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本文主要讲了三个问题:⑴与段、奚二教授把马克思在《手稿》中讲的“资本主义生产以前的各种形式”及其解体这一复杂的问题简单化的作法进行商榷;⑵与段、奚二教授把马克思在《序言》中讲的亚细亚的、古代的、封建的三种生产方式与《手稿》中讲的亚细亚的、古代的、日耳曼的三种土地所有制的原始形式相混同的观点进行商榷;⑶与奚文对马克思的三种社会形态理论与五种社会形态理论之间的关系的不正确理解进行商榷。  相似文献   

Roy McConkey, Professor of Learning Disability at the University of Ulster, continues the New Professor series by focusing on 'lifelong learning' for people with learning disabilities and the consequent challenges for 'educators'.  相似文献   

近30年来,在激活传统教育智慧、建立具有中国特色的教育哲学体系的感召下,中国传统教育哲学研究取得了长足进展。在这一过程中,出现了两个主要学术团队:其一,是以黄济教授为首的北京师范大学团队,其基本理路是"由论而入于史",即出于建立学科知识体系的需要并从现代教育哲学问题出发,去回溯和总结传统教育哲学的丰富思想观点;其二,是以张瑞?教授为首的华东师范大学团队,其基本理路是"由史而进于论",即通过总结中国教育思想史的研究成果,在哲学层面上把握中国教育的历史与文化精神。此外,何光荣教授的传统教育哲学研究也别一格。他在同情与体贴中切近传统,呈现出传统学术贯天人、通物我,以"格、致、诚、正、修、齐、治、平"达"内圣外王"之道的大教育观。  相似文献   

Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism Studies at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, gave last year's Gulliford Lecture at the University of Birmingham on 4 October 2007. This article is based upon that lecture. In it, Professor Jordan discusses the role of education in the lives of people with autistic spectrum disorders. She traces the growth in our knowledge about autistic spectrum disorders and the development of a variety of ways of responding to autism, from the highly specialised, and frequently strictly segregated, to the explicitly inclusive. She uses her analysis to draw distinctions between 'therapeutic' models of education and education as 'entitlement'– and identifies problems with either paradigm. Professor Jordan closes her article by setting out her vision for a future in which there is greater flexibility and diversity and in which specialisation has a key role to play in making inclusion a working reality. The challenge of teaching pupils with autistic spectrum disorders will, argues Professor Jordan, help us all to imagine a truly inclusive model for education in which equity is achieved by treating all learners differently.  相似文献   

Currently, Professor Johan Galtung is Director and Professor of Peace Studies with a Peace and Development Network for Conflict Transformation by Peaceful Means (TRANSCEND), France. The article below, published in Higher Education in Europe in 1976, represents the author's views on problems that he considers relevant to the development of higher education.  相似文献   

Dilemmas in the quest for inclusion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 1995, on the occasion of his 'retirement', Professor Klaus Wedell wrote a leading article for BJSE entitled 'Making inclusive education ordinary'. Last October, Professor Wedell, also known to BJSE's readers as the author of the regular 'Points from the SENCo-Forum' column, delivered the Gulliford Lecture at Birmingham University. Here he makes the text of his lecture accessible to a wider audience.
In this article, Professor Wedell places some of the ideas he discussed in 1995 in a contemporary context. He explores the systemic rigidities that create barriers to inclusion; he offers creative ideas for new ways to approach the challenges of inclusion; and he argues persuasively for much greater flexibility, at a range of levels, in order to facilitate change, development and innovation. Building on these themes, Professor Wedell summarises a series of implications for policy and practice. These concern teaching and learning; staffing and professional expertise; and grouping and locations for learning. In concluding his article, Professor Wedell calls on the Government to consider in more depth the issues that are raised by moves towards inclusion – particularly those issues that concern the individual learner in relation to the shared curriculum. This article will be of interest to anyone who recognises these and other tensions in the movement towards inclusion.  相似文献   


