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随着人工智能的井喷式发展,其涉及的伦理风险,也从科幻作品中走进现实,成为众多主体热议的话题。本文以技术接受模型及风险感知理论为基础,以信任为中介,构建了公众对于人工智能伦理风险的感知与其参与风险治理意愿的研究框架,并通过实证检验了相关假设。结果显示:人工智能伦理风险感知对公众参与意向具有显著的负向影响,其中公众对科研机构和政府的信任在人工智能伦理风险感知与公众参与之间起部分中介作用。该结论为构建“政府主导、专家引领、公众参与、社会监督”的治理新格局提供了科学依据,对于新兴技术实现科技向善具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,“公众科学”的概念逐渐受到学界关注并形成了一个新的研究领域,但目前学界对于“公众科学”的内涵仍没有共识。为此本文追溯了实践进路和政治进路两种不同内涵的公众科学的源起、内容与影响,并对两种公众科学的形成背景、理论预设、政策影响等方面的差异进行了系统比较;同时阐述了已有研究对于融合两种公众科学进路的尝试。最后,文章提出公众科学是一种以公众为主体的新知识生产方式,并结合国内公众科学情况提出了几点发展建议。  相似文献   

索菲亚·安蒂波里斯是欧洲最具战略地位的科技园区,已成为欧洲的"电信谷"。基于"社会技术"分层思想,从产业模式、政策法规和社会气质层面研究索菲亚转型发展中的社会技术创新及其作用机制。索菲亚转型发展中,形成了以"园区品牌"与"地方性生产网络"建构为代表的产业模式层面社会技术创新,以"中小企业促进政策"与"产业集群发展动议"为代表的政策法规层面社会技术创新,以"分权化"为标志的自由民主社会气质的塑造。  相似文献   

The rapid and rather chaotic evolution of information science has left the field's academic sector in a largely disorganized state. This essay examines the basic issues confronting information science education, issues that must be resolved if information science education and thus information science itself are to evolve in an orderly fashion. For the quality of a field's professional services and research activities depends upon the quality of its formal academic programs. The essay is organized in three parts. In this first part are considered definitions and in a historic context the emergence, evolution and current state of information science and its education. The second part considers the “externalities” of education—problems and unresolved questions in information science education that deal with: (i) academic affiliations, (ii) degree levels, (iii) admission requirements, (iv) jurisdiction and (v) financing. The third part considers the problems and unresolved questions in respect to internal aspects (“internalities”) of information science education: (i) objectives, (ii) content, (iii) teachers and (iv) teaching. It is suggested that information science cannot prosper; possibly even survive in the next decade if serious, concentrated action is not undertaken in the “externalities” and “internalities” of its education. Recommendations about the areas that need action are made.  相似文献   

Science fiction remains an alien dimension of the history of science. Historical and literary studies of science have become increasingly attentive to various "literary technologies" in scientific practice, the metaphorical features of scientific discourse, and the impact of popular science writing on the social development of scientific knowledge. But the function of science fiction and even literature as such in the history of scientific and technological innovation has often been obscured, misconstrued, or repudiated owing to conventional notions of authorship, influence, and the organic unity of texts. The better to address those close encounters where scientific practice makes use of speculative fiction, this essay proposes that we instead analyze such exchanges as processes of appropriation, remixing, and modification.  相似文献   

This article looks at the attitudes of UK academics toward new media, utilizing organizational and sociocultural understandings of fields of scholarly enquiry. It focuses on four traditionally distinct disciplines—art and design, computer science, health science, and politics and international relations—representative of the range of approaches in higher education. Agreement was found among respondents across disciplinary communities about what new media represent and how they support their work. Analysis of semantic differential charts identified two dimensions underlying attitudes—“flexibility” and “fitness for scholarly purposes.” Rather than being anchored by epistemological divisions, new media are assessed by practical viewpoints relating to the activity types they allow, and by traditional measures of reliability. In response to questions about other characteristics of their disciplines (such as reputation and audience diversity), distinctions are in evidence, although in some cases these are not traditional ones.  相似文献   

该文以培养学生的创新思维为导向,以培养学生应用课程知识分析和研究实际案例的能力为落脚点,探讨"战斗部投射与毁伤"课程研究型教学设计的方法与成效。方法上:采用实物展示、数值仿真等方法,使教学内容呈现方式更加多样化,增强趣味性;结合科研实际和实际战例分析所学知识,增强应用性;将研究思维融入课堂,培养学生探索的思维方式;采用小组研究型大作业的方式,培养学生实际应用能力。实际教学效果表明,这种教学模式是一种探索多模式混合教学手段、提升军事科技教育课程质量的有效方式。  相似文献   

