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基于甘肃基础教育调查(2004,2007)数据,通过建构“教师-学校-县市”三层线性模型,本文从特征工资理论视角检验了个人特质和岗位特质在农村教师初职工资差异中的作用以及教师在工资与工作环境间的权衡取舍.研究表明:(1)教师个人特质是初职工资差异的主要来源且其地位日趋下降.(2)来自教职岗位特质的差异日益加大.其中,学校特质解释了13%~14%的差异;县际差异不明显,约占1%~2%.(3)农村教师更好的工作环境是以较低工资为代价的,而边远艰苦地区须做额外的经济补偿.  相似文献   

基于甘肃基础教育调查(2004,2007)数据,通过建构"教师-学校-县市"三层线性模型,本文从特征工资理论视角检验了个人特质和岗位特质在农村教师初职工资差异中的作用以及教师在工资与工作环境间的权衡取舍。研究表明:(1)教师个人特质是初职工资差异的主要来源且其地位日趋下降。(2)来自教职岗位特质的差异日益加大。其中,学校特质解释了13%~14%的差异;县际差异不明显,约占1%~2%。(3)农村教师更好的工作环境是以较低工资为代价的,而边远艰苦地区须做额外的经济补偿。  相似文献   

特征工资理论将劳动者收入差异分解为来自个人和岗位的两个方面。本文基于"中国综合社会调查"(2006),运用验证性因素分析方法,考察个人特质和岗位属性在中小学教师工资差异中的作用以及这两方面的相互作用。研究发现,个人特质、岗位内在经济属性对教师收入影响显著,但社区特征的收入效应无统计意义;教师个人特质和岗位属性的相关不显...  相似文献   

利用甘肃基础教育调查逾千名农村教师的微观个体数据,本文在职业选择与流动的经济理性视角下,分析了职初工资对教师首次行业内工作单位变动和首份教职工作持续时间长度的影响。根据教师职业经历变更历史及其原因,笔者剔除了行政调动样本,进而集中分析由教师自主发起的第一次工作经历变更。基于概率回归和生存分析的结果显示:首份教职工作的起始工资对教师主动发起的工作单位变动概率和首份教职的持续时间的影响具有非线性特征,只有职初工资达到一定阈限后,才能有效降低农村教师主动发起工作单位变更的概率和延长教师在首份工作上的停留时间;而且,任职于贫困县(区)的教师在首份工作岗位上的停留时间受起始工资的影响更明显。本文对边远艰苦或贫困地区的乡村教师队伍建设具有参考价值。  相似文献   

国有企业人才流失最主要的因素是薪酬。国有企业薪酬缺乏市场竞争力,岗位价值评估不科学,岗位工资薪幅过窄,绩效考核体系不健全。国有企业薪酬制度的改革,要在工作分析基础上优化岗位设置,以岗位评估为基础参照劳动力市场价位确定薪酬标准,引入宽带薪酬设计理念扩大工资运行空间,建立基础工资和CPI增长相联系的正常增长机制;建立完善基层单位绩效考核体系,建立完善个人绩效考核体系,加强绩效考核的沟通与反馈。  相似文献   

本文基于甘肃省基础教育调查,运用多层线性模型,从特征工资理论的视角考察西部农村中小学教师工资的影响因素及差异形成机制。研究发现,从个人特质因素来看,职称等级在教师工资结构中起着主导性作用;从岗位特质因素来看,岗位所在县市经济发展水平和学校财务状况对中小学教师工资的影响较大;农村中小学教师的工资收入存在巨大的县际内部差异。  相似文献   

美国大学终身教职时钟暂停政策是终身教职制改革的重要举措,适用于教职轨教师因个人与家庭原因延长教职考查期.它体现了灵活的高校人才机制和家庭友好的校园文化,有助于促进高等教育卓越性和多元化发展.终身教职时钟暂停政策动因是高校教职试用期教师,特别是女教师的职业满意度低下,教职轨教师比例下降等现实矛盾;其理论依据是职业安全准则、社会性别理论以及同构化原理.基于对7所美国研究型大学的研究发现:政策内容涉及适用条件、延长时限以及申请流程;政策办法稳定、实施流程规范,但也有值得其他国家在未来改革中警惕的问题与障碍.  相似文献   

