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赤水河流域留守儿童与父母缺乏足够的交流,同时也缺乏亲子教育和家庭教育,这导致其人格特征和心理健康状况与正常儿童相比具有差异性。笔者对赤水河流域留守儿童的主要人格特点和心理问题加以总结,并提出了改善此类状况的策略,希望能有所帮助。  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to investigate the personality characteristics of a group of engineers with a variety of years of experience. It was executed to remedy shortcomings of the literature concerning this issue and to produce suggestions for a postgraduate training programme for engineers. A total of103 engineers were tested with the five-factor personality inventory (FFPI), a ‘big five’ personality test of Dutch origin. The engineers were shown to score lower on the factor agreeableness, and higher on the factors extraversion, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and autonomy than a national comparison group. The older the engineers, the more conscientious and autonomous they were. In addition, engineers with lower degrees were more conscientious than engineers with higher degrees. A practical implication of the findings for the postgraduate training of engineers is that more attention should be paid to the development of interpersonal skills.  相似文献   

贫困大学生人格特征调查研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于开文 《教育科学》2006,22(2):92-93
为了解贫困大学生的个性特征,从而更好地帮助其解决面临的问题,用16pf对辽宁师范大学2004级3389名本科大学生(包括657名贫困大学生)进行人格调查,并对比了贫困大学生和总体学生的人格特征。  相似文献   

This study examines whether molestation is most likely to occur before or after the onset of puberty and also whether molestation is likely to be a one-time occurrence or last for a long time. The study analyzed intake interviews from 365 adults molested as children (AMACs). The AMACs were entering treatment at the Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program, San Jose, CA. This paper presents data on the age of onset and end of the molestation and the duration of the molestation in years. For this sample, the average age of onset was 7.5; the average age at the end of the molestation was 13. The overwhelming majority of molestations lasted one year or more. We discuss results in the context of past studies and suggest areas for further research.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of personality traits (HEXACO traits and Schizotypy) and social status dimensions (sociometric and perceived popularity) in understanding boys’ and girls’ respective academic achievement. The sample included 163 elementary school students from Serbia, aged 14–15 (87 girls and 76 boys). Regression analysis reveals that personality traits explain a similar amount of academic achievement variance in two gender groups (22% vs. 20% in girls’ favor), but social status proves to be a better predictor of academic achievement for boys (27% vs. 4% in boys’ favor). High Conscientiousness, perceived popularity as well as low extraversion turned out to be related to girls’ academic achievement. Low Schizotypy and Honesty‐Humility, as well as high openness, sociometric, and perceived popularity turned out to be related to boys’ academic achievement. Conscientiousness appears not to be related to boys’ academic achievement. The results are discussed and recommendations for improving educational practices are offered.  相似文献   

人格利益一直被视为现代社会人的最高利益,本文通过对一般人格权概念、内容及侵犯一般人格权构成要件的介绍,阐述了构建一般人格权制度的理论及现实意义。  相似文献   

Relational aggression is a destructive behaviour that increases during adolescence. In order to develop effective interventions aimed to combat relational aggression, there is an urgent need to study what motivates this behaviour. This study investigates the association between status stress, status goals, and relational aggressive behaviour in a sample of 345 adolescents from Norwegian secondary schools. Structural equation modelling (SEM) is used as the statistical tool. The results showed that status goals were associated with both self- and peer-reported relational aggression. Status stress contributed significantly to explaining variation in self-reported relational aggression but not in peer-reported relational aggression. The possibility that self- and peer report may partly identify different relational aggressive peers with different characteristics is discussed. No significant gender differences emerged in the associations studied.  相似文献   

理想人格在理论设计与具体实践中都存在着不可避免的两极张力,即应然与实然的距离,普遍性与特殊性的矛盾,他律与自律的整合,社会导向与个人选择的冲突等。正是由于对此两极处理中的偏斜,才导致了传统理想人格的单向度和人格教育的片面性。要使理想人格具有感召力,必须保持适度的和必要的张力。社会转型时期的人格重构应把握的原则是:理想人格的世俗化;理想人格的多元化;理想人格的人本化;人格教育的阶段性;找回榜样的力量。  相似文献   

使用16PF调查分析高职贫困生的人格特征,发现大多数贫困生有内倾孤独沉默,固执追求完美,谦逊恭顺,审慎内省,进取等特点;贫困文科生有冒险敢为,少有顾忌,不拘小节,敏感多情,很容易激动兴奋,缺乏耐心,心神不定等特点;贫困理科生有被动,畏怯退缩,缺乏自信心,羞怯自卑,保守自制力强,自尊心强等特点;乡村贫困生较内向,谦虚顺从,理智独处,容易抑郁烦恼,易激动兴奋缺少耐心;城镇贫困生较合群,积极主动自信;贫困女生有谦虚温和,善解人意,合群谨慎,直率天真,传统保守,感情丰富等特点;贫困男生独立上进,持之以恒,竞争意识较强,比较现实,情绪较稳,敢于冒险,但容易刚愎固执疑心重。建议教学与管理根据学生的人格特点因材施教。  相似文献   