两院院士潘家铮的科幻小说通过引进工程运演,提升了科技想象的细节仿真性;通过向志怪小说寻求借鉴,建构了中国风格;他在坚持面向少儿进行科普的同时,还坚持科幻小说要关照现实,因而在科幻文学领域站稳了脚跟。潘家铮的科幻小说无论在科普方面还是在文学方面,都具有重要价值。  相似文献   

人都是用语言来进行思考的,因此,越是需要严谨推理分析判断的场合,语言运用水平的高低越是关键。而理工科恰恰需要人们进行严谨的思考和推理。因此,与很多人想象的相反,理工科的教学对于语言的要求,一点都不比文科低。按照我国的教育体系教学要求,在初中阶段就逐步出现了"科技汉语"的语言现象。在大学学习过程中,更是有相当比例的学生无法适应这种"科技汉语",导致学业的失败。该文以实际案例,说明理工科教师具有"科技汉语"意识的重要性,并提出了建议和措施。  相似文献   

2019年通过的《中华人民共和国基本医疗卫生与健康促进法》,提出了各级人民政府应当普及健康科学知识,向公众提供科学、准确的健康信息。医疗卫生、教育等机构应当开展健康知识的宣传和普及工作。《中国健康科普作品创作与传播专家共识》指出,要构建覆盖“诊前—诊中—诊后”医疗全流程、贯穿“出生—成长—衰老—死亡”生命全周期的健康科普教育体系,全方位保障公众健康。因此,该文从医学院校实施健康科普的必要性、医学院校实施健康科普的作用、医学院校实施健康科普的目的、医学院校实施健康科普的条件以及医学院校健康科普效果评价等几个方面阐述了医学院校实施健康科普的思考。  相似文献   

Luc Soete 《Research Policy》2019,48(4):849-857
The setting up of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University 50 years ago represented a “transformative change” in the research on science policy and the understanding of the nature and origin of technological change and innovation studies. It influenced policymakers across the world in both the mature Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and the developing world. It made the topic of science, technology and innovation (STI) familiar to business studies scholars. Today though, the analysis of STI appears to be somewhat in crisis. On the one hand, there is growing evidence that the growth and welfare gains of new technologies and innovation are no longer forthcoming in an automatic “trickle-down” fashion. The knowledge and technology diffusion “machine” appears broken. On the other hand, there are growing environmental concerns about the negative externalities of unsustainable fossil-fuel-based growth as industrialization spreads across the globe. STI policy appears somehow stuck in an industrial efficiency and consumerism mode that is unable to address in a satisfactory way the impact of such negative externalities. Can the broader historical approach as popularized within the so-called Science and Technology Studies (STS) tradition provide additional, complementary insights? Yes, if STI and STS scholars are prepared to leave their respective conceptual comfort zones and address in complementary fashion some of the major societal policy challenges confronting science, technology and innovation policy today.  相似文献   

杨灵  张效通 《资源科学》2020,42(12):2406-2418
当今社会,人口老龄化及老龄化城市已成为世界范围所普遍关注的问题。通过梳理近年来老年友好城市相关理论与实践研究,本文提出了老龄化城市建成环境友好度的概念,在建立老龄化城市建成环境友好度指标体系的基础上,创新性地提出了一种在城市大范围内、以实际客观数据为基础、以老年人口分布特征为导向的老龄化城市建成环境友好度多元量化评价方法,并以台湾省老龄化城市——台北市与新北市为例进行评价。通过评价结果,可看出友好度最高及较高的“里”约占18%,且主要集中在台北市市区、新北市西部部分地区;友好度中等的“里”约占64%,且主要集中在新北市市区、台北市东北部近郊区;友好度较低及最低的“里”约占18%,且主要集中在新北市北部及南部的城市外围地区。同时,对台北市与新北市老龄化城市建成环境友好度各个等级的老龄化程度,与其他各项评价指标的平均值进行交叉比对,从而提出有效的政策建议。总体来说,该量化评价方法有助于提升老龄化城市建成环境总体规划策略,同时可为相似的老龄化城市提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The life and works of the English Renaissance polymath John Dee (1527–1609) have been traditionally treated by scholarship in the context of the history of philosophy and science. Only in recent decades have two of John Dee’s most prominent and controversial endeavors - (1) his political philosophy and advocacy of a British Empire (a term he is credited with coining), and (2) his long-standing practice of angelic magic - been reconstructed in their significance to Dee’s worldview. This paper highlights how Dee’s visions of a British Empire and his angelic rituals were not only major landmarks in his corpus, but were intimately interconnected in Dee’s ideology of “Cosmopolitics.” Dee’s “esoteric imperialism” is situated in the context of his intellectual, textual, and political environment, and his angelic magic is identified as fitting within the medieval Solomonic current. It is argued that both ideological trends coalesced in Dee’s vision of an angelic-inspired British Empire.  相似文献   