In her article "The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen: Examining an endarkened feminist epistemology in educational research and leadership," Professor Dillard delineates a set of proposals for the study of educational inequity. Professor Wright in his response, "An endarkened feminist epistemology? Identity, difference and the politics of representation in educational research," comments on Professor Dillard's proposals and furthers her analysis by an integration of the cultural studies literature. The author enjoins this conversation in this article by reviewing the proposals by feminists of Color to further social justice in solidarity with Professor Dillard's analysis. In particular, feminists of Color are examined, expanding the definition of "data" to include artistic production such as poetry, personal reflections, and autobiographical essays. The integration of spirituality as it relates to secular teaching is another innovation proposed by various writers. Feminists of Color have also chosen to construct theory and a political agenda for achieving social justice rather than only engaging in intellectual debates that deconstruct existing paradigms. Professor Dillard is part of a cadre of feminist writers who advocate radical changes in the academy to eradicate educational inequity.  相似文献   

理解在整个翻译实践过程中占据首要位置。刘绍龙教授将翻译的理解过程分解为语音/字词识别、句法分析和语义表征以及在此三个层次中自下而上和自上而下的加工方式。针对此翻译理解的交互作用模型,对各层次的补偿是与翻译理解环节密不可分的重要部分,也是对刘教授翻译理解交互作用模型的进一步补充与完善。  相似文献   

以汪榕培教授的英译本《牡丹亭》为研究对象,从生态翻译学的角度,选取书中的典故翻译为例证进行研究分析。从三维转换的角度,分析汪榕培教授是如何做到语言维、文化维和交际维的适应性选择和转换的,并对汪教授使用的翻译方法及策略进行简要描述。  相似文献   

Inclusive education: a critical perspective   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The Gulliford Lecture 2002 was given by Professor Geoff Lindsay, Director of the Centre for Educational Development, Appraisal and Research (CEDAR) at the University of Warwick. Professor Lindsay's lecture, on which this paper is based, addressed a number of key topics, including the development of inclusion and inclusive practices; models of special educational needs and disability; and the values that underpin our thinking about these matters. Basing his argument on the research evidence, Professor Lindsay provides a searching critique of prevailing notions about inclusion and of current approaches to research. His conclusions will be of interest to everyone concerned with the education of children and young people with special educational needs.  相似文献   

本文是作者在"敦煌莫高窟专题研讨会"上的总结发言。作为考古学者,他认为现有的考古证据表明,莫高窟在结构、功能上,与印度及中国新疆石窟有所不同,但是与中原豪强多墓室的墓葬壁画更为相似。在这一点上,作者赞同与会学者沙尔夫教授与索尼娅·李及汪悦进等人的观点:即便是非常明显的叙事性壁画,其彩绘装饰也不一定是说教性的;敦煌莫高窟的造像本质上是用来自我表现的,与汉代墓室中的壁画装饰非常相似。  相似文献   

"杜诗学"是王辉斌教授将文学史研究打通关中的重要一环。王辉斌教授对"杜诗学"的研究,不仅以"有一份材料说一份话"为其学术准则,而且创获甚丰,取得了相当大的成就。本文作者与王辉斌教授就其"杜诗学"深刻的对话,有利于从事中国古代文学研究特别是"杜诗学"研究者参考。  相似文献   

沈家煊先生在以前的研究中强调了从概念域的角度研究复句的语义关系既系统又概括。在参考沈先生及其他前辈学者的研究成果的基础上,从认知学的概念域角度来分析假设复句内部的语义关系。由于标准不同对假设复句的分类也不尽相同,因此,需要根据不同的分类进行分门别类的研究。  相似文献   

近期,海南师范大学文学院文艺学学科就张浩文的长篇小说《绝秦书》举办了研讨会。单正平教授别开生面,以"究天人之际,通古今之变,成一家之言"这一千古名训为切入路径和尺度来评议《绝秦书》;周泉根教授主要从历史文化角度来阐发《绝秦书》的奥义;王学振教授认为该长篇是中国自然灾害书写当之无愧的扛鼎之作;廖述务副教授认为:《绝秦书》呈现出历史的未完成性与开放性;学科的研究生们分别从小说史质地、小人物之死、灾难下的反思、爱情悲剧等角度,对《绝秦书》进行了多元分析与批评。  相似文献   