高校实施绩效工资的激励性探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
绩效工资制度引发人们深入思考教师业绩和工资的关系,对传统分配制度不求绩效的工作思路提出了挑战,这对提升学校内涵、促进教育发展有着积极的作用。针对学校组织系统开放性、结构松散性、运行过程非线性等特征,高校实施绩效工资要在岗位明确、竞聘上岗的前提下,建立有效的教师业绩评估机制,并在绩效和工资之间建立正相关,通过良好的人际沟通,充分发挥其激励作用。  相似文献   

一、实行“劳动、人事、教育”三位一体的岗位培训管理机制,深化“育人,用人、分配”制度的配套改革,完善“培训、考核、使用、待遇”相一致的制度。1.启用动力机制。实行全员岗位工资制度,做到岗位工资随个人技术水平和贡献大小的提高而增加,定期调整技术要求高、收入多的岗位,实行竞争上岗。2.强化约束机制。严格实行未经培训不准上岗、不准任职、不准提职晋级和考核录用、考核上岗、考核提职的  相似文献   

教师是高校的核心战略资源。近年来,高校教师差异化聘用趋势明显。差异化聘用表现为三种模式:一是不同职业发展轨迹下长聘轨教职和普通轨教职差异聘用;二是不同薪酬分配模式下年薪制教职和岗位薪酬制教职差异聘用;三是不同合同聘期下终身教职和任期教职差异聘用。差异化聘用源于一系列强制性因素和诱致性因素的共同作用。强制性因素主要是政府主导的教师聘用制改革所带来的自上而下的强力推动;诱致性因素主要是教师身份趋于多元,以及大学职能扩展和绩效管理所带来的自下而上的路径探索。差异化聘用三种模式交叉、共存,体现了教育公益、教师私益和高校绩效管理的有机结合,值得肯定。但也应警惕可能引发的过度市场化倾向、“精英”“普通”教师疏离、效率与学术不平衡等负面效应。  相似文献   

Little is known about the determinants of teachers' psychological wellbeing, job satisfaction, occupational self-concept and quitting intentions. In this paper, teachers' occupational attributes (i.e. professional and personal characteristics) were investigated as determinants. Henceforth, the Educator Motivation and Attribute Profile (EdMAP) scales were used to describe the nature of 1109 Hong Kong primary and secondary school teachers' occupational attributes. Furthermore, the relationships with the teacher outcomes were investigated. Construct validity and reliabilities of the EdMAP scales were satisfactory. The results showed positive associations between teachers’ occupational attributes and their wellbeing, job satisfaction, and self-concept, and negative associations with quitting intentions.  相似文献   

集体备课以教师团队为纽带,既有分工,又有合作,设计出既凸显教学共性与个性特色,又达到资源共享的生态教育理念的文案。分工合作和资源共享是最重要的两个手段,而高效备课则是目的。做好分工合作,资源共享的集体备课,能准确把握教学的重难点,提高整体教学水平,有利于发挥集体智慧,展现个人能力,促进教研活动开展,提高工作效率,减轻不必要的负担。  相似文献   

Teacher well-being is a critical factor affecting job performance and thus, significant for enhancing quality teaching. Based on the job demands-resources model, this study examines the mediating effects of teachers’ self-monitoring and self-efficacy on the relationships between the emotional job demands of teaching and trust in colleagues and teacher well-being. A questionnaire was administered to 1115 primary school teachers in Hong Kong. The results highlight the maladaptive role of self-monitoring as a personal demand and the adaptive role of self-efficacy as a personal resource: self-monitoring is positively related to anxiety and depression; self-efficacy is positively related to enthusiasm and contentment and negatively related to anxiety and depression. The results not only support the beneficial role of trust in colleagues, which is positively associated with teacher self-efficacy and well-being, but also reveal the rewarding side of emotional job demands in enhancing teacher self-efficacy. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

