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“十七年文学”是在特定的政治和文化语境中产生的,从文学与政治的关系来讨论它自然有其合理性。但多数研究者要么把“十七年文学”与政治的关系视为一种理所当然的预设事实,要么就只考虑国内政治因素;即便论及中外文学关系,强调的也是苏联文学同期对应的单方面影响,很少将国际场景和国内语境结合起来,从文学的交流互动层面来思考问题。  相似文献   

解放前夕,我有幸读到戈宝权先生的《苏联文学讲话》,从此,它便成为我接受这一革命文学的启蒙者。解放初期,我译布拉果依的《普希金》小册子时,又借鉴过他与罗果夫主编的《普希金文集》。当时我在北大才念过两年俄语,约在1954年间,我在北大听过他关于俄苏文学的讲话。这是我首次亲睹他的风采。只是当时在大教室内,学生听众很多,没有可能同他谈话。50年代末他来中国科学院文学研究所工作,一度担任苏联文学研究组组长,成了我的直接领导,虽然他很快又去担任东欧文学组组长,但同他毕竟有很多接触机会。迄今为止,我同他认识并接受他…  相似文献   

随着苏联的解体,宗教在俄罗斯社会再次成为十分普遍的文化现象。研究东正教与俄罗斯文学的问题成为文艺批评家关注的中心。近十年来,俄罗斯有关学者在这方面进行了不懈的努力和大胆的尝试。本文将对此进行简要综述,试图为我国研究者提供一点可以参考的信息。  相似文献   

苏联文学曾在世界文坛占有举世瞩目的地位,给人类留下许多文学瑰宝。苏维埃时代的结束并不能抹煞苏联文学的辉煌,只是引起人们更深入的思索,重新认识与评价这段文学历程。这是摆在外国文学教学与研究者面前的一项迫切任务。鉴于苏联文学研究界认识上存在分歧,笔者提出几点个人意见,期望文学史家重新思考:如何看待苏维埃历史时期,什么是文学的性质与功能,何谓真正的作家与不朽作品等几个重大问题。  相似文献   

1949 - 1957 年夏这段时期是施蛰存从事文学翻译的黄金期,他翻译了大量东欧国家的小说佳作。施蛰存在此期间翻译的作家作品,是他以前关注欧洲弱小民族文学的继续,同时也可看作他对鲁迅的相关翻译选择有意无意的实践和继承。同时,他选择的苏联和东欧弱小民族文学恰好也与当时的文艺政策、外交政策有关。  相似文献   

魏晋文学是中国文学自觉时期的开始,也是文学贵族化、文人化最为严重的时期,这一时期出现的贵游文学是魏晋文学的重要组成部分。但是,长期以来,这一文学现象被研究者所忽视。本文选取了这一文学现象中的游宴诗文作为观照对象,通过对游宴诗文在不同阶段演变轨迹的探求,分析了游宴诗文的时代特征,并揭示了这一时期贵游作者的审美价值和心态  相似文献   

针对皮亚杰认知心理学学说被借鉴到中国文学与文化研究中所造成的局限和负面影响,引入西方认知心理学的另一分支——信息加工心理学的有关研究成果,对20世纪中外文学关系研究加以剖析,强调20世纪中外文学关系中的“世界性因素”,提请研究者特别关注研究界的两个学术弱视区以促进中国比较文学和现当代文学学科的发展。  相似文献   

对“十七年文学”从不同角度进行重新评价和定位成为近年来文学研究的热点之一。“十七年文学”在当前受到研究者的重视,与中国经济文化环境影响到了研究者的心态有关。部分理论研究工作者已放弃对西方文化价值立场的过份认同,转而反思传统文化的价值所在,“十七年文学”中所蕴含的民族性的东西正好契合了研究者的这种追求。“十七年文学”受到研究者的重视,还与“十七年文学”在当时拥有的读者群广大,在文学史上具有广泛的影响,从而奠定了其在文学史上具有一定的地位有关。  相似文献   

白银时代,是俄罗斯文学中继黄金时代之后的又一文学辉煌时期。白银时代,处于十九世纪俄国文学与十月革命之后的苏联文学之间,而这两个时期是俄罗斯文学极度辉煌的时期,因此白银时代的光辉一定程度上被遮盖了。白银时代在俄罗斯文学中有着重要的作用,它对后来的俄罗斯文学的繁荣与发展起到了不可小觑的作用。  相似文献   

20世纪的俄罗斯文学可以分为三大块,即白银时代的文学、具有74年历史的苏联文学和苏联解体后的俄罗斯文学。在不同的历史时期,俄罗斯文学都有其自身的特点,也取得了一定的成就,为世界文学的发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   

The author sums up the discussions which took place during the CHER conference of November 1990 by briefly identifying the main features of the discussions. Western and eastern European researchers in higher education were able to meet on terms of equality to discuss problems of higher education research. While the problems on both sides of the divide reflect many similarities, it is obvious that the researchers from the East have had to work under much harsher conditions than those in the West and that they have not been able to keep up with the scholarly literture on higher education research generated in the West. Given the realities of today, researchers from the East will have to devote most of their time and resources to short‐time practical projects linked to immediate and pressing reform projects in their respective countries. The western colleagues must be aware of these problems and be willing to lend assistance in a number of ways.  相似文献   

Despite a political climate demanding evidence-informed decision making in education both within individual countries and at the international level, empirically grounded European research in this field is scarce. This paper reports on a European Commission-funded study that sought to identify and analyze different initiatives across Europe aimed at furthering research-informed policymaking in education, one of a number of comparative analyses in this emerging field. The nature and extent of activity in this area is outlined and an analytical framework is developed to assist understanding. Potential reasons for the observed variation among countries are discussed, along with some of the methodological and conceptual challenges involved in undertaking empirical work in this area. Practically, it is hoped that the results of the mapping exercise and the framework provide a platform for further empirical and conceptual research on research use, an area of study that until recently has been largely ignored by education researchers.  相似文献   