This paper tells the history of this famous joke in science: Gerolf Steiner’s invention of the Rhinogradentia using the pseudonym Harald Stümpke. It follows this story from this joke’s creation in the 1940s, to the relabelling of Rhinogradentia as “snouters” in the 1960s, to later use as an inside joke within zoology and taxonomy. Steiner’s original monograph for these imaginary creatures followed standard conventions in taxonomy and did not disclose its fictitious nature. It was a tall tale for specialists to cherish. Later, Steiner’s joke took on a life of its own as his monograph functioned to identify communities of shared understanding and to spot lapses in expertise. This study places Steiner’s story within “jokelore,” arguing the rhinograde narrative has been repeated, shared, extended, and mimicked by diverse groups so they may accomplish either social work or intellectual work within the context of particular tribes and intellectual traditions.  相似文献   

尹雪聪 《科教文汇》2021,(10):10-11
“双一流”建设是国家做出的重大战略决策,对提升我国教育发展水平、增强国家核心竞争力具有十分重要的意义,师资队伍建设又是“双一流”建设发展中尤为关键和重要的一环。该文聚焦高校师资队伍建设中的关键因素,探索适合高校实际的师资队伍发展战略,并提出可行性方案,为国内高校的师资队伍建设工作提供参考。  相似文献   

In 1918, German archaeologist Robert Koldewey, excavator of Babylon, Iraq, observed that the depiction of the fantastical “dragon of Babylon” on the sixth century BCE Ishtar Gate must reference a real animal whose closest relatives would be dinosaurs like the iguanodon. Though ignored within archaeology, Koldewey’s comments were taken up in German-American popular science writer Willy Ley’s “romantic zoology” (1941), then by Bernard Heuvelmans (1955), founding figure in the fringe field of cryptozoology. Their interpretations would ultimately inspire expeditions by the International Society of Cryptozoologists in Central Africa to find the Mokele-Mbembe, a “living dinosaur,” and migrate into Young Earth Creationist and ancient aliens theories. An analysis of Koldewey’s marginal academic observation serves as a means of considering the process of knowledge formation and canonization and the unpredictable life of scholarly ideas.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, information and communication technologies have become an essential part of daily life, affecting education, employment, and leisure, among other activities. Nonetheless, many individuals still reap few or no benefits from these technologies, and there are resilient gaps in their use. Within this larger context, the authors examine the Internet digital divide between people with and without disabilities from a multidimensional approach. Rather than analyzing the gap in terms of “haves” and “have-nots,” a range of Internet-related dimensions—affordability, motivation and attitudes, skills, usage, and others—is taken into account.  相似文献   

Thalos  Mariam 《Metascience》2019,28(1):55-55
Metascience - In “Philosophy in the age of science,” a review of J. Beale’s and I. J. Kidd’s edited volume, Wittgenstein and scientism, by Mariam Thalos, Chon Tejedor was...  相似文献   

In the 1970s and early 1980s, many Westerners wrote enthusiastically about science as practiced in socialist China. They applauded the mobilization of broad sectors of the population for science that truly "served the people." By the mid-1980s, revelations about the many horrors of the Cultural Revolution worked to discredit these early, optimistic accounts. At the same time, the post-Mao privileging of economic development over social revolution (which meshes well with dominant Western attitudes) now strongly colors almost all analyses of science in socialist China. This essay encourages historians to retrieve the largely discarded rosy accounts of earlier years. Such sources provide insight into the goals of historical actors and challenge us to recognize the specificity and contingency of our own values. Used in tandem with the later sources, they can help us achieve a critical understanding of science in both socialist China and our own historical context.  相似文献   

Annemarie Jutel 《Endeavour》2021,45(1-2):100764
One common contemporary usage of the term “diagnostic uncertainty” is to refer to cases for which a diagnosis is not, or cannot, be applied to the presenting case. This is a paradoxical usage, as the absence of diagnosis is often as close to a certainty as can be a human judgement. What makes this sociologically interesting is that it represents an “epistemic defence,” or a means of accounting for a failure of medicine’s explanatory system. This system is based on diagnosis, or the classification of individual complaints into recognizable diagnostic categories. Diagnosis is pivotal to medicine’s epistemic setting, for it purports to explain illness via diagnosis, and yet is not always able to do so. This essay reviews this paradoxical use, and juxtaposes it to historical explanations for non-diagnosable illnesses. It demonstrates how representing non-diagnosis as uncertainty protects the epistemic setting by positioning the failure to locate a diagnosis in the individual, rather than in the medical paradigm.  相似文献   

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