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Unter dem UOG 1993 kam den einzelnen Fakultäten, Instituten und der Universitätsbibliothek eigene Teilrechtsfähigkeit zu. Das ist seit 1.1.2004 nicht mehr der Fall: Das UG 2002 kennt nur mehr die Rechtsfähigkeit der Universität als solche. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Überleitung jener Zivilrechtsverhältnisse, die vor diesem Stichtag im Rahmen der Teilrechtsfähigkeit begründet wurden, und damit zusammenhängenden Aspekten.  相似文献   

Die Erfüllung des Tatbestandsmerkmales des § 103 Abs 3 Universit?tsG 2002, wonach die vorgelegten schriftlichen Arbeiten "beweisen" müssen, dass der Antragsteller das Habilitationsfach wissenschaftlich beherrscht und f?hig ist, dieses zu f?rdern, kann nur dann angenommen werden, wenn aus den einzelnen (im Habilitationsverfahren vorgelegten) Arbeiten ein zweifelsfreier Schluss auf die wissenschaftliche Qualifikation des Habilitationswerbers m?glich ist.  相似文献   

Wettbewerb autonomer Universitäten, universitäre Profilbildung und staatliche Steuerung der Universitäten im Rahmen neuer New-Public-Management-Instrumente standen im Zentrum der Erwartungen an die neue "Universitätsverfassung" des UG 2002. Andere Gestaltungsnotwendigkeiten überlagerten jedoch sowohl auf System- wie auf Universitätsebene in der ersten Dekade des UG 2002 eine bewusste Entwicklung und intensive Nutzung des Management- bzw Positionierungs-Instruments "Profilbildung". Je stärker jedoch die gesamtösterreichische Koordinierung und Steuerung des Hochschulraums ins Zentrum der Hochschulpolitik rückt (Stichworte Hochschulplan und Hochschulkonferenz), desto wichtiger wird "wieder" das Thema Diversifizierung der Hochschultypen sowie die Profilbildung an den einzelnen Hochschulen bzw Universitäten. Dieser Beitrag ruft die funktionalen Erwartungen an "Profilbildung" in Erinnerung und versucht va auch eine kompilierende Übersicht über den Stand der Diskussion zum Thema in den zentralen hochschulpolitischen Dokumenten der letzten Jahre zu geben.  相似文献   

