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随着2008年北京奥运会的举办和我国体育事业的蓬勃发展,体育新闻专业人才的培养问题也提上了议事日程.本文回顾了我国体育新闻专业的发展历程和现状.立足当前体育新闻专业的办学实际,分析研究当前体育新闻专业的培养模式和存在的问题,提出了一定的对策和建议,以期为体育新闻专业的发展提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

网络的迅猛发展,为网络体育新闻的发展带来了巨大契机,为了更好地发展网络体育新闻,我们必须在网络报道规范、网络媒体合作、网络报道人性化、从业人员素养、网络法制建设等方面积极进取。  相似文献   

近年来各类大型运动会的举办,极大地推动了我国体育事业的发展,也促进了我国体育新闻的快速发展,各类体育类报纸、杂志、电视、网络对体育新闻进行了多角度全方位的报道,但是我们也应该看到体育新闻快速发展的背后还存在很多问题,如果这些问题不及时解决将会阻碍体育新闻的发展步伐,为此笔者就我国体育新闻报道的娱乐化、低俗化现象和缺乏解说员及解说员职业素养不高的问题做了深入分析,并在此基础上给出自己的一些建议。  相似文献   

体育是社会文明的标志。随着经济的全球化,体育已成为人类社会文化生活中不可缺少的组成部分,成为人们日常生活中关心的话题之一。在众多的新闻报道中,体育新闻以对体育赛事及时生动的报道吸引了成千上万的读者,成为读者阅读新闻种类里不可或缺的重要资讯。随着体育新闻受到读者的欢迎,专业性体育报、日报及都市类报纸体育版不断扩版。然而,由于传媒体育专业人才的匮乏,体育稿件的写作、编辑和校对工作面临挑战,造成体育新闻质量不高,影响人们的阅读口味。有鉴于此,拟就体育新闻稿件防错规律作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

虽然娱乐性是体育新闻的重要特征之一,但是过度娱乐化却并不利于体育新闻传播工作的长远发展,为此,新闻从业者有必要以推动体育新闻事业良性发展为出发点,通过严格自律来规避体育新闻过度娱乐化现象及其危害。本文在对体育新闻过度娱乐化的体现以及体育新闻媒介自律的意义做出分析与论述的基础上,从体育新闻从业者专业素养的提升与体育新闻媒体内部监管机制的构建两个方面,对体育新闻媒介自律路径做出了研究与探讨,以期能够在有效规避体育新闻过度娱乐化倾向的基础上,为体育新闻生产与传播环境的优化以及体育新闻事业的持续发展提供助力。  相似文献   

试析预测性体育新闻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷航  黎莎 《新闻采编》2002,(3):9-10
近几年来,面对媒体体育新闻日趋显著的娱乐化趋势以及各媒体体育新闻为拓展传媒空间而展开的激烈竞争,预测性体育新闻悄然兴起并渐成气候,主导及影响着报纸体育新闻的版面、电视体育新闻的时段、受众体育新闻的需求,形成了令人瞩目的体育新闻现象。本文拟就预测性体育新闻的形式、成因及新闻价值进行探析,从而把握体育  相似文献   

体育是大众传播重要的信息源。新记《大公报》的体育新闻传播,不仅反映了报人坚持正确体育新闻传播观的一份执着,而且折射出近代知识分子对国民素质的人文关怀以及对体育强国的理想追求。虽然新记《大公报》所处时代已然成为历史,但是它在体育新闻传播方面的成功经验和宝贵教训仍具有非常重要的现实价值和意义。本文将侧重分析新记《大公报》特色鲜明的体育新闻传播观和特色鲜明的体育新闻采编业务,以期丰富体育新闻传播学的研究基础。  相似文献   

课程思政建设是当前体育新闻专业建设的重要内容。本文基于后冬奥时代特征,从服务国家战略出发,将课程思政理念引入体育新闻专业建设以及课程教学,通过思政教育与专业教育的结合,建构体育新闻专业课程思政实践模式,全面提高体育新闻专业学生的家国情怀、责任担当、职业素养,从而构建具有中国特色、中国风格、中国气派的体育新闻教学实践体系和人才培养体系。  相似文献   

李宁 《新闻战线》2015,(4):60-61
网络媒体的介入使体育新闻报道从内容到形式都发生了重大变革。本文就计算机媒介传播下体育新闻的发展进行深入探究。近年来,学术界对体育产业的关注比较普遍,相关研究人员不断增多,研究的角度各不相同,包括体育新闻产业的涵义;体育新闻产业的发展方向;计算机媒介传播下的战略等等。目前,上述已经成为体育新闻产业亟待解决的问题。计算机媒介传播下的体育新闻将何去何从?从  相似文献   

体育的发展离不开体育新闻的传播,伴随着我国体育事业和体育新闻的发展,体育新闻评论也应运而生。体育评论作为新闻评论的一个重要分支,凭借其在受众心里的地位得到快速发展。本文通过对体育新闻特色的分析,阐述了体育新闻评论的前景。  相似文献   

陈晓芸  苗天慧 《新闻界》2007,(6):164-165
本文旨在通过对地方高校的新闻专业学生毕业就业现状及前景分析以探讨地方高校新闻专业为适应当前社会发展形势而应采取的人才培养模式.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(7):834-852

