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要解决目前存在的诸多教学问题,更好地促进课程目标的实现,通用技术教学设计应实现四大追求:一是课标把握要"准",即要准确把握课程理念、课程目标和内容标准,深刻领会教学建议、评价建议;二是知识点掌握要"精",即不仅要掌握有关设计知识点,还要掌握技术核心概念和技术思想方法;三是课程特征体现要"特",即课程教学要凸显技能实践、与生活相结合,多学科整合的课程特征;四是教学思路要"清",即要周密酝酿教学流程,精心设计教学环节,设计思路科学合理。  相似文献   

Instructional designers object to developing learning solutions without being given the time and resources to conduct adequate analyses and evaluations. Instructional design books seldom dedicate enough content to address this common problem. However, in Training That Delivers Results (2014), Dick Handshaw not only guides practitioners to manage analysis and evaluation constraints, he helps them improve training design while adding value for clients. The structure of the book is a logical orientation to the Handshaw instructional design model: an integration of human performance technology (HPT) principles with the ADDIE (analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) model. Training That Delivers Results: Instructional Design That Aligns With Business Goals (2014; ISBN: 978–0–8144–3403–1) is published by AMACOM (paperback).  相似文献   

借鉴系统工程的思想方法切入教学过程 ,对它进行层次分析 ,将教学过程分为“教”和“学”两个过程 ,在“学”的过程中 ,学生为主体 ,学习情境 (教学情境 )为客体 ;在“教”的过程中 ,教师为主体 ,教学情境为客体。教师的主导性、创造性、艺术性……无不反映在教师对教学情境的创设上 ,而学生的学习更是不能脱离“环境”———教学情境的认识过程。  相似文献   

现代教学技术是先进教育思想与先进的科学技术相结合的产物,是人类在教育活动中所采取的一切技术手段的总和。现代教学技术的兴起和发展,为教学模式的改革创造了良好条件,各种教学模式不断出现。围绕教育现代化这个大目标,我们应继续深入探索教学模式的改革,以推进现代教学技术的广泛应用,提高教学的质量与效益,推进教育现代化的进程。  相似文献   

教学反思能力,是教师的职业要求。尽快提高教学反思能力,需要明确教学反思内容,熟悉教学反思途径,对不同教师群体提出各有侧重的教学反思方向,还需要学校的支持和指导,这样才能使教学反思能力的培养落到实处。  相似文献   

教学是学校的中心工作。随着全国范围内课程和教学改革的深入推进,人们越来越关注教学领导。教学领导研究是当前国际上的一个研究热点,并呈现新的特点。教学领导涉及多方面的因素,校长不仅要担当教学监控、反馈和指导等职能,而且还要致力于营造良好的学校文化和组织氛围;校长不仅是教和学的领导者,同时还承担支持者的角色,为教学提供资源和时间上的保障,促进教师在专业上不断进步。而教师也不再只是单纯的课程执行者的角色,而是被赋予课程开发者的角色,创造性地生成课堂和开展教学。  相似文献   

复杂科学及复杂性思维引发了教学系统复杂性问题。教学系统复杂性主要表现为为多样性、非平衡性、不确定性、混沌性。复杂性对教学系统具有助稳定、促演化、提高系统能力等作用。教学系统复杂性需要教学控制来解决其面对的矛盾情景,而教学控制需要以新的价值取向为引导,选择合适的方法与技术才能发挥教学系统复杂性的功效。  相似文献   

This paper highlights the instructional design process followed by the Maricopa Community College faculty in the creation of instructional modules in Digital Visual Literacy. The paper categorizes 10 tasks that an instructional designer, a teacher, or a trainer performs during the design phase of the instructional design process. The importance of alignment between each of these 10 instructional elements is stressed in the paper. Also described are two different design models (top-down model and the matrix model) that were used by the faculty in the design of instructional materials. The matrix model has been found to be more effective in aligning the 10 instructional elements. Also included are survey results on the importance of the instructional design elements and if instructors include these elements in their lesson design in a community college setting.  相似文献   

当代教学设计中的整体意识和结构意识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
传统教学设计普遍存在割裂思维、点状思维、单向思维、抽象思维等弊端。当代教学设计要求将“教学”作为一个基本的分析单位,以“整体意识”统领教学设计,实现教师思维方式的整体转型。以“结构意识”为核心,实现课堂教学的结构性转型与突破。这些结构包括大结构与小结构,长结构与短结构,教结构与用结构等。当教师在教学设计中具有了整体意识和结构意识,教师的教学观念、思维方式乃至思维品质将发生整体性的转型和提升。课堂教学的改进,也将产生整体性、结构性的突破。  相似文献   

This paper seeks to justify an assertion that an integration between indigenous Ghanaian culture and western science is possible. Using explanatory frameworks derived from the work of Horton, the similarities and differences between indigenous thought and practice of the Mamprusis of Walewale in Northern Ghana, and western science and technology, are demonstrated. The case studies of research on farming practices and medicine are used to illustrate that the integration of the two cultures is possible. The implication of this for a progressive science education is given.  相似文献   

Conclusion In summary, teaching with animals does not require keeping animals confined. No longer need teachers feel obligated to accept the gerbils and hamsters parents don’t want at home. No longer must they feel guilty when the third rabbit and the dozenth baby turtle dies in the classroom. By adopting respect for life as their goal, and the Golden Rule as their guide in teaching with animals, child caregivers can be liberated from their old role as animal caretakers. Teachers, children-and, certainly, the animals—all benefit from the change.  相似文献   

In this column, a childbirth educator takes a humorous look at teaching methods and goal setting.  相似文献   

针对当前国内教学软件开发模式的缺陷,分析教学软件开发中的教学设计过程和软件工程成分,明确两者结合的基本关系,提出教学系统设计与软件工程结合的开发模式,阐述了它的要素和阶段。  相似文献   

组织目标与员工个人目标协调的深度和广度决定了组织发展的深度和广度,也决定了个人发展的深度和广度。无论是从组织的角度或者个人的角度,做好两者的协调对双方的发展都起着关键的作用。从组织和个人两个方面分析了组织目标和个人目标不协调的原因,提出协调两个目标的对策:目标管理、个性化的激励手段、以人为本的管理理念和组织文化建设。  相似文献   

教学设计、教学系统设计和教学设计学三个概念在教育技术学界没有做严格的区分,这给学术研究以及中小学教师“教学设计”实践等方面造成混乱。这三个概念的内涵和外延等方面是不同的;教学设计学,并不是教学论的低层次重复;教学设计能力,不等于对教学设计学理论和模式的简单照搬;教学设计学的理论和模式必须经过实践检验和“本土化”改造,才能转化为教师的“教学设计”能力。  相似文献   

Hypertext is a nonlinear way of presenting content consisting of nodes and links that a person can access using a variety of search and browsing strategies. In this article, we focus on the use of hypertext as an instructional tool. We compare hypertext instruction with traditional instructional formats. We offer some initial guidelines relating to guidance and control, development and implementation, multiuser management, user interface, and content representation. The paper concludes with a discussion of limitations of learner control as an instructional strategy, and the need for careful instructional design of hypertext instructional programs.  相似文献   

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