,应从4个方面探索我国跨境数据流动规制的路径:坚持和贯彻"保障数据安全,数据自由流动"的基本原则与取向;实行数据分类分级管理,实施安全的跨境数据流动管控策略;采取技术措施保障跨境数据流动安全;加强国际谈判与协作,尽力争取跨境数据流动规制话语权与主导权。  相似文献   

In the fall of 2015, two librarians at San Diego State University initiated a project to enhance the visibility of some of the library’s numerous electronic resources. Promotional materials were created to highlight some of the main features and functionality of seven specific databases to which the library subscribes. Although there are many factors of this project that warrant further research, the authors can definitively state that usage for six of the seven electronic resources featured in their promotional project did increase when they were advertised to a wider campus population via the library’s website.  相似文献   

Winter counts are pictographic calendars created and used by certain Native American communities as mnemonic devices for remembering the sequence of events that mark each year, and for retelling community stories. Drawing on resources from the Smithsonian Institution’s National Anthropological Archives’ winter count collections and related literature, this study reviews and discusses the characteristics of pictographic records, traces their making and remaking histories, and revisits the pictorial tradition in the American history of records and record keeping.  相似文献   

2020年是中国脱贫攻坚战的收官之年,也是全面建成小康社会目标实现之年。无论是在前几年脱贫攻坚还是今年疫情防控中,中国图书馆界都积极响应,全力参与,在数字扶贫、精准服务方面发挥了图书馆应有的社会作用。饶权指出,中国对全球脱贫事业做出了巨大贡献,各级各类图书馆在文化扶贫、信息扶贫中始终发挥着积极作用。今年是脱贫攻坚战收官之年,图书馆界要从"大水漫灌"到"精准滴灌",提升扶贫工作精细化水平;从"单兵作战"到"合力攻关",构筑一体化扶贫工作网络;从"授人以鱼"到"授人以渔",激活扶贫对象内生动力。进入"后扶贫时代"的图书馆,要在提高脱贫人口信息化素养和科学文化素质方面积极作为,使脱贫人口真正有能力开创和拥有属于自己的美好生活;杰拉德·莱特纳认为,联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》及其可持续发展目标描绘了全世界走向更强大、更公平、更绿色的经济和社会的路线图。他指出,这些年来国际图联一直强调联合国工作与图书馆工作之间存在着联系,图书馆通过履行自己的使命也为促进联合国使命做出了贡献。他同时深信,中国各级各类图书馆在国家、地区和全球范围内都将做出重大贡献,并为全球图书馆营造更强大的声音;孙坦认为,继全面脱贫攻坚之后,图书馆助力脱贫将进入助力乡村振兴战略实施的新阶段,必须更加重视为广大农村居民提供高质量的公益性信息内容和信息服务,并提出了图书馆助力脱贫的路径;陈超认为,助力消除贫困是公共图书馆应尽的职责,图书馆要当好"助攻手",打好攻坚战;吴建中指出,中国图书馆界早在2016年习近平总书记提出"精准扶贫、精准脱贫"的时候就已经行动起来,加强精确识别、精确帮扶、精确管理,着力因地制宜、因人施策、因势利导,以图书馆数字化服务专业优势,将各类数字服务送到千家万户,为全面脱贫战略提供有力信息支撑。并提出,下一步要在着力推动公共数字文化服务转型升级、互联互通的云平台建设、创新数字文化服务的模式与方法三个方面下功夫;任竞指出,重庆图书馆作为中国图书馆学会图书馆扶贫工作委员会主任单位,组织、动员和引导全国公共图书馆以及社会各界力量,通过"四联四帮",挖掘区域联盟资源优势和潜力,以助力政府攻坚、助力区域脱贫、助力文化发展为目标,逐步实现公共文化服务普遍均等,改变城乡之间文化资源不平衡,保障人民群众的基本文化权益;马艳霞认为,文化扶贫作为国家扶贫工作的重要组成部分,发挥着独特的脱贫功能。河南省公共文化系统围绕送书送戏下乡、帮扶留守儿童、补齐文化基础设施等措施聚焦文化扶贫,取得一定成绩。未来应强化政府主体责任、创新多元供给模式、推进跨界融合为中原脱贫攻坚持续贡献文化力量。  相似文献   


Academic libraries have been working diligently to provide device neutral mobile access to key elements of their library websites, like hours, contact information, and catalogs. But once a mobile user makes it through these access points on his mobile device, what happens beyond that point? Can he or she use the library’s links to third-party content, like interlibrary loan forms, the institutional repository, and databases, on a mobile device? Laura Turner, Head of Technical Services at the University of San Diego’s Copley Library, recently performed basic mobile testing of third-party content links on her library’s website. She relied on resource reports generated by Alejandra Nann, Copley’s Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian, as well as Nann’s troubleshooting of access issues during the testing. Their presentation reviewed the efforts and outcomes of testing links to the resources on mobile devices as well as workflow suggestions and promotional ideas for incorporating mobile access as a library service.  相似文献   

Augmented, virtual, and mixed reality applications all aim to enhance a user’s current experience or reality. While variations of this technology are not new, within the last few years there has been a significant increase in the number of artificial reality devices or applications available to the general public. This column will explain the difference between augmented, virtual, and mixed reality and how each application might be useful in libraries. It will also provide an overview of the concerns surrounding these different reality applications and describe how and where they are currently being used.  相似文献   

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