"王文"以数理逻辑否定普通逻辑、批判性思维逻辑、非形式逻辑是以小逻辑观否定大逻辑观;"王文"混淆传统逻辑与普通逻辑,混淆数理逻辑与现代逻辑,其"以数理逻辑完全取代普通逻辑"的错误主张偷换为冠冕堂皇的"以现代逻辑取代传统逻辑"的口号;绝对不能以数理逻辑取代普通逻辑,"王文"所提出的以数理逻辑取代普通逻辑的种种理由都是不能成立的。  相似文献   

本文是美国圣地亚哥大学教授詹姆斯·A·克莱普2008年4月在北京城市学院的演讲,演讲共三场。为便于读者全面地理解克莱普教授的演讲内容,全部演讲内容被编译成一篇。本文是根据演讲记录稿整理后,经克莱普教授本人审定英文稿编译。  相似文献   

本文是美国圣地亚哥大学教授詹姆斯·A·克莱普2008年4月在北京城市学院的演讲,演讲共三场。为便于读者全面地理解克莱普教授的演讲内容,全部演讲内容被编译成一篇。本文是根据演讲记录稿整理后,经克莱普教授本人审定英文稿编译。  相似文献   

In this essay, Professor Perelman explains “certain errors” in The New Rhetoric and critically responds to several writers who have used his ideas in this country. Trans. by Professor Ray D. Dearin.  相似文献   

Student interviews: A vital role in the scholarship of teaching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Participation in a national study, sponsored by the American Association of Higher Education, on the use of Peer Review of Teaching Effectiveness, allowed us to engage in several nontraditional methods of peer collaboration. The method having the greatest value for us involved a faculty peer interviewing the students in another faculty member's classes. Through these student interviews, we obtained in-sights into how to enhance the learning environment created inside and outside the classroom. In this article, we present a summary of how we conducted student interviews, why such interactions with students are worthwhile, and what the implications of these interviews are.Jere W. Morehead received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia in 1980. After serving as an Assistant United States Attorney for six years, Professor Morehead returned to the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business as a faculty member. Professor Morehead has been an active member in the Academy of Legal Services in Business. Currently, he serves as Senior Articles Editor of theAmerican Business Law Journal. Throughout his academic career, Professor Morehead has been recognized for his excellence in teaching. He is a coauthor ofThe Legal and Regulatory Environment of Business, the leading textbook in his field, and he has received a University teaching award. During the past two years, he has been an active participant in the AAHE's national project on the peer review of teaching. Peter J. Shedd earned both an undergraduate B.B.A. and a Juris Doctorate from the University of Georgia. After graduating from law school, he clerked for Anthony Alaimo, who was then the Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Georgia. In 1978, Professor Shedd returned to the University of Georgia as a faculty member where he is currently a Professor of Legal Studies in the Terry College of Business. In recognition for outstanding teaching, he was one of the recipients of the Meigs Award last year and was named the Georgia Professor of the Year in 1993 by the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education. Professor Shedd has served as the Associate Dean of the College of Business, as Executive Assistant to the University President, and been active in numerous University committees. In 1994, Professor Shedd was elected to the Executive Committee of the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. A certified mediator and arbitrator, Professor Shedd is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and the American Arbitration Association.  相似文献   

《砚池诗笺》是楚雄师范学院中文系曹晓宏教授在新世纪之初出版的一部古典诗词集。该书的出版具有三层意义:第一,它表明尽管古典诗词在当代很不景气,但仍有人在诗词的园地里孜孜不倦地耕耘着。第二,在古典诗词倍受冷落的今天,它凸现了一位年轻学者对中国传统诗学的关怀之情。第三,在理论与实践相脱离的当代语境里,它是将学者与诗人的角色相结合的一次有益的尝试。  相似文献   

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