By using unique survey data, we conduct a detailed study of the gender salary gap within economics departments in Japan. Despite the presence of rigid pay scales emphasizing age and experience, there is a 7% gender salary gap after controlling for rank and detailed personal, job, institutional and human capital characteristics. This gender salary gap exists within ranks. We find no gender promotion differences. In addition, we find a concentration of the salary gap in public universities and in research oriented universities. Our results show no evidence that the gender salary gap is reducing over time, and reject the hypothesis that females’ choice between household work and market activities is responsible for the gender salary gap.  相似文献   

The present study examined the impact of teacher team composition on characteristics and attributes regarded as necessary for effective cooperative teaching. The study focused on potential differences between self-selected teacher teams and teams composed by the school administration. The central assumptions were that teachers working in self-selected teacher teams show more positive ratings of enjoyment, shared responsibility, job satisfaction and collective self-efficacy expectations than teachers who worked in institutionally composed teams. In order to investigate these hypotheses, an online survey was created. 321 language arts teachers participated in the survey. MANCOVA revealed significant differences in the dimensions ‘shared responsibility’ and ‘enjoyment with the co-teaching process’, where teachers from self-selected teaching teams showed significantly more positive ratings. These results support the assumption that self-selection of the team-mate is helpful for establishing compatible teaching teams, but does not necessarily lead to a higher quality of collaborative teaching.  相似文献   

本研究旨在考察职业院校教师的人格特征与工作倦怠的关系。采用艾森克人格问卷和高校教师工作倦怠问卷,抽取6所职业院校的421名教师进行测查。结果:(1)职业院校教师的工作倦怠整体水平不严重。男教师在个人成就感降低维度上的得分显著高于女教师,11~20年和30年及以上教龄的教师在组织去人性化维度上的得分显著高于5年及以下教龄的教师,在组织去人性化、情绪枯竭、科研耗尽感,工作倦怠上,已婚教师得分显著高于未婚教师。(2)神经质和外倾性对工作倦怠及其各维度的预测作用均显著,精神质仅对个人成就感降低维度的预测作用显著。结论:职业院校教师的工作倦怠水平较低,人格特质能够较好地预测工作倦怠水平。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to construct an interpretation of lower track science students' notions of expertise in science teaching. Data were collected and transcribed from focus groups, teacher journals, classrooms events, and student artifacts. Students responded to focus group prompts over the course of a years regarding how and why they chose to learn science from their teachers based on affective attributes, advocacy/impedance, and identity. Results showed that lower track science students closely associate affective teacher attributes with effective teaching strategies. In addition, students identified advocacy or impedance in academic success based on personal experience rather than other more overt characteristics such as race or gender as a major determinant for their successful science learning. Implications for research and teacher education in diverse settings are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 48: 13–36, 2011  相似文献   

The present study is designed to evaluate teaching effectiveness based on effective teacher behaviors. Operationally, it is measured by assessing levels of agreement between perceptions of instructors and students on reported employment rates and rated ability for specific instructional behavior attributes. Individually-based and organizationally-based factors are incorporated in the study for a possible contribution to teaching effectiveness variance. Findings indicate a lack of agreement between perceptions on abstract instructional attributes but that agreement exists for attributes of a concrete nature. Analysis suggests that individually-based and organizationally-based factors do not contribute to agreement variance.  相似文献   

根据高校学前教育专业《美术教学大纲》的规定,学前教育专业美术课周课时一般为2学时,要按时完成众多的教学内容,无疑要求教师必须要重视课堂教学。本文试图从美术教师的人格魅力、在教学中引领新的教学观念和创新教学实践、在教学中开发各种资源激发学生的创造力等方面进行探讨,有效提高学前教育专业美术课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

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