Case-based learning with videos is regarded as a promising way to promote the analytical abilities of teaching staff as a basis for their professional actions. For that purpose, the competence to assess and diagnose situations of learning and instruction is crucial, i.e., especially the ability to apply conceptual knowledge to pedagogical cases and to take teacher as well as learner perspectives into account. The article reports on the results of an experimental field intervention study aimed to convey this competence effectively by providing different forms of instructional support to over 100 students of English Studies (2?×?2 design, conceptual knowledge: present/not present; teacher and learner perspectives: present/not present). The central focus is on identifying further effects that personal characteristics (individual learning conditions, e.g., prior knowledge, tolerance of ambiguity) and process characteristics (cognitive load; cognitive, emotional, and motivational activation) have on the development of this competence, and how strong these effects are. Multiple linear regression analyses show that this type of learning with case-based videos places less demand on personal factors, and that the quality of the learning process plays a decisive role.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Herkunftsbedingte Unterschiede der Bildungsbeteiligung und des Kompetenzerwerbs stellen einen Untersuchungsschwerpunkt in der Pisa-Studie dar. In der Bundesrepublik war ein besonders enger Zusammenhang zwischen Strukturmerkmalen famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (sozio?konomischer Status, Bildungsniveau, Migrationstatus), Bildungsbeteiligung und Kompetenzerwerb nachweisbar. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, auf Grundlage der Daten der nationalen Erweiterung von PISA die disparit?tserzeugenden Effekte famili?rer Strukturmerkmale durch Prozessmerkmale famili?rer Lebensverh?ltnisse (kulturelle und kommunikative Praxis), institutionelle (Schulform) und psychologische Faktoren zu erkl?ren. Dies geschieht in zwei Schritten: Zun?chst wird mit Hilfe von Strukturgleichungsmodellen gezeigt, dass die Effekte von famili?ren Strukturmerkmalen überwiegend durch die kulturelle Praxis von Familien vermittelt sind. In einer sequentiellen Berechnung von Regressionsmodellen ergeben sich sodann deutliche Hinweise darauf, dass die Wirkung famili?rer Struktur- und Prozessmerkmale im Wesentlichen über individuelle F?higkeits- und Motivationsunterschiede (kognitive Grundf?higkeiten, Lesegeschwindigkeit, Leseinteresse, metakognitive Lernstrategien) transportiert werden. Die psychologischen und institutionellen Vermittlungsmechanismen tragen gemeinsam, aber auch jeweils spezifisch und damit kumulativ zu sozialen Unterschieden im Kompetenzerwerb bei.
Summary Disparities in Educational Participation and Attainment: An Institutional and Individual Mediation Model The effect of students’ social background on their educational participation and attainment is a central focus of the PISA study. For Germany, the link between structural features of the family background (socio-economic status, level of education, migration status) and educational participation and attainment was shown to be particularly strong. Drawing on data from the German national extension of the PISA study, an explanation of these disparity effects is proposed, relying on process-based features (cultural and communicative practices), institutional factors (school type) and psychological factors. This is done in a two-step approach. First, structural equation models are used to show that most effects of family background structures are mediated by families’ cultural practices. Second, sequential analyses of regression models are run, providing strong evidence to suggest that the effects of family structures and processes are essentially transmitted through individual differences in competencies and motivation (basic cognitive abilities, reading speed, interest in reading, meta-cognitive learning strategies). Psychological and institutional mediation mechanisms contribute, jointly as well as individually, and thus cumulatively, to social differences in attainment.

The present article addresses the question of how social origin affects access to higher education. The role of class-specific differences in school performance (primary effect) and cost-benefit considerations (secondary effect) are considered as well as the way in which changes in the institutional setup of the educational system may interact with social origin. The review shows that educational decisions at this later transition are mainly influenced by secondary effects. In particular, differences between social classes are explained by group-specific investment costs and expectations of the social context associated with continuing higher education. Although expansion of institutional pathways in upper secondary education has reduced social inequality in acquiring higher education entrance qualifications, secondary effects at the transition to university have been found to increase over time. Thus, within younger cohorts, high-school graduates with lower social status are more often diverted from higher education at universities by attractive vocational or nonuniversity pathways. The article discusses approaches to reduce secondary effects of social origin.  相似文献   

Teachers’ pedagogical/psychological knowledge (PPK) is an important aspect of teacher competence. All conceptualisations developed so far assume that PPK is general and not specific for subjects or educational contexts. The authors take up this assumption and examine empirically whether PPK of school teachers and adult education teachers is general, i.?e. generic for subjects and educational contexts. Based on a conceptualisation validated through an expert survey (N = 44) the development of a digital test instrument with text- and videobased items is described. The article reports on the results of the structure, reliability, and DIF analyses of two PPK-facets on a total of N = 212 school and adult education teachers; analyses showed that both facets can be measured reliably with only small DIF-effects. The results point to the fact that – largely in line with the results of a literature content analysis and the expert survey – PPK is general over educational contexts. Finally, results are discussed with regard to the potentials of videobased instruments to measure teachers’ professional competence.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
The position of education confronted as it is by the technical development of the present time