The central assumption of this paper is that, especially in the field of digital technologies to teach and learn mathematics, the influence of the context in which research is carried out has not been given enough attention, so that research results are not really useful outside this context. We base our discussion on the work of a group of European teams carrying out research with a special methodology of “cross-studies” and carrying out “cross-analyses” of particular studies. A context for a research study is described as a dynamic construction by researchers, connecting relevant contextual characteristics in the settings (empirical and academic) where research activity takes place and helping to gain insight from the outcomes of the study. Analyzing the design of two “Didactical Digital Artefacts,” and the associated cross-studies involving teams of three countries, we identify more or less conscious influences of characteristics in the researchers' contexts upon research outcomes. Cross-studies and cross-analysis help to go further by making researchers more aware of their context and of its characteristics. It also helps researchers to “re-contextualize,” that is to say to identify new contextual characteristics in the settings they are acting in, to gain insight from research outcomes that emerged in other contexts.  相似文献   

文化认同与东亚共同体的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲一体化建设的成功使得越来越多的人关注区域共同体的建设,东亚共同体的构建也成为东亚国家众多有识之士的奋斗目标。但是,相对于欧洲一体化的成功,东亚共同体的构建却要艰难的多,主要原因之一就在于目前东亚各国缺乏文化上的认同。如果要想成功地实现东亚共同体的构建,文化认同是各国需要共同努力解决的一个重要问题。  相似文献   

The number of science education research papers has been rapidly rising in recent years. This number has been particularly influenced by researchers from non-English speaking countries who contribute to the field. With this number of papers, literature reviews gain in importance as they help researchers more easily orient themselves in problem areas. The authors of this study present a literature review on science textbook research. The importance of textbooks in education is indisputable, yet research in this field is surprisingly unbalanced between particular regions or states. In this paper, a review of 183 papers published between 2000 and 2018, indexed to the Web of Science database, is introduced. The results show that researchers in Europe and the USA focus on textbook research more than researchers elsewhere in the world. The textbooks most frequently researched on are science books for secondary schools. Textbook research consists mostly of analysing learning concepts and how concepts are integrated, non-textual elements in textbooks, visual representations, learning content or learning text analysis.  相似文献   

Compared to the number of articles in the American literature, creativity is a relatively neglected topic in psychological/educational research and theory in Western Europe. There are no scientific creativity schools or research centres; progress depends more or less on the personal interest of researchers in creativity, leading to studies and papers which are scarce and dispersed in national (sometimes international) journals. To a high degree this work has been stimulated and influenced by developments in American creativity research in the fifties and sixties. Nevertheless, apart from the American oriented work there is a more or less typical European line of creativity research and theory. This review is based upon more than 200 articles published in the last two decades. Twelve trends will be formulated, emerging especially from recent creativity assessment and testing devices; other topics are creativity in everyday settings, in business and management, and different approaches in fostering and training creativity.  相似文献   

欧洲人力资本收益率:文献综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对欧洲十五个国家近期人力资本收益率的研究方法和成果进行了评述,包括数据采编、模型构建、变量定义与控制、估计工具选择以及对人力资本收益率的定性评价等,希望能对我国人力资本收益率研究有重要的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the way lecturers observe, feel restrained by and cope with quality management systems that have been implemented in the higher education systems of the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. As two sides of the same coin, quality enhancement and quality control are of increased significance in European Higher Educaction Institutions (HEIs), particularly through the Bologna Process. We are interested in the way that both enhancement and control blend into the current systems, and we are concerned for too much dominance of control, as has been suggested in recent managerial literature. Analysis of 40 interviews in both countries among researchers and lecturers in traditional and universities of applied sciences showed many similarities. It is not so much the general idea of quality management that is being turned down by the respondents. They see the benefits quite clearly. Still, the general belief is that quality management in its current shape and character does not fit with the work of the individual academic, neither their teaching nor their research. The respondents worry for and resent the consequences of increased emphasis on quality assurance and control. The developments concerning the quality management of their HEIs are perceived in terms of quality assurance by the UK respondents. Instead, the Dutch are more occupied with finding ways to “how to deal with” such developments.  相似文献   

In VET systems, connectivity with the world of work has been on the agenda for many years: for Western and Southern European countries, since the 1980s as a consequence of the 1973 oil crisis, and then for Central and Eastern European countries, since the early 1990s. In the last few decades, awareness has grown that European prosperity depended heavily on the skills of the workforce and the innovativeness and competitiveness of the economy. In the EU, it has long been acknowledged that VET plays a key role in integrating young people in the labour market and providing skills and competences that foster innovation and entrepreneurship. More recently, VET has also been seen as a precondition to overcome the current economic crisis in Europe. This article analyses how institutions that provide VET can address these demands. It begins by describing European VET policy, characterising it as soft governance. Furthermore, based on data and insights from CEDEFOP and OECD research and publications, an overview is given of strategies and measure es and of the practice of VET providers connecting and cooperating with the world of work throughout Europe. The article goes on to analyse in greater depth the concept of horizontal accountability and stakeholder theory, providing a framework to study the external orientation and connectivity with the world of work of VET colleges in The Netherlands. The Dutch VET system is described and compared with other systems in Europe. Drawing on empirical data, the horizontal accountability processes in which Dutch VET colleges engage are unravelled, examining with which parties and about what they connect. Finally, some conclusions are proposed.  相似文献   

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