王林 《许昌学院学报》2007,26(6):139-140
身份是对犯罪的成立或刑罚的轻重产生影响的个人要素,分为积极身份与消极身份。对于无身份者能否成为真正身份犯的共同正犯,理论上存在肯定说、否定说和折中说。折中说的观点是可取的。对有身份者应从重、从轻、减轻、免除处罚的规定之效力是否及于无身份者,应当根据无身份者是否利用了有身份者的身份进行判断。  相似文献   

This study aims to take an in-depth look at the role of emotional intelligence and personality traits in relation to career decision difficulties. The Italian version of the Career Decision Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ), the Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Short (Bar-On EQ-i: S), and the Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ) were administered to 296 interns of the tertiary sector. The emotional intelligence dimensions add a significant percentage of incremental variance compared to variances due to personality traits with respect to career decision difficulties. The results highlight the role of emotional intelligence and its relationship with career decision difficulties.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships among academic, sociometric, and personality variables of 242 children who were selected by their teachers as having behavior problems, learning problems, learning and behavior problems, or no problems. The results were generally supportive of teachers' ability to distinguish between children with problems and children without problems. Children without problems and those with behavior problems only were more similar than different. Children with learning problems and those with learning and behavior problems were also more similar than different, yet differed significantly from children with no problems and those with behavior problems only. The unique characteristics of each group were identified and contrasted.  相似文献   

人格教育在素质教育中占有重要地位,历史教育教学更要体现这一功能。要充分利用各种人格教育素材,采取恰当的教学方法,不断创设人格教育环境,帮助学生构建优良人格。  相似文献   

This study explores the role of the motivational self-regulation in academic procrastination under the personality framework. Therefore, the aims of the study were to investigate: (a) the role of personality dimensions in the self-regulation of motivation; (b) the role of self-regulation of motivation in procrastination; and (c) the mediating role of the self-regulation of motivation. The participants were 274 university students (M?=?21 years). The Big Five traits explained from 6% to 17% variance of the individual motivational regulation strategies (MRSs). Both personality (conscientiousness) and the MRS (environmental control) were significant predictors of academic procrastination. Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and intellect showed an indirect effect on reducing academic procrastination, mediated through the strategy of environmental control, thus additionally suggesting the important role of this motivational strategy. Since this strategy can be taught, these findings have a strong practical value.  相似文献   

In order to examine the relationship between broad personality traits and learning approaches, 852 university students completed the NEO-FFI [Costa, P. T., Jr., & McCrae, R. R. (1992). Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) and NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI): Professional manual. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources] and SPQ [Biggs, J. B. (1987). The Study Process Questionnaire manual. Victoria: Australian Council for Educational Research], which assess personality and learning approaches, respectively. Seven previous studies were used to generate hypotheses on the relationship between these two measures, but only the positive link between Openness to Experience and Deep learning was supported by both correlational and structural equation modelling tests. Openness was also found to be negatively linked to Surface learning, but other Big Five traits were not saliently associated with learning approaches. Results indicate that the overlap between learning approaches and personality traits is lower than previously suggested. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

结合高校体育教学以及野外生活生存课程的特点,从教育学和心理学两个角度对高校野外生活生存课程教师的个性特征进行了探讨,认为高校野外生活生存课程的专业教师鲜明的个性特征包括事业心与责任感、能力、气质、性格等多个方面,这些个性特征是相辅相成、不可分割的,是野外生活生存教师顺利进行这一课程学习、教学、科研的重要基础,也是对这一专业教师培养和选拔的重要参考依据.  相似文献   

中国儿童青少年社会适应能力研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
社会适应是主体对环境变化所作出的一种反应,是一个重建平衡的动态过程。研究发现,我国儿童青少年的社会适应能力发展趋势是良好的。为了提高我国儿童青少年的社会适应能力,我们必须为他们创设良好的心理、课堂、社会环境。同时也必须加强儿童青少年学生社会适应能力的自我培养。  相似文献   

为了深入了解聋校中学生的人格特征和培养他们的良好个性品质, 本研究对不同性别、年级和不同程度听力损失的聋生进行了人格调查和统计 分析。研究结果表明:性别、年龄、听力、智力及学习成绩是影响人格形成与 发展的重要因素,尽可能地保留残余听力和提高学业成绩有助于聋校中学生 人格的发展。  相似文献   

采用16PF人格问卷对河北省部分高职院校14级90后新生进行调查,并进行文理科男女生对比分析,数据结果显示:在全部人格因素得分指标当中理科女生各项得分均在中段水平及以上,呈现出"自high"的外显人格特征。理科男生除成长能力因素低于平均分,其余均处于中段水平及以上,整体呈现出女性化的性格特质。文科男生和文科女生比较各项指标基本均衡,性别角度上的人格特征差异不明显,心理健康因素、专业成就因素和成长能力因素都在平均分一下。针对这种状况,应采取因材施教有侧重的生涯教育课程引导,并加强性别特征教育。整体增加人文精神、人性文化和共情能力的培养。  相似文献   

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