This paper examines the impact of the digital transformation on broadcast practices from a producer/studio participant perspective with a focus on sports journalism online. More specifically, the study targets changes in sports talk and interaction as producers re-shape their communicative activities to fit audiences’ new contexts of reception. It discusses how these changes in practices relate to some of the fundamental assumptions in current broadcast talk theory. The textual studies are complemented by interviews with six prominent Swedish media industry representatives in order to shed light on their perceptions of the broadcast to online shift given their respective experiences. The results show how producers/participants adapt to a more casual and relaxed interactional style and tone online than in ordinary broadcasting. The studied sportscasts also largely abandon the traditional broadcast address, as expressed in direct discursive address and looks-to-camera, for an orientation to screen devices where social media active audiences are to be “found,” although still having a traditionally positioned audience to attend to. Although sociability is still the structural principle for producers’ interactional choices irrelevant of platform, the strategies of how to achieve it are changing due to the digital transformation.  相似文献   

简论新闻精神对新闻制度建设的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
新闻精神是新闻活动者对待新闻活动的基本态度,关于新闻传播的价值理想,以及进行新闻传播的方法理念;新闻制度是指传媒机构的隶属关系、传播宗旨、管理方式和经营运作模式,新闻资产的所有制是新闻制度的核心。新闻精神对新闻制度的设计和建设具有“思想母机”的作用。  相似文献   


Despite the sustained growth in journalism as a choice of degree path for young people, our understanding of students’ aspirations and motivations remains relatively underdeveloped. At the same time, journalism careers appear increasingly uncertain, as the industry responds to digitalisation and convergence. In this mixed-methods study – employing 35 interviews and a survey of 837 UK journalism students – we ask what areas of journalism do students aspire towards, how do they feel about their future career prospects, and what is motivating them to study journalism in the first place? We find that intrinsic motivations (calling and talent, dynamic job) prevail over public service ones, with students drawn to soft news beats over hard news. Aspirations are also strikingly gendered, opening up questions of journalism education in this process. We also find that while students articulate an aspirational career in respected media outlets, they are pragmatic about their immediate career prospects. Here, journalism education appears to play a significant role in socialising students towards careers beyond journalism. Findings are discussed in the light of ongoing debates around journalistic socialisation and the future of journalism.  相似文献   

“新闻观念”论纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新闻观念主要是新闻是什么和新闻应该是什么的观念,其存在样态既可以是系统的、体系性的理论形式,也可以是感性的、零散的表现形式。新闻观念论的主要内容有两大部分:一是关于新闻观念本身的研究;二是关于新闻观念与相关对象关系的研究。宏观的新闻观念系统在区分意义上有三种:宣传新闻主义、专业新闻主义和商业新闻主义;现实中主义(新闻意识形态)层次的新闻观念大多是三种主义的不同整合。在新闻观念研究中,应该确立超学科的、整合的、历史性的和问题导向性的方法论观念。  相似文献   


Engaged journalism emerging today bears a striking resemblance to the public journalism movement of the twentieth century in the United States. They have similar values and spirits, believing that journalists should connect more with local communities and help create public conversation. They also share similar techniques. While generally considered a failed movement, public journalism may provide important lessons for the future of engaged journalism. Analyzing public journalism in the three major domains of journalism studies – normative, democratic, and commercial – this essay discusses how engaged journalism can learn from the missteps of its predecessor.  相似文献   

新闻美学论纲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从新闻美学的美学观基础、新闻美学的方法论基础、新闻美的内容凝聚与形式积淀等三个方面,对新闻美学这门集美学理论和新闻学理论于一体的新闻学应用学科进行论述和阐释,以期提供建立新闻美学演绎体系的基础理论,并使之胜任引导新闻事业走向更高层次发展的美学使命奠定基础。  相似文献   

美国的公民新闻事业   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
李青藜 《国际新闻界》2004,(1):35-38,74
本文系统地介绍了发端于 2 0世纪 90年代初美国新闻界的“公民新闻事业” ;它具有迥异于传统新闻事业的 5个特点 ,在美国新闻界发展势头良好 ,在国外新闻实践中也有追随者 ,对美国社会和新闻界产生了深远的影响 ,同时也引发了多方争议。  相似文献   

The media-saturated nature of everyday life is well acknowledged in current audience research, but the role of journalism for people living in this digitalised environment remains less clear. To provide a better understanding of the role of journalism and news in everyday life, this article states the case for combining two complementary analytical perspectives in cultural audience research that draw on the framework of practice theory. We need to focus on both interpersonal communication practices within social networks and on discursive practices and patterns of how people use the media. Empirically, this article draws on an extensive audience study conducted in Finland, whose findings provide a cause for moderate optimism regarding the sustaining relevance of journalism in people's everyday life in the digital era. Firstly, social networks—both offline and online—constitute a vital structure within which the output of journalism is rendered meaningful by users. Secondly, the discursive practices applied by the participants emphasise the importance of news as a central means of orientation to society and making sense of the political nature of the public world. However, much of this potential remains unknown to journalists because users' activities occur at a distance from journalism and political institutions, which poses a challenge to digital journalism.  相似文献   

本文通过对有关新闻失范文章的分析,间接了解到我国转型时期各阶段新闻失范行为的状况,发现我国目前正处于新闻失范行为稳定的高发状态。这种状态与我国的社会转型密切相关,是属于社会失范的范畴。而对社会转型背景的考察是分析新闻失范行为的一个基本视角。  相似文献   

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