La situation de l'éducation face à la technique contemporaine

The field of adult education has been increasingly focused on ways of educating adults outside of educational institutions and on the fragility of the teaching and learning process for a while now. It is much less a question of how pedagogic intentions can be successfully implemented through organisational measures and/or professional actions and more a question of how the addressees deal with such efforts, as well as how they learn without them. The centre of attention is, therefore, the “self”, which utilises its leeway, i.e. to ignore teaching provision, to acquire knowledge alone, to behave antagonistically etc. The spaces in which the self operates are, however, not suspended by shifting the centre of attention. We must explain how the relationship between individual scope and the different framework conditions can be captured terminologically. Luhmann’s differentiation between interaction systems and organisational systems in connection with Goffman’s understanding of situated activity provides a number of good starting points. If we want to investigate teaching and learning settings empirically within this context, the methods of reconstructive research are appropriate. In particular, they make it possible to grasp the irreducible obstinacy of each interaction and make visible how subjects act within interaction structures and how they form such structures themselves. A criticism of such procedures is that they do not reflect the interaction with previous structures or “objective” relationships. If this criticism is accepted, it is necessary to resolve the issues of linking insights into the specific form of interaction situations with their historical, biographical and socio-cultural conditioning.  相似文献   

Seit der Periode 2010–2012 verpflichten die Leistungsvereinbarungen zwischen den Universitäten und dem Bund, die Universitäten Personalstrukturpläne zu erstellen. Personalstrukturpläne sind in erster Linie interne Instrumente zur strategischen Personalentwicklung. Sie sind teils komplementär und teils konkretisierend zu den Entwicklungs- und Organisationsplänen der jeweiligen Universitäten. Extern dienen sie dem Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung als Informationsressource. Der Beitrag untersucht die rechtliche Stellung des Personalstrukturplans im System des Universitätsgesetzes 2002.  相似文献   

Teacher Self-Efficacy and General Pedagogical Knowledge During Teacher Education. The present study investigates how teacher self-efficacy beliefs develop during teacher education and how self-efficacy beliefs and general pedagogical knowledge of student-teachers are related. In a cross-sectional study, 257 student-teachers were investigated (173 first year students, 27 advanced students, 35 examination candidates, 19 preservice teachers). The data show that self-efficacy beliefs for the subscales classroom management and assessment increase between the start and the end of training (preservice teachers). Concerning diagnostic competency, self-efficacy beliefs do not change during studies and even decrease for the preservice teachers. For the subscales communication and conflicts as well as coping little difference is noticeable. Professional knowledge, in contrast, increases during studies. Self-efficacy beliefs for classroom management and assessment are linked to professional knowledge. Finally, the usefulness of the multidimensional measuring of self-efficacy beliefs is discussed and implications for future research approaches are presented.  相似文献   

The assessment and modeling of competencies plays a key role in optimizing educational processes and improving educational systems. The DFG priority program “Competence Models for Assessing Individual Learning Outcomes and Evaluating Educational Processes” which was founded in 2007, aims at promoting and coordinating the scientific efforts in this field across disciplines. The present article describes the structure, concepts and research approaches and sketches the current state of research of the priority program.  相似文献   

Children and youth consume pictures in a very loose, often in a sophistic way, nowadays. On the other hand educators and pedagogies faced pictures sceptically and refused iconic representations to be a means of acquiring knowledge.

Only when didactically and methodologically used, they claimed as a professionalized option, pictures could be suitful with regard to learning processes.

Pedagogues suspicially feared to loose control rejecting the irritating totality of pictures. Pointing consequently to the didactic use of pictures and images they better should have abandonned the moralistic point of view. They did not–as the history of the “Bewahrpädagogik” shows ‐, and therefore they presented a stereotype, although professional reaction to the problem of images and pictures “intruding”, “penetrating” children's life.

The article shows examples of the pedagogue's rejecting position towards children, consuming images and pictures, stating that their reaction has been a common reflex and a widespread attitude among eudcators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine current changes in the ethnic and social composition of the preschool and school aged population as well as the consequences these changes may have for educational participation and thus for overall educational attainment in the near future. Based on the micro-census 2008 survey, we identify groups of migrants by region of parents’ origin where children – despite low levels of parents’ education and comparatively few socioeconomic resources – have greater chances of upward educational mobility than non-migrant children. By contrast, children from less educated, nonmigrant families show a much lower tendency to be upwardly mobile, and educational choices are more closely tied to the economic and social background. Thus, our analysis provides evidence that educational background and socio-economic resources in the students’ families are of greater importance for the overall development of educational attainment in Germany than characteristics of migration and ethnicity.  相似文献   

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